2021 ◽  
pp. 95-100
M. Yu. Ivanchenko ◽  
I. I. Barnych ◽  
A. S. Marmulyak
GeoJournal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Nicola Gabellieri

AbstractScholars have been investigating detective stories and crime fiction mostly as literary works reflecting the societies that produced them and the movement from modernism to postmodernism. However, these genres have generally been neglected by literary geographers. In the attempt to fill such an epistemological vacuum, this paper examines and compare the function and importance of geography in both classic and late 20th century detective stories. Arthur Conan Doyle’s and Agatha Christie’s detective stories are compared to Mediterranean noir books by Manuel Montalbán, Andrea Camilleri and Jean Claude Izzo. While space is shown to be at the center of the investigations in the former two authors, the latter rather focus on place, that is space invested by the authors with meaning and feelings of identity and belonging. From this perspective, the article argues that detective investigations have become a narrative medium allowing the readership to explore the writer’s representation/construction of his own territorial context, or place-setting, which functions as a co-protagonist of the novel. In conclusion, the paper suggests that the emerging role of place in some of the later popular crime fiction can be interpreted as the result of writer’s sentiment of belonging and, according to Appadurai’s theory, as a literary and geographical discourse aimed at the production of locality.

1949 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-214 ◽  
Geraldine Pederson-Krag

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-150
Jacek Mydla

Arthur Conan Doyle famously popularised science in his series of detective stories by placing its three constitutive elements (scientific knowledge, the collection of evidence, and art of making inferences), in his protagonist Sherlock Holmes. The legacy is present in contemporary crime fiction, but the competencies have been distributed among a group of individuals involved in the investigation. This distribution has affected and changed the position of the detective vis-à-vis scientific expertise. Science, chiefly in the form of different branches of forensics, is as indispensable as the detective, and authors have been working out different ways of making the two work together. As an example of this cooperation, the paper examines Mark Billingham’s 2015 novel Time of Death.

Doichyk O.Ya. ◽  
Tomash Ya.Z.

Purpose. The article dwells upon the range of conceptual metaphors with the target domains CRIME and INVESTIGATION verbalized in Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective stories. The research aims at tracing the cognitive mechanisms of conceptual metaphoric mappings which objectify the key concepts of the detective text: CRIME and INVESTIGATION. The analysis is done on the basis of the theoretical points of cognitive linguistic schools, namely the conceptual metaphor theory. The aim is achieved by completing the following tasks: singling out the key concepts of a detective story and tracing their conceptual correlations; schematic representing the basic frame of CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION; analyzing the cognitive mechanisms behind the metaphoric interpretations of CRIME and INVESTIGATION concepts; and describing metaphoric correlations of the basic frame slots (CRIME, CRIMINAL, DETECTIVE, INVESTIGATION).Methods, applied in the research, include contextual and descriptive analysis, conceptual analysis. The range of metaphors with the target domains CRIME and INVESTIGATION is analyzed according to the conceptual metaphor theory methodology.Results. In the detective stories under study the key concepts CRIME, CRIMINAL, DETECTIVE, and INVESTIGATION are represented by a certain set of metaphoric models. The metaphoric expressions that verbalize the concepts of CRIME and INVESTIGATION reveal their conceptual correlations with the concepts of DETECTIVE і CRIMINAL, which obtain further metaphoric interpretation according to these mappings.Conclusions. The research has revealed that the concepts of CRIME and INVESTIGATION have high capacity to be metaphorically interpreted due to their abstract nature. The target domain CRIME is associated with the following set of source domains: PERFORMANCE, GAME, A TANGLE / A PUZZLE / A CHAIN / A RIDDLE / MYSTERY / A LOCKED DOOR, BUSINESS, OCCUPATION, ENTERTAINMENT, MENTAL ACTIVITY, STORY, and PHENOMENON. The range of source domains which correlate with the target domain INVESTIGATION includes: JOURNEY, ROLEPLAY, HUNTING, CHASE, COMPLETING LINKS TO A CHAIN, MAKING VISIBLE, UNTANGLING, and ENTERTAINING ACTIVITY.Key words: frame, conceptual metaphor, range of metaphor, target domain, metaphoric mapping. Статтю присвячено дослідженню діапазону концептуальних метафор для референтів ЗЛОЧИН / CRIME та РОЗСЛІДУВАННЯ / INVESTIGATION у текстах детективних оповідань А. Конан Дойла. Метою статті є простеження когнітивних механізмів творення концептуальних метафор, що об’єктивують ключові концепти оповідань детективного жанру, – ЗЛОЧИН / CRIME та РОЗСЛІДУВАННЯ / INVESTIGATION. Аналіз здійснюється з опертям на положення провідних шкіл когнітивної лінгвістики, зокрема теорії концептуальної метафори. Реалізація поставленої мети відбувається шляхом виокремлення ключових концептів детективної розповіді та з’ясування їхніх концептуальних зв’язків; схематичного моделювання фрейму ДЕТЕКТИВНЕ РОЗСЛІДУВАННЯ / CRIMINAL INVES-TIGATION; аналізу механізмів творення концептуальних метафор, які об’єктивують концепти CRIME та INVESTIGATION і виявляють концептуальні зв’язки між слотами фрейму (CRIME, CRIMINAL, DETECTIVE, INVESTIGATION).Методи, застосовані в дослідженні, включають контекстуальний і концептуальний аналізи, метод суцільної вибірки, описовий метод. Визначення діапазону метафор концептів CRIME та INVESTIGATION здійснюється відповідно до положень теорії концептуальної метафори.Результати. У досліджуваних оповіданнях концепти CRIME, CRIMINAL, DETECTIVE, INVESTIGATION об’єктивовані певним набором метафоричних моделей. У метафоричних висловах, що об’єктивують концепти CRIME та INVESTIGATION у текстах оповідань, відображено їхні зв’язки з концептами DETECTIVE і CRIMINAL, які також отримують своє метафоричне осмислення в межах цих концептуальних метафор.Висновки. Дослідження показує, що високий ступінь метафоризації концептів CRIME та INVESTI-GATION зумовлений абстрактністю референтів. Концептуальний референт CRIME корелює з доменами PERFORMANCE, GAME, A TANGLE / A PUZZLE / A CHAIN / A RIDDLE / MYSTERY / A LOCKED DOOR, BUSINESS, OCCUPATION, ENTERTAINMENT, MENTAL ACTIVITY, STORY, PHENOMENON. Діапазон корелятивних доменів, які проєктуються на референтний домен INVESTIGATION, включає такі кореляти, як JOURNEY, ROLEPLAY, HUNTING, CHASE, COMPLETING LINKS TO A CHAIN, MAKING VISIBLE, UNTANGLING, ENTERTAINING ACTIVITY.Ключові слова: фрейм, концептуальна метафора, діапазон метафори, домен цілі, метафоричне мапування.

Keith Oatley

The kind of truth that is usually approached in psychology is of correspondence: whether a hypothesis corresponds with an aspect of behavior or physiology. But two further kinds of truth are important: a truth of coherence of several co-occurring processes, as instantiated in simulations, and a truth that is personal, as can occur when people come to know something important about others or themselves. The aim of literature that is artistic is to explore truths of all three kinds in an integrated way, so that deeper recognition may sometimes be achieved. A novel that enables us to understand the psychological principle of projection, in this way, is Apple Tree Yard, by Louise Doughty. As readers run the simulation of this novel in their minds, not only is it entertaining, as the better kinds of detective stories and courtroom dramas can be, but also it enables readers to understand—and resonate personally with—what can happen when a person becomes caught up in a projection motivated by a phantasy.

Catalina Luque Cobija ◽  
María Esther Galbis López

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