north caucasus
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Галина Григорьевна Тхагапсова

Статья посвящена истории формирования этномедицины народов Северного Кавказа. Ставится задача уточнения динамики исторического процесса относительно формирования этномедицины народов Северного Кавказа. Материалы исследований многих авторов по истории медицины подтверждают высокую эффективность лекарского искусства в оказании хирургической помощи, которую отмечали многие наблюдатели в период Кавказской войны. Несомненно, опыт лекарского искусства на Кавказе имеет весьма древнюю историю. Он накапливался эмпирическим путем и, передаваясь от отца к сыну, формировал династии лекарей, имевшие свой опыт и свои секреты врачевания. Не исключается взаимовлияние культур народов, в частности арабской медицины, которая способствовала формированию врачей традиционной арабской школы медицины. Таким образом, народных целителей можно разделить на два типа: чье лечение содержало доисламские и исламские методы. Отмечается, что именно народные лекари с доисламским опытом сопровождали войска в походах и показали высокую эффективность своих методов, получив заслуженную оценку многих врачей в годы Кавказской войны. The paper is devoted to the history of formation of ethnomedicine of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The task is to clarify the dynamics of the historical process regarding the formation of ethnomedicine of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The research materials of many authors on the history of medicine confirm the high effectiveness of medicinal art in the provision of surgical care, which was noted by many observers during the Caucasian War. Undoubtedly, the experience of medicinal art in the Caucasus has a very ancient history. It accumulated empirically and, passing from father to son, formed dynasties of doctors who had their own experience and their secrets of healing. The mutual influence of the cultures of peoples, in particular Arab medicine, which contributed to the formation of doctors of the traditional Arab school of medicine, is not excluded. Thus, folk healers can be divided into two types: whose treatment contained pre-Islamic and Islamic methods. It is noted that it was people's doctors with pre-Islamic experience who accompanied the troops on campaigns and showed the high effectiveness of their methods, having received a well-deserved assessment of many doctors during the Caucasian war.

Хава Магомедовна Акиева

В статье рассматриваются традиционные способы производства природных красителей, раскрываются особенности технологии правильного крашения с применением натуральных ингредиентов. Антропология цвета в культуре ингушей базировалась на двухуровневой основе: с одной стороны, она была связана с естественно-средовыми условиями окружения, с другой - формировалась под влиянием исторической практики и жизнедеятельности народа. Рассматриваются технологические издержки, которые возникают при производстве натуральных красителей в домашних условиях. Отмечается, что к началу ХХ в. на территории Северного Кавказа происходит постепенный переход от применения натуральных красителей к более дешевым и менее трудоемким фабричным аналогам. Автором представлен систематизированный перечень местных красильных растений и деревьев, дается информация о красильных свойствах минералов и технологии их использования в кустарном производстве ингушей в XIX-XX вв. в процессе крашения шерсти. На основе проведенного анализа делается вывод о том, что в современных условиях происходит утрата традиционного опыта производства натуральных красителей и крашения шерсти у ингушей. The paper discusses traditional methods for the production of natural dyes, the features of the technology of correct dyeing. The anthropology of color in the culture of the Ingush was based on a two-level basis: on the one hand, it was associated with the natural environmental conditions, and on the other hand, it was formed under the influence of historical practice and life. The technological costs that arise in the production of natural dyes at home are considered. The research shows that by the beginning of the twentieth century in the North Caucasus there is a gradual transition from the use of natural dyes to cheaper and less laborious factory analogues. The author presents a systematized list of local dyeing plants and trees, provides information on the dyeing properties of minerals and the technology of their use in the handicraft production of the Ingush in the 19th - 20th centuries in the process of dyeing wool. Based on the analysis, the author concludes that in modern conditions there is a loss of traditional experience in the production of natural dyes and wool dyeing among the Ingush.

Вячеслав Александрович Иванов

Статья посвящена проблеме анализа материально-технического обеспечения в годы Великой Отечественной войны партизан и подпольщиков Крыма, которая недостаточно изучена в отечественной историографии. На основе вводимых в научный оборот неопубликованных материалов из фондов Государственного архива Республики Крым автор исследует причины, побудившие Совет Народных Комиссаров Крымской АССР и военное командование Северо-Кавказского фронта организовать помощь «народным мстителям». В статье рассмотрены основные мероприятия Крымского обкома ВКП(б) по оказанию помощи антифашистскому сопротивлению: подготовка баз снабжения, авиационной техники, летного состава, подвоз продовольствия, организация аэродромов. Акцентируется внимание на факторе содействия советских ВВС в перевозке участников разведывательно-диверсионных и подпольных организаций с баз Северного Кавказа на территорию оккупированного Крыма и в передаче секретной информации в расположение советского командования. Автор приходит к выводу, что благодаря проводимым советским руководством мероприятиям был организован мощный воздушный мост между Северным Кавказом и партизанскими базами Крыма. Это позволило обеспечить партизан и подпольщиков Крыма необходимыми запасами продовольствия, медикаментов, оружия, боеприпасов в переломный момент Великой Отечественной войны. The paper is devoted to the problem of analyzing the material support during the Great Patriotic War of the partisans and underground fighters of the Crimea, which has not been sufficiently studied in Russian historiography. On the basis of unpublished materials from the funds of the State Archives of the Republic of Crimea introduced into scientific circulation, the author examines the reasons that prompted the Council of People’s Commissars of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the military command of the North Caucasian Front to organize the help for the “people’s avengers”. The publication discusses the main activities of the Crimean Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to provide assistance to the anti-fascist Resistance: the preparation of supply bases, aircraft, flight personnel, the supply of food, the organization of airfields. Attention is focused on the factor of assistance of the Soviet Air Force in the transportation of members of reconnaissance, sabotage and underground organizations from the bases of the North Caucasus to the territory of the occupied Crimea, and in the transfer of classified information to the location of the Soviet command. The author arrives at the conclusion that thanks to the measures carried out by the Soviet leadership, a powerful air bridge was organized between the North Caucasus and the partisan airfields of the Crimea. This made it possible to provide the partisans and underground fighters of the Crimea with the necessary supplies of food, medicines, weapons, ammunition at the turning point of the Great Patriotic War.

Светлана Аслановна Ляушева ◽  
Вячеслав Нурбиевич Нехай

Монографическое исследование В.Х. Акаева представляет собой самостоятельное авторское исследование, посвященное проблемам генезиса и эволюции суфизма в глобальном и региональном измерении. Отмечается, что суфизм, сформировавшись в лоне арабо-мусульманской культуры, как религиозно-мистический феномен проник в духовное пространство народов Северного Кавказа. Его отличительной чертой в рассматриваемом регионе стало то, что суфистские братства сумели встроиться в структуру традиционных этносоциальных институций ряда северокавказских народов. Однако деформация общественно-политической жизни Северного Кавказа в начале 1990-х гг. привела к активизации деятельности радикалистов и экстремистов в Чечне и Дагестане. В рецензируемой монографии осмыслен деструктивный потенциал религиозного радикализма, который активно продвигался идеологами ваххабизма, оперировавшими концептами шахидизма. Определены принципиальные расхождения ваххабизма и суфизма в интерпретации теологической доктрины ислама. Отдельного внимания заслуживает и авторское описание социально-политического портрета асоциальных акторов радикализма. Делается вывод о том, что наиболее эффективным инструментом профилактики религиозного радикализма является диалог культур, нацеленный на смягчение культурных конфликтов и обеспечивающий их активный обмен при сохранении культурно-исторической самобытности. The monographic study of V.Kh. Akaev is an independent author's research on the problems of genesis and the evolution of Sufism in the global and regional dimension. Having formed in the bosom of Arab-Muslim culture, Sufism as a religious-mystical phenomenon penetrated the spiritual space of the peoples of the North Caucasus. Its distinctive feature in the region under consideration was that Sufi fraternities managed to integrate into the structure of traditional ethnosocial institutions of a number of North Caucasian peoples. However, the deformation of the socio-political life of the North Caucasus in the early 1990s led to the activation of the activities of radicalists and extremists in Chechnya and Dagestan. The peer-reviewed monograph makes sense of the destructive potential of religious radicalism, which was actively promoted by Wahhabism ideologists who operated on the concepts of Shahidism. Fundamental differences between Wahhabism and Sufism in the interpretation of the theological doctrine of Islam were determined. The author's description of the socio-political portrait of asocial actors of radicalism deserves special attention. The research shows that the most effective tool for preventing religious radicalism is the dialogue of cultures aimed at mitigating cultural conflicts and ensuring their active exchange while preserving cultural and historical identity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 173-181
V. V. Bratkov ◽  
S. V. Savinova ◽  
P. V. Klyushin ◽  
I. A. Kerimov ◽  
L. R. Bekmurzaeva

2022 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
Lyudmila Y. Kuzmina ◽  
Elena A. Gilvanova ◽  
Nailya F. Galimzianova ◽  
Olga Y. Chervyatsova ◽  
Alyona S. Ryabova ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 80-90
A. N. Babenko ◽  
M. V. Dobrovolskaya ◽  
E. E. Vasilyeva ◽  
D. S. Korobov

Settlement and economy patterns of the Iron Age and early medieval population of the Central North Caucasus evidence complex cultural processes in the region. The ecological approach including the evaluation of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the local biota opens up new prospects in the study of environments, climate, anthropogenic effect, land use, and nutrition. We analyze the isotopic composition of collagen in 19 human and 11 animal bone samples from Kichmalka II—a cemetery successively used by the Koban people, those of the Sarmatian stage, and Alans. The isotopic composition of the Alanian sample indicates a heavy predominance of plants with the C3-type photosynthesis in the diet of humans and animals. People who lived during the Koban and Sarmatian stages consumed also C4-plants, such as common millet (Panicum miliaceum), suggesting the rise of the trophic step for carbon (Δδ13Chuman-animal). Statistically signifi cant differences in the isotopic composition of carbon were found within the Koban population, apparently evidencing two dietary models. The Δδ15Nhuman-animal values fall within the trophic step, mirroring a focus on meat and dairy products in the diet of all groups. Comparison with respective data on the Klin-Yar III cemetery revealed differences in isotopic signatures in the diet of both humans and domestic animals during the Koban period. The possible reason is climatic change in the Iron Age and the variable share of millet in the diet of the Koban people. The low proportion of δ15N (below 4 ‰) in the bone collagen of goat, sheep, and horse of the Alanian period may attest to vertical transhumance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 (8) ◽  
pp. 874-881
N. S. Zhemchuzhina ◽  
M. I. Kiseleva ◽  
T. M. Kolomiets ◽  
I. B. Ablova ◽  
A. P. Glinushkin ◽  

In order to prevent crop yield losses from the most dangerous and economically important pathogenic organisms, it is necessary not only to monitor the virulence gene pool, but also to study the nature of pathogen variability and determine the potential for the emergence of new genes and races. This requires centralized collections of fungal cultures characterized by a set of stable strains to provide for phytopathological, immunological, breeding, genetic, toxicological, parasitological and other studies. The State Collection of Phytopathogenic Microorganisms of the ARSRIP is the State Depository of Phytopathogenic microorganisms that are non-pathogenic to humans or farmed animals. Currently, it has more than 4,500 accessions of plant pathogenic strains of fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasmas, and the collection is updated annually. For this purpose, the study of the inter- and intraspecific genetic diversity of genus Fusarium was carried out in agricultural systems of the Krasnodar Territory. In 2020, the State Collection of Phytopathogenic Microorganisms was supplemented with 13 strains of Fusarium fungi isolated from tissues of winter wheat plants collected in several locations of the Krasnodar region. The complex of Fusarium fungi revealed on winter wheat usually included Fusarium oxysporum, F. culmorum, F. lolii, F. graminearum, F. fujikuroi, F. sporotrichioides, etc. The effect of the preceding crop on the frequency of Fusarium species isolated from winter wheat was observed. After series cloning of collected isolates, 21 strains of different fungal species characterized by stable morphology traits and known pathogenic and phytotoxic properties were selected for collection replenishment. Significant differences in pathogenic activity were revealed between fungi belonging to either the same or different species; the manifestation of this activity varied from the absence of any effect of spore suspensions on seedling development to a complete inhibition of their growth. The phytotoxic activity towards wheat seedlings varied from medium to high. Species possessing a high intensity of phytotoxic activities are the most dangerous for wheat, since they promote accumulation of dangerous phytotoxins in plant tissues.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Emilia Alaverdov ◽  
Aytekin Demircioğlu

The chapter deals with the chaotic situation of 1990 when the struggle for independence was intermingled with the religious revival in the acute form of radical Islamism and the process was gradually shifting to the revival and activities of political organizations. At the same time, religion was intertwined with politics and criminal activity. In investigating the conflicts in which Islamic radicals were involved, it was very difficult to distinguish the ideology of religious fundamentalism from criminal activities related to drug and arms business, people trafficking, and kidnapping. Crime, in its turn, was directly in the political and power groups that were closely linked to radicals. Thus, the North Caucasus republic, called Chechnya by Russians, appeared directly in the center of Russia's recent history, threatening its state and social security.

2022 ◽  
pp. 69-91
Natalya Oboturova ◽  
Ivan Evdokimov ◽  
Irina Kulikova ◽  
Andrey Bratsikhin ◽  
Diana Bogueva

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