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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-30
Muhammad Abulaish ◽  
Mohd Fazil ◽  
Mohammed J. Zaki

Domain-specific keyword extraction is a vital task in the field of text mining. There are various research tasks, such as spam e-mail classification, abusive language detection, sentiment analysis, and emotion mining, where a set of domain-specific keywords (aka lexicon) is highly effective. Existing works for keyword extraction list all keywords rather than domain-specific keywords from a document corpus. Moreover, most of the existing approaches perform well on formal document corpuses but fail on noisy and informal user-generated content in online social media. In this article, we present a hybrid approach by jointly modeling the local and global contextual semantics of words, utilizing the strength of distributional word representation and contrasting-domain corpus for domain-specific keyword extraction. Starting with a seed set of a few domain-specific keywords, we model the text corpus as a weighted word-graph. In this graph, the initial weight of a node (word) represents its semantic association with the target domain calculated as a linear combination of three semantic association metrics, and the weight of an edge connecting a pair of nodes represents the co-occurrence count of the respective words. Thereafter, a modified PageRank method is applied to the word-graph to identify the most relevant words for expanding the initial set of domain-specific keywords. We evaluate our method over both formal and informal text corpuses (comprising six datasets), and show that it performs significantly better in comparison to state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, we generalize our approach to handle the language-agnostic case, and show that it outperforms existing language-agnostic approaches.

Sophie Schleußer ◽  
Konstantinos Kalousis ◽  
Tobias Kisch ◽  
Peter Mailänder ◽  
Felix Stang

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die handchirurgische Notfallversorgung konkurriert in der Dienstzeit mit anderen chirurgischen Fächern um die zur Verfügung stehende OP-Kapazität. Fachübergreifend existiert in vielen Kliniken eine einheitliche Notfallkategorisierung, die festlegt, innerhalb welcher Zeitfenster eine chirurgische Versorgung von Notfällen erfolgen muss. Allerdings gibt es in der handchirurgischen Literatur keine einheitlichen Daten/Empfehlungen darüber, mit welcher zeitlichen Versorgungsdringlichkeit bestimmte Verletzungsmuster aus medizinischer und forensischer Sicht versorgt werden sollten. Ziel Die vorliegende Arbeit unternimmt den Versuch, die Versorgungssituation und den fachlichen Konsens bezüglich der Versorgungsdringlichkeiten in Deutschland mithilfe einer Online-Umfrage zu erfassen. Material und Methoden Über den E-Mail-Verteiler der DGH wurde eine Online-Umfrage an alle Mitglieder zweimal im Abstand von mehreren Monaten versandt. Es erfolgte die standardisierte Abfrage von Art und Größe der Klinik bzw. Praxis sowie die Bitte um Einschätzung der zeitlichen Dringlichkeitsstufen für verschiedene handchirurgische Verletzungsmuster (sofort – innerhalb 2 h – innerhalb 6 h – innerhalb 12 h – innerhalb 24 h bzw. elektive Versorgung). Die anschließende Analyse und grafische Aufarbeitung erfolgten mittels Excel. Ergebnisse Von rund 700 aktiven Mitgliedern beteiligten sich 172 (25 %) an der Umfrage. Vertreten sind Kollegen sowohl aus Universitätskliniken und BG-Kliniken als auch aus Schwerpunkthäusern und Kliniken der Grund- und Regelversorgung. 15 % sind in der Praxis tätig. An der Notfallversorgung partizipieren erwartungsgemäß hauptsächlich Häuser der Maximalversorgung, überwiegend mit eigener handchirurgischer Dienstbesetzung. 64 % der Häuser haben dabei eine fachübergreifende Notfallkategorisierung. Die Einschätzung der zeitlichen Versorgungsdringlichkeiten bei gefährdenden Verletzungen der Hand wie Amputationen und Kompartmentsyndrom ist insgesamt relativ einheitlich, bei nicht-gefährdenden Verletzungen wie Infekten oder Sehnendurchtrennungen hingegen sehr heterogen. Schlussfolgerung Die Möglichkeit zur Versorgung handchirurgischer Notfälle hängt in erster Linie von den zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen und OP-Kapazitäten ab, die Einschätzung der Versorgungsdringlichkeit zusätzlich von Erfahrung und Schule. Um im Wettbewerb mit anderen chirurgischen Disziplinen um limitierte Ressourcen auf eine valide Argumentationsgrundlage zurückgreifen zu können, ist ein allgemeiner Konsens zu Versorgungsdringlichkeiten sinnvoll. Eine dazu valide Studiengrundlage fehlt allerdings bis heute.

Anna Elizabeth Sagaser ◽  
Betsy Pilon ◽  
Annie Goeller ◽  
Monica Lemmon ◽  
Alexa Craig

Purpose/Background: Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is the standard treatment for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). We surveyed parents of infants treated with TH about their experiences of communication and parental involvement in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Methods/Approach: A 29-question anonymous survey was posted on a parent support website (https://www.hopeforhie.org) and sent to members via e-mail. Responses from open-ended questions were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: 165 respondents completed the survey and 108 (66%) infants were treated with TH. 79 (48%) respondents were dissatisfied/neutral regarding the quality of communication in the NICU, whereas 127 (77%) were satisfied/greatly satisfied with the quality of parental involvement in the NICU. 6 themes were identified: 1) Setting for communication: Parents preferred face to face meetings with clinicians. 2) Content and clarity of language: Parents valued clear language (use of layman’s terms) and being explicitly told the medical diagnosis of HIE. 3) Immediate and Longitudinal Emotional Support: Parents required support from clinicians to process the trauma of the birth experience and hypothermia treatment. 4) Clinician time and scheduling: Parents valued the ability to join rounds and other major conversations about infant care. 5) Valuing the Parent Role: Parents desired being actively involved in rounds, care times and decision making. 6) Physical Presence and Touch: Parents valued being physically present and touching their baby; this presence was limited by COVID-related restrictions. Conclusion: We highlight stakeholder views on parent involvement and parent-clinician communication in the NICU and note significant overlap with principles of Trauma Informed Care: safety (physical and psychological), trustworthiness and transparency, peer support, collaboration and mutuality, and empowerment, voice and choice. We propose that a greater understanding and implementation of these principles may allow the medical team to more effectively communicate with and involve parents in the care of infants with HIE in the NICU.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-89
Partonduhan aritonang Partonduhan aritonang ◽  
Parsaoran Tamba ◽  
Jemmy Charles Kewas

PENGARUH GAME ONLINE TERHADAP CARA BELAJAR MAHASISWA JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK MESIN UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MANADO Partonduhan Aritonang1, I. P. Tamba2, Jemmy Charles Kelas3 1,2,3Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Negeri Manado, Kab. Minahasa e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]   ABSTRAK Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Manado yang merupakan anak-anak perantau kini telah mendapatkan dampak yang sangat nyata dari permainan game online. Terbukti dari banyaknya mahasiswa yang ikut ambil bagian dalam permainan ini, dari hasil pengamatan peneliti selaku mahasiswa yang aktif mendapatkan banyak data bahwa mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Manado yang aktif bermain memiliki kemampuan cara belajar yang kurang aktif dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni kuisioner atau angket. Teknik analisi data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis statistik deskriptif, Teknik Analisis Regresi dan pengujian hipotesis.Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni : bahwa pengaruh game online (X) terhadap cara belajar mahasiswa (Y) pada taraf t hitung > t tabel dan hasil uji korelasi rxy 0849. Game online berpengaruh signifikan terhadap cara belajar. Ini dapat dibuktikan dari hasil nilai Fhitung sebesar 4.113 dan nilai signifikansi Ftabel 0.00 < 0.05. Besarnya koefisien determinasi sebesar 0.79 atau 79%. Hal ini berarti 79% pengaruh game online terhadap cara belajar mahasiswa sedangkan untuk selebihnya 21% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti oleh penelitian ini.   Kata kunci : Game Online, Cara Belajar Mahasiswa THE INFLUENCE OF ONLINE GAMES ON HOW STUDENTS STUDYING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT MANADO STATE UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT Manado university's advanced mechanical engineering student who is a migrant child has now had a very real impact on online gaming. It is evident from the many students participating in the game that researchers as active university students have received a wealth of data that students studying engineering at manado state university who actively play have a learning ability that is less active in learning. The study USES a quantitative descriptive study method. The data collection method used was "questionnaire or angket." The data analysis used in the study are descriptive statistical analysis, regression analysis and hypothetical testing. The results of this study are: that how online games affect students' learning (y) at a level of t count > t tables and rxy 0849 cordating results. Online games significantly affect how to learn. This can be verified from the results of the ftable value of 4,113 and the significance of ftable 0.00. Critical coefficiencies by 0.79 or 79%. This means 79% of the impact online games have on student learning while for the rest 21% are affected by other variables not examined by this study. Key words : Game Online, student learning

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Damodaran Narayanan ◽  
Noreen B. Hogan ◽  
Karen A. Schaser ◽  
Patricia Ruegsegger ◽  
William Nicholas Rose

The process of procuring several units of red blood cells for red cell exchange can sometimes take several hours to days, especially for patients with multiple clinically significant red cell alloantibodies. This can introduce delays, inconveniences, and even health challenges for the patient. For most planned exchanges, these delays are preventable with some foresight and process modifications that are relatively minor yet high leverage. We report a case study of process improvement whereby the apheresis nurse sends an e-mail to the blood bank when the nurse makes the patient’s next red cell exchange appointment as the signal to order blood about 6–8 weeks before the exchange.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Andre ayub ense Andre ayub ense ◽  
Jemmy Charles Kewas ◽  
Lenie Ratag

PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISTEM INSTALASI REFRIGERASI SISWA KELAS XI SMK NEGERI 5 BITUNG Andre Ayub Ense ( 16205004) Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Unima E-Mail : ayubense @gmail.com Dosen Pembimbing : I. Jemmy Charles Kewas, ST.MT II. Dra.Lenie Ratag,M.Pd ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran problem based learning terhadap hasil belajar sistem instalasi refrigerasi siswa jurusan teknik pendingin di SMK Negeri 5 Bitung.penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Eksperimen termasuk desain pretest posttes eksperimen dengan menggunakan uji hipotesis, uji normalitas, dan uji t. Yang menjadi populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa Jurusan XI pendingin SMK Negeri 5 Bitung yang berjumlah 25 siswa pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Yang menjadi sampel penelitian sebanyak 25 siswa semester genap tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Analisis data menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 21.Hasil penelitiaan ini menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran problem based learning terhadap hasil belajar siswa, dengan hitung hipotesis rata-rata hitung sebesar t tabel pada kelompok pretest dan posttest eksperimen df 49 (n-1) = 2,009, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penelitian dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran problem basedlearning adalah terdapat peningkatan prestasi belajar siswakelas XIpendingin SMK Negeri 5 Bitung dengan model penerapan problem based learning.Kata Kunci : Problem Based Learning, Hasil Belajar

2022 ◽  
鬼谷 子

La guía de expertos es un directorio que agrupa a los investigadores de una institución dispuestos a colaborar con los medios de comunicación y que permite a los periodistas localizarles de forma autónoma en un corto espacio temporal. Una herramienta comunicacional que permite optimizar la proyección mediática del capital intelectual de la organización, aumentando la visibilidad, marca y reputación de la institución. En este contexto, se investiga su presencia y gestión en las universidades privadas españolas. Los objetivos son averiguar su presencia o ausencia; identificar los motivos que han frenado su implementación digital; analizar su ubicación, tipo de formato e idiomas; investigar cómo se localiza a un experto/a; analizar los datos curriculares ofrecidos del investigador/a; desvelar qué datos curriculares ofrecen del experto/a; y dar a conocer las modalidades para contactar con el especialista. La metodología se basa en un análisis de contenido y el periodo de estudio es de febrero a junio de 2020. Los resultados indican una escasa presencia, si bien, siempre se ubican en las salas de prensa y su formato suele ser digital (no en pdf), permitiendo la búsqueda por nombre-apellidos o especialidad, principalmente sólo en español, ofreciendo poca información curricular de los investigadores y permitiendo contactar siempre a través del teléfono o e-mail institucional mediante un contacto tanto directo como mediado por el gabinete de comunicación. Se concluye con una visión global de su implementación y una identificación de las disfunciones y buenas praxis detectadas para transferir el conocimiento científico mediante esta herramienta organizacional.

Yahao Zhang ◽  
Jin Pang ◽  
Hongshan Yin

Mail transmission was not only the main function of information system, but also the main way of network virus and Trojan horse transmission, which has a key impact on the running state of information. In order to deal with the threats of network viruses and Trojans and improve the level of e-mail management, this paper studies the filtering of information system, and proposes a phishing e-mail filtering method based on Improved Bayesian model. MATLAB simulation results show that the consistency p between the amount of data sent by e-mail and the amount received is good, the consistency rate reached 92.3%. the data security level is 95%, encryption proportion / data proportion ratio under Bayesian optimization are higher than those of unfiltered method,which up to 97.2%. Therefore, the Bayesian optimization model constructed in this paper can meet the needs of phishing email filtering in information communication at this stage.

Irriga ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 714-721
Lucas da Costa Santos ◽  
Lucas Santos do Patrocínio Figueiró ◽  
Alex Xavier Ribeiro Andrade ◽  
Antônio Costa Ferreira Neto ◽  
Caroline Salezzi Bonfá

ESTUDO COMPARATIVO ENTRE METODOLOGIAS DE ESTIMATIVA DA EVAPOTRANSPIRAÇÃO DE REFERÊNCIA PARA LOCALIDADES DO NORTE DE MINAS GERAIS     LUCAS DA COSTA SANTOS1; LUCAS SANTOS DO PATROCÍNIO FIGUEIRÓ1; ALEX XAVIER RIBEIRO DE ANDRADE1; ANTÔNIO COSTA FERREIRA NETO1 E CAROLINE SALEZZI BONFÁ1   1 Departamento de Agronomia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri – UFVJM, Campus JK, Rodovia MGT 367-KM 583, nº 5000, Alto da Jacuba. CEP: 39.100-000, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].     1 RESUMO   A determinação da evapotranspiração é imprescindível para a prática racional da irrigação, o que tem conduzido à formulação de diversas equações para estimativa desta importante variável meteorológica. Nesse sentido, faz-se necessário estudos comparativos com estas equações de modo a avaliar, localmente, sua aplicabilidade. Em linha com o exposto, objetivou-se comparar, para as condições climáticas de Salinas e Januária (ambos situados no Norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil), métodos empíricos de estimativa da evapotranspiração com o método padrão de Penman-Monteith (FAO56). Para tanto, utilizou-se dados meteorológicos de cinco anos (2016 a 2020) obtidos do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET). Para a análise comparativa foram utilizados os seguintes indicadores estatísticos: coeficientes de determinação (R²) e correlação (r), erro absoluto médio (EAM), raiz do erro quadrado médio (REQM), índice de concordância (d) e índice de desempenho (c). Os resultados obtidos demonstram que, para as duas localidades avaliadas, o método de Blaney-Criddle apresenta o melhor desempenho para a estimativa da evapotranspiração, por outro lado, as equações de Hargreaves-Samani e Priestley-Taylor exibiram performance insatisfatória.   Palavras-chave: métodos empíricos, demanda hídrica de cultivos, manejo da irrigação.     SANTOS, L. C.; FIGUEIRÓ, L. S. P.; ANDRADE, A. X. R.; FERREIRA NETO, A. C.; BONFÁ, C. B. COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN REFERENCE EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ESTIMATION METHODOLOGIES FOR NORTHERN MINAS GERAIS LOCATIONS     2 ABSTRACT   The determination of evapotranspiration is essential for the rational practice of irrigation, which has led to the formulation of several equations to estimate this important meteorological variable. In line with the above objective was to compare, for the climatic conditions of Salinas and Januária (both located in the North of Minas Gerais, Brazil), empirical methods for estimating evapotranspiration with the standard method of Penman-Monteith (FAO56). For this purpose, meteorological data for five years (2016 to 2020) obtained from the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) were used. For the comparative analysis, the following statistical indicators were used: coefficients of determination (R²) and correlation (r), mean absolute error (EAM), root mean square error (REQM), agreement index (d) and performance index (c). The results obtained demonstrate that, for the two locations evaluated, the Blaney-Criddle method presents the best performance for estimating evapotranspiration, on the other hand, the Hargreaves-Samani and Priestley-Taylor equations showed unsatisfactory performance.   Keywords: crop water demand, empirical methods, irrigation management.

Irriga ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 678-686
Daniela Araújo de Oliveira ◽  
Fernando Braz Tangerino Hernandez ◽  
Regiane Carvalho Bispo ◽  
Ricardo Nogueira Gomes ◽  
Antonio Heriberto de Castro Teixeira

ESTIMATIVA DA DEMANDA DE ÁGUA DA CULTURA DA CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR IRRIGADA UTILIZANDO SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO     DANIELA ARAÚJO DE OLIVEIRA1; FERNANDO BRAZ TANGERINO HERNANDEZ2; REGIANE DE CARVALHO BISPO3; RICARDO NOGUEIRA GOMES4 E ANTONIO HERIBERTO DE CASTRO TEIXEIRA5   1 Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Irrigação e Drenagem, UNESP, Rua José Barbosa de Barros, 1780, 18610-034, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]. 2Professor Titular, Departamento de Fitossanidade, Engenharia Rural e Solos - DEFERS, UNESP, Avenida Brasil Sul, n° 56, Centro, 15385-000, Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]. 3Professora Doutora, Colegiado de Engenharia Agronômica, UNIVASF, Rodovia BR 407, 12 Lote 543, 56300-000, Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]. 4 Engenheiro Agrônomo, Usina Ipê - Pedra Agroindustrial, Rod. General Euclides de Oliveira Figueredo, Km 167 + 871,35 m, 16940-000, Nova Independência, São Paulo, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]. 5 Professor Externo, Departamento de Recursos Hídricos (PRORH), UFS, Av. Marechal Rondon, s/n, Jd. Rosa Elze, 49100-000, São Cristóvão, Sergipe, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected].     1 RESUMO   O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estimar as demandas hídricas da cultura da cana-de-açúcar irrigada pelo sistema pivô central, por meio da aplicação do algoritmo SAFER (Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving). O estudo foi realizado em área comercial, no município de Nova Independência - SP, compreendendo a safra de 2020/21. Foram utilizadas imagens dos satélites Landsat 8 e Sentinel 2 e dados agrometeorológicos na estimativa da relação ETa/ETo e evapotranspiração atual (ETa). Os maiores valores de ETa observados foram entre 3,4 e 4,4 mm dia-1, enquanto os maiores valores da relação ETa/ETo foram de 0,7 e 0,8 e, apesar de comportamento similar a trabalhos semelhantes, são menores que os indicados em literatura.   Palavras-chave: SAFER, evapotranspiração, pivô central.     OLIVEIRA, D. A.; HERNANDEZ, F. B. T.; BISPO, R. C.; GOMES, R. N.; TEIXEIRA, A. H. C. ESTIMATION OF THE WATER DEMAND OF THE IRRIGATED SUGARCANE USING REMOTE SENSING     2 ABSTRACT   This work aimed to estimate the water demands of the sugarcane crop irrigated by the central pivot system, through the application of the SAFER (Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving) algorithm. The study was conducted in a commercial area, in the city of Nova Independência, SP, comprising the 2020/21 harvest. Images from the Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 satellites and agrometeorological data were used to estimate the ETa/ETo ratio and actual evapotranspiration (ETa). The highest values of ETa observed were between 3.4 and 4.4 mm day-1, while the highest values of the ETa/ETo ratio were 0.7 and 0.8, and despite similar behavior to similar works, they are smaller than those indicated in the literature.   Keywords: SAFER, evapotranspiration, central pivot.

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