information technologies
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Jiří Jelínek ◽  
Jiří Čejka ◽  
Josef Šedivý

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are a today´s hot topic, especially in the context of the development of information technologies, which can be employed in transportation. Although the scope and the technical solution of these systems may vary, they are frequently based on VANET (Vehicular ad hoc network), i.e. a communication network, which is primarily generated among the moving subjects, which form ITS. Given the highly dynamic VANET, the questions are raised as to the data transmission. This paper is aimed to make a detail analysis of the communications within VANET using the simulation model, which includes the static infrastructure of ITS and to experimentally verify the impact of this infrastructure on the dynamics of information spreading in ITS. The authors present the results obtained from a few different scenarios, which have been tested.

2022 ◽  
Edda Humprecht ◽  
Laia Castro Herrero ◽  
Sina Blassnig ◽  
Michael Brüggemann ◽  
Sven Engesser

Abstract Media systems have changed significantly as a result of the development of information technologies. However, typologies of media systems that incorporate aspects of digitalization are rare. This study fills this gap by identifying, operationalizing, and measuring indicators of media systems in the digital age. We build on previous work, extend it with new indicators that reflect changing conditions (such as online news use), and include media freedom indicators. We include 30 countries in our study and use cluster analysis to identify three clusters of media systems. Two of these clusters correspond to the media system models described by Hallin and Mancini, namely the democratic-corporatist and the polarized-pluralist model. However, the liberal model as described by Hallin and Mancini has vanished; instead, we find empirical evidence of a new cluster that we call “hybrid”: it is positioned in between the poles of the media-supportive democratic-corporatist and the polarized-pluralist clusters.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sepanta Sharafuddin ◽  
Ivan Belik

PurposeThe present study provides a comprehensive review of the evolution of data analytics using real-world cases. The purpose is to provide a distinct overview of where the phenomenon was derived from, where it currently stands and where it is heading.Design/methodology/approachThree case studies were selected to represent three different eras of data analytics: Yesterday (1950s–1990s), Today (2000s–2020s) and Tomorrow (2030s–2050s).FindingsRapid changes in information technologies more likely moving us towards a more cyber-physical society, where an increasing number of devices, people and corporations are connected. We can expect the development of a more connected cyber society, open for data exchange than ever before.Social implicationsThe analysis of technological trends through the lens of representative real-world cases helps to clarify where data analytics was derived from, where it currently stands and where it is heading towards. The presented case studies accentuate that data analytics is constantly evolving with no signs of stagnation.Originality/valueAs the field of data analytics is constantly evolving, the study of its evolution based on particular studies aims to better understand the paradigm shift in data analytics and the resulting technological advances in the IT business through the representative real-life cases.

Т.П. Сабгайда ◽  
А.Н. Эделева

Проанализирована смертность лиц старше трудоспособного возраста (женщины 55+ и мужчины 60+) в условиях пандемии COVID-19 для определения потенциальной возможности её предотвращения. Использовали информацию базы данных РФС-ЕМИАС Москвы за 2019, 2020 и 2021 гг. (за периоды до 15 июня). Сделано заключение, что на фоне более корректного учета причин смерти в 2021 г., связанных с инфицированием вирусом SARS-CoV-2, вклад психических расстройств и болезней эндокринной системы в структуру причин смерти лиц старше трудоспособного возраста без учета случаев смерти от COVID-19 превышает показатели 2019 г. Рост смертности от заболеваний этих классов в значительной степени является следствием экзогенного стресса, связанного с пандемией, изоляцией лиц 65 лет и старше в начале пандемии, снижением эффективности их медико-социальной поддержки. Недостатки в организации социальной помощи лицам старших возрастных групп, слабое внедрение новых информационных технологий и носимых электронных устройств в практическую работу здравоохранения, малые масштабы общественных инициатив в области социальной помощи привели к потерям населения, которые могли бы быть предотвращены в период пандемии. The mortality of people over working age (women 55+ and men 60+) was analyzed in the context of COVID-19 pandemic in order to determine the potential for its prevention. The information from the Moscow mortality database for 2019, 2020 and 2021 (up to June 15) was used. Against the background of more correct accounting of death causes associated with SARS-CoV-2 virus infection in 2021, the contributions of mental disorders and endocrine diseases to the structure of death causes (excluding deaths from COVID-19) for people over working age are more than in 2019. The increase in mortality from diseases of these classes is largely a consequence of exogenous stress associated with a pandemic, isolation of people older 64 years and a decrease in the effectiveness of medical care. It was concluded that indirect losses from COVID-19 include avoidable mortality of elderly caused by shortcomings in organization of social assistance for them, the weak introduction of new information technologies and wearable electronic devices into the practical work of health care, small scale of public initiatives in the field of social assistance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 110-116
A. T. Popov ◽  
O. A. Suslova ◽  
A. A. Kobernitsky ◽  
A. S. Khmelev

The current situation of development of the world economy presupposes intense competition in both external and internal markets. Under these conditions, it becomes more and more obvious that the growth of profits and, accordingly, further development of companies will be carried out not so much through expansion, but through improved service for customers, an increase in the range of goods and services offered, a better product quality and a decrease in production costs.The main role in optimisation of technological processes is currently played by digital transformation of production. The introduction of advanced information technologies is of great importance for all global companies, since the enhanced development of information systems results in improvement of business processes, better safety, and environmental friendliness.International studies show that the use of modern information technologies in transport industry is necessary to improve traffic safety, reduce environmental impact, increase the efficiency of the transportation process.The Russian mining and metallurgical sector, along with the oil and gas industry, makes a significant contribution to development of the country. Complex production technology, a large volume of traffic, hazardous and dangerous working conditions for personnel necessitate development of a digital environment to increase labour productivity and the volume of products.The objective of the research is to study the possibility of using information control and forecasting systems for solving technical, technological, and organisational problems of industrial railways of metallurgical plants.Based on comparative analysis, general scientific and mathematical research methods and the study of the role of information systems in digital transformation of production process, the authors suggest a methodology for creating a stochastic model for predicting the arrival of unit trains at an enterprise, and consider development trends in digital transformation of industrial transport. 

I. K. Tsai

The libraries being the state organizations are funded by the government and are limited in their resources. Therefore, despite the fact that the book market today is crowded with document resources, the libraries and information organization cannot afford purchasing all the publications they need. Their activities are regulated through norms and laws that provide both for competitive and single-source procurement. Mandatory copies alone are insufficient for collection development, and the library and information organizations have to find additional collection development sources through integration with publishers and bookselling organizations. Price lists, publishers’ and bookstores’ websites make the main source of information. Information technologies and computer systems enable to analyze whether the purchased publications are demanded by the users. The libraries have to provide for communicate between user services, acquisition department and the users. The team effort to draw acquisition lists enables to get the quality collection. The author examines the problems of integration of library and information organizations with publishers and booksellers as the case study of A. Navoi National Library of the Republic of Uzbekistan and State Scientific Medical library of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Thobekani Lose ◽  
Sebenzile Khuzwayo

This study aimed to explore the attitudes of students of a higher education institution towards infopreneurship. The study emanated from observations that the widespread use of information technologies has created a new sector in the labor market – infopreneurship. The study adopted the case study research design based on focus group discussions to establish the students’ attitudes towards infopreneurship. The participants for the focus groups were students of the Information Science department at the University of Technology, Cape Town. Data collection during the focus group discussions was based on unstructured interviews. Quantitative data analysis was applied based on data reduction from codes to categories. An enterprising attitude (26.4% code frequency) dominated the positive responses while negative attitudes were mainly reflected by a critical attitude (20.8% code frequency) towards infopreneurship. While it appeared that positive attitudes were more prevalent than negative attitudes, there were notable observations that the respondents were critical or neutral towards the essence of infopreneurship in the South African context. It was found that the belief that infopreneurship is not a viable form of employment was still prevalent. Some respondents believed that employment means working for someone. They felt that there is greater respect in being employed than engaging in infopreneurship. Some respondents, however, appear to have stronger entrepreneurial orientations and felt that infopreneurship offers the best employment opportunities. The study recommends changes in higher education curricula and the creation of a stimulating environment for infopreneurship.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Rabia S. Allari ◽  
Khaldoun Hamdan ◽  
Maha Alkaid Albqoor ◽  
Abeer Shaheen

PurposeTo describe the perceived level of information competency among nursing students in Jordan.Design/methodology/approachCross sectional-correlational design was utilized. Data were collected using an electronic self-administered questionnaire from graduate and undergraduate nursing students in Jordan.FindingsNursing students showed a moderate mean total score of information competency (184.11 out of 280, SD = 22.92). Among information competency subscales, using the information technologies subscale had the highest mean score, while information from the mass media subscale had the lowest mean score. Information competency of nursing students was positively correlated with students' age. Significant differences were found in information competency according to the academic level, addressing scientific research and research in databases in the course of the study, frequency of meeting the supervisor to discuss the research and university sector.Originality/valueAlthough there are numerous studies worldwide that assessed nursing students' information literacy, this paper represents the first study of information literacy competencies among nursing students in Jordan. While the content supports conclusions that have been drawn from other studies, this study is novel in terms of the student population it addressed. Information competency among nursing students can be improved by integrating standard research and information competency courses at the undergraduate level and involving mass media platforms in the nursing education curricula.

Kudaybergenova Nargiza Konisbayevna ◽  
Yeshniyazova Tamara Matenovna

The article describes the significance of Internet technologies (IT) in the teaching process of English as a foreign language (EFL) and reviews the researchers’ opinions on this problem. In this paper, the author considers that Internet technologies in English lessons for pupils in grades 5-7, it is appropriate to briefly dwell on psychological features of this age. In the article, a number of scientific studies in the field of computerization of learning in foreign languages have been analyzed. The article focuses on the relevance of using Internet and Information Technologies in teaching foreign languages. The author notes that employing IT will help to develop pupils’ progress in multiple skills at the same time. Moreover, the author puts forward the assumption that lessons based on the Internet and IT can help to quickly master the skills of communication in the EFL compared to traditional face-to-face lessons. KEY WORDS: Internet technologies, Information Technology (IT), Interactive technology, English as a foreign language (EFL), learning and teaching, school pupils.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 755
Natalia Vovchenko ◽  
Olga Ivanova ◽  
Elena Kostoglodova ◽  
Stanislav Khapilin ◽  
Karina Sapegina

The formation of a customs administration framework based on the digital economy in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) requires the application of fundamentally new technologies. The successful implementation of digital technologies in the information space of the EAEU presupposes the solution of a number of problems associated with the ensuring the implementation of the concept of sustainable development of the EEU member states in the new economic reality and transition to a new paradigm of customs administration based on the digitalization of the processes of regulation of foreign economic activity. Based on this paradigm, we set the following tasks: to identify trends and substantiate the need for digitalization of the customs administration mechanism in the Eurasian Economic Union based on the use of new technologies; to reveal the meaningful features of digital technologies that are promising for the development of the mechanism of customs administration of the EAEU; consider the applied aspects of the latest information technologies used in the course of EAEU customs administration system digitalization; and assess the prospects for their use, analyze the prospects of organizational, legal and managerial support of this process in the EAEU at the supranational and national levels. The article concludes that within the framework of the digital transformation of the EAEU, new opportunities are opening up for the customs regulation framework, based on the introduction of technologies for analyzing large amounts of data, immersive technologies, blockchain, the use of innovative methods for obtaining and processing customs information (satellite tracking, radio frequency identification), and the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in customs control processes.

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