2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Helmi Syaiful Haq ◽  
Farida Pulansari ◽  
Akmal Suryadi

UD. KS PRO merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi spare part otomotif, aksesoris sepeda motor dan juga alat bantu pertanian. UD. KS PRO memiliki lini proses yang memproduksi standar paddock untuk sepeda motor tipe sport. Pada lini produksi paddock sering terjadi bottleneck pada proses pengerolan pipa dan proses pengecatan sehingga mengakibatkan ada beberapa work station yang mengalami idle time yang signifikan dalam se-tiap proses produksi yang dilakukan. Metode yang digunakan dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini adalah Largest Candidate Rule, Killbridge and Western Method, dan Ranked Positional Weights sebagai metode pembanding. Dengan menghasilkan metode yang paling optimal adalah metode Largest Candidate Rule yang menghasilkan line efficiency 85,04%, balance delay sebesar 19,94%, dan smoothnes index 1,8239 dengan jumlah operator sebanyak 6 orang. Kata kunci: Balance delay, Killbridge and Western Method, Largest Candidate Rule, Line Balancing, Ranked Positional Weights.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
SAIFUL .. ◽  

PT XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri mebel. Masalah yang dihadapi perusahaan adalah adanya ketidakseimbangan di lintasan produksi akibat ketidakmerataan pembagian beban kerja di setiap stasiun kerja. Hal ini menyebabkan performansi keseimbangan lintasan (line performance) menjadi kurang baik. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini perlu dilakukan penyeimbangan lintasan produksi. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan metode line balancing yaitu metode penugasan sejumlah pekerjaan yang saling berkaitan dalam satu lintasan produksi sehingga setiap stasiun kerja memiliki waktu yang tidak melebihi waktu siklus dari stasiun kerja tersebut. Metode line balancing yang digunakan adalah metode heuristik yang terdiri dari: metode bobot posisi (Ranked Positional Weight), metode pembebanan berurut (Large Candidate Rule), dan metode pendekatan wilayah (Region Approach). Dari ketiga metode Heuristik yang digunakan sebagai solusi penyeimbangan lintasan, terjadi perbaikan performansi dengan nilai yang sama pada lintasan produksi. Nilai efisiensi lintasan (line efficiency) meningkat menjadi 94,07 % dari 62,71 % pada kondisi awal. Nilai keseimbangan waktu senggang (balance delay) turun menjadi 5,92 % dari 37,28 % pada kondisi awal. Waktu menganggur (idle time) turun menjadi 12,39 menit dari 116,87 menit pada kondisi awal. Nilai smoothness index juga turun menjadi 7,44 dari 64,67 pada kondisi awal. PT XYZ is one of the company which refers to furniture industries sector. The problem which faced by this company is unbalance of the production line which is caused by the unequal of work responsibility distribution in each work station. This problem caused the performance of line balance doesn’t work properly. To solve this problem we need to do the line balancing of production line. It can be done by line balancing methode that assigns a number of work which is related in one production line until each work station has efficient time which is not more than the cycle time of the work station. Line balancing methode that used is heuristic methode which is devided into ranked positional weight methode, large candidate rule methode, and region approach methode. From those three heuristic methode that used as solution of line balancing, there was improvement happenned with the same value in doors of production line. Line efficiency increased into 94,07% from 62,71% at the beginning condition. Balance delay increased into 5,92% from 37,28% at the beginning condition. The idle time descreased into 12,39 minutes from 116,87 minutes at the beginning condition. The smoothness index descreased into 7,44 from 64,67 at the beginning condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 328 ◽  
pp. 05012
Rachmad Hidayat ◽  
Shofi fitrotis Salimah ◽  
Moh. Jufriyanto ◽  
M.Firman Khaqiqi

The existence of operational balance in each production lines may decrease the idle time; it shows that the productivity is increasing therefore it increases the production rate. The issues existed in the production process of hollow Dakota 1730 in PT. XYZ were 3 departments, from the result of the first observation, there was a bottleneck from each department and each production did not achieve the required target. Therefore, this research would fix the production line. The method used was ranked /positional weight. Based on the data processing by the ranked positional weight method, gained the total of work station in the production process of hollow Dakota 1730 by the number of 2 work stations. From the result of efficiency balancing, gained 62.5% and balance delay value was 37.5%. it shows that the balance performance between each department increases significantly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 595
Ni Luh Ayu Uparina Yanti Putri ◽  
I Ketut Satriawan ◽  
Cokorda Anom Bayu Sadyasmara

PT Indoroti Prima Cemerlang is one of the Food  industries which produces bread with a brand Mr. Bread. the company had problems with the balance of the production line, so that it cannot meet consumer demand, this causing the company to not able meet the production targets. The purpose of this study is to calculate the increase in line balancing and decrease in idle time and determine the optimum number of work stations in the production process of product sweetbread combination at PT. Indoroti Prima Cemerlang. The method used in this study was the Ranked Position Weight (RPW) method with the results obtained that the number of work stations is reduced to 5 work stations, the line efficiency increases to 40% and balance delay decreased to 60% with idle time reduced to 29.019 seconds. Keywords : Line balancing, work station, idle time, balance delay, Ranked Position Weight

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-21
Dini Yulianti

Line balancing adalah suatu usaha mengatur lintasan produksi dengan tujuan merencanakan keseimbangan lintasan stasiun kerja (work station) pada tingkat shop floor, guna memperoleh tingkat efisiensi kerja yang tinggi. Proses pembuatan T-Shirt di PT. Caladi Lima Sembilan (C-59) memiliki proses operasi yang tidak seimbang, sehingga terjadi penumpukan barang setengah jadi pada suatu stasiun kerja dan adanya waktu menganggur (idle time) pada suatu proses operasi karena adanya antrian barang setengah jadi pada suatu mesin (bottle neck). Metode Line Balancing yang digunakan adalah metode Hegelson-Birnie yang didasarkan pada prioritas bobot posisi setiap operasi/elemen kerja dan metode Killbridge-Wester yang didasarkan pada pembagian wilayah. Kedua metode-metode yang digunakan sama-sama memberikan  hasil yang optimal dalam mengatasi persoalan line balancing. Pada Metode Hegelson-Birnie dengan waktu siklus 30 detik diperoleh rata-rata efisiensi sebesar 93,33% dengan idle time 16 detik dan balance delay sebesar 6,67%, selain itu adanya pengurangan jumlah stasiun kerja dari 16 stasiun kerja menjadi 8 stasiun kerja. Sedangkan pada Metode Killbridge-Wester dengan waktu siklus 40 detik diperoleh rata-rata efisiensi sebesar 80,00% dengan idle time 56 detik dan balance delay sebesar 20%, selain itu adanya pengurangan jumlah stasiun kerja dari 16 stasiun kerja menjadi 7 stasiun kerja. Dari perbandingan kedua metode tersebut yang merupakan solusi terbaik di dalam penerapan metoda line balancing pada pembuatan T-Shirt di PT. Caladi Lima Sembilan (C-59) adalah metode Hegelson-Birnie.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Masdani Irfan Prakoso Karmawan ◽  
Farida Pulansari ◽  
Dwi Sukma Donoriyanto

PT. XYZ berdiri pada tahun 2015 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang prasarana lalu lintas yang memiliki produk berupa Tiang RPPJ (Rambu Pendahulu Petunjuk Jurusan). Pada lini produksi sering terjadi bottleneck pada proses pengelasan lantai tiang terhadap tiang utama sehingga mengakibatkan ada beberapa work station yang mengalami idle time yang signifikan dalam setiap proses produksi yang dilakukan. Penyelesaian masalah bottleneck menggunakan line balancing dengan membandingkan tiga metode yaitu Largest Candidate Rule, Killbridge and Western Method, dan Ranked Positional Weights yang akan dibandingkan. Mas-ing-masing dari ketiga metode tersebut akan menghasilkan line efficiency, balance delay, dan smoothness index. Metode yang memiliki line efficiency tertinggi akan dipilih sebagai metode yang direkomendasikan. Jika terdapat dua metode yang memiliki hasil line efficiency sama besarnya maka metode yang direkomendasikan dilihat dari nilai smoothness index yang paling mendekati 0 dari kedua metode tersebut. Dari hasil pengolahan data, dipilih metode Ranked Positional Weights sebagai metode rekomendasi yang mendapatkan line efficiency 90,27%, balance delay 9,72%, dan smoothnes index sebesar 19,56936

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Hery Hamdi Azwir ◽  
Harry Wahyu Pratomo

<p><em>Line balancing is a jobs assignment into a number of work stations that are interrelated in a track or a production line with an objective to minimizing the idle time on the line that is determined by the slowest operation. In line welding 1DY models includes eight work stations where one work station is done by one operator. Problems have been found that these operators have very long idle time and also there is too much wip that creates bottleneck in the production line so these leads to a waste of manpower and time. This waste of manpower and time need to be reduced by determining the optimal amount of labor in order to avoid excessive idle time but work can be done effectively and efficiently. One way to adress imbalance line is to apply line balancing methods.The results of this research shows that the line balancing methods can reduced the waste of time and give solutions for the optimal amount of labor requirements for line welding 1DY models.</em></p><p>Keywords: Line Balancing, Workstation, Production Line, Idle Time, Bottleneck.</p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-40
Pria Tubagus ◽  
Saharuddin Kaseng ◽  
Asngadi Asngadi

Basically, the purpose of production management is directed to create production efficiency and effectiveness to improve the results and contribute to the maximum profit achievement of the company. One of the problems in production management that influences the efficiency and effectiveness of production is layout arrangement of production facilities. This research is conducted through direct observation in Banana Chips Company ‘Cahaya Indi’ located in Donggala District. The type of research is quantitative using line balancing method and travel chart. The result of the line balancing method shows the efficiency of banana chips production process is 90,73% with idle time of 9,27%. While the result of travel chart method indicates a new layout design of banana chips production facility at Cahaya Indi is more effective with material flow load of 198,83 from the initial layout of 259,93. Pada dasarnya, tujuan manajemen produksi selalu diarahkan pada terciptanya efisiensi dan efektifitas produksi, agar dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi serta memberikan konstribusi yang maksimal terhadap laba perusahaan. Salah satu permasalahan manajemen produksi yang berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi dan efektifitas produksi adalah pengaturan tata letak (layout) fasilitas produksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara observasi langsung pada Cahaya Indi yang bertempat di Kabupaten Donggala. Jenis penelitian yang diguanakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode line balancing dan travel chart. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode line balancing diperoleh efisiensi dari proses produksi kripik pisang sebesar 90,73% dengan waktu menganggur 9,27%. Sedangkan hasil dari metode travel chart diperoleh rancangan baru tata letak fasilitas produksi kripik pisang pada Cahaya Indi yang lebih efektif sebesar 198,83 beban aliran bahan dari tata letak mula-mula sebesar 259,93 beban aliran bahan.

Kamaljit Singh Rana , Et. al.

The experimental efficacy of a work station that is ergonomically designed owes its overall reliance on production engineering, especially considering assembly line balancing besides the sustained work output of the assembly line and its snags caused in the production process have been acknowledged since long. The manifestation of these irregularities and consequent inadequacies on persistent shoulder – neck exposure have been studied for this paper with the help of work aids. A conducive workplace based on better ergonomic work station design, influences stress decreased due to the undue strain of repeated actions in an assembly line situation. This makes for resultant assembly line need to get balanced and subsequent to the production most irregularities decrease. It also results in the perpetuation of idle time across the assembly line outputs as compared to when no work aids have been introduced.  Focus The researcher contribution of this paper is the experimentation conducted on a work table designed for the finishing line segment of the garment manufacturing assembly line. The folding table, as it has been called has flexibility of adjustment of work angle and some advantages over the conventional fixed surface tables.   Method Designing aspect apart this Table has been experimented with for usage and stability in the garment manufacturing assembling at three different units. The pilot results have been examined in the light of work done by earlier scholars.   Scope The musculoskeletal strain experienced by workers in the garment manufacturing units impacts directly on their work output resulting long term physical and socio-economic implications that tend to effect work output efficiency in the long run.   Results and Findings Decreased stress levels show indications of positive usage of this work aid. However, testing is still going on to confirm the preliminary results

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
Diki Aris Styawan ◽  
Wahyudin Wahyudin ◽  
Hamdani Hamdani

The development of the industrial world is getting tighter, making each company must be able to overcome productivity to meet consumer demand. In increasing productivity, of course, you must make the production process efficient. One thing that can be done is to make line balancing. The purpose of this study is to identify and propose a track balance to make the production process more efficient. The data used in this research is in the form of the initial conditions of the work station and the type of work. The method used to identify the optimal trajectory balance is the Ranked Position Weight (RPW). From the results of data processing, it is known that the initial conditions of work stations on the control panel assembly are 5 stations and 16 types of work. From the results of the calculation of cycle time and the number of stations, the optimal number of stations is reduced to 3 work stations. After calculating using the Ranked Position Weight method, it is known that the 16 types of work can be grouped into 3 work stations. Then the balance delay is obtained after reducing the work station, which is 5.48% from the initial condition of 43.29%. Then the line efficiency after station reduction is 94.52% from the initial condition of 56.71%. Then the smoothing index after improvement was 0.983 from the initial condition of 6.128. From the results of the three indicators, it can be seen that the reduction of the station gives better results.

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