Impact of Engineering Software on Construction Project Management in Bahrain

2014 ◽  
Vol 501-504 ◽  
pp. 2614-2618
Samer Abdulla Aqlan

The main goal of this research is to ensure the important of engineering software in the construction industry in Kingdome of Bahrain. A self-administered questionnaire was done via E mail .The research investigated the impact of engineering software toward three factors of the success project scope, cost, and time. The results show that there is positive impact when we are using engineering software on construction project management. The primavera project manager software is the major software is using in construction companies for planning and controls the project; primavera project planning p3 is the second software and the third software is MS project. The research concluded that the engineering software positively impact on project success and increase its performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-164
Ansam Omar Al-Shehan ◽  
Jamal M. Assbeihat

One of the most important aspects of managing a project is communication. Although this issue has been widely covered in management, a lack of attention has been given in the project management, slight is known as the impact of social media tools on construction project management. The main purpose of the present study is to explore the potential of social media for the construction of the project management and to understand some of the difficulties that arise from social media implementation. For this purpose a 12 question and 20-item questionnaire has been employed and distributed as a soft copy questionnaires among the sample of 400 engineers who work in the construction field, either in the private sector including contracting and consulting companies (grade one and two) or in the public sector in Jordan. The number of participants who said that they apply social media tools in their projects was 357, while 43 participants, were eliminated as they do not apply social media tools in their work. The collected data from 375 participants were analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results indicated that there is a positive impact of social media on project management and project team in construction projects especially in reducing time. Coringly, the study revealed the existing difficulties that arise from social media use in projects. The study also has concluded that using social media in the project is highly important to organize the management project recently. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091644 Full Text: PDF

2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-73 ◽  
Nerija Banaitienė ◽  
Audrius Banaitis ◽  
Artūras Norkus

Risk analysis and management is nowadays a critical factor to successful construction project management, as construction projects tend to be more complex, dynamic, always unique, and competition increasingly tougher. risk management helps the project participants—client, contractor or developer, consultant, and supplier—to meet their commitments and minimize negative impacts on construction project scope, cost, schedule (and quality, as a Result). The benefits of the risk management process include identifying and analyzing risks, and improvement of construction project management processes and effective use of resources. This paper reports the research that aims to discover how construction companies perceive the significance of the construction projects risks they face and the extent to which they employ potential risk responses. Santrauka Šiandien rizikos analizė ir valdymas yra svarbūs sėkmingam statybos projektų valdymui, nes statybos projektai tampa vis sudėtingesni, dinamiškesni, visada unikalūs, o konkurencija tarp statybos bendrovių taip pat didėja. Rizikos valdymas padeda projekto dalyviams—užsakovui, plėtotojui, rangovui, konsultantui ir tiekėjui—vykdyti savo įsipareigojimus ir sumažinti neigiamą taką statybos projekto apimčiai, išlaidoms, tvarkaraščiui ir kokybei kaip rezultatui. Rizikos valdymo proceso metu sistemingai nustatomi, analizuojami ir reaguojama į potencialius rizikos veiksnius, todėl statybos projektai valdomi efektyviau, veiksmingai naudojami ištekliai. Šiame straipsnyje trumpai pristatomas tyrimas, kuriuo siekiama sužinoti, kaip statybos bendrovės suvokia statybos projektų rizikos veiksnius, su kuriais jiems tenka susidurti, ir kokią reagavimo strategiją ir atsakomuosius veiksmus jos renkasi.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1020 ◽  
pp. 796-802 ◽  
Dorota Jelonek ◽  
Joanna Nowakowska-Grunt ◽  
Leszek Ziora

Every construction investment is a project requiring close coordination, the freedom of access to the information, the application of special activity techniques and most of all the high level of maturity of construction project management. Findings of research conducted in different areas of project management confirm that the assurance of high level of project management maturity conditions the achievement of project's success. The higher level of maturity means the greater degree of capability to manage a construction project. The aim of the article is verification of the following hypotheses: H1: Polish construction companies in a small extent use integrated management of construction project. H2: The highest maturity of construction project management appears in knowledge areas connected with cost management and time management H3: The lowest maturity of construction project management appears in the areas of knowledge connected with risk management and communication management. The study reported in this article was conducted during 2013 year in the construction sector. The survey method was applied in research process. The research embraced 23 construction companies. The respondents are managers of the highest and medium level of management in construction companies. The respondents indicated one out of five maturity levels for selected nine knowledge areas: Level 1: „Initial”, Level 2 “Evolving”, Level 3 “Perfecting, Level 4 “Accomplished” and Level 5 “Optimizing”. Based on the results of an analysis into the level of maturity of project management processes in Polish construction companies, the overall process management maturity indicator for all functions is 3.34. All three hypothesis were verified positively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 4513
Summaira Malik ◽  
Muhammad Taqi ◽  
José Moleiro Martins ◽  
Mário Nuno Mata ◽  
João Manuel Pereira ◽  

The success of a construction project is a widely discussed topic, even today, and there exists a difference of opinion. The impact of communication and conflict on project success is an important, but least addressed, issue in literature, especially in the case of underdeveloped countries. Miscommunication and conflict not only hinder the success of a project but also may lead to conflicts. The focus of this paper was to examine the impact of communication on project success with the mediating role of conflict. By using SPSS, demographics, descriptive statistics and correlation were determined. Smart PLS version 3.0 was used for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), internal accuracy and validity estimates, hypothesis checking and mediation testing. The results showed that formal communication has a negative impact on the success of a construction project, resulting in conflicts among project team members, whereas informal communication and communication willingness have a positive impact on project success because people tend to know each other, and trust is developed. Task, process and relationship conflicts were used as mediating variables. It was found that task conflict effects the relations positively because project team members suggest different ways to do a certain task, and, hence, project success is achieved. On the contrary, process conflict and relationship conflict have a negative impact on communication and project success. Both of these conflicts lead to miscommunication, and project success is compromised. Hence, it is the responsibility of the project manager to enhance communication among project team members and to reduce the detrimental effects of process and relationship conflict on project success.

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