scholarly journals Da Aplicabilidade da Justiça Restaurativa à Violência Moral em Função do Gênero

Andressa Loli Bazo ◽  
Alexandre Ribas De Paulo

DA APLICABILIDADE DA JUSTIÇA RESTAURATIVA À VIOLÊNCIA MORAL EM FUNÇÃO DO GÊNERO APPLICABILITY OF RESTORATIVE JUSTICE TO MORAL VIOLENCE BASED IN GENDER Andressa Loli Bazo*Alexandre Ribas de Paulo**RESUMO: A presente pesquisa teve por fim verificar se o denominado “assédio moral” praticado contra vítima do gênero feminino encontra proteção no ordenamento penal brasileiro. Diante da constatação de uma lacuna legislativa, procurou-se avaliar se o sistema penal poderia oferecer uma resposta ao problema e, concluindo que o mesmo não é capaz de cumprir suas funções declaradas, estudou-se os postulados da Justiça Restaurativa, que se mostrou uma via legítima e adequada para sanar os conflitos intersubjetivos intrafamiliares. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Assédio Moral. Lei Maria da Penha. Justiça Restaurativa. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to verify if the so-called “moral harassment” practiced mainly against female victims finds protection in the Brazilian criminal justice system. Faced with the existence of a legislative gap, this research tried to assess whether or not the criminal justice system could offer a real answer to the problem, and, concluding that it is not able to fulfill its declared functions, it was studied the postulates of Restorative justice, which proved to be a proper and legitimate way to remedy the intersubjective conflicts within the families. KEYWORDS: Moral Harassment. Maria da Penha Statute. Restorative Justice. SUMÁRIO: Introdução. 1. Assédio moral. 2. Ineficácia das políticas institucionais punitivas contra violência de gênero. 3. Postulados da justiça restaurativa. Conclusões. Referências.* Mestranda em Direito Penal, Medicina Forense e Criminologia pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (FDUSP).** Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Direito Privado e Processual da Universidade Estadual de Maringá.

2003 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-76 ◽  
Kate Warner ◽  
Jenny Gawlik

Increased recognition of the need for victims of crime to be integrated into the criminal justice system and to receive adequate reparation has led, in a number of jurisdictions, to legislative measures to encourage the greater use of compensation orders. The Sentencing Act 1997 (Tas) (which came into force on 1 August 1998) went further and made compensation orders compulsory for property damage or loss resulting from certain crimes. This article shows that this measure has failed victims and argues that they have been used in the service of other ends. Mandatory compensation orders are a token gesture repackaged as restorative justice to gain public support for the administration of the criminal justice system.Ways in which compensation orders could be made more effective and the possibilities of accommodating restorative compensation into a conventional criminal justice system are explored.

Irene Zempi ◽  
Imran Awan

This chapter reveals the nature of Islamophobia targeted towards ‘visible’ Muslims both online and offline. The chapter highlights that this victimisation is likely to be experienced as a continuing process, rather than as a single incident occurring online or offline, and reflects upon the tendency of victims not to report such incidents to the police. Participants highlighted that the visibility of their Muslim identity was key to being identified as Muslims, and thus triggering online and/or offline Islamophobic attacks. Both male and female victims remained ‘invisible’ in the criminal justice system, especially in relation to experiences of online hate.

2009 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 238
Rena Yulia

AbstractThe victim of domestic violence had needed of protection concept thatdifferent with another victim of violent crime. Participation of victim haswant to give justice for all. It is, because punishment to offender brings theimpact for victim. Restorative justice is a concept in criminal justice systemwhich is participation victim with it. The present of criminal justice system isthe offender oriented. Victim has not position to considerate offenderpunishment. Only offender can get the right and the victim hopeless. In thedomestic violence, victim and offender have relationship. Because there area family. · So, probability they have some interest in economic and relation.When wife become a victim and husband as offender, his wife hasdependency economic from her husband. It means, if husband get a decisionfrom judge, his wife will be suffer. Domestic violence is different crime. So, itis necessQ/y to made some different concept. In this article, will discussedabout alternative of legal protection for victim of domestic violence incriminal justice system to protect the victim

Eni E. Alobo ◽  
John Inaku

This paper examined the criminal justice system of Nigeria by essentially highlighting the gaps and the resultant effects of a criminal jurisprudence that was pivoted on the retributive criminal justice system only. The work conceptually analyzed the principle of restorative justice and appraised the provisions for the principle of restorative justice in the Administration of Criminal Justice Act of 2015. The paradigm shift from retributive to restoration justice as provided by the Administration of Criminal Justice Act of 2015 and the laudable consequences arising therefrom was underscored. To achieve the set goals the paper discussed the Nigerian Criminal Justice System, Restorative Justice in Perspective, the Innovative Provisions of the ACJA 2015 on Restorative Justice and New Direction for Criminal Justice in Nigeria. It concluded with a call on other States of the Federation to emulate the Federal Government in re-couching their criminal justice system on the principle of restorative justice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 386-398
Taufik Mohammad

The method of community organization can be used to implement restorative justice within the community. This study aimed at understanding whether members from seven communities in Malaysia would assume responsibility for restorative justice initiatives, accept various elements of restorative justice, and welcome offenders back into the community. The findings are mixed. Some community members believed that the community setting may offer resources for offender rehabilitation that the criminal justice system does not have; others raised concerns over various limitations such that communities may not be equipped to deal with criminal cases.

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 07006
Hervina Puspitosari ◽  
Bintara Sura Priambada

Practice of restorative justice is the handling of criminal acts that are not only seen from the perspective of the law, but also related to moral, social, economic, religious and customary aspects. Local customs, as well as various other restorative considerations will deal with the perpetrators, victims, and stakeholders in the community, in collective problem solving, the purpose of which is to repair damage, restore the quality of relationships and facilitate the reintegration of the parties involved and related. This study uses research methods with a normative juridical research approach. Restorative Justice, namely the punishment imposed by the court is a punishment aimed at maximizing the condition of the victim as before the criminal incident befell the victim. The issue of justice and respect for human rights does not only apply to criminals but also victims of crime who must get a sense of justice so that the objective of the criminal justice system can be achieved with a sense of justice for the victims and perpetrators. It is very important to immediately make efforts to reform the criminal law that puts forward the substantial justice of victims and perpetrators.

2011 ◽  
Vol 44 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 301-313 ◽  
Leslie Sebba

While this comment primarily addresses the article by Anat Horovitz and Thomas Weigend on human dignity and victims' rights in the German and Israeli criminal process, it begins with a consideration of the role of the victim in other component parts of the criminal justice system, and in particular the substantive criminal law—a topic addressed in other articles included in this issue. There follows a review of the comparative analysis of the victim's role in Germany and Israel put forward by Horovitz and Weigend and a critique of the issues they raise, particularly as to the salience of the victim's procedural role. It is argued here that the victim should have a somewhat more meaningful role than that envisaged by these authors. The comment concludes with a brief consideration of the potential for the advancement of alternative remedies currently neglected by both systems, such as restorative justice.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 153-165
YohanisS. Bakti ◽  
Andi Sofyan ◽  
Slamet SampurnoS ◽  
Syamsuddin Muchtar ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-62
Agatha Jumiati

The development of law in Indonesia is carried out based on the noble values contained in the precepts of Pancasila. These noble values are actually an inseparable part of transcendental values. Transcendental thought is an alternative to answer the failure of the positivistic view in solving legal problems in society. Regarding the implementation of juvenile criminal sanctions which commit criminal acts as regulated by Law number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, it turns out that in its regulation it has implemented transcendental values by placing child as noble creatures created by God who must always be guided and protected even though they have been or have committed a mistake or crime. Regulations on diversion, restorative justice, strengthening the role of the correctional center and the types of crimes that are humane are evidence that the implementation of juvenile criminal sanctions in Indonesia has contained transcendental values. Keywords: Implementation of Sanctions, Transcendental, Juvenile Crime 

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