mental activity
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Дмитрий Валерьевич Лобанов ◽  
Игорь Иванович Звенигородский ◽  
Александр Александрович Мерщиев ◽  
Роман Александрович Шепс

Умственный труд достаточно разнообразен и характеризуется различной степенью ответственности, монотонности, внимания, уровнем эмоционального напряжения. Для обеспечения комфортных условий пребывания человека на постоянном рабочем месте, необходимо в том числе организовывать системы климатизации. Наиболее перспективными для указанной деятельности, являются персональные системы вентиляции, обеспечивающие качественную воздушную среду в зоне дыхания человека при одновременном снижении капитальных и эксплуатационных затрат по сравнению с традиционными видами систем вентиляции (смешивающая, вытесняющая вентиляция). Однако, при проектировании таких систем следует ориентироваться не на «среднего условного человека», а учитывать индивидуальные особенности работника (возраст, пол и др.), выполняющего конкретный вид умственной деятельности. С целью уточнения фактической величины углекислого газа, выделяемого человеком при определенной умственной работе, проведены натурные экспериментальные исследования, результатом которых является подтверждение характера и динамики изменения углекислого газа в помещении при отсутствии (бездействии) вентиляционных систем (линейная зависимость), а также уточнение величины выделяющейся двуокиси углерода при конкретном виде умственной деятельности (исследовался труд инженера-проектировщика). Intellectual work is quite diverse and is characterized by different degrees of responsibility, monotony, attention, the level of emotional tension. In order to ensure comfortable conditions for a person staying at a permanent workplace among other things it is necessary to arrange climate control systems. The most promising ventilation systems for the above activities are personal ones that provide high-quality air environment in the breathing zone of a person while reducing capital and operating costs compared with traditional types of ventilation systems (mixing, displacement ventilation). However, the design of such systems should be guided not by the "average conditional person" but by the individual characteristics of the worker (age, gender, etc.) performing a particular type of mental activity. In order to clarify the actual value of carbon dioxide emitted by a person doing a particular mental work, we conducted a series of field experimental studies. They resulted in confirmation of the nature and dynamics of changes in carbon dioxide in the room in the absence (inactivity) of ventilation systems (linear dependence). As well we clarified the value of emitted carbon dioxide at a particular type of mental activity (in this article we studied the work of an engineer-designer).

Matatu ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-31
Paul Onanuga

Abstract One of the endearing qualities of the Hip-Hop genre is its penchant for crass materialism where artistes lyrically brag about their successes while unabashedly flaunting the ostentatious proceeds of their newfound fame. This resonates with the contemporary constructs of individualism and self-realisation in line with social expectations. However, beyond the photo ops, these artistes indeed go the extra mile in achieving success. In this article, the portraiture of hustling, which indexes survival in any form, is explored. Fifteen purposively selected songs by Nigerian Hip-Hop artistes constitute the data. For one, many of the popular Hip-Hoppers defied the stranglehold of poverty before recording personal successes. They thus reference the street as a domain of hustling and recount their experiences. Different contextual or social orientations of hustling in Nigeria are discursively constructed by the artists. It is framed as a prerequisite for achieving success (regardless of how!); as a necessity to meet familial responsibility; and as combat with perceived enemies. Additionally, Nigerian Hip-Hop artistes annex hustling as a psychological/mental activity as well as a metaphor for God’s blessings. The study concludes that hustling typifies the underground economy and the almost limitless extent to which Nigerian Hip-Hoppers work for their successes.

Doichyk O.Ya. ◽  
Tomash Ya.Z.

Purpose. The article dwells upon the range of conceptual metaphors with the target domains CRIME and INVESTIGATION verbalized in Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective stories. The research aims at tracing the cognitive mechanisms of conceptual metaphoric mappings which objectify the key concepts of the detective text: CRIME and INVESTIGATION. The analysis is done on the basis of the theoretical points of cognitive linguistic schools, namely the conceptual metaphor theory. The aim is achieved by completing the following tasks: singling out the key concepts of a detective story and tracing their conceptual correlations; schematic representing the basic frame of CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION; analyzing the cognitive mechanisms behind the metaphoric interpretations of CRIME and INVESTIGATION concepts; and describing metaphoric correlations of the basic frame slots (CRIME, CRIMINAL, DETECTIVE, INVESTIGATION).Methods, applied in the research, include contextual and descriptive analysis, conceptual analysis. The range of metaphors with the target domains CRIME and INVESTIGATION is analyzed according to the conceptual metaphor theory methodology.Results. In the detective stories under study the key concepts CRIME, CRIMINAL, DETECTIVE, and INVESTIGATION are represented by a certain set of metaphoric models. The metaphoric expressions that verbalize the concepts of CRIME and INVESTIGATION reveal their conceptual correlations with the concepts of DETECTIVE і CRIMINAL, which obtain further metaphoric interpretation according to these mappings.Conclusions. The research has revealed that the concepts of CRIME and INVESTIGATION have high capacity to be metaphorically interpreted due to their abstract nature. The target domain CRIME is associated with the following set of source domains: PERFORMANCE, GAME, A TANGLE / A PUZZLE / A CHAIN / A RIDDLE / MYSTERY / A LOCKED DOOR, BUSINESS, OCCUPATION, ENTERTAINMENT, MENTAL ACTIVITY, STORY, and PHENOMENON. The range of source domains which correlate with the target domain INVESTIGATION includes: JOURNEY, ROLEPLAY, HUNTING, CHASE, COMPLETING LINKS TO A CHAIN, MAKING VISIBLE, UNTANGLING, and ENTERTAINING ACTIVITY.Key words: frame, conceptual metaphor, range of metaphor, target domain, metaphoric mapping. Статтю присвячено дослідженню діапазону концептуальних метафор для референтів ЗЛОЧИН / CRIME та РОЗСЛІДУВАННЯ / INVESTIGATION у текстах детективних оповідань А. Конан Дойла. Метою статті є простеження когнітивних механізмів творення концептуальних метафор, що об’єктивують ключові концепти оповідань детективного жанру, – ЗЛОЧИН / CRIME та РОЗСЛІДУВАННЯ / INVESTIGATION. Аналіз здійснюється з опертям на положення провідних шкіл когнітивної лінгвістики, зокрема теорії концептуальної метафори. Реалізація поставленої мети відбувається шляхом виокремлення ключових концептів детективної розповіді та з’ясування їхніх концептуальних зв’язків; схематичного моделювання фрейму ДЕТЕКТИВНЕ РОЗСЛІДУВАННЯ / CRIMINAL INVES-TIGATION; аналізу механізмів творення концептуальних метафор, які об’єктивують концепти CRIME та INVESTIGATION і виявляють концептуальні зв’язки між слотами фрейму (CRIME, CRIMINAL, DETECTIVE, INVESTIGATION).Методи, застосовані в дослідженні, включають контекстуальний і концептуальний аналізи, метод суцільної вибірки, описовий метод. Визначення діапазону метафор концептів CRIME та INVESTIGATION здійснюється відповідно до положень теорії концептуальної метафори.Результати. У досліджуваних оповіданнях концепти CRIME, CRIMINAL, DETECTIVE, INVESTIGATION об’єктивовані певним набором метафоричних моделей. У метафоричних висловах, що об’єктивують концепти CRIME та INVESTIGATION у текстах оповідань, відображено їхні зв’язки з концептами DETECTIVE і CRIMINAL, які також отримують своє метафоричне осмислення в межах цих концептуальних метафор.Висновки. Дослідження показує, що високий ступінь метафоризації концептів CRIME та INVESTI-GATION зумовлений абстрактністю референтів. Концептуальний референт CRIME корелює з доменами PERFORMANCE, GAME, A TANGLE / A PUZZLE / A CHAIN / A RIDDLE / MYSTERY / A LOCKED DOOR, BUSINESS, OCCUPATION, ENTERTAINMENT, MENTAL ACTIVITY, STORY, PHENOMENON. Діапазон корелятивних доменів, які проєктуються на референтний домен INVESTIGATION, включає такі кореляти, як JOURNEY, ROLEPLAY, HUNTING, CHASE, COMPLETING LINKS TO A CHAIN, MAKING VISIBLE, UNTANGLING, ENTERTAINING ACTIVITY.Ключові слова: фрейм, концептуальна метафора, діапазон метафори, домен цілі, метафоричне мапування.

Nytspol V.I.

Lexical analysis has always been a productive way to study discourse through the semiotic nature of the word and its ability to function as a link between language and reality. The purpose of the article is to explore the lexical level of the discourse of a serial killer character in order to reveal their psychological features and prove their authenticity in comparison with the lexicon research of real serial killers. This study is relevant because the number of thrillers with serial killers in American literature is growing every year, but the discourse of these characters is poorly studied and requires more attention from linguists. The article uses such research methods as the method of lexical and semantic analysis of language units to study the features of language nominations; method of semantic fields, for grouping language units according to their thematic affiliation in microfields; associative method for the distribution of language units to the corresponding microfields; structural method for the separation of units, their classification and interpretation.Results. In the process of lexical analysis of the discourse of the serial killers characters, the words of the characters were divided into three main groups: words denoting mental activity, psychological needs, physiological activity and security. These groups were divided into semantic fields in order to facilitate the process of research. The analysis showed that the largest group of words in most discourses (except for two characters) is a group denoting physiological activity and safety, which corresponds to a study of the lexicon of real serial killers conducted by J. Hancock, which shows that the most important for the life of serial killers is biological component. The lexicon of the two characters (Lecturer and Claiborne), which differ from others by the predominance of words denoting mental activity, can be explained by their high educational and professional level, which shows their high IQ, which is also a feature of real serial killers.Thus, we can conclude that the authors were able to portray the characters plausibly through their lexicon.Key words: discourse, lexicon, semantic field, term, character. Лексичний аналіз завжди був продуктивним способом вивчення дискурсу через семіотичну природу слова та його здатність функціонувати як сполучна ланка між мовою та реальністю. Ця стаття має на меті дослідити лексичний рівень дискурсу персонажа серійного вбивці, щоб розкрити його психологічні особливості та довести достовірність та правдоподібність змалювання його образу в порівнянні з дослідженнями лексикону справжніх серійних убивць. Таке дослідження є актуальним, оскільки в американській літературі з кожним роком зростає кількість трилерів, де ключовими фігурами є серійні вбивці, а от дискурс цих персонажів є маловивченим і вимагає більшої уваги лінгвістів.У статті використані такі методи дослідження, як метод лексико-семантичного аналізу мовних одиниць для вивчення особливостей мовних номінацій; метод семантичних полів, для групування мов-них одиниць за їх тематичною приналежністю в мікрополя; асоціативний метод для розподілу мовних одиниць до відповідних мікрополів; структурний метод для виокремлення одиниць, їх класифікації та інтерпретації.Результати. У процесі лексичного аналізу дискурсу персонажів серійних вбивць слова персонажів було розділено на три основні групи: слова, що позначають розумову діяльність, психологічні потреби, фізіологічну активність та безпеку. Ці групи були поділені на семантичні поля, щоб полегшити процес вивчення. Аналіз показав, що найбільша група слів у більшості дискурсів (крім двох персонажів) – це група, що позначає фізіологічну активність та безпеку, що відповідає дослідженню лексикону справжніх серійних вбивць, проведеному Дж. Хенкоком, яке показує, що найважливішим для життя серійних вбивць є біологічний компонент. Лексикон двох персонажів (Лектор і Клейборн), що відрізняються від інших перевагою слів, які позначають розумову діяльність, можна пояснити їхнім високим освітнім та професійним рівнем. Це засвідчує їхній високий коефіцієнт інтелекту, що також є особливістю справжніх серійних вбивць.Отже, можна зробити висновки, що авторам вдалося зобразити портрети персонажів правдоподібно через їх лексикон, що співвідноситься з дослідженнями лексикону реальних серійних вбивць. Завдяки лексичному аналізу дискурсу вдалося розкрити психологічні особливості характерів персонажів.Ключові слова: дискурс, лексикон, семантичне поле, термін, персонаж.

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-16
Елена Петровна Грибова

Рассматривается вопрос развития познавательной активности детей старшего дошкольного возраста. Развитие данного вида активности зависит от ряда факторов, среди которых можно выделить и педагогические условия. Одним из эффективных педагогических условий выступает максимальная опора на активную мыслительную деятельность детей. Данное условие сподвигает педагогов на применение в образовательной деятельности с детьми разнообразных ситуаций, порождающих у них интеллектуальное затруднение и, как следствие, потребность разрешить и выйти из него. Показано, что данные ситуации могут быть представлены в виде кейсов (кейс-стади), эвристической беседы, «сильных» (открытых, проблемных) вопросов и др. Приведены практические примеры предлагаемых методов стимулирования познавательной активности детей. The issue of the development of cognitive activity of senior preschoolers is considered. The development of this type of activity depends on a number of factors, among which pedagogical conditions can be distinguished. One of the effective pedagogical conditions for the development of the cognitive activity of older preschoolers is the maximum reliance on the active mental activity of children. The types of problem situations are listed: 1) situationchoice; 2) a situation of uncertainty; 3) conflict situation; 4) situation-paradox; 5) the situation with the hypothesis; 6) situation with the refutation; 7) situation-inconsistency. It is noted that the tension of an older preschooler of intellectual forces to solve tasks or search for an answer to a question is the basis for the development of his mental activity, cognitive interest and the manifestation of activity. The use of situations and questions of a problematic nature by the teacher in work with children of senior preschool age contributes to the intensification of the mental activity of children, thereby increasing their activity in the process of searching for new knowledge and information, the formation of new skills in the cognitive sphere. At the same time, the proposed methods should be used by the teacher not separately from each other, but in aggregate, since they complement each other, involving collective discussion of situations by children and the search for answers, problem solving, and productive cognitive activity. This article provides practical examples of proposed methods to stimulate children’s cognitive activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (68) ◽  
J. Ángel Velázquez Iturbide ◽  
Mercedes Martín Lope

Desde la aparición del término “pensamiento computacional” hace aproximadamente quince años, se ha consolidado internacionalmente como una tendencia en el mundo educativo preuniversitario. Su imprecisión dificulta la celebración de un debate sobre su papel curricular, algo que se echa especialmente de menos en España. El artículo pretende contribuir a aclarar el significado de “pensamiento computacional” y sus implicaciones educativas. Se ha realizado un análisis cualitativo de contenido, utilizando como materiales primarios las definiciones realizadas por una selección de autores e instituciones destacados. Se han analizado tres aspectos: definición, características y elementos, y ámbito de conocimiento. Se han encontrado dos componentes comunes a las definiciones analizadas: la referencia a una “actividad mental” y la inclusión de habilidades de programación. Sin embargo, difieren en la inclusión de otros elementos, que pueden clasificarse como conocimientos, actitudes o competencias. El artículo debate las consecuencias de una definición basada en una “actividad mental” en lugar de constructos educativos. Se concluye que el debate sobre la educación preuniversitaria de la informática debería basarse en un lenguaje educativo más preciso, así como en los actuales conocimientos de los campos de conocimiento de la pedagogía, la informática y la didáctica de la informática. The term “computational thinking” emerged fifteen years ago and has world-wide become popular as a tendency in the pre-university educational scope. Its looseness makes difficult to hold a debate on its curricular role, a lack which is especially severe in Spain. The article aims at contributing to clarifying the meaning of “computational thinking” and its educational implications. We conducted a qualitative content analysis, using the definitions provided by a selection of outstanding authors and institutions as primary materials. Three aspects were analyzed: definition, features and elements, and scope of knowledge. We have found two common components: the reference to a “mental activity” and the inclusion of programming skills. However, the definitions differ in the inclusion of other elements, which can be classified as knowledge, attitudes or competences. The article discusses the consequences of a definition based on a “mental activity” rather than educational constructs. We conclude that the debate on pre-university computing education should be based on a more precise terminology, as well as current body of knowledge in pedagogy, computing and didactics of computing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (6) ◽  
pp. 7-15
O. A. Skryabina

The object of the study is the methodology of teaching Russian morphology at secondary school. The subject matter of the research is the teaching potential of morphology for building a system of skills necessary for speech activity and the development of learners’ systematic thinking. The study aims to search for methodological factors that can enhance learners’ mental activity in the process of mastering the morphology of the Russian language. Theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, systematisation, generalisation of results) in conjunction with practical research methods (modelling the process of teaching morphology, learning process observation) are employed in the study. The paper examines theoretical sources, practices in teaching morphology at school and suggests ways to reverse negative trends in education. The relevance of the problem is highlighted, in the first place, by the fundamental importance of morphology for learners’ personality development. Secondly, it is emphasised by the fact that modern school-leavers lack the system of morphological skills. Lastly, negative trends in teaching this branch of linguistics as part of the school Russian course persist, which also underlines the relevance of the research. The study focuses on the theoretical aspects of the addressed problem and takes into consideration modern knowledge of psychology, psycholinguistics, linguistics, the methodology of teaching Russian. Additionally, the paper presents methods and techniques of teaching such difficult morphological topics as «The Pronoun», «The Participle», «The Numeral». It is concluded that problem-based learning is effective as its implementation will enable teachers to enhance their students’ mental activity in the process of cognition and optimise the outcomes of teaching Russian morphology at secondary school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-103
Natalia Isaeva ◽  
Alina Akimova ◽  
Anastasiya Akimova ◽  
Svitlana Chernyshova

Aim of the study. On the basis of the theories of dynamic translation, determine the degree of correspondence between the psycho-cognitive reactions of Ukrainian and Chinese recipients to the original and translated texts of the poetry-cycle of Lesya Ukrainian “Tears-Pearls”. Research methods. Psycholinguistic methods of empirical research are basic in this article: Osgood’s semantic differential method, content analysis and free associative experiment, other linguistic methods (cognitive and semantic analysis) and general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, description and classification of linguistic facts) are also used. Results. On the basis of previous theoretical studies, the essential characteristics of translation as a psycho-cognitive process have been established. It is argued that the degree of equivalence of the translation of a literary text is determined not only by the work of the translator, but also by the emotional-evaluative reaction of the target recipients. An important thesis is that the perception of the text (original and translation) is influenced by the interhemispheric asymmetry of the mental activity of speakers of different languages (Clark & Paivio, 1991; Fenollosa, 1968; Zasyekin, 2010). Empirical research has shown that the “right-brain” imaginative thinking of the Chinese partly determines the degree of equivalence of their perception of the translation of Lesya Ukrainka’s poetry. The semantic profiles showed a fairly neutral emotional and evaluative reaction of the Chinese to translation incentives, which, in our opinion, was conditioned by the ethnonational specifics of the original text and the difference in poetic traditions. Despite the preservation of the thematic categories of the original in translation, in the new (Chinese) semantic space, these categories partly acquired other sociocultural meanings, which significantly influenced the equivalence of the translation. Conclusions. The degree of conformity of the psycho-cognitive reaction of target recipients to the original and the translation is determined not only by the type of mental activity of speakers of different languages, but also by a number of extralinguistic factors that determine the formation and state of activity of the verbal-associative network of representatives of different nations.

2021 ◽  
Hugh William Catts

Reading comprehension is not a skill that can be easily assessed and taught but rather is a complex mental activity that relies heavily on background knowledge and higher-level cognitive functioning. This paper addresses the multifactorial nature of reading comprehension and the implications for instruction and assessment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 313-326
Karen B. Ovanesov ◽  
Petr D. Shabanov

BACKGROUND: The variety of neurotransmitter systems providing photoreceptor capabilities of the retina is a prerequisite for studying the retinotropic properties of some psychotropic drugs, taking into account their ability to interfere with the work of synapses. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Given this circumstance, a set of studies was carried out with the participation of volunteers to assess the effect of psychotropic substances with a stimulating (caffeine, piracetam, Bilobil) type of action on the functional state of the retina, recorded by the campimetric method. In the course of the research, the photosensitivity of the retina, its ability to distinguish colors and the speed of the visual-motor reaction were assessed. Such an approach can not only demonstrate the interest of retinal cellular elements in the action of substances, but also broaden the question of the participation of the visual system in the psychopharmacological effect. RESULTS: The function of the retina was studied both in healthy volunteers and in individuals with organic lesions of the central nervous system, which were often accompanied by emotional disorders, which were identified using special questionnaire tests. It was found that these pathological conditions are accompanied by a limitation of the photosensitivity of the retina of varying severity. These facts can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, violations of visual functions can lead to psychoemotional disorders and be a pathogenetic link in their development, and on the other hand, primary disorders of retinal light and color sensitivity can provoke the development of psychopathology. However, regardless of the pharmacological characteristics of the studied drugs that stimulate mental activity, the relationship of their effect with changes in visual function seems obvious, which makes it possible to raise the question of the advisability of taking into account the light and color sensitivity of the retina for a comprehensive assessment of both the mental state and the pharmacodynamics of the drugs, stimulating mental activity. CONCLUSION: Thus, it is legitimate to conclude that taking into account the light and color sensitivity of the retina can be one of the quantitative criteria for the severity and effectiveness of psychopharmacotherapy.

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