scholarly journals Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Mobile Learning Tuntunan Shalat

Jodi Hendrawan

The development of information technology is currently growing rapidly and widely used in meeting human needs. However, the present presentation of information is still experiencing many obstacles in its less effective and inefficient presentation, such as information on worship, wudhu and adzan especially for Muslims which still must be obtained from religious figures, print media, magazines and books which is less effective and inefficient because it must provide a special time, a certain place and spend the cost to get the information. These problems can be overcome by utilizing the development of information technology that is the learning media on ​​Andoid mobile devices. The design of the application can use object oriented design tools with Unified Modeling Language modeling which is dominated by objects and denoted in specific symbols. With the application of mobile learning on mobile devices, the presentation of information about prayer, wudhu and adzan for Muslims becomes more effective, accessible anywhere, anytime, and the delivery of information becomes more interactive.  Keywords :Android, Learning, UML, Shalat

2014 ◽  
Vol 599-601 ◽  
pp. 530-533
Hong Hao Wang ◽  
Hui Quan Wang ◽  
Zhong He Jin

Due to the complex timing sequence of NAND flash, a unified design process is urgently required to guarantee the reliability of storage system of nano-satellite. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a widely used high level modeling language for object-oriented design. This paper adopts the UML as the design and modelling tool in the low level storage system design to elaborate the UML application in each phase of design in detail. The result shows taking UML as the modelling tool results in a clear and unambiguity design, which promotes the reliability and quality of software. At last, the feasibility of object-oriented implementation in C is presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 32-42
Sofari Hanifa ◽  
Wawan Kusdiawan ◽  
Dedi Supriadi

Abstrak Sofari Hanifah. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Dan Pengeluaran Donasi Berbasis WebMenggunakan Php Mysql (Studi Kasus Pada Lembaga Karawang Peduli). Dibimbing oleh WawanKusdiawan dan Dedi Supriadi. Tujuan penelitian pada Lembaga Karawang Peduli untuk merancang sistem informasi penerimaandan pengeluaran donasi berbasis web sehingga dapat mempermudah, mempercepat dan mengurangitingkat kesalahan, kekeliruan dalam memasukan data penerimaan dan pengeluaran donasi. Metodepengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu System Deveploment Life Cycyle (SDLC) Waterfall.Menganalisis dan merancang permasalahan dengan menggunakan Object Oriented Analysis (OOA)dan Object Oriented Design (OOD) dan Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Menggunakanbahasa pemrograman PHP, XAMPP dan MySQL sebagai database manajemen sistem.Menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram yang terdiri dari use case diagram,sequence diagram, activity diagram dan class diagram. Hasil aplikasi yang dirancang dapatmengurangi terjadinya kesalahan dalam penginputan data, memberikan kemudahan akses bagidonatur dan adanya keterbukaan informasi keuangan terkait pemasukan dan pengeluaran donasi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-64
Encep Supriatna

Design a Mobile Based Lecturer Payroll Information System at Ma’soem University to provide solutions to several lecturers who have limited time so they do not have time to fill in lecturer attendance after completing lectures so that it affects the work of the finance and curriculum sections,The approach method used is an object-oriented approach (object oriented) which consists of object-oriented analysis (OOA), and object-oriented design (OOD). The system development method used is prototype. While the author's modeling system uses Unified Modeling Language (UML).With the design of the lecturer payroll information system, it is expected to facilitate lecturers in completing attendance and seeing details of their income, the finance department does not have to work overtime to make lecturer salary reports, and the curriculum section is more facilitated in controlling lecturer performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Riad Sahara ◽  
Raden Muhammad Firzatullah ◽  
Albaar Rubhasy ◽  
Irfan Nurdiansyah

This research will discuss the analysis of the design and manufacture of website-based e-certificate applications using the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) method. The main problems that underlie this research are the waste in the use of paper and the cost of printing certificates, as well as the difficulty of distributing certificates to participants for every activity held in an agency. In addition, another problem is the number of fake certificates from activities that have been held and the difficulty of checking the authenticity of these certificates. Therefore, we need an application that can facilitate the making of certificates without having to be printed conventionally, assist in distributing certificates from activities that have been held to activity participants, as well as in checking the authenticity of certificates. For making applications using the OOP method with tools Unified Modeling Language (UML) as a tool in designing applications. The results achieved from this research are a website-based e-certificate application that will be used to print certificates digitally (paperless), distribute e-certificates from every activity organized by an agency, and check the authenticity of certificates using QRCode technology.

2012 ◽  
Vol 546-547 ◽  
pp. 1556-1561 ◽  
Ai Mei Dong

System analysis is the most important Part of the software life cycle. A successful software system is always based on good analysis. Modeling with UML has become a trend in object-oriented analysis and design. This paper firstly discusses object-oriented software development process based on UML (Unified Modeling Language), then describes in details object-oriented software design process, and lastly applies the design process into business personnel management system.

Hua Li ◽  
Yiming Rong

Most of previous computer aided fixture design (CAFD) research has mainly concentrated on machining fixtures rather than welding fixtures, and how to face the challenges such as dynamic requirements, expansion, maintenance and management in the development of complicated computer aided welding fixture design (CAWFD) software system has received much less attention. Application of Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Object-oriented Design Pattern (OODP) for developing CAWFD software system has been discussed in this paper. CAWFD system functions like design phases, workflow and design subtasks in each design phase are introduced. How to employ UML fundamental elements such as use case diagram, class diagram and component diagram to model the CAWFD system has been demonstrated. Multiple-tier architecture of CAWFD and its benefits are also presented. OODP has been certified to be an effective and efficient method especially for class diagram creation and refinement which is the key point during system analysis and design. Due to the complexity of CAWFD, the class diagram for CAWFD is classified as conceptual class diagram and detailed class diagram. How to use Model-View-Control (M-V-C) design pattern in conceptual class diagram and the benefits of M-V-C application are discussed. For detailed class diagram, the techniques of applying Command, Observer, Factory and Template patterns to realize code reuse are articulated. As a result, the extension, reusability and maintainability of CAWFD system can be obtained by applying UML and OODP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 237-249
Harrizki Arie Pradana ◽  
Melati Suci Mayasari ◽  
Yuyi Andrika ◽  
Akbar Fitriansyah

In managing the administrative data of loading and unloading production suction vessels at PT. Gusti Glori Sukses still uses manual administrative data management. All recapitulation of company administrative documents is still archived on sheets of paper, document preparation is still manual, which is considered less effective and efficient. Because data collection is still inaccurate, the effect on report presentation and administrative data processing tends to be slow. So that PT. Gusti Glori Sukses wants to have an information system for managing the loading and unloading administrative data of production suction vessels that is accessed internally which makes it easier for the company to run the company's operations smoothly. An information system that is made must be effective and in accordance with needs. The research method used in the development of this information system uses object-oriented design and analysis methods, with the FAST model, and the tools used are the Unified Modeling Language (UML). With the implementation of the information system for loading and unloading production suction vessels at PT. Gusti Glori Sukses based on computerization, all problems faced can be resolved, so that the administration of loading and unloading production suction boats can run optimally so that it becomes more effective and efficient.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
Sofari Hanifah, Wawan Kusdiawan, M.Kom Dedi Supriadi, S.E., M.M

Sofari Hanifah. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Dan Pengeluaran Donasi Berbasis Web Menggunakan Php Mysql (Studi Kasus Pada Lembaga Karawang Peduli). Dibimbing oleh Wawan Kusdiawan dan Dedi Supriadi. Tujuan penelitian pada Lembaga Karawang Peduli untuk merancang sistem informasi penerimaan dan pengeluaran donasi berbasis web sehingga dapat mempermudah, mempercepat dan mengurangi tingkat kesalahan, kekeliruan dalam memasukan data penerimaan dan pengeluaran donasi. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu System Deveploment Life Cycyle (SDLC) Waterfall. Menganalisis dan merancang permasalahan dengan menggunakan Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) dan Object Oriented Design (OOD) dan Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, XAMPP dan MySQL sebagai database manajemen sistem. Menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram yang terdiri dari use case diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram dan class diagram. Hasil aplikasi yang dirancang dapat mengurangi terjadinya kesalahan dalam penginputan data, memberikan kemudahan akses bagi donatur dan adanya keterbukaan informasi keuangan terkait pemasukan dan pengeluaran donasi.Kata Kunci : Penerimaan, Pengeluaran, System Deveploment Life Cycyle (SDLC) Waterfall, Web, OOP

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 32-42
Sofari Hanifah ◽  
Wawan Kusdiawan ◽  
Dedi Supriadi

Sofari Hanifah. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Dan Pengeluaran Donasi Berbasis Web Menggunakan Php Mysql (Studi Kasus Pada Lembaga Karawang Peduli). Dibimbing oleh Wawan Kusdiawan dan Dedi Supriadi. Tujuan penelitian pada Lembaga Karawang Peduli untuk merancang sistem informasi penerimaan dan pengeluaran donasi berbasis web sehingga dapat mempermudah, mempercepat dan mengurangi tingkat kesalahan, kekeliruan dalam memasukan data penerimaan dan pengeluaran donasi. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu System Deveploment Life Cycyle (SDLC) Waterfall. Menganalisis dan merancang permasalahan dengan menggunakan Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) dan Object Oriented Design (OOD) dan Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, XAMPP dan MySQL sebagai database manajemen sistem. Menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram yang terdiri dari use case diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram dan class diagram. Hasil aplikasi yang dirancang dapat mengurangi terjadinya kesalahan dalam penginputan data, memberikan kemudahan akses bagi donatur dan adanya keterbukaan informasi keuangan terkait pemasukan dan pengeluaran donasi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Muhamad Nurdiansyah

<em>Toko Abah pancing merupakan sebuah toko yang bergerak di bidang penjualan perlengkapan alat-alat pancing di kota Bogor. Saat ini, telah memiliki jumlah barang alat – alat pancing yang banyak, sehingga mendorong  pihak Pemilik Toko untuk terus  meningkatkan kualitas layanan baik dalam kualitas dan kuantitas. Salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi pada Toko Abah Pancing menyangkut masalah informasi ketersedian stok barang dan informasi harga barang yang masih dilakukan secara manual dengan melihat stok yang tersedia di gudang. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi komunikasi mobile, terjadi perubahan sudut pandang masyarakat sehingga masyarakat kini memanfaatkan teknologi komunikasi mobile tidak hanya sebatas alat komunikasi saja, namun juga sebagai alat untuk mencari ragam informasi. Berdasarkan uraian diatas diperlukan sebuah aplikasi android yang dapat membantu menyampaikan informasi harga barang dan stok barang kepada pemilik dan penjaga toko. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan dan  pembangunan aplikasi inventori berbasis android di Toko Abah Pancing. Perancangan dilakukan dengan model Object Oriented Design (OOD) yang mempergunakan tools Unified Modeling Language (UML), implementasi dilakukan dengan pembuatan aplikasi android. Pada aplikasi inventori di Toko Abah Pancing terdapat 3 kategori barang yang di tampilkan yaitu: joran, tas joran, dan rill, dengan Aplikasi Mobile di Toko Abah Pancing bisa di terapkan untuk mendapatkan informasi harga barang di Toko Abah Pancing.</em>

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