Chen Wei
Yurii Horban

The advertising space acts as a global axiological translator at the present stage, forming a new anthropological type. Acting as a mechanism of persuasion, advertising has become a particular cultural consumption factor, forming a certain way of life and worldview of a person. Public service advertising is the most up-to-date, dynamic and accessible system among information and advertising technologies as to creativity. The purpose of the article is to analyse the peculiar workings of public service advertising discourse and determine the dominant sphere of advertising impact. The research methodology is based on the use of analytical, structural methods, and also objectivity and consistency standards for identifying the procedure, features and typology of public service advertising and functional features of forms of social advertising impact. The study’s scientific novelty consists of public service advertising as a cultural phenomenon, demonstrating the importance of a comprehensive study of cultural, anthropological and philosophical aspects of advertising activities. Conclusions. Thus, focused on the mass environment and reality, advertising is ontologically focused on material mediation and is the most profound intuition of social action. The art of advertising is an ability to convey information, prioritise skills and creativity, and attract the creative realities of a person’s identity and the subject of advertising discourse. It is proved that in advertising, virtual reality becomes a broad integrative mechanism in all its connotations, presentation, systems of human functioning and personal identity in the virtus space of contemporary culture. The culture of information and advertising presentations tries to assimilate, on the one hand, a cultural tradition, and on the other — makes it possible to escape from the brutal, primitive reality of complaint, the need to survive, compete for life. The entire advertising system is ontologically immersed in ethics and aesthetics.

Liliya Nefedova ◽  
Elizaveta Sotnikova ◽  

Public service advertising discourse is a multilayer construct, whose main aim is to influence the recipient and create a certain opinion about social phenomena. Despite being a subtype of advertising discourse, it has its own peculiarities and differs from the commercial advertising discourse. The hypothesis of the research is the supposition that the key feature of the Russian public service advertising discourse on road safety is intimidation on linguistic and extralinguistic levels. This hypothesis is based on previous research that shows that intimidation strategy is one of the main strategies in this type of discourse and is connected to the ‘safety’ concept. The article focuses on key features of public service advertising on road safety since this topic remains one of the most wide-spread in Russian public service advertising due to the vast number of accidents on Russian roads. The authors identify the main concepts used together with the concept ‘road safety’ and examine the reasons of their appearance in public service advertising. They also study speech strategies used in this type of discourse and determine that intimidation strategy and dialogue strategy are the most common for this type of advertising, though other strategies can also be observed. The linguistic side of the research includes a study of typical syntax, punctuation, and word choice and usage. For example, public service advertisements are usually characterized as short, succinct, and easy to understand. On the non-verbal layer, the authors look at typical patterns of text and image organization and design, use of colors, and the connection between the text and the image. An important feature of a public service advertising text is its creolization or heterogeneity: the presence of two heterogeneous components, verbal and non-verbal. Finally, the authors take a look at the cultural component: specific features of the Russian culture which can be observed in advertising. Overall, public service advertising is a crucial tool for influencing public opinion, so further research of this phenomenon implies studying reactions of recipients to separate components of advertisements and the appropriateness and effectiveness of specific speech strategies in connection with given concepts.

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