scholarly journals El empoderamiento de las mujeres: una lucha por la justicia, la autonomía y el reconocimiento

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Melissa Cruz Puerto

Resumen: Este artículo, que parte de las teorías liberalesde la justicia distributiva, muestra cómo la luchapor los derechos de las mujeres es una lucha por su reconocimientoy por la justicia. A partir de ahí, se haceun recorrido por el concepto de reconocimiento y empoderamiento.En este sentido, se plantea cómo hablardel empoderamiento de las mujeres requiere una miradacompleja que visibilice la opresión a la que se ven sometidasen muchos de los ámbitos de su vida pública y privada.Así mismo, puesto que los modelos de desarrolloeconómico pueden ser también una forma de exclusión yopresión de las mujeres pobres, se hace importante detenerseen el análisis del tema del desarrollo y la pobreza.Palabras clave: androcentrismo, mujeres, reconocimiento,empoderamiento, justicia, pobreza.Women’s Empowerment: A Struggle for Justice,Autonomy and RecognitionAbstract: This article shows how the struggle forwomen’s rights can be understood as a struggle for recognitionand justice. It starts reviewing the liberal theoriesof distributive justice and from there it considers the conceptsof recognition and empowerment, to demonstratehow to talk of women’s empowerment it is necessary tohave a complex vision of the problem that recognizes thedifferent shades, result of the imbrication of oppressionsthat they are subjected to. Also, since economic models ofdevelopment can be a source of exclusion and oppressionfor poor women, it is important to analyze the topics ofdevelopment and poverty.Key words: androcentrism, women, recognition, , empowerment,justice, poverty.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Isabela Marín Carvajal

Resumen: El artículo analiza tres iniciativas de accióncolectiva realizadas por mujeres en zonas rurales delsuroccidente de Colombia, indagando por los motivosque explican su movilización y cómo es el proceso deempoderamiento bajo el que ésta se dan. El trabajo sedesarrolla a partir del registro de las historias de vidade las lideresas de las iniciativas, con lo que se recreauna trayectoria de lucha o de movilización. Con laconstrucción de esta trayectoria se busca evidenciarcómo se van transformando los marcos de signifi cadode las mujeres por medio de la interacción entreactores(as), identidades y contexto. Así mismo, se abordael impacto que tiene el confl icto armado sobre el procesode movilización y las propuestas de construcción de pazque surgen de las iniciativas estudiadas.Palabras clave: Movilización social, empoderamiento demujeres, confl icto armado, Colombia, zonas rurales.Resistances from the Vegetable Patch. WomenMobilizing in Rural Areas of the Colombian SouthwestAbstract: This article analyzes three cases of collectivemobilization carried out by women from rural areas ofthe Southwest of Colombia. It looks into the reasons thatexplain the women’s action and how they are empoweredalong the process. The research is based on the studyof women leaders’ testimonies, which were processedin order to create a ‘path of struggle’, aiming to showhow in the construction of this path the women’s framesof meaning are transformed by the interaction amongactors, identities and contexts. In addition, the projectapproaches the effects of the armed confl ict on themobilization process and the peace building initiativesthat arise within the studied groups.Key words: social mobilization, women’s empowerment,armed confl ict, Colombia, rural areas

Ra Ximhai ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 119-136
Zenia Isabel Castro Borunda ◽  
Estrella Evelyn Armenta Verdugo ◽  
María Guadalupe Naranjo Cantabrana ◽  
Christian Alejandro Vizcarra Castro

El presente artículo es resultado de una investigación que tuvo por objeto conocer, comprender e interpretar desde una perspectiva de género el empoderamiento de mujeres desarrollando proyectos de inversión agrícolas, en la ejecución de actividades productivas en los municipios de Ahome y El Fuerte, del Estado de Sinaloa; esta investigación fue enfocada a un grupo de 20 mujeres; se describen y analizan con mayor sustento su situación en relación al empoderamiento. Se utilizaron indicadores basados en el índice de Empoderamiento de las Mujeres en la Agricultura o Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) aplicando las siguientes dimensiones: producción, recursos, ingresos, liderazgo y uso del tiempo, al aplicarse el cuestionario a los sujetos de estudio se concluyó que el empoderamiento predomina en todos los rubros.

Faridatuz Zakiyah

Giving roles, opportunities and means for women to be empowered in all things, including in the economy is one of the efforts to alleviate poverty. The poor women's empowerment program conducted by the Koperasi Baytul Ikhtiar (BAIK) has helped many poor women in Bogor. This is in line with the Koperasi’s goal of building community and building a national economic order by empowering and prospering members of the cooperative which consists of poor women. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of poor women's empowerment programs that have been carried out by Koperasi Baytul Ikhtiar Bogor. Effectiveness is analyzed by looking at the effect of participation on effectiveness which is moderated by the performance of the facilitator. The study was conducted in Tamansari, West Bogor. This quantitative research was carried out by distributing 114 questionnaires, but only 62 were analyzed because others were missing. Data analysis using Partial Least Square with smartPLS 2.0 software. The results of the study indicate that participation which consists of the planning stage does not directly or indirectly affect effectiveness. The participation of both stages of the implementation has a direct effect and does not have an indirect effect through the performance of the facilitator on effectiveness. While the third participation, the evaluation phase does not have a direct effect but affects the effectiveness through the performance of the facilitator. For participation which consists of the planning stage, the implementation phase and evaluation phase indirectly influence the effectiveness through the performance of the facilitator with the highest score among others. This shows that the performance of Koperasi Baytul Ikhtiar Bogor employees has a strong influence on the end result or effectiveness of the empowerment program for poor women members of the Koperasi Baytul Ikhtiar (BAIK) Bogor.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Saida Parvin

Women’s empowerment has been at the centre of research focus for many decades. Extant literature examined the process, outcome and various challenges. Some claimed substantial success, while others contradicted with evidence of failure. But the success remains a matter of debate due to lack of empirical evidence of actual empowerment of women around the world. The current study aimed to address this gap by taking a case study method. The study critically evaluates 20 cases carefully sampled to include representatives from the entire country of Bangladesh. The study demonstrates popular beliefs about microfinance often misguide even the borrowers and they start living in a fabricated feeling of empowerment, facing real challenges to achieve true empowerment in their lives. The impact of this finding is twofold; firstly there is a theoretical contribution, where the definition of women’s empowerment is proposed to be revisited considering findings from these cases. And lastly, the policy makers at governmental and non-governmental organisations, and multinational donor agencies need to revise their assessment tools for funding.

2020 ◽  
Michelle Kaffenberger ◽  
Lant Pritchett

Women’s schooling has long been regarded as one of the best investments in development. Using two different cross-nationally comparable data sets which both contain measures of schooling, assessments of literacy, and life outcomes for more than 50 countries, we show the association of women’s education (defined as schooling and the acquisition of literacy) with four life outcomes (fertility, child mortality, empowerment, and financial practices) is much larger than the standard estimates of the gains from schooling alone. First, estimates of the association of outcomes with schooling alone cannot distinguish between the association of outcomes with schooling that actually produces increased learning and schooling that does not. Second, typical estimates do not address attenuation bias from measurement error. Using the new data on literacy to partially address these deficiencies, we find that the associations of women’s basic education (completing primary schooling and attaining literacy) with child mortality, fertility, women’s empowerment and the associations of men’s and women’s basic education with positive financial practices are three to five times larger than standard estimates. For instance, our country aggregated OLS estimate of the association of women’s empowerment with primary schooling versus no schooling is 0.15 of a standard deviation of the index, but the estimated association for women with primary schooling and literacy, using IV to correct for attenuation bias, is 0.68, 4.6 times bigger. Our findings raise two conceptual points. First, if the causal pathway through which schooling affects life outcomes is, even partially, through learning then estimates of the impact of schooling will underestimate the impact of education. Second, decisions about how to invest to improve life outcomes necessarily depend on estimates of the relative impacts and relative costs of schooling (e.g., grade completion) versus learning (e.g., literacy) on life outcomes. Our results do share the limitation of all previous observational results that the associations cannot be given causal interpretation and much more work will be needed to be able to make reliable claims about causal pathways.

2020 ◽  
Ana Ortigoza ◽  
Ariela Braverman ◽  
Philipp Hessel ◽  
Vanessa Di Cecco ◽  
Amélia Augusta Friche ◽  

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