Gravity inversion of basement relief and estimation of density contrast variation with depth

Geophysics ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 71 (5) ◽  
pp. J51-J58 ◽  
João B. Silva ◽  
Denis C. Costa ◽  
Valéria C. Barbosa

We present a method to estimate the basement relief as well as the density contrast at the surface and the hyperbolic decaying factor of the density contrast with depth, assuming that the gravity anomaly and the depth to the basement at a few points are known. In both cases, the interpretation model is a set of vertical rectangular 2D prisms whose thicknesses are parameters to be estimated and that represent the depth to the interface separating sediments and basement. The solutions to both problems are stable because of the incorporation of additional prior information about the smoothness of the estimated relief and the depth to the basement at a few locations, presumably provided by boreholes. The method was tested with synthetic gravity anomalies produced by simulated sedimentary basins with smooth relief, providing not only well-resolved estimated relief, but also good estimates for the density contrasts at the surface and for the decaying factors of the density contrast with depth. The method was applied to the Bouguer anomaly from Recôncavo Basin, estimating the surface density contrast and the decaying factor of the density contrast with depth as [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], respectively.

Geophysics ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 754-764 ◽  
Valéria C. F. Barbosa ◽  
João B. C. Silva ◽  
Walter E. Medeiros

We present a new, stable method for interpreting the basement relief of a sedimentary basin which delineates sharp discontinuities in the basement relief and incorporates any law known a priori for the spatial variation of the density contrast. The subsurface region containing the basin is discretized into a grid of juxtaposed elementary prisms whose density contrasts are the parameters to be estimated. Any vertical line must intersect the basement relief only once, and the mass deficiency must be concentrated near the earth’s surface, subject to the observed gravity anomaly being fitted within the experimental errors. In addition, upper and lower bounds on the density contrast of each prism are introduced a priori (one of the bounds being zero), and the method assigns to each elementary prism a density contrast which is close to either bound. The basement relief is therefore delineated by the contact between the prisms with null and nonnull estimated density contrasts, the latter occupying the upper part of the discretized region. The method is stabilized by introducing constraints favoring solutions having the attributes (shared by most sedimentary basins) of being an isolated compact source with lateral borders dipping either vertically or toward the basin center and having horizontal dimensions much greater than its largest vertical dimension. Arbitrary laws of spatial variations of the density contrast, if known a priori, may be incorporated into the problem by assigning suitable values to the nonnull bound of each prism. The proposed method differs from previous stable methods by using no smoothness constraint on the interface to be estimated. As a result, it may be applied not only to intracratonic sag basins where the basement relief is essentially smooth but also to rift basins whose basements present discontinuities caused by faults. The method’s utility in mapping such basements was demonstrated in tests using synthetic data produced by simulated rift basins. The method mapped with good precision a sequence of step faults which are close to each other and present small vertical slips, a feature particularly difficult to detect from gravity data only. The method was also able to map isolated discontinuities with large vertical throw. The method was applied to the gravity data from Reco⁁ncavo basin, Brazil. The results showed close agreement with known geological structures of the basin. It also demonstrated the method’s ability to map a sequence of alternating terraces and structural lows that could not be detected just by inspecting the gravity anomaly. To demostrate the method’s flexibility in incorporating any a priori knowledge about the density contrast variation, it was applied to the Bouguer anomaly over the San Jacinto Graben, California. Two different exponential laws for the decrease of density contrast with depth were used, leading to estimated maximum depths between 2.2 and 2.4 km.

Geophysics ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 82 (2) ◽  
pp. G23-G34 ◽  
João B. C. Silva ◽  
Darcicléa F. Santos

We have developed a novel approach to compute, in an efficient and versatile way, the gravity anomaly produced by an arbitrary, discrete 3D distribution of density contrast. The method allows adjustable precision and is particularly suited for the interpretation of sedimentary basins. Because the gravity field decays with the square of the distance, we use a discrete Green’s operator that may be made much smaller than the whole study area. For irregularly positioned observations, this discrete Green’s operator must be computed just at the first iteration, and because each of its horizontal layers presents a center of symmetry, only one-eighth of its total elements need to be calculated. Furthermore, for gridded data on a plane, this operator develops translation symmetry for the whole region of interest and has to be computed just once for a single arbitrary observation position. The gravity anomaly is obtained as the product of this small operator by any arbitrary density contrast distribution in a convolution-like operation. We use the proposed modeling to estimate the basement relief of a [Formula: see text] basin with density contrast varying along [Formula: see text] only using a smaller Green’s operator at all iterations. The median of the absolute differences between relief estimates, using the small and a large operator (the latter covering the whole basin) has been approximately 9 m for a 3.6 km deep basin. We also successfully inverted the anomaly of a simulated basin with density contrast varying laterally and vertically, and a real anomaly produced by a steeply dipping basement. The proposed modeling is very fast. For 10,000 observations gridded on a plane, the inversion using the proposed approach for irregularly spaced data is two orders of magnitude faster than using an analytically derived fitting, and this ratio increases enormously with the number of observations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-198 ◽  
Kunal Kishore Singh ◽  
Upendra Kumar Singh

Abstract. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a global optimization technique that works similarly to swarms of birds searching for food. A MATLAB code in the PSO algorithm has been developed to estimate the depth to the bottom of a 2.5-D sedimentary basin and coefficients of regional background from observed gravity anomalies. The density contrast within the source is assumed to vary parabolically with depth. Initially, the PSO algorithm is applied on synthetic data with and without some Gaussian noise, and its validity is tested by calculating the depth of the Gediz Graben, western Anatolia, and the Godavari sub-basin, India. The Gediz Graben consists of Neogen sediments, and the metamorphic complex forms the basement of the graben. A thick uninterrupted sequence of Permian–Triassic and partly Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments forms the Godavari sub-basin. The PSO results are better correlated with results obtained by the Marquardt method and borehole information.

Geophysics ◽  
1988 ◽  
Vol 53 (6) ◽  
pp. 837-845 ◽  
Yufu Chai ◽  
William J. Hinze

Mapping of an interface above which the density contrast varies exponentially with depth, as is common at the basement surface of sedimentary basins, is efficiently achieved by a theoretically precise gravity method which can be applied to either profile data or twodimensional data. The contrast in mass above the interface is modeled by an array of vertical rectangular prisms with density contrasts varying exponentially with depth. Gravity anomalies due to the prisms are calculated in the wavenumber domain and then converted to the space domain. The precision of the inverse numerical Fourier transform in this procedure is significantly increased by a shift‐sampling technique based on the discrete Fourier deviation equation. Depth to the interface is determined by iterative adjustment of the vertical extent of the prisms in accordance with observed gravity anomaly data. The basement surface of the Los Angeles basin, California, calculated by this method, closely duplicates the published configuration based on drillhole data and seismic data.

2016 ◽  
Kunal Kishore Singh ◽  
Upendra Kumar Singh

Abstract. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a global optimization technique that works similarly to swarms of birds searching for food. A Matlab code in PSO algorithm is developed to estimate the depth to the bottom of a 2.5-D sedimentary basin and coefficients of regional background from observed gravity anomalies. The density contrast within the source is assumed to be varying parabolically with depth. Initially, the PSO algorithm is applied on synthetic data with and without some Gaussian noise and its validity is tested by calculating the depth of the Gediz Graben, Western Anatolia and Godavari sub-basin, India. The Gediz Graben consists of Neogen sediments and the metamorphic complex forms the basement of the Graben. A thick uninterrupted sequence of Permian-Triassic and partly Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments forms the Godavari sub-basin. The PSO results are better than the results obtained by Marquardt method and the results are well correlated with borehole information.

Geophysics ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. I9-I21 ◽  
Fernando J. Silva Dias ◽  
Valéria C. Barbosa ◽  
João B. Silva

We have developed a gravity inversion method to estimate a 3D density-contrast distribution producing strongly interfering gravity anomalies. The interpretation model consists of a grid of 3D vertical, juxtaposed prisms in the horizontal and vertical directions. Iteratively, our approach estimates the 3D density-contrast distribution that fits the observed anomaly within the measurement errors and favors compact gravity sources closest to prespecified geometric elements such as axes and points. This method retrieves the geometry of multiple gravity sources whose density contrasts (positive and negative values) are prescribed by the interpreter through the geometric element. At the first iteration, we set an initial interpretation model and specify the first-guess geometric elements and their target density contrasts. Each geometric element operates as the first-guess skeletal outline of the entire homogeneous gravity source or any of its homogeneous parts to be reconstructed. From the second iteration on, our method automatically redefines a new set of geometric elements, the associated target density contrasts, and a new interpretation model whose number of prisms increases with the iteration. The iteration stops when the geometries of the estimated sources are invariant along successive iterations. Tests on synthetic data from geometrically complex bodies and on field data collected over a mafic-ultramafic body and a volcanogenic sedimentary sequence located in the Tocantins Province, Brazil, confirmed the potential of our method in producing a sharp image of multiple and adjacent bodies.

Geophysics ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-135 ◽  
F. Guspí

The use of variable‐density contrasts in gravity inversion has gained increasing importance in recent years due to the necessity of constructing more realistic models of geophysical structures such as sedimentary basins. Linear, quadratic, and exponential variations, either in the space or in the frequency domain, are the basis of several methods. See, among others, the papers by Granser (1987), Chai and Hinze (1988), Reamer and Ferguson (1989), and Rao et al. (1990). Guspí (1990) used polynomial density‐depth functions for inverting gravity anomalies into 2-D polygons in the space domain.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
L.E. Sjöberg

AbstractTraditional gravimetric geoid determination relies on Stokes’ formula with removal and restoration of the topographic effects. It is shown that this solution is in error of the order of the quasigeoid-to-geoid difference, which is mainly due to incomplete downward continuation (dwc) of gravity from the Earth’s surface to the geoid. A slightly improved estimator, based on the surface Bouguer gravity anomaly, is also biased due to the imperfect harmonic dwc the Bouguer anomaly. Only the third estimator,which uses the (harmonic) surface no-topography gravity anomaly, is consistent with the boundary condition and Stokes’ formula, providing a theoretically correct geoid height. The difference between the Bouguer and no-topography gravity anomalies (on the geoid or in space) is the “secondary indirect topographic effect”, which is a necessary correction in removing all topographic signals.

Geophysics ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 58 (8) ◽  
pp. 1074-1083 ◽  
D. Bhaskara Rao ◽  
M. J. Prakash ◽  
N. Ramesh Babu

The decrease of density contrast in sedimentary basins can often be approximated by an exponential function. Theoretical Fourier transforms are derived for symmetric trapezoidal, vertical fault, vertical prism, syncline, and anticline models. This is desirable because there are no equivalent closed form solutions in the space domain for these models combined with an exponential density contrast. These transforms exhibit characteristic minima, maxima, and zero values, and hence graphical methods have been developed for interpretation of model parameters. After applying end corrections to improve the discrete transforms of observed gravity data, the transforms are interpreted for model parameters. This method is first tested on two synthetic models, then applied to gravity anomalies over the San Jacinto graben and Los Angeles basin.

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