Rancang Bangun Alat Olahan Minyak Kelapa

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Jantri Sirait ◽  
Sulharman Sulharman

Has done design tool is a tool of refined coconut oil coconut grater, squeezer coconut milk and coconut oil heating, with the aim to streamline the time of making coconut oil and coconut oil increase production capacity. The research method consists of several stages, among others; image creation tool, procurement of materials research, cutting the material - the material framework of tools and performance test tools. The parameters observed during the performance test tools is time grated coconut, coconut milk bleeder capacity, the capacity of the boiler and the heating time of coconut oil. The design tool consists of three parts, namely a tool shaved coconut, coconut milk wringer and coconut milk heating devices. Materials used for the framework of such tools include iron UNP 6 meters long, 7.5 cm wide, 4 mm thick, while the motor uses an electric motor 0.25 HP 1430 rpm and to dampen the rotation electric motor rotation used gearbox with a ratio of round 1 : 60. the results of the design ie the time required for coconut menyerut average of 297 seconds, coconut milk wringer capacity of 5 kg of processes and using gauze pads to filter coconut pulp, as well as the heating process takes ± 2 hours with a capacity of 80 kg , The benefits of coconut oil refined tools are stripping time or split brief coconut average - average 7 seconds and coconut shell can be used as craft materials, processes extortion coconut milk quickly so the production capacity increased and the stirring process coconut oil mechanically.ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan rancang bangun alat olahan minyak kelapa yaitu alat pemarut kelapa, pemeras santan kelapa dan pemanas minyak kelapa, dengan tujuan untuk mengefisiensikan waktu pembuatan minyak kelapa serta meningkatkan kapasitas produksi minyak kelapa. Metode penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahapan antara lain; pembuatan gambar alat, pengadaan bahan-bahan penelitian, pemotongan bahan - bahan rangka alat dan uji unjuk kerja alat. Parameter yang diamati pada saat uji unjuk kerja alat adalah waktu parut kelapa, kapasitas pemeras santan kelapa, kapasitas tungku pemanas serta waktu pemanasan minyak kelapa. Rancangan alat terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu alat penyerut kelapa, alat pemeras santan kelapa dan alat pemanas santan kelapa. Bahan yang dipergunakan untuk rangka alat tersebut  yaitu besi UNP panjang 6 meter, lebar 7,5 cm, tebal 4 mm, sedangkan untuk motor penggerak menggunakan motor listrik 0,25 HP 1430 rpm dan untuk meredam putaran putaran motor listrik dipergunakan gearbox  dengan perbandingan putaran 1 : 60. Hasil dari rancangan tersebut yaitu waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyerut kelapa rata-rata 297 detik, kapasitas alat pemeras santan kelapa 5 kg sekali proses dan menggunakan kain kassa untuk menyaring ampas kelapa, serta Proses pemanasan membutuhkan waktu ± 2 jam dengan kapasitas 80 kg. Adapun keunggulan alat olahan minyak kelapa ini adalah waktu pengupasan atau belah kelapa singkat rata – rata 7 detik dan tempurung kelapa dapat digunakan sebagai bahan kerajinan, proses pemerasan santan kelapa cepat sehingga kapasitas produksi meningkat dan proses pengadukan minyak kelapa secara mekanis. Kata kunci : penyerut, pemeras, pemanas,minyak kelapa,olahan minyak kelapa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Suluh Pambudi

The operation of conventional roast has many disadvantages, that is combustion air intake cannot be controlled and excess air intake will cause charcoal fuel to run out quickly. Operation of conventional equipment can also cause work accidents because excessive sparks from burning charcoal and charcoal smoke will disrupt the health of the operator. One of innovation in overcoming these problems is by designing and manufacturing a fish roasting machine with rotary system. This machine uses an electric motor ¼ HP. Round for roasting is 3 RPM. Based on the performance test, the roasting temperature is 185 oC. The length of time for roasting catfish, tongkol and kuniran is 10, 11 and 13 minutes respectively while the roasting capacity is 126, 114 and 96 tails/hour. The amount of charcoal fuel needed for roasting catfish is 0.8 kg, tongkol is 0.9 kg and kuniran is 1.1 kg. Total energy including electricity and energy from charcoal for catfish is 25,712.5 kJ, tongkol is 28,923.75 kJ/kg and kuniran is 35,346.25 kJ / kg. The main cost of catfish roasting is Rp. 332 /tail, tongkol is Rp. 374 /tail and kuniran Rp. 432 /tail.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 66-80
Arya Sutrisna ◽  
Syawaldi Kamaharudin ◽  
Dedikarni Panuh ◽  
Jarot Raharjo

ABSTRAK Sebagai penelitian Tugas akhir dengan judul”Perancangan Mesin Penghancur Daun Kering Menggunakan Lima Mata Pisau”. Perancangan mesin ini bertujuan untuk  mendapatkan suatu mesin penghancur daun-daunan kering. Untuk mendapatkan ukuran kehalusan daun dari proses pengolahan mesin penghancur daun-daunan kering. Untuk mendapatkan kapasitas produksi olahan dari mesin. Proses perancangan mesin penghancur daun kering dilakukan dengan tahapan yaitu perancangan dan penjelasan tugas/fungsi, perancangan konsep produk (gambar kerja). Analisis teknik meliputi analisis daya dan kecepatan yang terjadi pada poros. Tenaga penggerak mesin penghancur dedaunan kering direncanakan menggunakan motor listrik yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan daya listrik untuk UKM yang diperkirakan rata-rata berkisar 900 sampai 1300 watt. Hasil dari perancangan mesin perancangan daun kering dengan kapasitas produksi 32 kg/jam, dan dimensi mesin panjang 60 cm x lebar 60 cm x tinggi 100 cm, mengunakan tenaga pengerak berupa motor listrik 1/2 HP 1400 rpm, rangka mengunakan siku profil L 40 x 40 x 4 mm. Hasil uji kinerja memperlihatkan bahwa mesin bekerja cukup baik, dan dapat menghasilkan kehalusan cacahan dedauan berukuran 5-10 mm. Kata kunci : Mesin penghancur daun, Daya, Putaran, Kapasitas Produksi ABSTRACT As a final project research with the title "Designing Dry Leaves Crushing Machine Using Five Blades". The design of this machine aims to obtain a dry leaf shredder. To get the size of the fineness of the leaves from the processing of the dried leaf crusher. To get the processed production capacity from the machine. The process of designing dry leaf shredder is done by stages, namely design and explanation of tasks / functions, design of product concepts (working drawings). Technical analysis includes analysis of power and speed that occurs on the shaft. The driving force of the dry foliage crusher is planned to use an electric motor that is adjusted to the ability of electric power for SMEs which is estimated to average around 900 to 1300 watts. The results of the design of dry leaf design machines with a production capacity of 32 kg / hour, and dimensions of the length of the machine 60 cm x width 60 cm x height 100 cm, using power in the form of 1/2 HP 1400 rpm electric motor, frame using L 40 x elbow profile 40 x 4 mm. The performance test results show that the machine works quite well, and can produce fineness of leaves measuring 5-10 mm. Keywords: leaf shredder, shaft power, speed, production capacity

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-50
Muhammad Dhafir ◽  
Zulfahrizal Zulfahrizal ◽  
Rahmat Fadhil ◽  
Safrizal Safrizal ◽  
Mutiawati Mutiawati

Abstrak. Pengolahan biji melinjo menjadi emping melinjo saat ini sebagian besar masih menggunakan cara tradisional (manual) yaitu dengan memukul-mukul biji melinjo menggunakan palu yang sebelumnya sudah disangrai dengan pasir. Teknik ini dirasakan tidak efektif karena memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama dan tenaga manusia yang besar. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut perlu dibuat suatu mesin untuk memudahkan dalam pemipihan biji melinjo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk desain mesin pemipih emping melinjo dengan sumber tenaga motor listrik,  menguji fungsional dan kinerja mesin serta membandingkannya dengan  metode tradisional. Parameter yang diamati meliputi kapasitas kerja mesin serta persentase kehilangan hasil. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa mesin pemipih emping melinjo tipe tumbukan mempunyai ukuran panjang 820 mm, lebar 520 mm dan tinggi 1010 mm, digerakkan dengan motor listrik dengan daya 1.5 hp 1450 rpm. Hasil pengujian mesin didapatkan kapasitas pemipihan 0.83 kg/jam sedangkan kapasitas secara manual 0.16 kg/jam. Persentase kehilangan hasil dari pemakaian mesin pemipih emping ini adalah 1.5 %  sedangkan dengan cara manual adanya kehilangan hasil yaitu sebesar 7 %.  Design and Performance Test Of Flatter Machines  Impact Type for Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon)Abstract. Flatteting of melinjo seeds into melinjo chips at this time most still use the manual method by beating the seeds of melinjo using a hammer that was previously roasted with sand. This technique is felt to be ineffective because it requires a long time and a large amount of human energy. To overcome these problems, a solution is needed to facilitate flattening the seeds of melinjo. This study aims to design melinjo chips flattening machine with an electric motor as a power source, to test the functionality and performance of the machine, and to compare it with traditional methods. The parameters observed include the machine's working capacity and the percentage of yield loss. The results showed that this flatter machines impact type for melinjo has a length of 820 mm, the width of 520 mm, and a height of 1010 mm, driven by an electric motor with a power of 1.5 HP with a rotation of 1450 rpm. The results of testing the device obtained a flaking capacity of 0.83 kg/hour while the capacity manually was 0.16 kg/hour. The percentage of loss of results from the use of this emping flask is 1.5% while by manual the loss of results is equal to 7%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Budi Setiawan ◽  
Hermanto Hermanto

The Embung Bengawan Project in Tarakan City has several jobs requiring heavy equipment including mechanical soil removal activities. Activity of mechanical soil movement is a series in work of loading and transportation equipment. In order to achieve optimal mechanical soil removal targets, it is necessary to know the performance of the machine during the mechanical soil removal process. The optimization of production is the way to obtain production that is in accordance with optimal conditions of mechanical devices. This paper discusses the optimization of dump truck queue time and the number of dump trucks. Performance calculation tool using the method of production capacity of the tool, and calculate the optimal queue using the Queue Model method. Calculation using queuing model method obtained by result of time required by 3 excavator unit and with combined amount of dump truck will give result of cost equal to Rp 48,097,711 / day, and dump truck waiting time in queue to 1 minute. Then the optimal time is obtained by operating 3 units of excavators with a cost difference of Rp 3,572,826 / day from the real condition of the field that operates 2 excavator units

2021 ◽  
Zhan Su ◽  
Zhao Ding ◽  
Liquan Tian ◽  
Xue Lin ◽  
Zhiming Wang

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Junta Iguchi ◽  
Minoru Matsunami ◽  
Tatsuya Hojo ◽  
Yoshihiko Fujisawa ◽  
Kenji Kuzuhara ◽  

BACKGROUND: Few studies have investigated the variations in body composition and performance in Japanese collegiate American-football players. OBJECTIVE: To clarify what characterizes competitors at the highest levels – in the top division or on the starting lineup – we compared players’ body compositions and performance test results. METHODS: This study included 172 players. Each player’s body composition and performance (one-repetition maximum bench press, one-repetition maximum back squat, and vertical jump height) were measured; power was estimated from vertical jump height and body weight. Players were compared according to status (starter vs. non-starter), position (skill vs. linemen), and division (1 vs. 2). Regression analysis was performed to determine characteristics for being a starter. RESULTS: Players in higher divisions and who were starters were stronger and had more power, greater body size, and better performance test results. Players in skill positions were relatively stronger than those in linemen positions. Vertical jump height was a significant predictor of being a starter in Division 1. CONCLUSION: Power and vertical jump may be a deciding factor for playing as a starter or in a higher division.

2011 ◽  
Vol 77 (775) ◽  
pp. 573-581
Isamu TSUJI ◽  
Hiroshi GUNBARA ◽  
Kazumasa KAWASAKI ◽  
Yoshikazu ABE ◽  
Kazutaka SUZUKI ◽  

2010 ◽  
Vol 89-91 ◽  
pp. 377-382 ◽  
S. Mineta ◽  
Shigenobu Namba ◽  
Takashi Yoneda ◽  
Kyosuke Ueda ◽  
Takayuki Narushima

Microstructural changes occurring in biomedical Co-Cr-Mo alloys with three carbon levels due to solution treatment and aging were investigated. Ingots of Co-Cr-Mo alloys with three different carbon levels were prepared by vacuum furnace melting; their chemical composition was Co-28Cr-6Mo-xC (x = 0.12, 0.25 and 0.35 mass%). Precipitates were electrolytically extracted from as-cast and heat-treated alloys. An M23C6 type carbide and a phase were detected as precipitates in as-cast Co-28Cr-6Mo-0.12C alloy, and an M23C6 type carbide and an  phase (M6C-M12C type carbide) were detected in as-cast Co-28Cr-6Mo-0.25C and Co-28Cr-6Mo-0.35C alloys. Only the M23C6 type carbide was detected during solution treatment. Complete precipitate dissolution occurred in all the three alloys after solution treatment. The holding time required for complete precipitate dissolution increased with increasing carbon content and decreasing solution treatment temperature. Complete precipitate dissolution occurred in the Co-Cr-Mo-C alloys solution treated at 1523 K for 43.2 ks; they were then subjected to aging from 873 to 1473 K for a heating time up to 44.1 ks after complete precipitate dissolution in solution treatment at 1523 K for 43.2 ks. The M23C6 type carbide with a grain size of 0.1–3 m was observed after aging. A time-temperature-precipitation diagram of the M23C6 type carbide formed in the Co-28Cr-6Mo-0.25C alloy was plotted.

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