18th century
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2022 ◽  
Ze'ev Reches ◽  
Nadav Wetzler

Abstract Faulting of rocks is a dominant earth process that governs small-scale fracturing, formation of tectonic plate boundaries, and earthquakes occurrence1–4. Since the 18th century, the mechanical settings for rock faulting were commonly analyzed with the Coulomb criterion5 that offers empirical, useful tools for scientific and engineering applications1,6–12. Here we revisit the processes of rock faulting by an alternative approach that incorporates elastic energy, strain-state, and three-dimensional deformation; these mechanical fundamentals are missing in Coulomb criterion. We propose that a stressed rock-body fails as two conditions are met: (1) The elastic energy generated by the loading system equals or exceeds a critical energy intensity that is required for the faulting process; (2) The internal strain of the stressed rock-body due to slip and dilation along the developing faults equals the strain-state created by the loading system to maintain physical continuity13,14. Our simulations reveal that meeting these energy and strain conditions requires an orthorhombic, polymodal fault geometry that is similar to natural and experimental fault systems15–20. The application of our formulation to hundreds of rock-mechanics experiments11,21–28 provides a new, comprehensive benchmark for rock-faulting.

2022 ◽  

The Federalist is widely considered to be one of the most influential political writings in the early United States. Consisting of eighty-five essays in total, the first seventy-seven essays were originally published in New York newspapers between October 1787 and April 1788, and the final eight appeared in the first collected edition of The Federalist in 1788, although they were later republished in New York newspapers as well. The Federalist was written collectively by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay to promote the ratification of the newly drafted Constitution. In keeping with the conventions of 18th-century public political debate, The Federalist was published under the pseudonym “Publius” to present its arguments to the public in anonymous terms, focusing attention on the content of the essays rather than the personal views or personalities of the authors. Although Hamilton, Madison, and Jay would not be formally identified as the authors of The Federalist until the publication of a notice in The Port-Folio on 14 November 1807, their collective authorship was widely known by the 1790s, and their reputations as respected statesmen and innovative political thinkers brought considerable attention and credibility to their arguments. Through the voice of Publius, The Federalist explains and defends the core principles and structure of the new government outlined within the Constitution, while also identifying the flaws and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. In doing so, The Federalist provides substantive critical and philosophical discussions of federal governance and its relationship to the principles of plural sovereignty, national unity, republican representation, citizenship, national security, commercial interests, and the separation of powers, all of which had a profound influence, not just on the ratification debates, but also on subsequent interpretations of constitutional language and authority, from the founding period to the present. While scholars have endlessly debated the political, historical, philosophical, literary, and cultural impact of The Federalist, these essays continue to serve as foundational texts for studying the politics and culture of the early United States, as well as contemporary interpretations and revisions of constitutional principles in legal, legislative, and cultural spheres.

2022 ◽  

The island of Manhattan is one of five boroughs that comprises modern-day New York City. Joining the neighboring boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island, the City of New York was consolidated as such in 1898. While part of a larger whole, “New York City architecture” typically refers to the built environment of Manhattan. Indeed, the iconic image of contemporary New York City is the Manhattan skyline. Its tall buildings have historically been concentrated in the Financial District on the southern tip of the island, and in Midtown, although recent developments have seen these traditional boundaries expand northward and to the outer boroughs. By the early 1700s, the Native Lenape population had largely been displaced by colonists—first the Dutch, who named their community on the southern tip of Manhattan New Amsterdam, and later the British, who again rechristened this area New York. As a result of the near-continuous cycle of demolition and construction that has characterized so much of New York’s history, little evidence of the earliest structures—both Native and European—survives. Yet the Dutch and British settlements laid the ground work for future expansion. With a population concentrated at the southern tip of the island, subsequent development continuously pushed northward. Infrastructure projects like the Brooklyn Bridge, completed in 1883, physically connected Manhattan to then-neighboring city of Brooklyn, and subsequent bridges and tunnels further linked the island to its surroundings, creating a regional metropolis. Because of New York’s significance to national history—for a short time, it was the capital of the early Republic, and in the 20th and 21st centuries it is a capital of finance, media, and visual culture—literature on the city’s built environment is vast. This bibliography thus proceeds from general resources to a chronology that begins in the late 18th century, and continues up to recent developments in the architecture and urban planning that shape the city in the early 21st century.

2022 ◽  

This article discusses the diplomacy and foreign policy of neutral actors in international relations. It introduces popular research themes of neutrality studies and presents some of the relevant literature. Neutrality has been most profoundly developed, studied, and defined under international law. However, there are other dimensions to it like politics, ethics, norms, identity, and security under which it remains a relatively fuzzy concept. The Finnish president, Urho Kekkonen, once explained it best: “There are as many kinds of neutrality as there are neutral states.” That is because the concept has diplomatic implications that do not stem directly from a country’s abstention from conflicts, but rather from strategic or ideational factors like the normative self-conceptualizations of peoples living in neutral countries and the political choices they make. In this respect, much research on the motivations and development of individual neutralities has been conducted over the years, including case studies, comparative works, theoretical treaties, and general histories. The focus of this article lies on the development of the concept since the maritime and Great Power neutralities of the 18th century. In particular, it covers the major literature of the past one hundred years, during which neutrality in the classic sense of international law underwent several changes and new forms of the neutral idea emerged in the form of nonalignment and neutralism. Furthermore, neutrality also has a place in the history of international organizations like the United Nations or the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and humanitarian institutions like the International Committee of the Red Cross. Therefore, this article understands “diplomacy” in a loose sense, including the foreign policies of states and the international political approaches of non-state actors alike. It defines “neutrality” as an actor’s military noninvolvement in third-party conflicts, especially in interstate wars. Hence, neutral diplomacy refers to the coordinated activities of international actors who remain—or try to remain—at a distance from third-party conflicts. The article does not cover technical understandings of neutrality that do not refer to a subject’s exclusion from conflicts but to different principles. For instance, “net-neutrality,” refers to the non-discrimination of Internet access speeds, not to the Internet’s exclusion from conflicts, and will not be covered in this analysis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Katrin Dautel

The paper analyses Friedrich Christian Delius’ story Der Spaziergang von Rostock nach Syrakus (1995) in the context of island discourses and the discursive construction of insular spaces. It argues that, in a satirical adaptation of Seume’s Stroll to Syracuse (1803), Delius reconceptualises the Mediterranean island of Sicily as the traditionalplace of longing in German travel literature since the 18th century by contrasting it to the political ‘island’ of the GDR. He constructs the socialist state as a place of yearning and develops a counter-discourse to the established European island imaginary.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-85
Kip Jones

The (re)presentation of biographic narrative research benefits greatly from embracing the art of its craft. This requires a renewed interest in an aesthetic of storytelling. Where do we find an aesthetic in which to base our new “performative” social science? The 20th Century was not kind to 18th Century notions of what truth and beauty mean. The terms need to be re-examined from a local, quotidian vantage point, with concepts such as “aesthetic judgment” located within community. Social Constructionism asks us to participate in alterior systems of belief and value. The principles of Nicolas Bourriaud’s Relational Aesthetics offer one possible set of convictions for further exploration. Relational Art is located in human interactions and their social contexts. Central to it are inter-subjectivity, being-together, the encounter and the collective elaboration of meaning, based in models of sociability, meetings, events, collaborations, games, festivals and places of conviviality. Bourriaud believes that Art is made of the same material as social exchanges. If social exchanges are the same as Art, how can we portray them? One place to start is in our (re)presentations of narrative stories, through publications, presentations and performances. Arts-based (re)presentation in knowledge diffusion in the post-modern era is explored as one theoretical grounding for thinking across epistemologies and supporting inter-disciplinary efforts. An example from my own published narrative biography work is described, adding credence to the concept of the research report/presentation as a “dynamic vehicle”, pointing to ways in which biographic sociology can benefit from work outside sociology and, in turn, identifying areas of possible collaboration with the narrator in producing “performances” within published texts themselves.

2022 ◽  
Olu Taiwo

This Article will explore, how embodying an interpretation of the South African concept of  Ubuntu, through apraxisviamyconceptofthePhysicalJournal,canbecomeanantidote to the alienating effects of the Anthropocene. The current effects of the Anthropocene, areunderpinned by the ideology of liberal capitalism; which has been accelerating itseconomic indifference to the Eco-scene since the enlightenment. This much heraldedperiod in the 18th century, saw people with my Yoruba cultural heritage, as commodities to be bought andsold.Thus,Iwould havebeenseen,atthetimeof theenlightenment,asaresourcetobe exploited along with the environment and livestock. As a consumable resource, Iwould not have been considered as having any rights to the lofty claims proposed by the  enlightenment philosophers of equality and more specifically: life, liberty, and property.

Religions ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Aleksandra Sulikowska-Bełczowska

The division that occurred in the Patriarchate of Muscovy in the middle of the 17th century resulted in a large part of the believers being alienated from the clergy; in consequence, many communities of the Old Believers, who had come to terms with this loss, renounced most of the sacraments, including the Eucharist. This situation impacted the art of the Old Believers, especially in the Priestless Old Believer communities, for instance, in the interiors of their houses of prayer, where the presbytery area disappeared, and the iconostasis changed its function. This article contains an analysis of how one of the old iconographic themes connected with the Eucharist, namely the Communion of the Apostles, functioned in the Old Believer setting. Sources originating from those circles, especially the 18th-century Pomorian Answers (Pomorskie otvety), indicate that the Old Believers saw the Eucharist as a spiritual experience—the only one that was available to the faithful who lived in communities that lacked a clergy. This is most probably the context in which, for instance, Old Believer versions of the Communion of the Apostles should be understood. The view of the Old Believer identity, and Old Believer art, as proposed in this article takes under consideration not only the tradition but also the change, which was an unavoidable part of their communities’ experience, and which may also constitute an essential key to our reading of the contents and meaning of Old Believer icons.

2022 ◽  
pp. 50-58
Surya Darma ◽  
Dirga Lestari ◽  
Dio Caisar Darma

Wine has historical importance to the Moldovan economy. Since the 18th century, it is noted, this commodity has contributed to revitalizing the export market and has prospered many workers. It’s not enough to stop there. Wine also plays a role in lifting Moldova’s status because it is an inspiration for other countries that have similar potential in rural areas. The goal of this research was to identify how large the land size, seed, and labor are for the productivity of wineries in Moldova with 2 models. We intend to examine and explain the relationship between independent and dependent variables using panel data in 5 regional units (Bălţi, Chisinau, Bender, Gagauzia, and Transnistria). The analytical tool used is a multiple regression through SPSS software. Empirical findings produced are that there is a positive significant influence on land size and labor on productivity, while the seed has a negative-significant effect.. This discovery also resulted in an important experience, which is regulated to stimulate the productivity and potency of wine through the relaxation of the agrarian sector.

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 75-90
Jessica Bayón Pérez ◽  
Andrés J. Arenas Falótico ◽  
José Lominchar

If we look back, evaluating the last two centuries, the productive environments of our societies have experienced several industrial revolutions that caused great changes in production and that, in turn, generated important changes in societies at all times. Likewise, the digital transformation that has been incorporated into the bases of companies, each one in its measure, has not yet reached its maximum potential, but it has changed the way we live and, therefore, the way we work. Historically, automation has come from the hand of specialization, not because of the manufacture of tractors the land has been stopped, but more has been produced and that production has been managed in favor of employment and economic health. Technological transformations hand in hand with digitalization and artificial intelligence generate opportunities, but they also represent a threat to a good part of traditional jobs and professions, since changes are rapid and the impact of new technologies is much greater; thus, the change in the training and qualification of workers is necessary. Like the looms in the 18th century and the production models at the beginning of the 20th, digital transformation is our present, but it will be much more powerful in the future, as it entails and will entail a redefinition of the labor market and the law that governs it. regulates. Globalization and technological changes have generated a need to address labor law from a global perspective; Furthermore, this right must not only be active, but also effective, solid, in accordance with international decent work standards.

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