scholarly journals Rereading the Indonesian Interpretation of the Qur’an on Awliyā’: The Cases of Hamka and M. Quraish Shihab

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Abd. Kholid ◽  
Abu Bakar ◽  
Muktafi Muktafi ◽  
Mukhammad Zamzami

<p>There are some problems with interpreting the verses contained in the Koran to the understanding of the contemporary Islamic age, especially regarding the issue of non-Muslim leaders. The majority of Muslim scholars argue that their religion prohibits selecting a non-Muslim leader in a normal situation. Meanwhile, few of them allow such leaders in reasonable conditions based on the argument that the prohibition in the Qur’ān and the Sunna is no longer applicable in the present life. Therefore, this paper re-analyzed the meaning of awliyā’ from the interpretation of Hamka and M. Quraish Shihab with Jorge J.E. Gracia’s hermeneutics perspective. The result suggested that the prohibition to appoint a non-Muslim as the leader is applicable only in situations where such a person shows real hostility toward Islam and makes the religion their enemy. It also applies to Muslims that violate the commands of God and His messenger because the main requirements of being a leader are the ability to create justice and foster prosperity.</p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 181-212
Joseph S Spoerl

Islamic thinking on war divides roughly into two main schools, classical and modern. The classical (or medieval) view commands offensive war to spread Islamic rule ultimately across the entire world. The modernist view, predominant since the nineteenth century, limits war to defensive aims only. This paper compares the views of two important Muslim scholars, the classical scholar Ibn Ishaq (d. 767) and the modernist scholar Mahmud Shaltut (d. 1963). This comparison reveals that the modernist project of rethinking the Islamic law of war is a promising though as-yet-unfinished project that can benefit from the insights of Western scholars applying the historical-critical method to the study of early Islamic sources.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-48
Siah Khosyi’ah

The division of marital joint property after the breakup of marriage, whether dropping out of marriage due to divorce or due to death, is a new thing in Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). This is because the concept of mutual treasure is not known in the books of classical Islamic jurisprudence of Muslim scholars of the schools at their times, in which their work are always made as referral in the legal cases up to the present days. In Indonesia, the distribution of common property is regulated in the Compilation of Islamic Laws Articles 96 and 97, which stipulate the rules of distribution of joint property for married couples whose married are off as a result of divorce or death. Article 97 of the Compilation of Islamic Law actually provides an overview of the flexibility of the distribution of common marital property, including in certain cases because the article is regulating (regelen) rather than forcing (dwigen), so that the division is not absolutely divided equally between husband and wife, and casuistically the provisions of that article may be disregarded.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Abdul Wahab Khalil

The Muslim minorities in the West who are currently dealing with a multitude of problem receives attention from Muslim scholars. Syaikh Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī is the first Muslim scholar who attempted to provide a solution to the problems, especially related to the implementation of religious teachings, as he outlined it in the framework of fiqh al-aqalliyāt. In principle, this is not something new in Islamic jurisprudence, because its legal sources are still the same. Nevertheless, this kind of fiqh is different in the sense that it does not merely talk about legal issues, but also the problems of theology and morals that the Muslim minorities in the West are currently dealing with in their relations with non-Muslims. Fiqh al-aqalliyyāt is also characterized by the use of the principle of al-taysīr as clearly prominent in the fatwās by Syaikh Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī, such as on the validity of both performing Friday prayer in the morning due to limited time for religious sermon (khuṭbah) and during ẓuhr time in some countries. This article will explore further this principle of al-taysīr in the Qaraḍāwī’s fiqh al-aqalliyyāt. Keywords: Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī, Fiqh al-Aqalliyāt, al-Taysīr

حنان ساري ◽  
محمد أبو الليث الخيرآبادي

انتشرت لفظة الحداثة في عصرنا الحالي انتشاراً واسعاً، وأخذت مفهومات متعددة، ونحن لا نراها أكثر من أنها امتداد طبيعي للقلق الأوروبي.وسعى التيار الحداثي لتقديم مشاريع تعتمد كلية على مناهج وآليات غربية في دراستها وتعاملها مع القرآن الكريم والسنة، ولعل أهم الذين تقدموا بتلك المشاريع؛ محمد أركون، عبد المجيد الشرفي التونسي، محمد عابد الجابري، حسن حنفي، نصر حامد أبوزيد، الطيب التيزني السوري، محمد شحرور، جمال البنا وغيرهم، وطالبوا بإعادة قراءة القرآن الكريم على ضوء المناهج النقدية الغربية في عملية التقليد الأعمى، ومن ثم نقلوا التجربة الأوروبية بكل آثارها الفوضوية إلى ساحة الفكر الإسلامي. وإن مدعي تجديد الدين من هؤلاء، ليس لهم صلة بالدين أو علومه، بقدر ما تشبعت أفكارهم بمناهج علمانية، فالمراد من جهودهم ليس الدين، وإنما غرس الحداثة بدل الدين، فهي خطَّةٌ تقوم على التَّغيير من داخل البيت الإسلاميِّ من خلال العبث بالنُّصوص الشَّرعيَّة بتحريفها وتفريغها من محتواها الحقيقيِّ، ووضع المحتوى الذي يريدون؛ فهم يَطرحون أفكارَهم وآراءَهم على أنَّها رؤى إسلاميَّة ناشئة عن الاجتهاد في فهم الدِّين. وقد حَمَلَ هذا الاتجاهُ شعار (التَّحديث والعصرنة للإسلام)؛ فهم يريدون منَّا تركَ ما أَجْمَعَتْ عليه الأُمَّةُ من معاني القرآن والسُّنَّة، لفهم جديد مغاير لفهم السَّلَف الصَّالح يكون متناسبًا مع هذا العصر الذي نعيش فيه. الكلمات المفتاحيّة: الحداثة، أوهام، الحداثيون، قراءة معاصرة، العصرنة للإسلام. Abstract In modern times, the word Modernity has spread widely and has become widely understood, and we see it as a natural extension of European concern and confusion. The Modernist Movement strived to present the ideas that rely completely on Western methodologies and approaches in their study and dealing with Qur’an and Sunnah. The most important scholars that have presented these ideas are; Mohammad Arkoun, ‘Abd Al-Majid Sharafi al-Tunisi, Mohammed ‘Abed al-Jabri, Hassan Hanafi, Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, Tayyeb Tizini, Muhammad Shahrour, Jamal Al-Banna, and others, they called for a re-reading and reinterpret the Qur’an in the light of Western critical approaches. Then, conveyed and brought the European experience and practice with all its chaotic effects to Islamic thought. The slogan of “Renewal of Religion” from these people has no relation to religion (Islam) or its sources, but instead saturated their ideas with secular methods. They tried to instill modernity rather than religion, and misinterpreted the Islamic sources by distorting it and evacuating it from the true context and setting it with their own understanding. They claim their ideas and opinions as the effort to understand religion and carried the slogan of “Modernization and Modernization of Islam”; they want us to leave the consensus of the Muslim scholars on religious issues (Ijmaa’ al-Ummah) especially relating to the meaning of the Qur’an and Sunnah and bring us to a new views and understanding on religious issues which are contradictory to the views of the past Muslim scholars (al-salaf al-soleh) to fulfill their opinions. Keywords: Modernity, Misunderstanding, Modernists, Contemporary Reading, Modernization of Islam.

Mariya Seemin Khan ◽  
Rosnani Hashim

AbstractNumerous Qur’anic verses such as 2:187, 4:19, 4:34, 7:189, and 30:21 deal with and address women, inspiring positively that women have serious role to play  in the development of society. But it seems interpretation of these verses have been influenced by male chauvinism. Most of the Muslim scholars, early as well as contemporary, have tried to prove on the basis of these verses inferiority of womenfolk. This paper represents a humble effort to reflect on the related verses with a view to deriving positive messages rather than negative.Keywords: Monolithic, the Qur’an, Muslim Scholars, Interpretation, Womenfolk.AbstrakKebanyakan ayat-ayat Al-Quran seperti 2:187, 4:19, 4:34, 7:189, dan 30:21 berurus dengan wanita, memberi inspirasi positif bahawa wanita memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pembangunan masyarakat. Tetapi tafsiran ayat-ayat ini kelihatan seperti ia dipengaruhi oleh kaum lelaki. Kebanyakan para ulama Islam, yang awal dan kontemporari, telah cuba untuk membuktikan kerendahan wanita berdasarkan ayat-ayat ini. Kajian ini merupakan satu usaha untuk memikir mengenai ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan tujuan untuk memperolehi mesej yang positif dan bukannya negatif.Kata Kunci: Monolitik, Al- Qur’an, Ulama Islam, Penafsiran, Kaum Wanita.

2003 ◽  
Vol 20 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 83-104
Mohamad Fauzan Noordin

The levels of knowledge hierarchy (i.e., data, information, knowledge, and wisdom), are described in the Qur’an, the ahadith, and the literature produced during Islamic civilization’s Golden Age. They also have been discussed by western and non-Muslim scholars. However, while implementing and using information and communication technology (ICT), only the first three levels are currently being explored and utilized. Wisdom has not been discussed to any great extent. ICT has designed systems to assist us and has improved our life and work. However, such tools as decision-support systems and executive information systems comprise only data, information, and knowledge. Comprehensiveness does not guarantee the possession of wisdom. Taking things apart is knowledge; putting things together is wisdom. Muslim scholars of the Golden Age analyzed data, drew relationships and interpreted data to create information, identified and determined the pattern to represent knowledge, and understood the foundational principles for the patterns to implement wisdom. Wisdom must be included if ICT is to be complete. People, organizations, and the nation must strive for wisdom as the ultimate goal: from an information society to a knowledge society to a wisdom society, and from information workers to knowledge workers to wisdom workers.

1994 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 475-503
Masudul Alum Choudhury

Is it the realm of theoretical constructs or positive applications thatdefines the essence of scientific inquiry? Is there unison between thenormative and the positive, between the inductive and deductivecontents, between perception and reality, between the micro- andmacro-phenomena of reality as technically understood? In short, isthere a possibility for unification of knowledge in modernist epistemologicalcomprehension? Is knowledge perceived in conceptionand application as systemic dichotomy between the purely epistemic(in the metaphysically a priori sense) and the purely ontic (in thepurely positivistically a posteriori sense) at all a reflection of reality?Is knowledge possible in such a dichotomy or plurality?Answers to these foundational questions are primal in order tounderstand a critique of modernist synthesis in Islamic thought thathas been raging among Muslim scholars for some time now. Theconsequences emanating from the modernist approach underlie muchof the nature of development in methodology, thinking, institutions,and behavior in the Muslim world throughout its history. They arefound to pervade more intensively, I will argue here, as the consequenceof a taqlid of modernism among Islamic thinkers. I will thenargue that this debility has arisen not because of a comparativemodem scientific investigation, but due to a failure to fathom theuniqueness of a truly Qur'anic epistemological inquiry in the understandingof the nature of the Islamic socioscientific worldview ...

1991 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 409-421
Ghulam-Haider Aasi

History of Religions in the WestA universal, comparative history of the study of religions is still far frombeing written. Indeed, such a history is even hr from being conceived, becauseits components among the legacies of non-Western scholars have hardly beendiscovered. One such component, perhaps the most significant one, is thecontributions made by Muslim scholars during the Middle Ages to thisdiscipline. What is generally known and what has been documented in thisfield consists entirely of the contribution of Westdm scholars of religion.Even these Western scholars belong to the post-Enlightenment era of Wsternhistory.There is little work dealing with the history of religions which does notclaim the middle of the nineteenth century CE as the beginning of thisdiscipline. This may not be due only to the zeitgeist of the modem Wstthat entails aversion, downgrading, and undermining of everything stemmingfrom the Middie Ages; its justification may also be found in the intellectualpoverty of the Christian West (Muslim Spain excluded) that spans that historicalperiod.Although most works dealing with this field include some incidentalreferences, paragraphs, pages, or short chapters on the contribution of thepast, according to each author’s estimation, all of these studies are categorizedunder one of the two approaches to religion: philosophical or cubic. All ofthe reflective, speculative, philosophical, psychological, historical, andethnological theories of the Greeks about the nature of the gods and goddessesand their origins, about the nature of humanity’s religion, its mison dsttre,and its function in society are described as philosophical quests for truth.It is maintained that the Greeks’ contribution to the study of religion showedtheir openness of mind and their curiosity about other religions and cultures ...

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-43
Abdelaziz Berghout

The paper examines the importance of designing a framework for studying worldviews within the parameters of contemporary Islamic thought. It briefly reviews both selected western and Islamic stances on worldview studies. The literature reveals that research on this topic and its application to different spheres has become a topic of some interest to many intellectual circles, particularly in the western context. Hence, the possibility of forming an Islamic civilizational framework for an inquiry into people’s worldviews needs to be assessed. This article follows a textual analysis and inductive approach to analyze the prospects of formulating an Islamic framework for research on worldviews and its applications. It concludes that western scholars have made considerable efforts in treating people’s worldviews as a field of study, while Muslim scholars have not. In this respect, many western researchers have contributed to developing worldview studies as a separate field of inquiry, including the history of concept, subject matter, objectives, kinds, methods, and applications. Therefore, the need to enhance the Islamic input and research pertaining to this field by introducing an Islamic civilizational framework and approach of inquiry becomes apparent.

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