Initiating the commodity chain

Parvati Raghuram
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 336-346
Dhamon Oridilla B

Candi Village in Bandungan District is one of the Chili Supply Sub-district for Semarang Regency and surrounding area has agro-climate suitable for the development of various agricultural commodities supported by wide market opportunity, so it is suitable for agricultural business development. The purpose of this research is to identify the distribution pattern of red pepper, to know each value of commodity chains and distribution, to design alternative distribution pattern of red pepper.Population in this research is 88 respondents from 735 of member of chilli farmer in Desa Candi with total area of 150,3 hectare consisting of rice field, moor and yard. Methods of data analyst using quantitative approach is done by using Margin Marketing Analysis. The results include: (1) The pattern of distribution of existing farming business grows naturally in accordance with the developments and needs of the perpetrators, the actors in this pattern are farmers, wholesalers, collectors, wholesalers, retailers, consumers. (2) The value of the red chili commodity chain in this naturally grown pattern often makes pricing more dominant by traders, so farmers receive prices slightly lower than market prices. (3) Some obstacles faced in distributing red peppers are the difficulty of changing the mindset of the community about advanced farming, this is best utilized by market participants (chain of distribution) who are more informed and always keep abreast of market dynamics. Conventional marketing pattern by farmer cause price level accepted by farmer in general relatively smaller compared to price received by trader. Suggestions shorten the chain of distribution patterns, increase the added value of products and improve the bargaining position of farmers and for the government always guide / accompany farmers in getting accurate market information, which can be used as farmers in bargaining, Increased market transparency can act as a trigger for the functioning of a market, improved competition and increased adaptation to meet the needs of supply and opportunity to compete with market prices. Desa Candi di Kabupaten Bandungan adalah salah satu Kecamatan Penyedia Cabai untuk Kabupaten Semarang dan sekitarnya memiliki agroklimat yang cocok untuk pengembangan berbagai komoditas pertanian yang didukung oleh peluang pasar yang luas, sehingga sangat cocok untuk pengembangan bisnis pertanian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pola distribusi cabai merah, untuk mengetahui masing-masing nilai rantai komoditas dan distribusi, untuk merancang alternatif pola distribusi cabai merah. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 88 responden dari 735 anggota petani cabai di Desa Candi dengan total luas 150,3 hektar yang terdiri dari sawah, tegalan dan pekarangan. Metode analis data menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan Analisis Pemasaran Margin. Hasil meliputi: (1) Pola distribusi usaha pertanian yang ada tumbuh secara alami sesuai dengan perkembangan dan kebutuhan pelaku, pelaku dalam pola ini adalah petani, pedagang besar, pengumpul, pedagang besar, pedagang besar, pengecer, konsumen. (2) Nilai rantai komoditas cabai merah dalam pola yang dikembangkan secara alami ini sering membuat penetapan harga lebih dominan oleh para pedagang, sehingga petani menerima harga yang sedikit lebih rendah daripada harga pasar. (3) Beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam mendistribusikan paprika merah adalah sulitnya mengubah pola pikir masyarakat tentang pertanian maju, hal ini paling baik digunakan oleh pelaku pasar (rantai distribusi) yang lebih banyak informasi dan selalu mengikuti perkembangan dinamika pasar. Pola pemasaran konvensional oleh petani menyebabkan tingkat harga yang diterima petani pada umumnya relatif lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan harga yang diterima pedagang. Saran mempersingkat rantai pola distribusi, meningkatkan nilai tambah produk dan meningkatkan posisi tawar petani dan bagi pemerintah selalu membimbing / menemani petani dalam mendapatkan informasi pasar yang akurat, yang dapat digunakan sebagai petani dalam tawar-menawar, Peningkatan transparansi pasar dapat bertindak sebagai pemicu berfungsinya pasar, meningkatnya kompetisi dan peningkatan adaptasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan dan peluang untuk bersaing dengan harga pasar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-117
Anna Beckers

AbstractReviewing the burgeoning legal scholarship on global value chains to delineate the legal image of the global value chain and then comparing this legal image with images on global production in neighbouring social sciences research, in particular the Global Commodity Chain/Global Value Chain and the Global Production Network approach, this article reveals that legal research strongly aligns with the value chain image, but takes less account of the production-centric network image. The article then outlines a research agenda for legal research that departs from a network perspective on global production. To that end, it proposes that re-imagining the law in a world of global production networks requires a focus in legal research on the legal construction of global production and its infrastructure and a stronger contextualization of governance obligations and liability rules in the light of the issue-specific legal rules that apply to said infrastructure.

10.1068/a3562 ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 34 (8) ◽  
pp. 1411-1441 ◽  
Andrew Currah

In this paper I address two issues of general relevance to contemporary debates in economic geography: first, the organisational and spatial implications of new information technologies for the economic landscape; and, second, the enduring role of place to digital capitalism. Specifically, I examine the organisational evolution of multichannel retailing in Toronto from a geographical perspective. Bricks-and-mortar retailers are increasingly pursuing a multichannel strategy by operating an Internet-based web store alongside the existing network of physical retail outlets. I therefore evaluate the organisational implications of the adoption of business-to-consumer e-commerce (e-tailing) technology for six Canadian bricks-and-mortar retailers based in Toronto and assess how the associated changes in business structure have been inscribed upon the urban landscape. The argument is developed in three sections. First, I discuss how the formula for competitive advantage in the new (r)etail markets of the developed world has shifted from a pure play to a multichannel organisational paradigm. Second, I provide a background to the development of Canadian e-commerce and an overview of the empirical methodologies employed during the research. Third, the focus of the paper moves ‘behind the web store’ to spatialise the physical places that constitute the fulfilment infrastructure of e-tailing as sequentially linked stages in Internet commodity chains. I evaluate the impact of the Internet commodity chain upon the geographical organisation of each retailer, and, in particular, consider whether the unique logistical requirements of e-tailing have stimulated spatial processes of disintermediation and reintermediation. It is argued that, when read through the lens of Toronto, e-tailing has incurred limited organisational disruption and is characterised by a distinctive geography of integration between online and offline retailing services within the urban space of the city. I conclude the paper by contextualising the findings within themes for conceptual debate in economic geography.

2013 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 489-498
R.K. Kambugu ◽  
A.Y. Banana ◽  
N. Turyahabwe ◽  
M. Okure

Sociologus ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-122
Wolfgang Kapfhammer ◽  
Gordon M. Winder

This article explores governance and power relations within the guaraná (Paullinia cupana) global commodity chain (GCC) of the Sateré-Mawé, an Indigenous group of the Lower Amazon, Brazil. The paper draws on ethnographic work and joint field research in Pará, Brazil and pursues an interdisciplinary approach combining economic geography and anthropological interest in ontological diversity. It describes the guaraná value chain in commodity chain terms, and discusses issues of narrative, transformation, and power in the community of values associated with the chain. Guaraná is a ritual beverage of central importance to Indigenous cosmology and is now a commodity traded within the global Fair Trade network. We found that the commodity chain is the result of not only economically, but also politically motivated Indigenous and European actors. It has a simple organization and is based on inter-personal business relations, with neither retailers nor producers controlling the chain. In this context, diverse actors, including Indigenous and non-Indigenous agents, cooperate in a joint project despite their, at times, differing values. These values are discernable in the narratives and discourses braided around the chain. This paper identifies the values at work and the tensions and dissonances produced as they rub against each other. It argues that, far from making the chain unmanageable, the tensions are creative and help the chain’s participants to bridge between Brazil and Europe.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 1232-1243 ◽  
Luís Henrique da Costa Leão ◽  
Luiz Carlos Fadel de Vasconcellos

Resumo A globalização da economia alterou o padrão produtivo na atualidade e a formação de cadeias de produção é um fenômeno central nessa nova conjuntura. Cadeias produtivas são processos de extração, produção, transporte, distribuição, consumo e descarte de bens e serviços. Para o seu desenvolvimento existem investimentos governamentais econômicos/financeiros, por vezes em confronto direto com os interesses da proteção da saúde dos trabalhadores e ambiental. Isso porque são gerados diversos danos, riscos e vulnerabilidades sociais, ambientais, sanitárias e ocupacionais ao longo das cadeias. A vigilância em saúde, trabalho e ambiente tem o desafio de enfrentar esses complexos problemas para garantir melhorias para as condições de vida. O objetivo deste ensaio teórico é discutir estratégias de vigilância em saúde, trabalho e ambiente, partindo da noção de cadeia produtiva enquanto redes interconectadas de produção-consumo. O artigo apresenta as principais abordagens teóricas sobre cadeias de produção, especialmente, Supply Chain, Global Commodity Chain, Análise de Filière e Agribussiness, destacando as áreas do conhecimento envolvidas. Discute ainda a fragilidade e incipiência da interseção dos saberes e práticas da vigilância em saúde, trabalho e ambiente com a temática das cadeias produtivas, evidenciando a necessidade de superação da vigilância dos produtos em direção à intervenção em toda a cadeia produtiva, mediante a articulação entre as vigilâncias do SUS. Destaca-se também o papel da academia, dos serviços de saúde e das populações para a implementação dessa vigilância.

Dan Christensen ◽  
Kasper Hansen ◽  
J Paludan ◽  
Steen Paulsen ◽  
Simon Peters ◽  

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