Judit García Martín

Abstract.ON-LINE PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL COUNSELLING AND GUIDANCEWith the emergence of “knowledge society”, new approaches and educational and psychological theories have emerged. We have described a proposal of instructional program have been designed with Web 2.0 tools. We want to analyze the effects that the use of different web tools in the process of teaching and learning generate in various psychological and educational constructs, at the same time, we instruct in writing and others psychological and educational variables. We expect that the effectiveness and efficiency of various web tools for instruction will be confirmed. We hope to observe an increase of motivation, self-efficacy and academic performance as well as an improvement in quality of writing. This study is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, National Program for Human Resources, Training of Research Staff, Predoctoral Research Grants subprogram (FPI-MICINN, currently MINECO) was awarded to J. García- Martín for four years (2011-2015).Keywords: writing, motivation, competences, web 2.0, instructionResumen.Con el surgimiento de la “sociedad del conocimiento” emergen nuevos enfoques y teorías educativas y psicológicas en las que se fundamentan los programas instruccionales actuales. Se describe una propuesta de programa instruccional 2.0 con el que se persigue analizar los efectos que el uso de herramientas web, durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, produce en constructos psicológicos y educativos diversos al mismo tiempo que se ofrece asesoramiento psicopedagógico en variables psicoeducativas. Se prevé que se confirme la utilidad, efectividad y eficiencia de diversas herramientas web para la instrucción, que se observé un incremento de la motivación, de la autoeficacia y del rendimiento académico así como un aumento en la calidad de la escritura. Este estudio está financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) actual Ministerio de  Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Programa nacional de Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI-MICINN), Subprograma de becas de investigación predoctorales, concedida a J. García-Martín para el cuatrienio (2011-2015).Palabras Clave: escritura, motivación, competencias, web 2.0, instrucción

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Carlos Manosalvas Vaca ◽  
Luis Manosalvas Vaca ◽  
Ruth Barba

La presente investigación, analiza los conceptos más importantes del pensamiento Crítico, así como su importancia y utilidad en los procesos de formación profesional a nivel de Posgrado. Se hace un análisis detallado de los conceptos más ampliamente aceptado y de los factores inmersos en el desarrollo y aplicación de este tipo de pensamiento. Finalmente se propone un modelo que engloba los conceptos y factores analizados y como se interrelacionan entre ellos; el objetivo final es brindar a los docentes y directivos de Instituciones de Educación Superior, una herramienta que posibilite la inclusión de este tipo de pensamiento en sus procesos enseñanza-aprendizaje con el fin último de mejorar la calidad de los procesos de formación. Palabras Clave: Pensamiento Crítico, Educación Superior, Educación ABSTRACT This research analyzes the most important concepts of critical thinking as well as their importance and usefulness for the educational processes at graduate level. A detailed analysis of the most widely accepted concepts and factors involved in the development and application of this kind of thinking has been made. Finally, a model that includes the concepts and analyzed factors and their interrelations is proposed; the ultimate goal is to provide teachers and directors of Institutions in Higher Education, a tool that enables the inclusion of this type of thinking in their teaching and learning processes with the ultimate intention of improving the quality of the training processes. Keywords: Critical thinking, Higher Education, Education Recibido: mayo de 2016Aprobado: septiembre de 2016

Jukka Orava ◽  
Pete Worrall

This paper examines the professional implications for teachers and managers in new and evolving forms of professional development using Web 2.0 tools in a European context. Research findings are presented from the “Creative Use of Media” learning event developed through a European eTwinning Learning Lab initiative in spring of 2009. The Creative use of the Media online learning event supported a series of initiatives celebrating the European Year of Creativity and Innovation and involved 135 participants from 27 countries. The key objective was to introduce a range of learning themes constructed around a phenomenon-based inquiry model, which supported interdisciplinary approaches and collaborative online learning methodologies to stimulate new teaching and learning rationales. Digital Web 2.0 technology was used as an independent creative medium and as a powerful facilitating tool to enhance and blend with the more traditional forms of visual, audiovisual and multimedia inquiry. In developing models encapsulating risk taking and experimentation this online learning project supported a general principle that future education models and professional development would be based on social learning and “customer-driven collaborative knowledge building” in relation to open source materials.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-78
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys

Este artículo partió de la postura epistemológica de Bachelard (2007), quien recalca la necesidad de formar futuros investigadores, complementada desde las perspectivas de teóricos como Bracho (2012), Burbules y Callister (2008), Chiroque (2007), Gómez y Maldonado (2005), Jenkins, Ford y Green (2015), Tamayo y Restrepo (s.f.), entre otros. Metodológicamente, es documental con diseño bibliográfico y analítico. Culmina con reflexiones centradas en la necesidad de desplegar un conocimiento que permita ver y asumir la realidad, para hacer tangible la cultura investigativa y el espíritu científico en el quehacer educativo e investigativo, desarrollando la conciencia colectiva sobre la necesidad de transformar el actual estado de las cosas, por uno que vaya al encuentro del verdadero conocimiento del sentido práctico y objetivo de una cultura investigativa más racional y probable, que tenga conclusiones aceptadas universalmente como válidas en la sociedad del conocimiento para el progreso social. Referencias Alfonzo, I. (1985). Técnicas de investigación bibliográfica. Caracas: Contexto Ediciones. Alonso, C., Donoso, R., Gallego, D., García, F., Gómez, E., Ongallo, C., Padilla, L. Y Sánchez, J. (2005). Aplicaciones educativas de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. España: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Arana, M. e Ibarra, V. (Comp.). (2016). Cultura de la investigación y gestión educativa. Experiencias desde tres universidades colombianas. Bogotá: Escuela Militar de Cadetes “General José María Córdova” Bachelard, G. (1978). El agua y los sueños (Trad. Ida Vitale). México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. -------. (2007). La formación del espíritu científico: Contribución a un psicoanálisis del conocimiento objetivo (Teoría). Madrid, España: Editorial Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Balza, A. y Noguera, E. (2011). Gestión del conocimiento, tecnologías de la información y aprendizaje organizacional. Un desafío para la sociedad local-global. Acción Pedagógica, (20), 129-134. Barahona, R., Gratacós, J. y Quintana, G. (2012). Centros educativos transformadores: ciudadanía global y transformación social. Recuperado de Bracho, K. (2012). Cultura investigativa y producción científica en universidades privadas del municipio Maracaibo del Estado Zulia. Recuperado de Brunner, J. y Tedesco, J. (Eds.). (2003). Las nuevas tecnologías y el futuro de la educación. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Septiembre Grupo Editor. Burbules, N. y Callister, T. (2008). Educación: Riesgos y promesas de las nuevas tecnologías de la información. Barcelona, España: Editorial Granica. Bustamante, E. (Coord.). (2009). Comunicación y cultura en la era digital. Barcelona, España: Editorial Gedisa. Castells, M. (2000). La era de la información: economía, sociedad y cultura (2a. ed.). Madrid, España: Editorial Paidós. Chiroque, S. (2007). Cuando las innovaciones educativas, se validan y sistematizan para convertirse en propuestas. Lima, Perú: Ediciones Fargraf S.R.L. Costa, J. y de Novais, R. (2008). La actividad de investigación en ciencia y arte. Recuperado de Cumellas, M., Blanco, N., Solsona, N., Tudela, P., Tomé, A., Ruiz, R.,… Jiménez, M., (2008). Género y educación: La escuela coeducativa. Barcelona, España: Editorial Graó. Elboj, C., Puigdellívol, I., Soler, M. y Valls, R. (2006). Comunidades de aprendizaje: Transformar la educación (6a. ed.). Barcelona, España: Editorial Graó. Gómez, A. y Maldonado, C. (2005). Bioética y educación. Investigación, problemas y propuestas. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Universidad del Rosario. Hidalgo, J. (1993). Docencia e investigación. Una relación controvertida. Perfiles Educativos, (61). Jenkins, H., Ford, S. y Green, J. (2015). Cultura transmedia: La creación de contenido y valor en una cultura de red. Barcelona, España: Gedisa Editorial. López, L., Montenegro, M. y Tapia, R. (2006). La investigación eje fundamental en la enseñanza del derecho. Guía práctica. Pasto, Colombia: Editorial Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Facultad de Derecho. Michelangeli, C. (2006). La productividad investigadora en los docentes de la Universidad Nacional Experimental ‘Simón Rodríguez’, Venezuela. Recuperado de Ruiz, M. (2008). ¿Para qué sirve un líder? Lecciones de liderazgo aplicadas a la empresa, la política y la vida. Argentina: Ediciones Díaz de Santos. Tamayo, M. y Restrepo, M. (s.f.). Cultura investigativa en la Universidad. Cali, Colombia: Universidad ICESI. Valderrama, C. (2007). Ciudadanía y comunicación: saberes, opiniones y haceres escolares. Bogotá, Colombia: Siglo de Hombres, Editores. Velásquez, L. (2007). Las redes de investigación virtuales: propuesta de fomento y desarrollo de la cultura investigativa en las instituciones de educación superior. RUSC, Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, 4(2), 1-11. Zambrano, W. y Medina, V. (2010). Creación, implementación y validación de un modelo de aprendizaje virtual para la educación superior en tecnologías web 2.0. Signo y Pensamiento, 56, 288-303.

Asli Lidice Gokturk Saglam

As educational technology continues to change the face of educational contexts in the digital age, the way in which teachers can incorporate various existing online resources and applications within their everyday classroom activities deserves closer attention. In particular, it is important to explore how interactive Web 2.0 tools might be integrated into classroom-based assessment practices. This way, the efficacy of online tools and their ability to both facilitate teacher assessment practices and empower student learning can be adequately assessed. This chapter aims to explore, showcase and discuss how Web 2.0 tools can be integrated into teachers' classroom-based language assessment to get information that can be used diagnostically to adjust teaching and learning with reference to current literature, explore challenges and focus on suggestions and avenues for further research. Furthermore, examples of web tools that could be used for formative assessment will be briefly enlisted.

Cosmin Malureanu ◽  
Adriana Malureanu ◽  
Gabriel Lazar

The reasons for introducing Web 2.0 tools into the business area are multiple, from efficiency to better time management. The provision of online services by companies develops the computer skills of team members, and the materials provided through Web tools 2.0 can be accessed by a larger number of end users and their quality can be permanently evaluated. This chapter proposes to investigate the motivational factors of the usage of Web tools 2.0 by companies' team members. In particular, the research is focused on e-learning based on Web 2.0 tools for training sessions organized by companies in Romania. The in-depth analysis revealed that this generally positive perception of using the e-learning course is founded on a series of objective aspects, identified in a multiple linear regression model, ranging from the perception of the benefit of professional development to the subjective character given by user experience (UX).

Sunil Hazari ◽  
Tiffany Penland

The use of Web 2.0 tools is becoming widespread in business education and educators are increasingly exploring the use of Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts in their courses. For teaching and learning to be effective in new technology-based environments, there is a need to research and design Web 2.0 learning systems that are effective platforms for incorporating interactive tools to engage students in learning. Although Web 2.0 assignments are usually tailored to meet specific learning objectives of courses and instructions can be made available to students to address the technical nature of the environment, development and assessment of Web 2.0 assignments remains a challenge for most business educators. Using the context of wikis, this article proposes a framework for development and assessment of business education wikis to assist educators who want to explore the use of wikis in their courses.

2009 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 260-263 ◽  
Chris Dede

Greenhow, Robelia, and Hughes (2009) argue that Web 2.0 media are well suited to enhancing the education research community’s purpose of generating and sharing knowledge. The author of this comment article first articulates how a research infrastructure with capabilities for communal bookmarking, photo and video sharing, social networking, wikis, and mash-ups could enhance both the pace and quality of education scholarship, complementing federal investments in cyberinfrastructure. He then argues for a second, more provocative and controversial usage of this research infrastructure: an experimental attempt to generate “wisdom.” An interconnected suite of Web 2.0 tools customized for research would provide three capabilities important for wise advice: (a) a virtual setting in which stakeholders of many different types could dialogue (b) about rich artifacts grounded in practice and policy (c) with a set of social supports to encourage community norms that respect not only theoretical rigor and empirical evidence but also interpersonal, experiential, and moral–ethical understandings.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Movi Riana Rahmawanti ◽  
Amalul Umam

Technology has been implemented for instruction with various resources to explore course content and assess students’ learning. In this study, Web 2.0 tools was implemented in writing classroom for Higher education students. A Web 2.0 tools that was used was because it is known as an online means and has been used to perpetuate interactions and communication within a collaborative learning. Assessment is central to teaching and learning, from which a decision whether or not the goals of education are being met. At the same time, the demand of today’s era makes it quite challenging for educators to find the best way to assess their students. Action research method was employed in the study in which observation and individual semi-structured interviews we re used to collect the data. The result of the study is the knowledge of implementation of Web 2.0 tools in EFL (English as foreign language) classroom, from which a guidance of using Web 2.0 tools to promote assessment for learning will be arrived at. This study concludes that Web 2.0 tools can be applied to promote Assessment for learning, and it has several benefits to the student s to improve their learning quality.

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