scholarly journals Relationship between Monetary Policy, Domestic Prices, Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Pakistan

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-25
Anam Bibi ◽  
Syed Tahir Hussain Shah ◽  
Syed Imran Rais ◽  
Khalid Zaman ◽  
Abdul Mansoor ◽  

The objective of the study is to examine the relationship between monetary policy, domestic prices, financial development and economic growth in a context of Pakistan by using a consistent time series data from 1980 to 2016. The results show that real interest rate increases exchange rate that negatively influenced on country’s economic growth, which confirmed that contractionary monetary policy is ineffective to stabilize country’s economic growth. The trade linearization policies hurt Pakistan’s economic growth, which invalidate the positive effect of globalization in developing countries. The inbound FDI has a positive impact on economic growth, whereas exchange rate and changes in price level both have a negative impact on inbound FDI in a country. The domestic saving rate substantially increases inbound FDI in a country. The positive impact of money supply on inflation confirmed the monetarist view of inflation, i.e., money supply leads to inflation. Thus, the overall conclusion confirmed the sound viability of expansionary monetary policy in a given country for sustained growth.

Comfort Akinwolere Bukola ◽  

This study examined the impact of exchange rate volatility on economic growth in Nigeria. The study covers the period of 1986 to 2019. Using time series data, the methodology adopted is the Vector Error Correction Mechanism to explore the impact of exchange rate volatility on the selected macroeconomic variables. The result indicated that exchange rate volatility has a significant impact on economic growth, specifically it has a positive impact on inflation, unemployment and balance of trade. On the other hand it has a negative impact on economic growth and investment. The recommendations made include; that relevant authorities should try to avoid systematic currency devaluations in order to maintain exchange rate volatility at a rate that allows adjustment of the balance of payments.

Tang My Sang

Through the secondary data collected from 2009 to 2018, the research used Var method to test the impact of monetary policy on economic growth in Vietnam. The results show that there is a relationship between the variables of monetary policy and economic growth, in which the money supply has a positive impact at a high significant level, interest rates have a negative impact on Vietnam economic growth. From the results obtained, the research proposed solutions for operating monetary policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 613-624
Mahmood Ul Hassan ◽  
Hina Ali ◽  
Saeed Ur Rahman ◽  
Sabiha Parveen

The objective of this research is to examine the monetary policy's impact on economic growth. Variables of study are Gross domestic product, Inflation, rate of interest, Exchange rate, Money supply, Investment, and Consumer Price Index and time series data is collected from. Gross domestic product is a dependent variable and all other variables are independent and have a great effect on the explanatory variable. In this study, the Augmented dicky fuller test is used to check out the stationarity of our selected variables and after that autoregressive distributed lag model co-integration technique is applied to estimate the parameters of the model. The result shows that inflation, interest rate, and consumer price index show a negative impact on gross domestic product. While other variables such as exchange rate, money supply, and investment show a positive impact on GDP. The study recommended that the desired level of output and employment can be attained by adopting sufficient strategies that reduce inflation in the economy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-59 ◽  
Samuel Antwi ◽  
Eugene Oware Koranteng ◽  
Eugene Oware Koranteng

Empirical results of the effect of international remittances on economic growth of individual countries and groups of countries have yielded mixed results. This study is intended to add to the debate on the impact of international remittances on the aggregate output of individual countries, Ghana in this case. An earlier panel data study found a negative impact of remittance on real GDP and prompted further research on the topic for individual countries and groups of countries. The papers which followed and were able to correct for endogeneity in the models, found a mild positive impact of private unrequited remittances on economic growth. The impact of remittances on economic growth of a particular country depends on the proportion of remittances invested and consumed, the level of financial development and the quality of institutions in the country. This study used time series data from 1990 to 2014 on Ghana and found a positive impact of remittances on the growth rate of real GDP. Engel and Granger Cointegration test and Error Correction Models were used. Remittances were found to be pro-cyclical. Granger causality tests which corrects for the errors of cointegrated variables found causality running from financial development to remittances and from remittances to real GDP. Remittances have been found in other studies to benefit the Ghanaian economy by reducing poverty and sustaining the current account. This study shows a positive impact of remittances on aggregate output. Thus requiring policies to increase the flows and encourage their investment. Keywords: International Remittances, Economic Growth, Ghana, Financial Development.

10.26458/1815 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-140 ◽  
Lawrence Olisaemeka UFOEZE ◽  
Udoka Bernard ALAJEKWU

The study investigated effect of monetary policy on economic growth in Nigeria. The natural log of the GDP was used as the dependent variables against the explanatory monetary policy variables: monetary policy rate, money supply, exchange rate, lending rate and investment. The time series data is the market controlled period covering 1986 to 2016. The study adopted an Ordinary Least Squared technique and also conducted the unit root and co-integration tests. The study showed that long run relationship exists among the variables. Also, the core finding of this study showed that monetary policy rate, interest rate, and investment have insignificant positive effect on economic growth in Nigeria. Money supply however has significant positive effect on growth in Nigeria. Exchange rate has significant negative effect on GDP in Nigeria. Money supply and investment granger cause economic growth, while economic growth causes interest rate in Nigeria. On the overall, monetary policy explain 98% of the changes in economic growth in Nigeria. Thus, the study concluded that monetary policy can be effectively used to control Nigerian economy and thus a veritable tool for price stability and improve output.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 385-399
Ebenezer Gbenga Olamide ◽  
Andrew Maredza

Purpose Empirically, the purpose of this paper is to investigate policy variables that determine monetary policy and economic growth of some selected countries within the economic bloc of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). The selected countries are Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Design/methodology/approach Annual time series data for a panel of 11 Southern African countries spanning 1980–2015 were employed in the study. The major instrument of estimation is the dynamic regression panel model. In order to conform to econometric principles, robustness checks were carried out on the variables of interest so as to avoid spurious results. An estimation of impulse response and variance decomposition analyses were to complement the approach to the study. Findings The result of the long-run dynamic panel regression reveals that GDP growth rate, inflation rate, exchange rate, money supply and oil and commodity prices do have profound impact on monetary policy within SADC. It was further revealed from the study that commodity price shock is the major exogenous determinant of monetary policy dynamics and the effect is transmitted via exchange rate channel to macroeconomics of the region; with inflation rate and money supply playing a major role in the transmission mechanism as it affects the economies of the countries in this region. Practical implications The policy implication is that inflation is seen as a major challenge to the countries under review. Among other things, a hybrid of inflation and monetary targeting should be adopted to complement each other as policy combination within the region. Originality/value The study accounts for the determinants of monetary policy vis-à-vis growth potentials of some selected countries in SADC, using a combination of dynamic regression panel approach and SVAR elements.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0958305X2110453
Jaleel Ahmed ◽  
Shuja ur Rehman ◽  
Zaid Zuhaira ◽  
Shoaib Nisar

This study examines the impact of financial development on energy consumption for a wide array of countries. The estimators used for financial development are foreign direct investment, economic growth and urbanization. The study employed a panel data regression on 136 countries with time frame of years 1990 to 2019. The model in this study deploys system GMM technique to estimate the model. The results show that financial development has a significant negative impact on energy consumption overall. Foreign direct investment and urbanization has significant impact on energy consumption. Also, economic growth positive impact on energy consumption its mean that economic growth promotes energy consumption. When dividing further the sample into different groups of regions such as Asian, European, African, North/Latin American and Caribbean countries then mixed results related to the nexus between financial development and energy consumption with respect to economic growth, urbanization and foreign direct investment. The policymakers in these different groups of countries must balance the relationship between energy supply and demand to achieving the sustainable economic development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-15
Desalegn Emana

This study examined the relationship between budget deficit and economic growth in Ethiopia using time series data for the period 1991 to 2019 by applying the ARDL bounds testing approach. The empirical results indicate that budget deficit and economic growth in Ethiopia have a negative relationship in the long run, and have a weak positive association in the short run. In line with this, in the long run, a one percent increase in the budget deficit causes a 1.43 percent decline in the economic growth of the country. This result is consistent with the neoclassical view which says budget deficits are bad for economic growth during stimulating periods. Moreover, in the long run, the variables trade openness and inflation have a positive impact on Ethiopian economic growth, and on the other hand, the economic growth of Ethiopia is negatively affected by the nominal exchange rate in the long run. Apart from this, in the long run, gross capital formation and lending interest rates have no significant impact on the economic growth of the country. Therefore, the study recommends the government should manage its expenditure and mobilize the resources to generate more revenue to address the negative impact of the budget deficit on economic growth.

2021 ◽  
Anand Nadar

This study investigatesthe effectiveness of fiscal policy and monetary policy in India. We collected thetime series data for India ranging from 1960 to 2019 from World Development Indicator (WDI). Weapplied the bound test co-integration approach to check the long-run relationship between fiscalpolicy, monetary policy, and economic growth in the context of Indian economy. The short-run andlong-run effects of fiscal policy and monetary policy have been estimated using ARDL models. Theresults showed that there is a long-run relationship between fiscal and monetary policies witheconomic growth. The estimated short-run coefficients indicated that a few immediate short runimpacts of fiscal and monetary policies are insignificant. However, the short-run impacts becomesignificant as time passes. The long-run results suggested that the long-run impact of both fiscal andmonetary policies on economic growth are positive and significant. More specifically, the GDP levelincreases if the money supply and government expenditure increase (Expansionary fiscal andmonetary policies). On the other hand, the GDP level decreasesif the money supply and governmentexpenditure decrease (contractionary fiscal and monetary policies). Therefore, this studyrecommends to use expansionary policies to spur the Indian economy.

Rachel R. Cheti ◽  
Bahati Ilembo

The objective of the study was to examine the trend of inflation and its key determinants in Tanzania. We used secondary time series data observed annually from January 1970 to 2020 which are inflation rate, GDP, Exchange rate and money supply. The vector autoregressive (VAR) model was employed for modeling. Augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF) found that inflation rate, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), exchange rate and Money supply (M3) were initially non-stationary but they became stationary after first differencing so as to proceed with the analysis. Preliminary tests before obtaining vector auto regressive model were carried out before determining the relationship between the variables. Diagnostic test such as serial correlation, heteroscedasticity, stability and normality were also important to evaluate the model assumptions and investigate whether or not there are observations with a large, undue influence on the analysis. We used Granger causality test (GCT) to determine causal- effect relationship between the variables. The results show that, there is a long run relationship between the variables, also the results showed that exchange rate and money supply (M3) both have a positive impact on inflation rate while gross domestic product (GDP) revealed a negative impact on inflation rate. Finally, the forecast of inflation rate for 15 years ahead was performed. The study recommends that the government should pursue both contractionary monetary policy and fiscal policy in order to control inflation in the country.

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