Daniyal Saydakhmedovich KIDIRNIYAZOV

Based on the analysis of archival materials and scientific literature, the article considers the importance of Nogai-Kalmyk relations in the Russian-Turkish and Russian-Iranian relations of the period under study. The article reveals the strategic plans of Russia, Porte and its vassal of the Crimean khanate in relation to the North Caucasus, analyzes the methods of their implementation. In addition, attention is paid to identifying the factors that determined the orientation of local peoples to Russia.

Daniyal Saydakhmedovich KIDIRNIYAZOV

The article based on the use of documentary material and scientific literature shows the role of the North Caucasus in the politics of Russia, Turkey, Iran and, standing behind the latter, Western powers in the period covered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (03) ◽  
pp. 139-142
Saida Sirazhudinova

Analysis of historical sources and scientific literature shows that, despite the prevailing stereotypes, women played a certain role in the development and formation of civil society in the North Caucasus. The article identifies and explores women’s initiatives, main areas and features of women’s participation in public life.


Настоящая работа представляет собой публикацию архивных материалов кавказоведа Е.Г. Пчелиной, хранящихся в Санкт-Петербургском филиале Архива РАН, касающихся вопроса названия и самоназвания кавказских народов. Авторы ставят перед собой задачи: 1) полнотекстовой публикации отдельных документов, 2) реконструкцию круга научных работ по указанной теме, изученных Пчелиной, 3) систематизированную презентацию научного материала по теме, представлявшего интерес для исследовательницы, 4) отражение критических взглядов исследовательницы на отдельные аспекты темы, нашедшие выражение в комментариях к библиографическим выпискам. Эти задачи облегчены авторской систематизацией материала, бережно сохраненной архивистами, осуществлявшими научно-техническую обработку фонда. Это вселяет уверенность в максимально аутентичной реконструкции взглядов Пчелиной на обозначенную проблему. Изучение вопроса исследовательница проводила, главным образом, на основе научной литературы, изданной до конца 1940-х гг.; похоже, что после 1955 г. она не занималась этим вопросом. Нельзя исключать, что часть сведений она могла получить в «полевых условиях», во время своих этнографических исследований на Северном Кавказе. Очевидно, что Пчелина, не позиционировавшая себя как лингвист, не ставила перед собой задачи научных открытий по этой теме; ей было важно самой разобраться в вопросе кавказской этнонимики как базовом для ее собственных этнографических и археологических исследований. Но сделать это было не просто: среди опубликованных к тому времени трудов по этой теме большинство касались эпохи античности и средневековья. This article is a publication of archival materials of E.G. Pchelina; this material is stored in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences and concerns the issue of the names and self-designation of the Caucasian peoples. The authors set goals for themselves: 1) full-text publication of some documents, 2) reconstruction of the list of scientific works on this topic, studied by Pchelina, 3) a systematic presentation of scientific material on the topic that was of interest to the researcher, 4) a reflection of the researcher's critical views on certain aspects of the topic, which were expressed in the comments to the bibliographic extracts. These tasks are facilitated by the author's systematization of the material; this systematization was carefully preserved by archivists who carried out scientific-technical processing of the fond. This gives confidence in the most authentic reconstruction of the views of Pchelina on the designated problem. The researcher conducted her studying mainly on the basis of scientific literature published before the end of the 1940s; it seems that she did not deal with this issue after 1955. It is possible that she could have obtained some of the information in the "field", during her ethnographic research in the North Caucasus. It is obvious that Pchelina, who did not position herself as a linguist, did not set herself the task of scientific discoveries on this topic; it was important for her to understand the issue of Caucasian ethnonymy as a basic one for her own ethnographic and archaeological researches. But it was not easy to do this: the most of the published at that time works concerned the ancient and medieval periods.


The review analyzes not only the content of the article Russian roots in Crimea written by the famous scientist-researcher L. F. Boltenkova and published in journal Issues of National and Federative Relations No. 8, Vol.9, 2019, but also explores the logic of presentation. An attempt is made to answer the question why such studies appear in the scientific literature today. The article, albeit briefly, but clearly traces a historical connection of the territories that form modern Russia: Crimea, the North Caucasus, the Volga region, Siberia, etc. since the time B.C. Historically, Russian roots appeared in Crimea naturally, in the period before Kiev Rus, they strengthened during the Kiev period of the Ancient Russian state. Due to the loss of sovereignty by Kiev and its entry into the Lithuanian-Polish state, successive Russian relations with Crimea were historically carried out by North-Eastern Russia (Moscow). Although the main form of communications was attack-defense, but they forged the victory of Russia (Moscow) at the cost of incredible victims.

2019 ◽  
pp. 342-348

The review analyzes not only the content of the article Russian roots in Crimea written by the famous scientist-researcher L. F. Boltenkova and published in journal Issues of National and Federative Relations No. 8, Vol. 9, 2019, but also explores the logic of presentation. An attempt is made to answer the question why such studies appear in the scientific literature today. The article, albeit briefly, but clearly traces a historical connection of the territories that form modern Russia: Crimea, the North Caucasus, the Volga region, Siberia, etc. since the time B.C. Historically, Russian roots appeared in Crimea naturally, in the period before Kiev Rus, they strengthened during the Kiev period of the Ancient Russian state. Due to the loss of sovereignty by Kiev and its entry into the Lithuanian-Polish state, successive Russian relations with Crimea were historically carried out by North-Eastern Russia (Moscow). Although the main form of communications was attack-defense, but they forged the victory of Russia (Moscow) at the cost of incredible victims.

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