scholarly journals Cell-free biosynthesis of ω-hydroxy acids boosted by a synergistic combination of alcohol dehydrogenases

Susana Velasco ◽  
Javier Santiago-Arcos ◽  
Maria Grazia ◽  
Fernando López-Gallego

The activity orchestration of an unprecedented cell-free enzyme system with self-sufficient cofactor recycling enables the step-wise transformation of aliphatic diols into -hydroxy acids at the expense of molecular oxygen as electron acceptor. The efficiency of the biosynthetic route was maximized when two compatible alcohol dehydrogenases were selected as specialist biocatalysts for each one of the oxidative steps required for the oxidative lactonization of diols. The cell-free system reached up to 100% conversion using 100 mM of linear C5 diols, and performed the dessymetrization of prochiral branched diols into the corresponding -hydroxy acids with an exquisite enantioselectivity (ee > 99%). Green metrics demostrate a superior sustanability of this system compared to traditional metal catalysts and even to whole cells for the synthesis of 5-hydroxy petanoic acid. Finally, the cell-free system was assembled into a consortium of heterogeneous biocatalysts that allowed the enzyme reutilization. This cascade illustrates the potential of systems biocatalysis to access new heterofunctional molecules such as -hydroxy acids.

Blood ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 108 (11) ◽  
pp. 1643-1643
Daniel R. Ambruso ◽  
Gail Thurman

Abstract Introduction: Production of reactive oxygen species through a respiratory burst is critical to the microbicidal activity of the neutrophil. The respiratory burst is initiated by assembly of the components of the NADPH oxidase enzyme system (p47phox, p67phox, p40phox, gp91phox, p22phox and Rac) and expression of the activity of the system to produce superoxide anion (O2 −). We recently identified a neutrophil protein with an approximate MW of 29 kDa which binds to the p67phox, is classified as a peroxiredoxin (Prx) and translocates to the plasma membrane during stimulation of the neutrophil. Additional studies demonstrate that this protein (p29 Prx) increases production of O2 − in a cell-free system of oxidase activity in a specific, stoichiometric manner and that the cysteine residues of p29 Prx, at amino acid positions 47 and 91, are required for this activity. The current studies demonstrate the role of p29 Prx in oxidase activity using the technique of small interfering RNA (siRNA) to degrade specific mRNA and decrease the expression of the protein. Methods: siRNA probes for p29 Prx were constructed based on standard constraints for unique 19 nucleotide binding sites along with other sequence selection criteria. Six probes were constructed based on the cDNA sequence of p29 Prx; one resulted in significant knockdown of p29 Prx. Inactive siRNA fluorescently labeled was obtained commercially. K562 cells, stably transfected with the p67phox, p47phox, gp91phox and low affinity fMLP receptor, were cultured under standard conditions and expressed p29 Prx message by RT-PCR and protein by Western blot. Transgenic K562 cells were transfected with siRNA or GFP labeled control siRNA with Nucleofector technology. Cell counts and viability were determined by standard techniques. For Western blots, proteins from cell lysates were separated on 10% SDS-PAGE and blotted onto nitrocellulose, and specific proteins were detected with polyclonal antibodies to p29 Prx, actin or p67phox, p47phox, gp91phox, and p22phox by chemiluminescent technique. Results: After transfection with the active siRNA for p29 Prx, inactive or labeled siRNA, the K562 cells were harvested at 24, 48, and 72 hours. A knockdown by one of the 6 siRNAs resulted in decreased levels of p29 Prx by Western blot. Optimum knockdown was achieved by transfection of 6 μg siRNA and the decrease in p29 Prx observed at 24 hours but was optimum after 48 hours. Under these conditions, a decrease in p29 Prx by 50–60% detected by Western blot was achieved with no differences in levels of actin or any of the phox proteins. The viability of control cells and siRNA transfected cells was not different. Cells transfected with siRNA for p29 Prx which demonstrated a knockdown of this protein exhibited decreased respiratory burst (O2 −) in response to fMLP (measured by chemiluminescence) or PMA (cytochrome c reduction) compared to control porated or transfected cells. Conclusion: These results correlate with in vitro studies of recombinant p29 Prx in the SDS cell-free system of oxidase activation. Decreased levels of p29 Prx result in decreased oxidase activity on transgenic K562 cells. p29 Prx may be important for the expression of the oxidase enzyme system through its antioxidant or signaling activity.

1968 ◽  
Vol 109 (4) ◽  
pp. 507-515 ◽  
Joan P. Roscoe ◽  
M. D. Eaton ◽  
Gladys Chin Choy

1. The inhibition of incorporation of 14C-labelled amino acids into protein of whole cells by phenylalanine has been reproduced in a cell-free system. In both cases only the l-isomer was inhibitory. 2. The effect of phenylalanine on incorporation of [14C]leucine and [14C]lysine into protein was different in both whole cells and cell-free systems. 3. In whole cells inhibition of incorporation of leucine at 2·5μg./ml. was very rapid, but when the concentration was increased to 100μg./ml. the inhibition was not apparent for about 1hr. The kinetics of inhibition of lysine was the same at both these concentrations and was similar to that found with leucine at 100μg./ml. 4. Neither a lower specific radioactivity of the two amino acids in the pool nor a decrease in their pool size could be consistently related with inhibition of protein synthesis. 5. In the cell-free system l-phenylalanine inhibited the incorporation of leucine but not of lysine. 6. Charging of transfer RNA by leucine was markedly decreased in the presence of phenylalanine, whereas charging of transfer RNA by lysine was not.

1978 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 1184-1189
Ota Fuchs ◽  
Jitka Borová ◽  
Přemysl Poňka ◽  
Jan Neuwirt

1982 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 803-810
S Hata ◽  
T Nishino ◽  
N Ariga ◽  
H Katsuki

1971 ◽  
Vol 246 (23) ◽  
pp. 7407-7410
Robert E. Rhoads ◽  
G. Stanley McKnight ◽  
Robert T. Schimke

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