scholarly journals Shin both bones open fracture, complicated by purulent infection, complex surgical treatment

V. A. Mitish ◽  
A. A. Ushakov ◽  
I. V. Borisov ◽  
A. P. Ivanov

The article presents a clinical case of a successful multi-stage surgical treatment of a patient with shin both bones open fracture and an extensive defect of skin and soft tissues in the fracture zone, complicated by the development of purulent infection.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 120-122
V.V. Boyko ◽  
V.V. Makarov ◽  
A.L. Sochnieva ◽  
V.V. Kritsak

Boyko V.V., Makarov V.V., Sochnieva A.L., Kritsak V.V.Residual foreign bodies in soft tissues are one of the main causes of chronical infection lesions and decrease in life quality. Surgical treatment is the most common way to relieve the patient from a foreign body. Often there is a question whether to remove a foreign body? On the one hand, all foreign bodies that are in the human body must be removed. On the other hand, in the absence of symptoms, the risk of surgery performed for the purpose of removal exceeds the risk associated with finding the foreign body. We would like to describe a practical case of removing a foreign body (Kirschner`s wires) from the left supraclavicular region. The young patient lived with a fragment of Kirschner's wire left after the osteosynthesis of the fractured clavicle for 5 years. Surgery to remove the residual foreign body was successful. On the 7th postoperative day the patient was discharged from the hospital under the supervision of surgeons at the place of residence.Key words: foreign body in soft tissue, Kirschner`s wire, surgical treatment. КЛІНІЧНИЙ ВИПАДОК ВИДАЛЕННЯ ЗАЛИШКОВ СТОРОННЬОГО ТІЛА З ЛІВОЇ НАДКЛЮЧИЧНОЇ ОБЛАСТІБойко В.В., Макаров В.В., Сочнева А.Л.,  Крицак В.В.Залишкові чужорідні тіла м'яких тканин залишаються однією з основних причин виникнення вогнища хронічної інфекції та зниження рівня якості життя. Хірургічне лікування основний спосіб позбавити хворого від наявності чужорідного агента. Часто виникає питання чи видаляти чужорідне тіло. З одного боку, усі сторонні тіла, що знаходяться в тілі людини, підлягають видаленню, з іншого боку при відсутності симптомів ризик операції, проводимої з метою видалення, перевищує ризик, пов'язаний з перебуванням чужорідного тіла. Ми хотіли б поділитися випадком видалення залишкового стороннього тіла (спиці Кіршнера) лівої надключичної ділянки із власної практики. Молода пацієнтка прожила з уламком спиці Кіршнера, залишеної після металлоостеосинтезу поламаної ключиці протягом 5 років. Операція з видалення залишкового стороннього тіла пройшла успішно. На 7 післяопераційну добу пацієнтка була виписана зі стаціонару під спостереження хірурги за місцем проживання.Ключові слова: чужорідне тіло м'яких тканин, спиця Кіршнера, хірургічне лікування. кЛИНИЧЕСКИЙ СЛУЧАЙ УДАЛЕНИЯ ОСТАТКОВ ИНОРОДНОГО ТЕЛА ИЗ ЛЕВОЙ ПОДКЛЮЧИЧНОЙ ОБЛАСТИ Бойко В.В., Макаров В.В., Сочнева А.Л.,  Крицак В.В.Остаточные инородные тела мягких тканей остаются одной из основных причин возникновения очага хронической инфекции и снижения уровня качества жизни. Хирургическое лечение основной способ избавить больного от наличия чужеродного агента. Часто возникает вопрос удалять ли инородное тело? С одной стороны, все инородные тела, находящиеся в теле человека, подлежат удалению, с другой стороны при отсутствии симптомов риск операции, производимой с целью удаления, превышает риск, связанный с нахождением инородного тела. Мы хотели бы поделится случаем удаления остаточного инородного тела (спицы Киршнера) левой надключичной области из собственной практики. Молодая пациентка прожила с обломком спицы Киршнера, оставленной после металлоостеосинтеза поломанной ключицы в течении 5 лет. Операция по удалению остаточного инородного тела прошла успешно. На 7 послеоперационные сутки пациентка была выписана из стационара под наблюдение хирурги по месту жительства.Ключевые слова: инородное тело мягких тканей, спица Киршнера, оперативное лечение.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-93
Petya G. Kanazirska ◽  
Mery A. Hristamyan-Cilev ◽  
Nikolay D. Kanazirski

Summary This report presents clinical case with a histopathologically established lipoma of the sublingual space. Lipomas are benign mesenchymal neoplasms produced by adipocytes. Our search in the literature demonstrated that the development of lipomas in the sublingual space is extremely rare. In the oral cavity, it is seen in less than 5% of patients. In this paper, we describe clinical features, imaging diagnostic and histopathological features. Lipomas are characterized by slow growth and could be asymptomic, therefore diagnosis could be delayed. This report describes and discusses the case of a 64 years-old-man with a formation, located below the left tongue, for a period of 4 years. The patient had repeatedly consulted with Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) specialists and dentists who recommended surgical treatment. During the last month of the monitoring, the formation had grown significantly and the chewing and speech function had gradually worsened.

K. N. Sergeyev ◽  
A. V. Zhaglin

The article presents a successful experience of complex multi-stage surgical treatment of a severe open comminuted fracture of the humerus with large detachment and crushing of the soft tissues of the upper limb. Special attention was paid to approaches to performance of staged surgical treatment and preparation of the wound to plastic closing, state-of-art treatment methods that include negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), treatment of wounds with a "pulsating liquid jet", use of noninvasive means for the topical treatment of wounds. The whole complex of the proposed surgical and conservative methods allowed transferring of the wound process from the complicated to the normal category, reposition and closing of the fracture area with fully functional soft tissues, complete elimination of the extensive injury of the upper extremity in a functionally active region, to a greater extent at the expense of local surrounding tissues, as well as achievement of the good functional and cosmetic effect. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (9) ◽  

Introduction: Perianal hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic recurrent inflammatory, suppurative, and fistulising disease of apocrine glands, adjacent anal canal and soft tissues. Perianal area is the second most common affected area after axilla. There are three grades of the disease. Hidradenitis suppurativa represents a chronic, recurrent, deep-seated folliculitis resulting in abscesses, followed by the formation of sinus tracts and subsequent scarring. Perianal hidradenitis suppurativa is the last and the most serious grade of the disease and a specific access is needed for patient preparation and surgical treatment alone. The currently preferred method of treatment for patients with extensive perianal hidradentitis is excision and closure with combination of skin flaps, primary suture and skin graft in one or two stages. Case reports: There are three case reports of perianal hidradenitis suppurativa in this article. The local and overall initial treatment of patients followed by a radical excision and closure with a rotation skin flaps and skin grafts is described. The final results were satisfactory, with no recurrence or serious complication.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (6 (part 2)) ◽  
pp. 84-85
M. V. Plotnikov ◽  
E. A. Gaysina ◽  
R. M. Nuretdinov ◽  
L. M. Muhametdinova ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 97-99
U. V. Kukhtenko ◽  
O. A. Kosivtsov ◽  
L. A. Ryaskov ◽  
E. I. Abramian

A clinical case of successful surgical treatment of a patient with a giant cervical retrosternal nontoxic goiter with severe cardiac pathology is presented. Thyroidectomy from cervical access without sternotomy was performed. At the follow-up examination 5 months after the operation, instrumental and clinical signs of disease relapse were not detected.

2022 ◽  
pp. 41-45
Sh. G. Khakimova ◽  
G. G. Khakimova ◽  
G. A. Khakimov ◽  
J. B. Sadullaev

Currently, there is no consensus on the place of prostatectomy in the complex treatment of patients with metastatic prostate cancer. A description of a clinical case of complex treatment and observation of a patient with prostate cancer with an unfavorable baseline prognosis and the presence of bone metastases with a good clinical result is presented.

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 78-83
A. P Pozdeev ◽  
E. A Zakhar’yan ◽  
D. S Buklaev ◽  
I. N Krasnogorskiy ◽  
T. F Zubairov

Idiopathic osteolysis is a rare disorder characterized by spontaneous, massive and progressive resorption of bone tissue. Massive osteolysis results from proliferation of blood and lymphatic vessels with thin walls, resembling capillaries, in the bone and surrounding soft tissues. Literature review on this problem and clinical case of a patient successfully operated on using the technique elaborated at our clinic are presented. Surgical interventions enabled to achieve the restoration of tubular bones integrity and ensured conditions for independent patient’s movement. Possibility of the performance of reconstructive surgical interventions for the restoration of limb weight bearing ability that is reasonable to combine with bisphosphonate therapy.

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