scholarly journals Identifikasi material dan perhitungan kembali tegangan tangensial barrel rear suspension dump truck EH 5000

Edgiv Fattahillah ◽  
Suryo Darmo

Suspensi dump truck berfungsi sebagai peredam kejutan dari permukaan jalan, penyangga berat unit, memberikan kenyamanan pada operator dan menjaga kestabilan unit (empat roda selalu menyentuh tanah). Barrel adalah komponen penting dalam suspensi dump truck. Komponen tersebut berbentuk tabung pada suspensi dan berfungsi sebagai rumah untuk piston. Barrel yang bukan standar original Hitachi sering mengalami kerusakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kekerasan dan kekuatan tarik pada material barrel suspensi belakang, komposisi kimia dan struktur mikro pada material barrel suspensi belakang, dan nilai tegangan tangensial pada dinding barrel.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan empat pengujian, yaitu uji kekerasan, uji tarik, uji struktur mikro dan uji komposisi kimia. Pengujian kekerasan dengan menggunakan alat uji kekerasan Brinell, pengujian tarik dengan menggunakan alat uji tarik (universal testing machine), pengujian komposisi kimia dengan alat spectrometer, dan pengujian struktur mikro dengan metallographic microscope. Sedangkam untuk mencari nilai tegangan pada dinding barrel dilakukan perhitungan tegangan tangensial.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa material barrel mempunyai nilai kekerasan rata rata 200,50 HB, nilai kekuatan luluh σy 433-494 MPa, nilai kekuatan tarik σu 740-751 MPa, kandungan pada material termasuk kategori baja 27 SiMn, struktur mikro pada material terdapat fasa ferrite dan pearlite, material aman terhadap beban statis, dan tegangan tangensial yang terjadi lebih rendah dari kekutan luluh.

2013 ◽  
Vol 438-439 ◽  
pp. 220-223 ◽  
Ling Zhang ◽  
Chun Ling Yan

Cube concrete (150×150×150mm) of five ages (7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days) under different stress conducted the ultrasound examination by non-metallic detector and universal testing machine. The results show that the relationship curve of the stress and the ultrasonic velocity can be divided into three stages, the smooth straight stage, the linear deceleration stage and the attenuation destruction stage from the load beginning to the ultimate strength for the same age. There is a growing trend about the ultrasonic velocity with the increase of the age to concrete samples of C10 and C20 in the same loading; however, the overall growth trend of the velocity is not obvious to concrete samples of C30, C35, C40 and C45. It also shows that the relationship curve of strength level and the velocity can be divided into two distinct stages, the sharply increasing stage (C10-C30) and the fluctuating stage (C30-C45). Simultaneously, the paper further illustrates and explains the reasons to appear these stages and the phenomena.

2018 ◽  
Rafika Norhidayu Rosdi ◽  
Nor Azmaliana Azmi ◽  
Nurain Abdul Latheef ◽  
Ahmad Humaizi Hilmi ◽  
Arifin Ismail ◽  

2011 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 218-222 ◽  
Renata Grazziotin-Soares ◽  
Flares Barato Filho ◽  
José Roberto Vanni ◽  
Susimara Almeida ◽  
Elias Pandonor Motcy de Oliveira ◽  

This study used a mechanical test to evaluate the flexibility of instruments from the K3 (conicity 0.04) and the ProTaper Universal systems when they were new and after 5 uses in simulated canals. Five sets of instruments of each system were tested: K3 (15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45) and ProTaper Universal (S1, S2, F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5). Each set of instruments was used to prepare a simulated canal and the same set of instruments was used 5 times (50 canals). The number of each subgroup represented the number of uses: 0 (control), 1, 3 and 5 uses. Before and after each use, the instruments were submitted to a mechanical flexibility test performed in a Versat 502 universal testing machine. Interactions between the instrument and the number of uses were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test at a 5% level of significance. Instruments from both systems presented lower flexibility after the third use compared to the flexibility obtained after uses 0 and 1 (p<0.05), and maintained the same flexibility after the fifth use. The flexibility of instruments from the K3 system decreased with the increase of diameter, irrespective of the number of uses. Among the instruments from the ProTaper Universal system, the shaping files presented greater flexibility than the finishing files. F2 and F3 were the least flexible instruments, and F4 and F5 presented flexibility values similar to those of F1.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Eka Febriyanti ◽  
Dedi Priadi ◽  
Rini Riastuti

Cu-Zn 70/30 alloy has properties that is relatively soft, ductile, and easy to perform by cold working. However, cold working has the disadvantage that require equipment which has higher loading capacity to generate strength and higher density thus increasing of machining cost. In addition, strain hardening phenomenon due to cold working process resulted in decreasing of ductility material. Therefore, it is necessary alternative fabrication processes to optimize the mechanical properties of Cu-Zn alloy 70/30 that with the TMCP method. TMCP is metal forming material by providing large and controlled plastic strain to the material. TMCP using the deformation percentage variation that 32.25%, 35.48%, and 38.7% from hot rolled research at 500°C temperature in double pass reversible which performed on Cu-Zn 70/30 plate. By tensile testing using universal testing machine can be seen that the Cu-Zn 70/30 alloy on 32.25% degree of deformation, both of UTS and YS respectively are 505 MPa and 460 MPa. Whereas from examination of thickness and density deformation bands by FE-SEM shows denser and thicker deformation band proportional with increasing of deformation degree.Moreover, the values of tensile strength at the edge of the area and the center is directly proportional to the density and thickness of the deformation band.AbstrakPaduan Cu-Zn 70/30 memiliki sifat yang relatif lunak, ulet, dan mudah dilakukan pengerjaan dingin. Namun, pengerjaan dingin memiliki kekurangan yaitu membutuhkan peralatan yang memiliki kapasitas pembebanan tinggi untuk menghasilkan kekuatan dan kepadatan tinggi sehingga meningkatkan biaya permesinan. Selain itu, fenomena pengerasan regang akibat proses pengerjaan dingin menghasilkan penurunan keuletan material. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan alternatif proses fabrikasi untuk mengoptimalkan sifat mekanik paduan Cu-Zn 70/30 salah satunya dengan metode TMCP. TMCP merupakan suatu proses perubahan bentuk suatu material dengan cara memberikan regangan plastis yang besar dan terkontrol terhadap material. TMCP dengan menggunakan variasi persentase deformasi sebanyak 32,25%, 35,48%, dan 38,70% dari penelitian canai hangat di suhu 500oC secara double pass reversible dilakukan pada pelat paduan Cu-Zn 70/30. Dengan melakukan pengujian tarik menggunakan mesin uji tarik universal testing machine dapat dilihat bahwa pada material paduan Cu-Zn 70/30 pada derajat deformasi 32,25% menghasilkan nilai UTS dan YS masing-masing sebesar 505 MPa dan 460 MPa. Sedangkan dari hasil pengamatan ketebalan dan kerapatan deformation band menggunakan FE-SEM menunjukkan deformation band yang lebih rapat dan lebih tebal sebanding dengan semakin meningkatnya derajat deformasi. Selain itu, nilai kekuatan tarik pada daerah tepi dan tengah berbanding lurus dengan kerapatan dan ketebalan deformation band.Keywords: 70/30 Cu-Zn alloy, warm rolled, deformation degree, deformation bands

Annisa Setyaningrum ◽  
Ni Ketut Sumarni ◽  
Jaya Hardi

Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh penambahan gliserol pada pembuatanedible film dari agar – agar rumput laut (gracilaria sp.). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sifat fisiko-kimia terbaikedible film berbasis agar dengan plasticizer gliserol. Penelitian ini menerapkan variasi konsentrasi gliserol antara lain 30, 35, 40, 45, dan 50%terhadap massa agar-agar atas dasar (b/b). Sifat fisiko-kimia Edible filmyang diuji antara lain ketebalan menggunakan micrometer, laju transmisi uap air, kuat tarik dan elongasi masing-masing diuji dengan Universal Testing Machine. Konsentrasi gliserol terbaik diperoleh pada penambahan gliserol 45% yang memiliki ketebalan 0,0167 mm, laju transmisi uap air sebesar 57,18 g/24jam.m2, kuat tarik sebesar 14,23 MPa, dan elongasi sebesar 12,75%

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Dalia El naggar ◽  
Ahmed Mohamed Alam-Eldein ◽  
Maha Mostafa Halim ◽  
Hoda Mohammed Amin Rashad

Objectives: This study was made to detect the effect of accelerating aging on retention and measuring the release period of clips in a 2 and 3 bar retained maxillary implant overdenture. Materials and Methods: Four implants were placed in two maxillary edentulous epoxy models. One model had two bar attachments with two clips overdenture while the other model had three bar attachments with three clips in the overdenture. Retention and release period of the clips were checked before applying insertion removal cycles. Retention was measured using universal testing machine after 540 cycles (6 months) and 1080 cycles (1 year) of insertion removal on a chewing simulator.Results and Conclusions: There was a significant difference in retention and release period between two bars and three bars implant retained maxillary overdentures. A significant difference was also seen in each group after accelerated aging. Therefore, the three bar implant retained overdenture had higher retention values than two bar. Retention loss occurred in both groups after the insertion removal cycles. Release period value was lower in two bar overdenture than three bar overdenture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Ramadhan ◽  
Dian Wardana ◽  
Rahayu Rahayu ◽  
Vina Fadhilla ◽  
Yuli Santika Manalu ◽  

Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai karakterisasi bioplastik dari pelepah kelapa sawit yang bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh penambahan variasi perbandingan maizena dan gliserin pada sampel. Dimana pelepah kelapa sawit yang mengandung selulosa, dalam penelitian ini telah disintesis menjadi bioplastik melalui proses delignifikasi dan bleaching cacahan pelepah kelapa sawit kering. Selulosa yang didapat diasetilasi untuk mengubahnya menjadi selulosa asetat. Selulosa asetat yang terbentuk selanjutnya disintesis dengan penambahan berbagai variasi perbandingan maizena dan gliserin. Karakterisasi bioplastik dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat universal testing machine yang meliputi kuat tarik dan elongasi, sedangkan untuk uji degradasi menggunakan metode gravimetri. Dari hasil pengujian, didapatkan nilai kuat tarik, elongasi dan degradasi tertinggi secara berurut yaitu sebesar 8,96 MPa, 23,61 % dan 91 %.Kata kunci : Bioplastik, Pelepah Kelapa sawit, Maizena, Gliserin, Karakterisasi.

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