Social Media, Art, and the Network Society

2018 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Dustin Kidd
Stepanus Bo'do

The internet and social media expand public space has been much associated with public space and digital networks in many studies, where Habermas's public space theory and the theory of the Castells network society have been much debated about its relevance to the techno-social development. Both Habermas and Castells tend to see the public space of the Internet as a contestation space where corporate and state forces work in various ways to control and dominate it. This study emphasizes more on the creativity of citizens forming community networks through the use of the Internet and social media and conducting autonomous conversations in the public space. Netnographic studies of the dynamics of the discourse of public space in the social movement networked Indonesia Berkebun show that the Internet and social media become creative means for citizens to package global discourse locally to voice their demands. This study concludes that the concepts and theories of public space, network society are relevant as tools for analyzing public space and Internet networks and social media. The potential of the Internet network and social media as autonomous communication spaces depends on the design and purpose and the utilization of available features. Conversations - conversations that are restricted to the agenda of the 3E program help communities focus on discourse and shape the character of a rational Indonesian gardening space. This community from the beginning realized the potential of the Internet and social media to form networks and public spaces. But like gardening, public space requires commitment, such as caring for the garden from pest attacks, weeds, giving it fertilizer so the plants grow as expected.

2020 ◽  
Sarah Kieswetter

This study aimed to use my own practice to explore patriarchal hegemony in new media art, and its relationship with technology (in this case the internet) through a feminist lens. In this research, the term ‘patriarchal hegemony’ refers to the internet/social media being an inherently male-dominated and controlled space. The theoretical framework is informed by theories from cultural studies addressed though a feminist scope. Furthermore, this study sought to critically analyse how techno-feminist (digitally driven and online feminist activism) artists and activists use technology, the internet, and social media as new innovative platforms. This feminist activism seeks to disrupt and create awareness of the dominant patriarchal hegemonic thinking within contemporary society (Morgan 2017:11). I used my own art practice as a point of departure to investigate techno-feminism and also conducted research on the work of other selected feminist artists who use their digital presence to articulate their media-based art activism. In addition, I critiqued how internet GIFs can be used as visual mechanisms to create awareness of patriarchal hegemony and propose alternatives.

Annick Bureaud

The Minitel (French videotex system) is often considered as a “pre-Internet” platform and the art that was created with it as belonging to “network art” and/or “collaborative” practices on a “social media” avant la lettre. In which respect is this true? This article provides an initial map and a typology of minitel-based creative practice by identifying works and documenting its context as it happened in France, compared to other countries. With detailed descriptions of selected works and of the ART ACCES online magazine-gallery project, it proposes an analysis that will be compared to and confront net art, new media art, and current trends in e-publishing.

2012 ◽  
pp. 30-50
Alberto Marinelli

L'oggetto di questo lavoro č la virtualizzazione dei legami sociali che si sperimenta nei siti di social network. Sia nella teoria sociologica sia nella teoria della comunicazione non possiamo piů distinguere l'analisi della comunicazione mediata dal computer dall'osservazione delle nuove forme di socialitŕ che sono incorporate nella societŕ della rete. Queste nuove forme di relazioni, specificamente attivate dai social media, sono caratterizzate dalla "privatizzazione della sociabilitŕ" e dalla possibilitŕ di passare facilmente tra le diverse reti sociali. Da questo punto di vista teorico, la costruzione di legami sociali č la realizzazione attuale di connessioni.

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 320
Florentia Christina Monica ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi

The development of times from time to time was so increasing. Communication technology is one of them who got increased rapidly. This development of communication technology was also certainly in line with the development of human intelligence who got more creative and innovative this day. Social media is a form of media development, that we know them as a “new media”. There is a feature from Line Chat App called Line Open Chat (OC). OC is a group chat feature that made for users to join and reliable with other users who had same interests with anonymously, and one of which is a fans club category. There’s a phenomenon this day that comes from this fan culture in OC, named “roleplay” (RP). RP is a role game in a social media using other’s people characters (usually using an idol’s character). The players usually adapt their activities and life from real life, but in the RP’s world, their entire activities is the life that humans imagine and create for themselves. This phenomenon will form into a virtual community or a network society in a cyberspace, then with times goes by time this phenomenon will referring to a concept of social simulation and create a formation of a new world. This research uses a qualitative case study method.Perkembangan jaman dari masa kemasa semakin meningkat pesat, seperti pada teknologi komunikasi. Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi ini tentunya beriringan dengan perkembangan kecerdasan manusia yang semakin kreatif dan inovatif memanfaatkan media dan teknologinya. Salah satu bentuk perkembangan media tersebut adalah media sosial, yang kini kita kenal dengan sebutan “new media”. Contohnya adalah sebuah fitur dalam aplikasi chating Line, yaitu Line Open Chat (OC). OC adalah salah satu fitur obrolan grup yang dibuat agar para pengguna dapat bergabung dan berinteraksi dengan pengguna lainnya yang memiliki ketertarikan yang sama secara anonim, salah satunya kategorinya adalah fans clubs. Terdapat sebuah fenomena baru yang datangnya dari budaya penggemar ini dalam OC, yaitu roleplay (RP). RP merupakan sebuah permainan peran di media sosial dengan menggunakan karakter orang lain yang biasanya adalah sosok yang diidolakan. Biasanya dalam RP para pemainnya akan mengadaptasi aktifitas dan kehidupannya dari dunia nyata, hanya saja kehidupan ini adalah kehidupan yang dikehendaki dan dibuat sendiri oleh manusia, khususnya dirinya sendiri sebagai pemainnya. Fenomena ini kemudian akan membentuk sebuah komunitas virtual atau network  society dalam cyberspace yang lama kelamaan akan membuat sebuah simulasi sosial yang mengacu pada terbentuknya dunia baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif studi kasus.

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