analysis and design
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 766
Xiangyu Sha ◽  
Aizhong Lu ◽  
Hui Cai ◽  
Chonglin Yin

The static problem of a layered isotropic elastic body is a very useful research subject in relation to the analysis and design of foundation works. Due to the complexity of the problem, there is no analytical solution to the problem so far. This study provides an efficient analytical approach to accurately calculate the displacement and stress fields of the soil. The constraints of bedrock on soil, different soil layer thickness and the shear stress of the foundation on soil were all taken into account in the analysis. In this study, each layer is regarded as an isotropic elastomer with infinite width, and the layers are in complete contact. By using conformal mapping, each layer is mapped to a unit circle, and the two complex potential functions are expanded into Taylor series with unknown coefficients. These unknown coefficients are obtained by satisfying boundary conditions and continuity conditions. The boundary and continuity conditions were verified in this paper. As a validation step, we compared the analytical results for the settlement with the results of the ANSYS numerical simulations and found good agreement. Parametric analyses were also carried out to investigate the influence of different distribution forms of base pressure on surface settlement, and the effects of layered properties on the surface settlement and stress field.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 756
Rocío Rodríguez-Rivero ◽  
Isabel Ortiz-Marcos

When working with international development projects (IDPs), the use of the logical framework approach (LFA) prevails as the most important tool to plan and manage these projects. This paper presents how the methodology has been enriched, including risk management (LFRMA logical framework with risk management approach), proposing an original contribution, tested with professionals that will improve the effectiveness of IDPs by increasing their success rate and their sustainability. The steps followed to design the methodology (problem statement (literature review, interview with experts, questionnaire for professionals. and statistical analysis), case study analysis (eight case studies in Colombia, interviews with IDPs managers, focus groups, questionnaire for participants, qualitative analysis, and fuzzy analysis) and design of LFRMA (focus group with experts)) and the methodology itself (how to introduce risk management during all the life cycle through the methodology steps) are presented. Conclusions answer the research questions: can the effectiveness and sustainability of IDPs be improved? Can risk management help to improve IDPs effectiveness? Would it be useful to introduce risk management into the LFA? The LFRMA methodology consists of two fields of application, the first at the organization level and the second at the project level.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-72
Ismail Arifin ◽  
Niska Ramadani ◽  
Iin Desmiany Duri

Background: Progressing technology in the world need to fast and accurate information in the hospital agencies as the basis for appropriate making decision. The inpatient daily census reporting of system Bhayangkara Hospital Bengkulu don't have utilized the Inpatient Daily census system electronically and still uses a manual system, so that the processing of report data is less than optimal. There are still a lot of inputting errors, inaccurate data, and inefficient time and energy. This study to aim design system information inpatient daily census reporting application at the Bhayangkara hospital to existing problems solving.Methods: The method used in designing and making this application is by utilizing software development methods, namely the waterfall method which includes identification, analysis, design or design, implementation and maintenance of the system.Results: The results this study is creation of an application to facilitys the processing of data into an inpatient daily census report that is needed and to overcome the problems that arise because of the report processing system manually. Design and Creation of Inpatient Daily Census Applications with Visual Basic 6.0 Programming at Bhayangkara Bengkulu Hospital have been made with the results of an analysis of existing systems and according to the method used, and the design of the forms that have been made in accordance with the manual form or home party needs sick and can simplify filling out forms and processing the data.Conclusions: At Bhayangkara Bengkulu Hospital still uses a manual inpatient daily census system, and not on time for reporting daily cencus patient data. The data structure contained in the ledger consists of patient identity, patient diagnosis, and others. There are three processes in the stage of analyzing the needs of the inpatient daily census system, namely the data input process, data processing and data output processes. ledger, patient data consisting of patient identity, doctor's name, patient diagnosis, treatment room, and treatment class. In designing the daily inpatient census system at Bhayangkara Bengkulu Hospit consists of patient data forms, incoming patients, outgoing patients, and patients moving. The implementation of the daily inpatient census system at the Bhayangkara Bengkulu Hospital  has carried out socialization and discussions about the user interface design to officers or users of the electronic daily census system. And the maintenance of the daily inpatient census system is carried out in several stages (1) corrective, by correcting design and errors in the program, (2) adaptive, by modifying the system according to user needs, (3) perfective, namely processing census data computerized.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Z.A. Rana ◽  
F. Mauret ◽  
J.M. Sanchez-Gil ◽  
K. Zeng ◽  
Z. Hou ◽  

Abstract This article focuses on the aerodynamic design of a morphing aerofoil at cruise conditions using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The morphing aerofoil has been analysed at a Mach number of 0.8 and Reynolds number of $3 \times 10^{6}$ , which represents the transonic cruise speed of a commercial aircraft. In this research, the NACA0012 aerofoil has been identified as the baseline aerofoil where the analysis has been performed under steady conditions at a range of angles of attack between $0^{^{\kern1pt\circ}}$ and $3.86^{^{\kern1pt\circ}}$ . The performance of the baseline case has been compared to the morphing aerofoil for different morphing deflections ( $w_{te}/c = [0.005 - 0.1]$ ) and start of the morphing locations ( $x_{s}/c = [0.65 - 0.80]$ ). Further, the location of the shock wave on the upper surface has also been investigated due to concerns about the structural integrity of the morphing part of the aerofoil. Based upon this investigation, a most favourable morphed geometry has been presented that offers both, a significant increase in the lift-to-drag ratio against its un-morphed counterpart and has a shock location upstream of the start of the morphing part.

2022 ◽  
Said Mikki

A new computational approach to quantum antennas based on first principle open stochastic quantum dynamics.<div><br></div><div>We develop a general computational approach for the analysis and design of quantum antenna systems comprised of coupled quantum dot arrays interacting with external fields and producing quantum radiation. The method is based on using the GKSL master equation to model quantum dissipation and decoherence. The density operator of a coupled two-level quantum dot (qbit) array, excited by classical external signals with variable amplitude and phase, is evolved in time using a quantum Liouville-like equation (the master equation). We illustrate the method in a numerical example where it is shown that manipulating the phase excitations of individual quantum dots may significantly enhance the directive radiation properties of the quantum dot antenna system<br></div>

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Ayu Rizki Ananda ◽  
Gigih Forda Nama ◽  
Mardiana Mardiana

Abstrak - Pemerintahan Kota Metro merupakan kota administratif yang memiliki kondisi dan potensi yang cukup besar serta ditunjang dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai. Kota Metro tumbuh dengan pesat sebagai pusat pendidikan, kebudayaan dan pusat pemerintahan maka dengan potensi tersebut Kota Metro ditingkatkan menjadi Kotamadya Metro. Untuk dapat mewujudkan hal tersebut Kota Metro diharuskan untuk dapat mengikuti perkembangan zaman khususnya pada bidang teknologi informasi. Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Metro membuat website pemerintahan Kota Metro untuk memberikan informasi terkait dengan pemerintah daerah Kota Metro. Meskipun demikian website pemerintahan Kota Metro masih perlu pembaharuan dalam informasi, maka diperlukan pembaharuan pada layanan publik Kota Metro berupa sistem informasi geografis dan interaksi langsung terhadap admin dengan masyarakat atau live chat. Pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode SSADM (Structured System Analysis and Design Method). Metode SSADM adalah metode pendekatan sistem untuk menganalisis dan mendesain sebuah sistem informasi, dimana konsep ini digunakan untuk menentukan data, proses, serta informasi yang dihasilkan dari sistem yang dibangun. Terdapat 2 tahap pengujian yaitu presentasi dan blackbox testing yaitu data pendidikan dan data kesehatan. Hasil dari pengembangan sistem menghasilkan prototype sistem layanan publik Kota Metro berupa sistem informasi geografis dan live chat yang berfungsi untuk berinteraksi secara langsung dengan admin.Kata kunci : Website, Metode SSADM, Pemerintah Kota Metro, Sistem Informasi Geografis

2022 ◽  
Said Mikki

A new computational approach to quantum antennas based on first principle open stochastic quantum dynamics.<div><br></div><div>We develop a general computational approach for the analysis and design of quantum antenna systems comprised of coupled quantum dot arrays interacting with external fields and producing quantum radiation. The method is based on using the GKSL master equation to model quantum dissipation and decoherence. The density operator of a coupled two-level quantum dot (qbit) array, excited by classical external signals with variable amplitude and phase, is evolved in time using a quantum Liouville-like equation (the master equation). We illustrate the method in a numerical example where it is shown that manipulating the phase excitations of individual quantum dots may significantly enhance the directive radiation properties of the quantum dot antenna system<br></div>

2022 ◽  
pp. 125-167
Ming Rao ◽  
Haiming Qiu

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