Private International Law or International Private Law?

2000 ◽  
pp. 205-222
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 439
Carmen Vaquero López

Resumen: En los últimos tiempos la lucha por alcanzar la igualdad de género y acabar con las injusticias que separan a hombres y mujeres se ha convertido en una auténtica “revolución” que ha invadido prácticamente todos los ámbitos sociales. Este movimiento debe también remover los principios que informan las soluciones de Derecho internacional privado en nuestro país. En el presente trabajo se analizan desde una perspectiva de género dos instituciones que tradicionalmente han sido bastión del patriarcado y cuya regulación se ha venido llevando a cabo desde consideraciones principalmente androcéntricas: el matrimonio y la maternidad.Palabras clave: estereotipo, principio de igualdad, dignidad, orden público, interés de la mujer.Abstract: In the latest times, the fight for achieving the gender equality and for putting an end to the injustices that separates men and women has become a true “revolution” that has invaded practically all social areas. This movement should also remove the principles that inform the solutions of International Private Law. In this paper we analyze from a perspective of gender two institutions that have traditionally been a bastion of patriarchy and whose regulation has been carried out from mainly androcentric considerations: the marriage and the motherhood.Keywords: stereotype, principle of equality, dignity, public order, interest of the woman.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 904
María Jesús Sánchez Cano

Resumen: Partiendo del estudio de la Ley 54/2007, de adopción internacional y después de examinar la normativa sustantiva sobre la adopción en España, el presente trabajo aborda el análisis de algunas de las cuestiones controvertidas que se suscitan respecto de las adopciones de personas mayores de edad y menores emancipados, desde la perspectiva del Derecho Internacional Privado y específicamente, en lo referente a la constitución de la adopción por las autoridades españolas.Palabras clave: Ley de adopción internacional, adopción internacional de personas mayores de edad, Derecho Internacional Privado, ley aplicable, validez de adopciones constituidas por autoridades extranjeras.Abstract: Based on the study of Law 54/2007, on international adoption and after having examined the substantive legislation on adoption in Spain, this paper deals with the analysis of some of the controversial issues that arise regarding adoptions of adults and emancipated minors, from the Private International Law perspective and specifically with regard to the constitution of adoption by the Spanish authorities.Keywords: International adoption law, international adoption of adults, International Private Law, applicable law, constitution of adoption by Spanish authorities.


The process of globalization, the development of information and communication technologies, networking are changing society dramatically and, as a result, its superstructure — law. International private law, by virtue of its own subject matter and special methodology, is at the forefront of the corresponding changes. The paper examines the problems of defining the concept of territorial sovereignty in the non-territorial information space that are of serious importance in relation to private international law. Its principles are the general principle of the sovereign equality of states, acting as a general principle for private international law, and a special principle of the sovereign equality of national law of states. The problem of the realization of the territorial nature of the conflict of attachment formulas and the grounds of international jurisdiction in relation to a certain segment of the extra-territorial information space is posed. The issue of conditionality of the adaptation of the principles and methodology of legal regulation of public relations in the conditions of digital technologies by the need to understand the conditions and boundaries of the implementation of sovereignty, the jurisdiction of the state in the information and communication space is investigated. The processes comprehended within the framework of the science of international private law are to some extent relevant for other branches of law. This paper analyzes such indicators of current changes in the legal paradigm as the impact of information and telecommunication technologies on the development of private international law, the place and increasing importance of non-state regulation in the process of streamlining cross-border private law relations, and the development of non-state systems for resolving cross-border disputes. The authors touch upon the problems of the use of blockchain technologies and the protection of intellectual property in cross-border private law relations; private adhocracy rulemaking, the formation of various social phenomena in the key lex mercatoria, the influence of international commercial arbitration, online platforms on the formation of current trends in the field of resolution of crossborder disputes, etc.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-42

Introduction. The paper is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the inheritance of deceased property in private international law. The concept of “foreclosed property” is defined. The relationship between the terms “foreclosed property” and “dead heritage” has been clarified. Purpose. In private international law there are two theories (principles) of acquisition of ownership of foreclosed property: the theory of occupation and the theory of inheritance. The essence of each of the approaches to the inheritance of property by the state in private international law is clarified. The list of countries where the “principle of occupation of foreclosed property” is enshrined in law and the countries that apply the theory of inheritance on the principle of the closest connection. Results. The opinions of scientists on the expediency of applying each of the principles have been studied. It has been found that the most effective way to overcome conflicts over the inheritance of foreclosed property between states is through international agreements. In all international treaties governing the relations of inheritance with a foreign element in which Ukraine participates, the same solution to the issue of inheritance of foreclosed property by the state is enshrined. Movable property shall become the property of the Contracting Party of which the testator was a national at the time of death, and immovable property shall become the property of the Contracting Party in whose territory it is located. Conclusion. It is concluded that the application of the third principle of inheritance of foreclosed property in private international law – the “principle of splitting the hereditary statute”.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 13-19
Kristine V. Trifonova ◽  
Sergey G. Trifonov ◽  

The article discusses topical issues and features of the unification of inheritance law in the international private law. The beginning of unification processes is associated with the presence of various approaches to the settlement of hereditary relations complicated by a foreign element in various legal systems. The article provides a theoretical and legal analysis of such a phenomenon as a complication of hereditary legal relations of foreign a new subject. To solve certain conflict of laws in the field of inheritance law, in particular, by will, the main international acts are followed. The authors aim to study the unification processes in the field of inheritance law in the international private law, which reflect modern development trends in a theoretical sense. In conclusion, the authors come to the conclusion that the legislation of a number of states is trying to protect the rights of weak parties in a potentially equal legal relationship. In this case, we are talking about the corresponding legislative consolidation general principle of law— the use of favorable law for the weak side of the legal relationshipHowever, the possibility of unification approaches of states to solving the issue of post-mortem rights can be defined not even as a trend, but as a be separately considered within the framework of international organizations dealing with issues of unification of inheritance law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (20) ◽  
pp. 5
Z. V. Chevychalova

The proposed article is devoted to the issue of surrogacy in its international private law and public law aspects. The complexity and multidimensionality of issues, the emergence of which is due to the birth of children as a result of agreements on surrogacy, have been investigated. Taking into account the three main approaches to the problem of surrogacy existing in the world, namely: the first is a number of states and organizations that categorically deny the very possibility of trade in the context of surrogate motherhood, noting that the child is not talking about any deal; the second approach is that a significant number of stakeholders express concern about the potential merger of surrogate motherhood and child trafficking, which could lead to the criminalization of surrogate mothers and future parents, as well as possible violations of the right to sexual and reproductive health; the last group is a number of states and organizations that have spoken out in favor of a complete prohibition of surrogacy without any restrictions, the consequences of such approaches have been analyzed. Within the framework of this article, the author considers it appropriate to cite the position of the UN Special Rapporteur on the sale of children and the sexual exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography and the production of other materials on sexual abuse of children, the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, as well as the European Court of Justice on human rights on the issues considered. The article draws a number of conclusions. First of all, compliance with the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur requires the adoption of urgent measures to prevent violations of the rights of all participants in a surrogacy relationship due to their vulnerability. Also, regarding the lack of regulation of these legal relations at the level of law within the jurisdiction of Ukraine, the author expresses his opinion about the certain justification of such a situation until a unified normative act is adopted based on the results of the work of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Harmonization of legal norms at the national and international levels will allow in the future to avoid conflicts in relations of cross-border surrogacy, taking into account the issues of child trafficking, non-discrimination and the right to health of children born through surrogacy, citizenship, name and family ties in the framework of respect for the child’s right to preserve his identity, as well as access to information on origins and rights to family life, etc

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 142
Bashkim Selmani

This scientific paper aims at exploring and establishing whether national legal gaps or possible issues within the differences in the international contractual law of the European Union’s member countries and non-EU member countries can result in possible difficulties. In case there are legal problems and difficulties or practical concerns in this field, should the functioning of the internal trade and legal function through its interpretation hinder the process between the contracting parties in the event of entering a contract of international and interstate character within the law of obligations, and in cases of entering a contract, during its interpretation, while determining the rights and obligations or during other legal issues which have to do with the implementation of international private law and European international private law. Viewed from this angle, we need to consider the national and international private contractual law in the aspect of harmonization of the contractual law which may result in inconsistencies on a European level and broader. This would present an obstacle which restricts the fundamental legal-private rights of citizens as an advantage of individuals. They consist of three parts: personal relations between citizens, property relations between persons entitled as property trustees, as well as the procedural law which regulates the protection of subjective rights of personal and ownership nature. In practice, these face more difficulties in the private international law and European private international law, for example in: rules on property, ownership, real rights on other people’s belongings, liabilities and heritage in international character and elements.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 142
Bashkim Selmani

This scientific paper aims at exploring and establishing whether national legal gaps or possible issues within the differences in the international contractual law of the European Union’s member countries and non-EU member countries can result in possible difficulties. In case there are legal problems and difficulties or practical concerns in this field, should the functioning of the internal trade and legal function through its interpretation hinder the process between the contracting parties in the event of entering a contract of international and interstate character within the law of obligations, and in cases of entering a contract, during its interpretation, while determining the rights and obligations or during other legal issues which have to do with the implementation of international private law and European international private law. Viewed from this angle, we need to consider the national and international private contractual law in the aspect of harmonization of the contractual law which may result in inconsistencies on a European level and broader. This would present an obstacle which restricts the fundamental legal-private rights of citizens as an advantage of individuals. They consist of three parts: personal relations between citizens, property relations between persons entitled as property trustees, as well as the procedural law which regulates the protection of subjective rights of personal and ownership nature. In practice, these face more difficulties in the private international law and European private international law, for example in: rules on property, ownership, real rights on other people’s belongings, liabilities and heritage in international character and elements.

2004 ◽  
Vol 76 (9) ◽  
pp. 106-116
Tamas Korhecz

The subject of the study above, is the relation between the legislation, the normative system of the European Union and European and other states, with or without membership in European Union, especially in the field of international private law. The author, as visiting professor of International Private Law Faculty of law in Szeged, Hungary, with his short presentation of some legal institutes of international private law, comparing the legislation and the case law of the European Unions and European Court and international private law in general with signed and ratified Conventions, Agreements and Contracts of European and non European states, with and without membership in European Union, trying to make conclusions and to point out the problem of the hierarchy of this law in its application.

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