Role of magnetic resonance imaging in predicting relapse in residual masses after treatment of lymphoma.

1993 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2273-2278 ◽  
M Hill ◽  
D Cunningham ◽  
D MacVicar ◽  
A Roldan ◽  
J Husband ◽  

PURPOSE This prospective study of patients treated at the Royal Marsden Hospital Lymphoma Unit was designed to evaluate the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the assessment of residual masses evident on computed tomographic (CT) scanning following treatment of lymphoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS All patients had MRI, gallium-67 single-photon emission CT (67Ga SPECT), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) performed within 3 months of completing therapy. Patients were monitored for 1 year posttreatment and observed for signs of relapse. Investigation results were correlated with disease status, and the sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), and positive predictive value (PPV) calculated. Time-to-relapse curves were derived and the log-rank test used to determine whether patients with a positive result were more likely to have a relapse within the mass than those with a negative result. RESULTS Thirty-four patients were studied, 14 of whom relapsed, 11 within the area of residual mass. Overall, MRI had a high specificity (90%), PPV (71%), and NPV (75%), but poor sensitivity (45%). The results for 67Ga SPECT were similar, apart from lower sensitivity (33%). ESR had inferior performance in predicting relapse compared with the other tests. MRI was the only investigation to show statistical significance (P = .14) in predicting relapse, and this was particularly evident in Hodgkin's lymphoma (P = .003). Combining results of 67Ga SPECT and MRI did not improve predictive power. CONCLUSION These data demonstrate that MRI is a valuable tool in the setting of a residual mass after treatment, giving clinically useful prognostic information. 67Ga SPECT also has a role, but is less effective in predicting relapse than MRI.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-62
Tarannum Morshed ◽  
Shahara Haque ◽  
Md Abdul Awwal ◽  
Naffisa Abedin ◽  
Sadia Sultana

The present method comparison study was carried out in the Radiology and Imaging Department of Dhaka Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka during the period of January 2012 to December 2013 to evaluate the role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the diagnosis of cervical disc herniation. A total of 40 patients having clinical features of cervical disc herniation with neck pain referred to the Department of Radiology & Imaging for MRI of their cervical spine were included in the study. At first all the patients were evaluated by detail history and clinical examination with special emphasis on clinical features. Then subsequently MRI of cervical spine was performed in all cases. The MRI report was checked by a competent radiologist of the department of Radiology and imaging DMCH. Among these 40 patients 11 were operated in department of neurosurgery, DMCH and 29 were operated in spine surgery unit, Department of Orthopaedic, BSMMU, Dhaka. The MRI and peroperative findings of these 40 patients were analyzed for the study. MRI findings correlated well in most of the cases with preoperative findings. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy of MRI in the diagnosis of cervical disc herniation were 94.12%, 83.33%, 96.97%, 71.43% and 92.5% respectively. Therefore it can be concluded that MRI may be used as a reliable tool with which we can assess the level, type and position of cervical disc herniation and can plan the subsequent appropriate management in majority of cases.DOI:

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 97-100
Vijinder Arora ◽  
Sonali Malik ◽  
Kunwarpal Singh

Objective: The objective of our study was to determine the role of diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosing and differentiating between complete and partial anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) tears and to compare it with conventional MRI sequences. Materials and Methods: We conducted a prospective study for a period of 2 years from October 2017 to October 2019 on 30 patients with clinically suspected ACL/PCL injuries of the knee. MRI of the knee joint was performed using conventional, and DW sequences and the findings on both the sequences were assessed independently and compared with the intraoperative or follow-up MRI findings. Results: As per operative and follow-up MRI findings, the sensitivity and specificity of conventional MRI were 60% and 33.33% with a positive and negative predictive value of 47.37% and 45.45%, respectively. On the other hand, the sensitivity and specificity of DW MRI were 70.00% and 33.33% with a positive and negative predictive value of 51.22% and 52.13%, respectively. P = 0.417 was statistically not significant. Conclusion: According to our study, adding DW sequence to conventional MR sequences yielded comparable results in diagnosis and differentiation between complete and partial ACL and PCL tears.

Thyroid ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 299-305 ◽  

2019 ◽  
T. Rua ◽  
A. Isaac ◽  
S. Vijayanathan ◽  
A. Zavareh ◽  
R. Houghton ◽  

2014 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-72
S.A. Martynov ◽  
L.V. Adamyan ◽  
E.A. Kulabukhova ◽  
P.V. Uchevatkina ◽  

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