scholarly journals The Good Friday oration ad intra ecclesiam in the context of the post-conciliar liturgical reforms

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-98
Dawid Mielnik

This paper aims to juxtapose the differences between the versions of the Good Friday oration ad intra ecclesiam and unveil the theological character behind these modifications by analysing the prayers. The source materials were Benedict XV’s Roman Missal, Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae Instauratus, Variationes in ordinem Hebdomadae Sanctae inducendae, and two typical editions of the reformed Roman Missals from 1970 and 2002. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first, the orations from the ad intra ecclesiam collection are explained. In the second, the changes to the orations are analysed. Finally, the influence on the theological character of the orations is presented. The analyses lead to the conclusion that it is difficult to specify a single criterion for the modifications in the ad intra ecclesiam collection. Sometimes, the changes resulted in a new organisation of the Church (e.g., oration for the Clergy and Laity of the Church), a shift in a person’s present state (oration for Those Preparing for Baptism), or a new understanding of the role of the Church in the world (oration for the Church). Some modifications are difficult to explain (oration for the Pope, for Those in Special Need).

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
William B. Bowes

In The United States, The Homelessness Situation Has Developed Into What Is Commonly Called A Crisis. An Array Of Helpful And Unhelpful Responses Has Been Proposed, And Public Opinion On The Homeless Varies. Apathy Or Inaction On The Part Of The Church Is Not An Option, Since Concerns For The Poor And Displaced Permeate Scripture. This Article Considers The Complex Factors Related To Homelessness And The Theology Of Scripture On The Subject, Evaluating Approaches And Offering Meaningful And Effective Responses In Light Of The Role Of The Church In The World. The Intersection Of Ecclesiology And A Practical Response To The Crisis Will Be Examined To Elucidate Better A Specifically Christian Approach. KEYWORDS: Homelessness, Homelessness Crisis, Ecclesiology, Biblical Theology, Poverty, Church Action

1948 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 415-425
Elmer G. Homrighausen

1966 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 428-434
E. G. Homrighausen

1982 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 294-299 ◽  
Fumitaka Matsuoka

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-231
Clara M. Austin Iwuoha ◽  

The demons of racism, bigotry, and prejudice found in society at large are also found in the Christian Church. Despite the very nature of Christianity that calls on Christians to be a counter voice in the world against evil, many have capitulated to various strains of racism. Some Christian denominations have begun to explore racism in the Church and have developed responses to addressing the issues in both the Church and the world. This article examines the historical context of race and religion in the Christian Church, and addresses the current efforts of some Christian denominations to become proactive in the struggle against racism. Jesus, in His Word, calls believers to pursue peace and oneness. The paper holds that racial harmony and racial unity are possible, but there are many false, old and d beliefs that will have to be crushed under the hammer of God's Word in order to get to a place of real peace.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
Hari Sasongko

The charismatic movement is an embryo of  the birth of  charismatic church in the world. The movement was began before the World War where the situation was marked by the economical decadence, particularly in the United States of America that caused uneasiness in several live of young community. The church model based on the power of Holly Spirit in the comprehension of Christian traditional faith. It is differenced from another church that grows in Europe.  The church has been developing and finally, it is taking root on Western culture tradition, and then it appeared gospel music tradition. Unfortunately the members of this religious community are disposed another musical tradition that lives around them whereas they are something important to the success of progress of cultural dialog, so the charismatic chruch seem exclusive.  By mean of historical studies, the writer try to critise on the prospect dialog between charismatic church and local tradition. The dialog will open the posibility of cultural spirit to furnish, support, and appreciate one to another. Keywords: charismatic, local music tradition, dialog, religious.

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Досліджується роль митрополита Андрея Шептицького у розвитку музичної культури української діаспори ХХ століття. Акцентована увага на таких аспектах діяльності Митрополита: розбудова української греко-католицької церкви у світі, його візити у різні країни, розвиток системи духовних навчальних закладів, підтримка світських навчальних закладів, встановлення стипендій для музикантів, які здобували освіту за кордоном, участь у процесах розвитку церковного співу. Виокремлюються святкування на честь Митрополита та вшанування його пам’яті за участю музикантів у різних країнах світу. Питання втілення художнього образу митрополита Андрея Шептицького в музичній творчості композиторів діаспори розглянуто на прикладі аналізу хорових творах одного із його стипендіатів – А. Гнатишина з Австрії.Ключові слова: музична культура, українська діаспора, українська греко -католицька церква, художній образ, митрополит Андрей Шептицький. The author studied role of Metropolitan Archbishop Andrei Sheptytskyi in the development of musical culture of the Ukrainian Diaspora during the twentieth century Emphasis is made on the following aspects of the Metropolitan Archbishop’s activity: development of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the world, his visits to different countries, development of the system of spiritual educational institutions, support of religious educational institutions, establishment of scholarships for musicians who have received education abroad, participation in processes of church singing development. The article highlights the celebration in honor of the Metropolitan Archbishop and honoring his memory with the participation of musicians from around the world. The author reveals embodiment of the image of Metropolitan Archbishop Andrei Sheptytskyi in the musical creativity of the Diaspora composers at the example of the choral works of one of his fellows, Andrei Hnatyshyn from Austria.Key words: musical culture, Ukrainian diaspora, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, image, Metropolitan Archbishop Andrei Sheptytskyi.

Наталья Тимуровна Энеева

Статья посвящена роли славянофильской проблематики в становлении отечественной исторической науки 1990 х – 2010-х годов. Апробированная почти двумя столетиями историософско-богословской дискуссии, эта проблематика явила себя на исходе ХХ столетия как преимущественно экклезиологическая – как насущные вопросы личностного и общественного воцерковления. Существенное значение в этом процессе имеет воссоздание адекватного научного языка и понятийного аппарата для описания роли Церкви и народной религиозности в формировании национального самосознания и религиозно-культурной общности. Подчеркивается, что в данной концепции история Церкви и народа как ее носителя – «народа-богоносца» – предстает не в качестве локальной темы, но как основной сюжет и сущностный смысл мирового исторического процесса. The article is devoted to the role of Slavophil problems in the formation of Russian historical science in the 1990s – 2010s. Approved by almost two centuries of historiosophical and theological discussion, this problematic showed itself at the end of the twentieth century as primarily ecclesiological – as pressing issues of personal and social churching. Recreation of an adequate scientific language and conceptual apparatus for describing the role of the Church and popular religiosity in the formation of national identity and religious and cultural community is essential in this process. It is emphasized that in this concept the history of the Church and the people as its bearer – the «God-bearing people» – appears not as a local theme, but as the main plot and essential meaning of the world historical process.

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