scholarly journals Centralized Threshold Key Generation Protocol Based on Shamir Secret Sharing and HMAC Authentication

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 331
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem ◽  
HyungWon Kim

Many group key management protocols have been proposed to manage key generation and distribution of vehicular communication. However, most of them suffer from high communication and computation costs due to the complex elliptic curve and bilinear pairing cryptography. Many shared secret protocols have been proposed using polynomial evaluation and interpolation to solve the previous complexity issues. This paper proposes an efficient centralized threshold shared secret protocol based on the Shamir secret sharing technique and supporting key authentication using Hashed Message Authentication Code Protocol (HMAC). The proposed protocol allows the group manager to generate a master secret key for a group of n vehicles and split this key into secret shares; each share is distributed securely to every group member. t-of-n vehicles must recombine their secret shares and recover the original secret key. The acceptance of the recovered key is based on the correctness of the received HMAC signature to verify the group manager’s identity and ensure the key confidentiality. The proposed protocol is unconditionally secure and unbreakable using infinite computing power as t, or more than t secret shares are required to reconstruct the key. In contrast, attackers with t−1 secret shares cannot leak any information about the original secret key. Moreover, the proposed protocol reduces the computation cost due to using polynomial evaluation to generate the secret key and interpolation to recover the secret key, which is very simple and lightweight compared with the discrete logarithm computation cost in previous protocols. In addition, utilizing a trusted group manager that broadcasts some public information is important for the registered vehicles to reconstruct the key and eliminate secure channels between vehicles. The proposed protocol reduces the communication cost in terms of transmitted messages between vehicles from 2(t−1) messages in previous shared secret protocols to zero messages. Moreover, it reduces the received messages at vehicles from 2t to two messages. At the same time, it allows vehicles to store only a single secret share compared with other shared secret protocols that require storage of t secret shares. The proposed protocol security level outperforms the other shared secret protocols security, as it supports key authentication and confidentiality using HMAC that prevents attackers from compromising or faking the key.

Олексій Сергійович Вамболь

Asymmetric ciphers are widely used to ensure the confidentiality of data transmission via insecure channels. These cryptosystems allow the interacting parties to create a shared secret key for a symmetric cipher in such a way that an eavesdropper gets no information useful for cryptanalysis. Network security protocols that use asymmetric ciphers include TLS, S/MIME, OpenPGP, Tor, and many others. Some of the asymmetric encryption schemes are homomorphic, that is, that they allow calculations on encrypted data to be performed without preliminary decryption. The aforesaid property makes possible using these cryptosystems not only for symmetric key establishment but also in several areas of application, in particular in secret voting protocols and cloud computing. The matrix-based knapsack cipher is a new additively homomorphic asymmetric encryption scheme, which is based on the properties of isomorphic transformations of the inner direct product of diagonal subgroups of a general linear group over a Galois field. Unlike classic knapsack encryption schemes, the cryptographic strength of this cipher depends on the computational complexity of the multidimensional discrete logarithm problem. Despite some useful properties, further research into the cryptographic strength of the matrix-based knapsack cipher has found serious drawbacks inherent in this cryptographic scheme. In the given paper an improved polynomial-time plaintext-recovery attack on the matrix-based knapsack cipher is proposed. Applying this cryptanalytic method requires only public information and has time complexity O(t1.34), where t denotes the decryption time of the attacked cryptosystem. The aforementioned attack is more productive and easier to implement in software in comparison with the original one. The advantages of the proposed method are due to using in its algorithm the simple and relatively fast matrix trace operation instead of more complex and slower transformations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 51-68
Hichem Bouchakour Errahmani ◽  
Hind Ikni

In distributed systems, as any network architecture, cryptography has a vital role in communication security, and sharing a secret represents a jump in this field where the secret depends on a group instead of a single person. In this article, the authors propose a method to share a multi secrets matrix represented by an image, that could be reconstructed without any loss by an access structure over a distributed system. The presented approach has a verifiable property, where each candidate possesses the advantage to verify the validity of his shadow. The security level of the scheme is based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem and the opportunity of allowing each side to generate a private sub-secret key for the sharing. The benefit of this method is justified by the absence of information loss and a lower timing results.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (05) ◽  
pp. 1950075
Indivar Gupta ◽  
Atul Pandey ◽  
Manish Kant Dubey

The first published solution to key distribution problem is due to Diffie–Hellman, which allows two parties that have never communicated earlier, to jointly establish a shared secret key over an insecure channel. In this paper, we propose a new key exchange protocol in a non-commutative semigroup over group ring whose security relies on the hardness of Factorization with Discrete Logarithm Problem (FDLP). We have also provided its security and complexity analysis. We then propose a ElGamal cryptosystem based on FDLP using the group of invertible matrices over group rings.

Mariya A. Gusarova ◽  

Most of the existing public key cryptosystems are potentially vulnerable to cryptographic attacks as they rely on the problems of discrete logarithm and factorization of integers. There is now a need for algorithms that will resist attacks on quantum computers. The article describes the implementation of Shamir’s post-quantum secret sharing scheme using long arithmetic that can be applied in modern cryptographic modules. The implementation of the Pedersen – Shamir scheme is described, which allows preserving the property of the perfection of the Shamir scheme by introducing testability. The article presents graphs reflecting the influence of the verifiability property in the Shamir secret sharing scheme on the speed of its operation.

2021 ◽  
Abdelhaliem Babiker

Abstract In this paper, a new key-agreement scheme is proposed and analyzed. In addition to being provably secure in shared secret key indistinguishability model, the scheme has an interesting feature: while using exponentiation over a cyclic subgroup to establish the key-agreement, the generator of that subgroup is hidden to secure the scheme against adversaries that are capable of solving the Discrete Logarithm Problem, which means that the scheme might be candidate as a post-quantum key exchange scheme.

Aisha Kanwal Junejo ◽  
Fatma Benkhelifa ◽  
Boon Wong ◽  
Julie A. McCann

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Youjing Lu ◽  
Fan Wu ◽  
Qianyi Huang ◽  
Shaojie Tang ◽  
Linghe Kong ◽  

To build a secure wireless networking system, it is essential that the cryptographic key is known only to the two (or more) communicating parties. Existing key extraction schemes put the devices into physical proximity and utilize the common inherent randomness between the devices to agree on a secret key, but they often rely on specialized hardware (e.g., the specific wireless NIC model) and have low bit rates. In this article, we seek a key extraction approach that only leverages off-the-shelf mobile devices, while achieving significantly higher key generation efficiency. The core idea of our approach is to exploit the fast varying inaudible acoustic channel as the common random source for key generation and wireless parallel communication for exchanging reconciliation information to improve the key generation rate. We have carefully studied and validated the feasibility of our approach through both theoretical analysis and a variety of measurements. We implement our approach on different mobile devices and conduct extensive experiments in different real scenarios. The experiment results show that our approach achieves high efficiency and satisfactory robustness. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, our approach improves the key generation rate by 38.46% and reduces the bit mismatch ratio by 42.34%.

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