critical success
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Maria Koloniari ◽  
Eftichia Vraimaki ◽  
Kostas Fassoulis ◽  
Ina Zenelaj ◽  
Xrusovalantis Spuridon Kourniotis

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-111
Ika Irawati ◽  
Fitri Ningsi ◽  
Rahmi Rahmi ◽  
Ita Fitriati

Speaking Ability was the important aspect in communication. The aim of the study was to investigate the improving speaking ability through storytelling in teaching speaking at eight grade of SMAN 1 Lambitu. This research used classroom action research. The subjects in this research were the students at the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Lambitu. The sample were 16 students in one class. The researcher used the technique of storytelling through recount text to improve speaking skill. Quantitative data analysis technique used this research through average score and percentage of students’ test, while qualitative data analysis was taken from analysis of observation during the classroom. The result of this study was in cycle I was at fair category (60-70) which average score was 67,4. It indicated the students’ ability in storytelling was not active (<50%)., which the critical success 31,5%. While in cycle II, the result of students’ score was 75,3, which means that the students were good category (60-79). The result was indicated that the students habits in storytelling technique in cycle II was active (<80%). Moreover the result of observation were student enjoy the lesson and follow the teaching and learning process smoothly and regularly. So, the conclusion that story telling technique was improving students’ speaking ability at Eleventh Grade of SMA 1 Lambitu.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Elena N. Malyuga ◽  
Gayane O. Petrosyan

The paper aims to single out critical success factors contributing to efficient implementation of distance learning practices and to explain the role of project-based learning in ensuring effective teaching of profession-oriented foreign language in a distance format. The authors argue in favor of distance learning as a beneficial educational tool providing for the training of large groups of people regardless of the place of residence and placing a priority on students’ individual capacities. Study design included a preliminary survey of 150 respondents specializing in the natural sciences and the humanities identifying the key analysis criteria, a complex of experimental online lessons incorporating project-based teaching principles, and a summarizing questionnaire verifying respondents’ post-experiment outlooks. The methodology of empirical research was based on a systematic approach and deployed the methods of pedagogical observation, project-based teaching, sociological research, and statistical analysis using Neural Designer software for calculating questionnaire results. Analyzing the obtained results, the authors conclude that: 1) Students specializing in the humanities have a higher motivation to study related minor subjects; 2) interdisciplinary integration using the English language allows to achieve a cumulative effect for major and related minor subjects; 3) interdisciplinary integration based on the project method is an effective means of improving academic performance in major subjects; 4) interdisciplinary integration based on the project method makes it possible to acquaint students with the best practices in their chosen specialty; 5) project method allows to achieve related didactic goals—self-expression, independent continuous learning and the formation of professional competencies.

2022 ◽  
Valentin Radu ◽  
Monica Cojocaru ◽  
Ayten Güler Dermengi ◽  

This paper represents the quintessence of our own research on the critical success factors identified by analysing the lives and deeds of 10 world leaders from an entrepreneurial perspective. In the research we looked for the answers to a series of questions such as: What defines these action people, who have calculated and taken risks to achieve the proposed objectives? What motivated these personalities to conquer minds, hearts, and territories? Where did they get the courage, they needed to act according to their dream? What were their strengths? What defines and differentiates a successful manager? Where is the boundary between the managerial style beneficial to the organization and the sinusoidal approach of the managerial path? The paper was made by substantiating these answers and developing a list of determining factors in achieving the success of an entrepreneur. The results obtained constitute a decalogue for entrepreneurs to achieve added value for the businesses they implement.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Muhammad Naveed Anjum ◽  
Muhammad Irfan ◽  
Muhammad Waseem ◽  
Megersa Kebede Leta ◽  
Usama Muhammad Niazi ◽  

This study compares the performance of four satellite-based rainfall products (SRPs) (PERSIANN-CCS, PERSIANN-CDR, SM2RAIN-ASCAT, and CHIRPS-2.0) in a semi-arid subtropical region. As a case study, Punjab Province of Pakistan was considered for this assessment. Using observations from in-situ meteorological stations, the uncertainty in daily, monthly, seasonal, and annual rainfall estimates of SRPs at pixel and regional scales during 2010–2018 were examined. Several evaluation indices (Correlation Coefficient (CC), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Bias, and relative Bias (rBias), as well as categorical indices (Probability of Detection (POD), Critical Success Index (CSI), and False Alarm Ration (FAR)) were used to assess the performance of the SRPs. The following findings were found: (1) CHIRPS-2.0 and SM2RAIN-ASCAT products were capable of tracking the spatiotemporal variability of observed rainfall, (2) all SRPs had higher overall performances in the northwestern parts of the province than the other parts, (3) all SRP estimates were in better agreement with ground-based monthly observations than daily records, and (4) on the seasonal scale, CHIRPS-2.0 and SM2RAIN-ASCAT were better than PERSIANN-CCS and PERSIANN. In all seasons, CHIRPS-2.0 and SM2RAIN-ASCAT outperformed PERSIANN-CCS and PERSIANN-CDR. Based on our findings, we recommend that hydrometeorological investigations in Pakistan’s Punjab Province employ monthly estimates of CHIRPS-2.0 and SM2RAIN-ASCAT products.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Shyamkumar D. Kalpande ◽  
Lalit K. Toke

PurposeThis paper deals with concept of total productive maintenance (TPM) and its implementation approach. It also presents the identification of critical factors for effective implementation of TPM. The reliability analysis identified potential areas where more concentration is required. The application of hypothesis testing in productivity maintenance should be promoted by parametric test and significantly instrumental in explanation of phenomena. It is also indispensable to better understand quality data and provide guidance to production control.Design/methodology/approachThe various critical success factors of TPM implementation has organised into set of eight performance measure and thirty three sub-factors for getting the in-depth details of each indicator. The paper identifies the reliability of these factors and understands the problem with greater clarity and its ramification. Researcher collected responses from forty one manufacturing organisations through structured designed questionnaire. The reliability analysis was carriedout by calculating the value of Cronbach's alpha method. To draw the meaningful conclusions supported by relevant empirical data, provisional formulation is required, and it was carried by hypothesis testing. In this test, samples are taken from a population with known distribution (normal distribution), and a test of population parameters is executed. It determines the relevancy of facts directs the researcher's efforts into productive channels. The statements were hypothetically tested by calculating the arithmetic value of Chi-Square (χ2) and MINITAB-19 software was used for identification of p-value.FindingsThis study identified that main factors and sub-factors of TPM which are critical for implementation of TPM. The study also avoids the complexities involved in implementing TPM by reliability analysis. It is found that all identified CSFs are reliable as Cronbach's alpha is above 0.6. The hypothesis testing shows that all alternative hypothesis statements are acceptable as Chi-Square (χ2) value has satisfied the conditions and null hypothesis are true as calculated p-value is less than the 0.05 for eight identified TPM critical factor.Originality/valueIn this paper researcher provides a comprehensive typology of TPM-CSFs, and its ranking and importance in manufacturing sector. The preparedness of such study related to TPM implementation is becoming a major sourcing base for the world and there is a paucity of such studies. Such studies are equally important in a global context.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-45
Mohd Azrul Aziz ◽  
Chee Fui Wong ◽  
Nuzul Azam Haron ◽  
Aidi Hizami Ales@Alias ◽  
Raja Ahmad Azmeer Raja Ahmad Effendi ◽  

Building Information Modelling (BIM) has become increasingly important for the construction industry in Malaysia. BIM implementation process requires proper strategic planning and considerations from many aspects.Malaysian government has realised the importance of BIM as an emerging technology to transform the construction industry in Malaysia,and thus has classified BIM as one of the twelve main technology in  CIDB “Construction 4.0 Strategic Plan 2021-2025”. BIM implementation offer significant benefits to the power generation sector in Malaysia Thisstudy was conducted using the quantitaive research method in which questionnaires survey were distributed to the clients‘ representatives in the Malaysian power sector. This study has identified the 13 critical success factors to be considered by clients for BIM implementation in power plant projects in Malaysia. The success factors were classified based on the four (4) main fields or factors namely management, people, process and technology. The study findings show that management support is the most important success factor for the power plant projects while other success factors such as people, process and technology were also identified and discussed. ABSTRAK: Model Pembangunan Maklumat (BIM) merupakan sebuah konsep penting bagi industri pembinaan di Malaysia. Proses pelaksanaan BIM memerlukan perancangan strategik dan pertimbangan wajar dari pelbagai aspek. Kerajaan Malaysia sedar akan kepentingan BIM sebagai teknologi pemangkin dalam transformasi industri pembinaan Malaysia di mana BIM telah disenaraikan sebagai salah satu daripada 12 teknologi utama dalam CIDB “Plan Strategik 4.0 Pembangunan 2021-2025”. Pelaksanaan BIM memberi faedah ketara kepada sektor jana kuasa di Malaysia. Kajian ini dibuat menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif melalui kaji selidik ke atas wakil klien dalam sektor tenaga Malaysia. Kajian ini telah mengenal pasti 13 faktor kejayaan kritikal yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh klien bagi menghasilkan projek loji jana kuasa di Malaysia. Faktor kejayan ini telah diklasifikasi berdasarkan 4 bidang utama seperti pengurusan, pekerja, proses dan teknologi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa sokongan daripada pihak pengurusan merupakan faktor utama bagi kejayaan sesebuah projek jana kuasa, di samping faktor-faktor lain seperti pekerja, proses dan teknologi juga telah dikenal pasti dan dibincangkan.

2022 ◽  
Vol 207 ◽  
pp. 108452
Linyan Chen ◽  
Albert P.C. Chan ◽  
Emmanuel K. Owusu ◽  
Amos Darko ◽  
Xin Gao

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