Joseon’s Silver Circulation in the late 17th Century through the early 18th Century

2014 ◽  
Vol 221 ◽  
Nae-Hyun Kwon
2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 105-129
Cătălina Chelcu

For the historical period we refer to, no proper inventories have been made containing the unjustly appropriated goods. They are just mentioned as such or listed, if that was the case, according to the size of the damage. There are also documentary sources in which the object of the theft is less represented, the justice system focusing in those cases rather on the wrongdoers, than on the wrong actions. That is why, the blood money “paid for some reason”, with no other specific details, is quite frequently cited. Rare or frequent, these documents are complaints addressed by the victim to the Prince and his officials, documents in which the perpetrators admitted their fault, or deeds issued by the judicial authority subsequent to the investigation of the criminal act. In discussing the theft of/from the wealth, i.e. from the whole amount of the available goods, we are interested in clarifying some aspects pertaining to a reality that the historian should reconstruct, with all the complexity of its evolution: the motivations of the theft and its circumstances, the types of theft, the social categories involved, the time and space of the misdemeanour, the perpetrators’ punishment. Briefly, the study is about starting to write a history of the reprehensible acts liable to punishments for theft and robbery in 17th and early 18th century Moldavia.

Aurèlia Pessarrodona

Resum: La recent troballa de dos cançoners al convent de Santa Teresa de Vic, datables al segle XVII, ve a ampliar i enriquir de manera considerable el que ja se sabia sobre la creació literària conventual i la presència de música, cants i altres manifestacions performatives dins de la clausura del Carmel descalç femení durant l’Edat Moderna. En aquest article es fa una primera aproximació a aquests cançoners, que posa de manifest les diferències entre ambdós: un recull repertori forà més antic, del segle XVI i inici del XVII, entre el que hi destaca la curiosa presència de moltes de les ensalades editades per Mateu Fletxa el Jove a Praga l’any 1581; i l’altre és un excel·lent exemple de la creació literària de les pròpies monges, amb obres que abarcarien tot el segle XVII i inicis del XVIII. A més de descriure els manuscrits i apropar-se al seu contingut situant-lo en el seu context, en el present article es reflexiona sobre la possible praxi performativa del repertori, especialment sobre les ensalades.   Paraules clau: carmelites descalces, clausura, cançoners, ensalades, Mateu Fletxa   Abstract: The recent finding of two songbooks in the convent of Saint Therese in Vic (Barcelona), dated to the 17th century, broadens and enriches strikingly what was already known about the literary creation in monasteries and performative manifestations —music, theater, dance— in the enclosed life of female discalced Carmel during the Modern Age. This article provides a first approach to these songbooks, that shows significant differences between them. The first one collects a foreign and older repertory, from 16th and early 17th centuries, that includes the unusual presence of ensaladas edited by Mateu Fletxa the Youger in 1581. The other one is an excellent example of literary creation of the nuns, with works dated from 17th to early 18th century. As well as a description of the manuscripts, an approximation to their content and placing them in their context, the article includes some reflections concerning the performative practice of this repertory, above all of the ensaladas.   Keywords: discalced carmelites, cloister, songbooks, ensaladas, Mateu Fletxa

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-95
Konstantin V. Dushenko

La Palis is a literary character that appeared in anonymous couplets The Death of La Palis published in the early 18th century. The image of La Palis in songs is ambiguous: he is both a naive simpleton and a parodic counterpart of the panegyric image of Marshal Jacques de La Palice (1470–1525). The irony of these early verses about La Palis is usually explained by the simplicity of the soldiers who allegedly composed them in 1525 or by the further distortion of the original text. In reality, this irony bears the imprint of the 17th century burlesque poetry. In 1715, the literary image of La Palis was canonized by Bernard La Monnoy, the author of the term nizy style. The nizy style, also called the Lapalissade, is a special kind of tautology that, as Clement Rosset aptly put it, “for a moment causes a hallucination of difference.” In the 19th century, the typically Lapalissian formula “if they did not die, then they are still alive” is recorded in the tales of various peoples of Europe; the relationship between these national formulas remains unclear. The article also examines the mastering the nizy style by O. Goldsmith and Russian translators from the 18th century to the present day.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Orlando Fraga

Three central features of Baroque music encompass a large portion of questions about the performance of this particular repertory: its improvisatory aspect, the use of basso continuo, and the instrumental color and variety. Teorbo and lute solos, aside of playing a role as a continuo, filled in the intermissions of oratorios in Italy since late 17th century, while organ concertos provided the same function for English oratorios in the early 18th century. It is from Handel's early period ‒ his first trip to Italy in 1707 ‒ that teorbo and archiliuto start to appear in his vocal music. Handel employed either the teorbo or archiliuto (or simply liuto) in twelve vocal works and in one instrumental Ouverture.  A complete examination of the circumstances that involve this particular aspect of Handel's music is the subject this paper.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 059-082
Mykola Bevz

The palace in Kukizów of King of Poland John III Sobieski is known only to a narrow group of architecture and art historians. The palace and park complex ceased to exist in the 19th century. The architecture of the palace is known especially from the descriptions in the inventory documents from the early 18th century. Although the authorship of the palace design belongs to the well-known artists of the era – Augustyn Wincenty Locci and Piotr Beber, its architecture has not yet been reconstructed. A specific feature of the royal residence in Kukizów was the construction of royal buildings and town buildings in a wooden material. The intention to create a city complex and an entirely wooden residence was a unique experiment in the field of European architecture and urban planning of the 17th century. In the paper we present the results of our research on the architecture of the palace and town for the end of the 17th century.

2017 ◽  
Zachary Johnson

James Hogg's Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner innovated several important novel genres in the Romantic literary era. The novel centers around a young man, Robert Wringhim, who, along with his devilish double, Gil-Martin, goes on a religious-based killing spree in late 17th century and early 18th century Scotland. The chronicle of Wringhim's 12 from righteousness, told by both an editor and in Robert's own words, is disturbing, ambiguous, and diabolically deceptive. I will first examine varying Scottish dialects as recorded in the book and how the interplay between them allows Hogg to represent the "many voices" of Scotland, and to challenge the notion that higher education equals virtue and goodness -- a study highly influenced by the aforementioned Bakhtinian theories. I will also examine several genres Justified Sinner both utilizes and satirizes: including gothic and horror fiction and confessions. Whereas many Romantic novels embraced the genres they found themselves in, Hogg's novel seems resistant to being confined a particular one. He plays with traits of genres to darkly humorous ends, and crafts a tale of suspense and terror that refuses to give readers closure of any tangible kinds. By manipulating what the novel should do with what it can do, Hogg asks uneasy questions about faith, spirituality, fanaticism, sin, guilt, confessing, the supernatural, and Scottish literary culture.

Patrick Kragelund

Patrick Kragelund: Owners Marks in Early Aquisitions of the Danish National Art Library   The article provides a historical survey of owners’ marks, of exlibrises and superexlibrises in the early section (acquisitions 1754–1810) of the holdings of the Danish National Art Library. From the early part of this period a few royal gifts have been preserved, but the largest part of the material of relevance entered the library with the acquisition of the painter Nicolai Abildgaard’s books in 1810. It includes items with the superexlibris of King Charles XI of Sweden and Duke Friedrich III of Slesvig-Holstein-Gottorp (the latter a gift from Athanasius Kircher) and books from Danish 17th century private libraries, among which the author and translator Birgitta Thott. In the Royal Academy context, books once belonging to three of the early Dutch and German immigrant artists active in early 18th century Denmark such as Johann Coning, Otto de Willarts and Marcus Tuscher are of particular interest.  

2021 ◽  
Robert A. Philpott ◽  
Roger H. Leech ◽  
Elaine L. Morris ◽  

Searching for the 17th Century on Nevis is the first of a series of monographs dedicated to the archaeological investigation of the landscape, buildings and artefacts of the Eastern Caribbean by the Nevis Heritage Project. This volume presents the results of documentary research and excavation on two sugar plantation sites on the island of Nevis. Upper Rawlins, located high on Nevis mountain, was occupied in the late 17th and early 18th century and abandoned early. Fenton Hill was occupied from the mid-17th to the mid-19th century and originated with an earthfast timber building, probably a dwelling house, later converted to a kitchen and encapsulated in stone about 1700. The adjacent main house was probably destroyed in the French raid of 1706 and rebuilt in timber. The final occupation was by Portuguese Madeiran labourers, who were introduced to fill a labour force shortage in the 1840s. Detailed reports on the finds assemblage include discussions of the handmade, bonfired Afro-Caribbean pottery made by enslaved African women, imported European ceramics and glass, clay tobacco pipes, metalwork and building materials. The dominance of imported goods from south-western England demonstrates the strong mercantile links between Nevis and Bristol, but local Nevis production of ceramics adds new insights into the estate-based ceramic production on European lines.

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