advertising discourse
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Nikolay Shamne ◽  
Ekaterina Shishkina

The problem of creating institutional trust in modern Russian society is considered on the example of advertising activities of companies that produce and promote drugs on the consumer market. In order to identify techniques that contribute to the effective impact on the recipient – the formation of a trusting attitude towards the advertised product, the commercials shown on Russian television from 2010 to 2020 were analyzed. Using the methods of content analysis, discourse and stylistic analysis, elements of component and distributive analysis, it has been established that professional participants in medical advertising discourse use such techniques as the use of toponyms, lexical units borrowed from military discourse, terms, words with positive or negative connotations, presentation of statistical data, construction of a first-person statement, rhetorical questions. It was found that the mention of the country of origin of the drug, which is authoritative for the Russian consumer, has a positive effect on the confidence of patients in this drug; military vocabulary evokes associations with speed, accuracy, direction, strength and testifies to the effectiveness of the drug; medical, chemical, biological terms, statistical data objectify the transmitted information; rhetorical questions, self-narrative and others contribute to the establishment of close contact with the consumer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Ni Putu Isha Aprinica

The writing of words in print media advertisements is certainly influenced by the elements and structures of its own discourse. This study analyzes the elements and structures of cosmetic advertising discourse used by cosmetic manufacturers in promoting their products. The research approach used in this research is qualitative research by taking samples from Maybelline cosmetic advertisements contained in Seventeen Magazine 2012. Based on the analysis of elements and structures contained in Maybelline cosmetic advertisements, the elements used in the discourse of cosmetic advertisements are verbal elements and visual elements. while the structure of the discourse that appears is the opening, the content and the closing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 30-49
A. Yu. Bagiyan ◽  
A. G. Monogarova

The article is devoted to the pragma-axiological and partial psycholinguistic analysis of advertising videos of US universities in order to identify the productive manipulative potential of modern advertising university discourse. The relevance of the study is due to both extralinguistically — the great demand for quality education in the modern world, and linguistically — by the study of the processes of productive speech manipulation as one of the fundamental components of quality communication. The novelty of the research is seen in a qualitatively new pragma-axiological approach to the study of discourse and the value component of the suggestive influence exerted by this discourse. The author’s method of conducting pragma-axiological and partial psycholinguistic analysis, used to identify the pragma-axiological charge of the discursive space and its manipulative potential is presented in the article. Particular attention is paid to the interdependence of the addressee’s value-evaluative attitudes, the lexical units-verbalizers of these attitudes, their pragma-axiological charge and the suggestive (productive manipulative) impact provided. The results of the frequency analysis of part-of-speech indicators and the coefficients of discourse emotivity that depend on them are presented. The results, gained in the framework of the pragma-axiological analysis, are confirmed by the coefficients of the emotiveness of the discourse under study, obtained in the course of a partial psycholinguistic analysis. The key axiological components of productive speech manipulation in the modern advertising university discourse of US universities are presented.

Tsupikova O.A.

Purpose. The article is devoted to the analysis of verbal means of creating a communicative effect of influence on the addressee in the medical advertising discourse. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the functioning of linguistic units at the morphological level in the discourse of medical advertising.Methods. Descriptive, functional, structural and semantic, quantitative and statistical research methods are used for the survey.Results. The results of the study allowed to conclude that each part of speech and each grammatical form has a certain functional yield in the implementation of a pragmatic task. It is noted that the specifics of the language of medical advertising messages are substantiality, detailing, concretization, involvement of the addressee in an implicit dialogue, imitation of trustful communication between advertiser and consumer, dynamism, appeal to feelings, emotions, and etc. It is established that these means give the advertising text accuracy, objectivity, persuasiveness, emphasize the benefits and healing properties of medications, creating a comprehensive picture of a medication.The frequency of use of parts of speech in the texts of medical advertising under the motivational and manipulative purpose of advertising communication has been clarified.The analyzed morphological and grammatical units are effective means of influencing the associative thinking of the target group, becoming one of the means for manipulating its consciousness. The optimal choice of nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. in the advertising text creates a dynamic message that both informs and influences the consumer.Conclusions. According to the results of the study, the functioning of parts of speech in the discourse of medical advertising as a means of speech influence on the addressee at the morphological level is analyzed.A thorough selection of linguistic units and their grammatical categories creates conditions for the implementation of the manipulative potential of the advertising message. The comprehensive use of morphological units provides a positive perception of a medication, contributes to a more profound influence on the choice of a potential client, and encourages him to purchase the advertised item. The obtained results of the survey testify to the importance of the study of verbal means of speech influence on the addressee at the morphological linguistic level and indicate the prospects for further study of the outlined topic.Key words: noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, numeral, verb. Мета. Статтю присвячено аналізу вербальних засобів створення комунікативного ефекту впливу на адресата в рекламному медичному дискурсі. Метою статті є дослідження особливостей функціювання мовних одиниць на морфологічному рівні в дискурсі медичної реклами.Методи. Для розвідки залучено описовий метод, який передбачає прийоми спостереження, систематизації, інтерпретації, класифікації, для збору й аналізу мовного матеріалу. Із метою виявлення вербальних засобів упливу та їхнього комунікативно-прагматичного призначення використано функціональний метод. Для визначення змісту мовних одиниць застосовано структурно-семантичний метод. Кількісно-статистичний метод дав змогу зафіксувати активність використання мовних засобів впливу в рекламних текстах.Результати. Pезультати проведеного дослідження уможливили дійти висновку, що кожна частина мови й кожна граматична форма мають певне функційне навантаження в реалізації прагматичного завдання. Зазначено, що специфікою мови рекламних повідомлень медичного спрямування є субстантивність, деталізація, конкретизація, залучення адресата до прихованого діалогу, імітація довірливого спілкування рекламодавця і споживача, динамізм, апеляція до почуттів, емоцій тощо. Установлено, що означені засоби надають рекламному тексту точності, об’єктивності, переконливості, підкреслюють переваги та цілющі властивості ліків, створюючи всебічне уявлення про медикамент.З’ясовано частотність уживання частин мови в текстах медичної реклами відповідно до спонукально-маніпулятивної мети рекламної комунікації.Проаналізовані морфологічні та граматичні одиниці є ефективними засобами впливуна асоціативне мислення цільової аудиторії, постаючи одним з інструментів маніпулювання її свідомістю. Оптимальний добір іменників, прикметників, дієслів тощо у рекламному тексті створює дієве повідомлення, яке одночасно інформує споживача та здійснює на нього вплив.Висновки. За підсумками проведеного дослідженняпроаналізовано функціювання частин мови у дискурсі медичної реклами як засобів мовленнєвого впливу на адресата на морфологічному рівні. Ретельний добір частиномовних одиниць та їхніх граматичних категорій створює умови для реалізації маніпулятивного потенціалу рекламного повідомлення. Комплексне вживання морфологічних одиниць забезпечує позитивне сприйняття медичного препарату, сприяє глибшому впливу на вибір потенційного клієнта і спонукає його до придбання рекламованого засобу. Отримані результати розвідки свідчать про важливість дослідження вербальних засобів мовленнєвого впливу на адресата на морфологічному мовному рівні і вказують на перспективи подальшого вивчення окресленої теми.Ключові слова: іменник, прикметник, прислівник, займенник, числівник, дієслово.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 207-213
Y. Khodachuk ◽  
Y. Maslova

The article identifies the reasons for the use of sexist advertising in the Ukrainian media discourse and its impact on the formation of women's image and social well-being. Sexist advertising campaigns of Ukrainian organizations are analyzed.

Tetiana Kolisnychenko ◽  
Tetiana Koropatnitska

Nowadays tourism industry is one of the areas that facilitate the economic and cultural growth of the country. Tourism does not only open borders, acquaint with the cultural heritage, and expand “intellectual capacity”, it is a sphere where various suggestive means – subconsciously and consciously – are widely used. A tourist destination is popularized through advertising, so advertising texts in tourism advertising discourse – an institutional type of discourse focused on specifying within numerous tourism destinations and on reciprocal communication with recipients – are one of the key means of promoting tourism products. The end goal of our paper is to pinpoint the basic structure of the modern English tourism advertisement and determine the correlation of its verbal and nonverbal components, the subject of the research is verbal and nonverbal means of reproducing tourism advertisement content. The goal can be achieved through the tasks aimed at analyzing the correlation of verbal and nonverbal and at the presentation of the basic framework of the modern English advertisement in tourism advertising discourse. The results of the research proved that the peculiarity of advertising texts in modern English tourism advertising discourse is in the combination of informational, linguistic, socio-cultural, gender, and psychological components that altogether create a positively-marked tourism destination image in the recipient’s consciousness. The information in the advertisements is fragmented to avoid overwhelming recipients with “known” facts. The tourism destination advertisements have a basic structure of a visual component (arch-fragment) as a means of attracting the recipient’s attention and a verbal component: title (middle fragment), as a means of interest, and text (terminal-fragment), as the main means of suggestion. Key words: modern English tourism advertising discourse, correlation, verbal component, non-verbal component, visual component.

Tetiana Hafu

The article presents a study that allowed us to construct a cognitive map of modern English gastronomic advertising aesthetic discourse. The main features in the understanding of gastronomic advertising discourse by the representatives of the English-speaking community – gourmet aesthetes are analyzed. The research material for the modern English gastronomic advertising aesthetic discourse was the gastronomic Internet texts of the social network Instagram, which contained a particularly expressive specific aesthetic component. It is established that the mental framework of the cognitive space of a modern English gourmet esthete is formed by 48 significant discourse-creating autochthons-concepts (sensations, emotions, recipe, ingredient, taste and others). The separation of the constants of the concept system of modern English gastronomic advertising aesthetic discourse – generative autochthonous concepts was carried out through the inventory of texts, fixation of objectifiers of concepts and their grouping into semantic areas. To verify the objectivity of the facts, a quantitative method of calculation is used, the criterion χ2. With the help of linguo quantitative methods, system connections (strong, medium and weak) between the main autochthonous concepts (RECIPE – INGREDIENT, TRADITIONAL MEAL – TEA, EXPERIENCE – SATISFACTION and others) were established and significant autochthonous concepts in modern English gastronomy were identified. The components of the conceptual system of modern English-language gastronomic aesthetic discourse and their combination builds a unique representation in the form of a cognitive map. The study allowed to construct a cognitive map of the studied type of discursive practice, which reproduces its conceptual system and, thus, explains the main mental cores of its participants – modern English gourmet aesthetes: characteristics of products, feelings and emotions they evoke, the principle of healthy eating, demonstration of their own gastronomic preferences in social networks in the form of blogs, because the modern English-speaking aesthetic and gourmet world of social network is impossible to imagine without a blog, where it is important to post on the social network Instagram, which describes the author's experience and feelings and emotions from food (first of all, pleasure and happiness), which provide the aesthetics of the advertising text. Key words: discourse; advertising discourse; gastronomic discourse; aesthetic discourse, cognitive mapping.

Dialogos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 38/2021 ◽  

The field of advertising is a melting pot of ideologies, that is, of both cultural and political identities. Today, these are built in and through social discourses specific to the contemporary context. In DR Congo, the instrumentation of the Congolese paradigm with a hint of sovereignty has increasingly become a constant in the advertising discourse. It is a media dynamic of expression of a certain autarky against Western and Sino-American economic imperialism, through the promotion of the local industry. It is deployed through the rhetoric of « Congolity » which is understood in terms of a catalyst for the issues of a discourse of nationalist populism in a country of French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa.

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