scholarly journals «The Mystery of Iniquity» by Philippe Duplessis-Mornay. On the role of France in support of «black legend» of the Pope Alexander VI

2018 ◽  
Vol 80 ◽  
pp. 45-60
Elena Shapovalova
Marc Gomar Calatayud

Resum: El drama Lucrèce Borgia de Victor Hugo confereix al personatge històric una sèrie d’atributs en sintonia amb el gust sensacionalista de l’època: en ser dona, poderosa, bella i formada. Lucrècia Borja és el millor exemple d’allò que Kristeva anomena «l’abjecte» en les Pouvoirs de l’horreur (1980). Una imatge de femme fatale lligada al verí o l’incest que es popularitzarà gràcies a les nombroses obres derivades del drama: de l’òpera de Donizetti als romanços populars de manera que les característiques del personatge de ficció s’imposaran a l’històric en l’imaginari col·lectiu. Lucrècia Borja, que fins aleshores havia estat considerada un instrument al servei de les polítiques familiars, entrarà a formar part per «mèrits» propis del triangle del mal junt amb l germà, Cèsar Borja, i son pare, el papa Alexandre VI. Paraules clau: Lucrècia Borja, Victor Hugo, Gaetano Donizetti, llegenda negra, literatura de cordell, paròdia, segle XIX, Francesc Godó, abjecte Abstract: The Victor Hugo’s drama Lucrezia Borgia gives to the historical character some attributes in line with the sensationalist preferences of that time: being a female, powerful, beautiful and educated. Lucrezia Borgia is the best example of what Kristeva names «the abject» in Pouvoirs de l’horreur (1980). The character is a femme fatale image linked to poison or incest and it was popularized thanks to the many works resulting from this drama. So that, the features of the fictional character prevailed to the real historical character in the popular beliefs, this happened in Donizetti's opera, but also in the chapbooks of that time. Lucrezia Borgia had previously been considered an instrument in the service for family policies, but she became part of an evil triangle, thanks to her own attitude, along with her brother, Cesare Borgia, and her father, the pope Alexander VI. Keywords: Lucrezia Borgia, Victor Hugo, Gaetano Donizetti, black legend, chapbook, parody, nineteenth century, Francesc Xavier Godó, abject

Joan Emili Roig Matoses

Resum: La llegenda negra dels Borja va començar a Itàlia i la van començar els italians en el segle XV. Començada a forjar per cronistes, informadors, cardenals… i contràriament al que es podria pensar, aquesta no va començar després de la mort del segon papa Borja Alexandre VI, sinó durant el seu cardenalat, el seu pontificat i com no, després de la seua mort i continuant els segles posteriors amb acusacions falses com la simonia, el incest, els assassinats…   Paraules clau: Borja, Roderic de Borja, Alexandre VI, llegenda negra, Bichi, Tiara, papa, conclave, simonia, Ascanio Sforza. Abstract: The black legend of Borja began in Italy and Italians began in the fifteenth century. Created by reporters, cardinals ... and contrary to what you might think, not this black legend began after the death of the second Pope Alexander VI Borja but the cardinal time, and of his pontificate, after his death and continue over the following centuries with false accusations as simony, the incest, murder …   Keywords: Borja, Roderic de Borja, Pope Alexander VI, black legend, Bichi, Tiara, Pope conclave, simony, Ascanio Sforza.

L. V. Artemova

This article is dedicated to the expression of the main concepts of the historic issue “The Black Legend” in the modern public Spanish language on the material of the publications of two authors, J. Marias and J. Cercas, in the Sunday supplement to the newspaper “El País”. It deals the historically marked notion artificially introduced into the circulation during the next two centuries by the countries-enemies of Spain on the political stage and it influenced the attitude of the other countries and even the population of Spain itself to their Motherland and to themselves. Being the historical issue it was spread by the mean of written word o by published pamphlets and its influence can still be noticed even in the modern qualified press.“The resonances” of those remote ideas impregnate the opinion-based journalism of the famous Spanish writers, persons with the high level of education and culture, with great number of literary awards and dozens of novels, whose thoughts are respected by the great number of readers.Among the main columns of “The Black Legend”there are four key positions: anti-propaganda of political, economic and religious spheres of Spanish society’s life; attributing to the main figures of Spanish history only negative features like imperfections, failures which turned to refer to the whole Spanish society; discreditation of the intellectual part of the country and, themost painful, its support and approval by other European intellectuals of that time like Voltaire or Montesquieu. Even nowadays there are numerous investigations and publications by foreign authors that echo the old “The Black Legend” trying to depreciate or minimize the role of Spanish power in the world history.

2019 ◽  
pp. 029-078

La leyenda áurea del separatismo en cuestión Resumen: El separatismo catalán para legitimar sus pretensiones necesita construir un relato atrayente y luminoso de la Historia de Cataluña (leyenda áurea) que contrapone a la consabida leyenda negra española, corregida y aumentada con nuevas-viejas sombras y nubarrones. Esta contraposición, sin embargo, se fundamenta en un conjunto de “fake-stories”─falsificaciones, ocultaciones o exageraciones─, cuidadosamente escondidas y disfrazadas bajo una narración pretendidamente “objetiva” e intachable. Este artículo trata de desenmascarar esta estrategia manipuladora, desvirtuando uno por uno los mitos del separatismo, al tiempo que se destaca el papel histórico y político real de Cataluña y su relación con el resto de España. Palabras clave: fake-stories, separatismo, nacionalismo, secesionismo, Cataluña, España, leyenda negra The aurea legend of separatism in question Abstract: Catalan separatism requires, in order to legitimize its claims, to build an attractive and luminous account of the history of Catalonia (Golden leyend). This narrative has to be oppossed to the well-known Spanish black legend, revisedand increased with new-old shadows and clouds. This contrast, however, is based on a set of "fake-stories", carefully hidden and disguised under a purportedly "objective" and unimpeachable narrative. This article seeks to unmask this manipulative strategy, debunking one by one the myths of separatism, while highlighting the real historical and political role of Catalonia and its relationship with the rest of Spain. Keywords:fake-stories, separatism, nationalism, secessionism, Catalonia, Spain, black legend

JAMA ◽  
1966 ◽  
Vol 195 (12) ◽  
pp. 1005-1009 ◽  
D. J. Fernbach

JAMA ◽  
1966 ◽  
Vol 195 (3) ◽  
pp. 167-172 ◽  
T. E. Van Metre

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Winnifred R. Louis ◽  
Craig McGarty ◽  
Emma F. Thomas ◽  
Catherine E. Amiot ◽  
Fathali M. Moghaddam

AbstractWhitehouse adapts insights from evolutionary anthropology to interpret extreme self-sacrifice through the concept of identity fusion. The model neglects the role of normative systems in shaping behaviors, especially in relation to violent extremism. In peaceful groups, increasing fusion will actually decrease extremism. Groups collectively appraise threats and opportunities, actively debate action options, and rarely choose violence toward self or others.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Kevin Arceneaux

AbstractIntuitions guide decision-making, and looking to the evolutionary history of humans illuminates why some behavioral responses are more intuitive than others. Yet a place remains for cognitive processes to second-guess intuitive responses – that is, to be reflective – and individual differences abound in automatic, intuitive processing as well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
Stefen Beeler-Duden ◽  
Meltem Yucel ◽  
Amrisha Vaish

Abstract Tomasello offers a compelling account of the emergence of humans’ sense of obligation. We suggest that more needs to be said about the role of affect in the creation of obligations. We also argue that positive emotions such as gratitude evolved to encourage individuals to fulfill cooperative obligations without the negative quality that Tomasello proposes is inherent in obligations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
Andrew Whiten

Abstract The authors do the field of cultural evolution a service by exploring the role of non-social cognition in human cumulative technological culture, truly neglected in comparison with socio-cognitive abilities frequently assumed to be the primary drivers. Some specifics of their delineation of the critical factors are problematic, however. I highlight recent chimpanzee–human comparative findings that should help refine such analyses.

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