The Nature of Tax Evasion and the Shadow Economy

Michael Pickhardt ◽  
Aloys Prinz
Natalia Kovalisko ◽  
Serhii Makeev

Socio-economic trajectories of Poland and Ukraine have been considerably diverging since the last decade of the 20th century. The former has been advancing and catching up with Western European countries in terms of the quality of life — whereas in Ukraine, the 1990s recession gave way to unsustainable economic growth, which interrupted in the second half of the 2000s and in the 2010s. The comparison of official statistics, along with the data of household surveys and public opinion polls, makes it possible to conclude that a progressive and sustainable transition from a command economy to free market, as exemplified by Poland, is accompanied by moderate deepening of economic inequality. However, an abnormal transition (deviating from the “Polish rule”) entails excessive concentration of wealth and gives rise to corruption as a mechanism of income redistribution among different categories of population. This also results in a more noticeable stratification of opportunies for meeting vital and existential needs. Owing to a large proportion of shadow economy and undeclared work, Ukrainians remain a source of cheap labour in both the domestic and international labour markets; in addition, a persistent subculture of tax evasion is being formed in this country.

Economies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 18 ◽  
Daniel Němec ◽  
Eva Kotlánová ◽  
Igor Kotlán ◽  
Zuzana Machová

While assessing the economic impacts of corruption, the corruption-related transmission channels which influence taxation as such have to be duly considered. Taking the example of the Czech Republic, this article aims to evaluate the impacts corruption has on the size of the shadow economy as well as on the individual sources of long-term economic growth, making use of a transmission channel through which corruption affects the tax burden components. Using the method of an extended DSGE model, it confirms the initial assumption that an increase in perceived corruption supports the shadow economy’s growth, but at the same time, it demonstrates that corruption and especially its perception has a significantly different effect on two key areas—the capital accumulation and the labour force size. It further identifies another sector of the economy representing taxes which are prone to tax evasion while asserting that corruption has a much more destructive effect on this sector of the economy, offering generalized implications for other post-communist EU member states in a similar situation.

Shatilova O.S.

Purpose. The goal of the article is to identify the psychological factors of career development in the shadow economy of Ukraine. For this purpose, the attitudes of students of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (KNUTE) to the problem of fictitious entrepreneurship and tax evasion were studied.Methods. We conducted two experiments with KNUTE students using imaginary situations. In general, the imaginary situation was about a delinquent entrepreneur who sells goods. The entrepreneur exceeds the annual income and therefore opens a sales outlet for a fictitious person to avoid paying taxes. There were nine imaginary situations in total: a delinquent entrepreneur (zero framing), as well as other delinquent entrepreneurs such as a mother of three children, a father of three children, a foreigner, a student, a KNUTE student, a foreign student, a graduate, a KNUTE graduate. The first experiment was aimed at determining the willingness to punish or not punish the delinquent entrepreneur for tax evasion.The second experiment was carried out simultaneously on a different sample, and there were seven imaginary situations: a delinquent entrepreneur (zero framing) as well as other delinquent entrepreneurs including a mother of three children, a father of three children, a foreigner, a student, a KNUTE student, and a foreign student. In addition to framing with a delinquent entrepreneur, three perspectives were analyzed: neutral perspective, first perspective, third perspective (tax officer). Each student received one imaginary situation and three perspectives to it, which influenced the decision about a delinquent entrepreneur. The second experiment was aimed at determining the willingness to punish or not punish the delinquent entrepreneur for tax evasion as moderated by neutral, first, and third perspectives.Experiments were conducted online at SurveyMonkey at the end of 2019. Participation was anonymous, voluntary, and free of charge. For statistical data processing, we used the Mann-Whitney test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the Friedman test.Results. The following facts were revealed: 1) Regardless of imaginary situations, students with business experience are less likely to punish delinquent entrepreneurs for tax evasion than students without such experience. We believe that this is related to profit motivation; 2) regardless of imaginary situations, law students are more likely to punish delinquent entrepreneurs for tax evasion than trade students as well as non-trade and non-law students. We believe that this is related to legal awareness of KNUTE law students; 3) non-trade and non-law students are more likely to punish a delinquent foreign entrepreneur than a delinquent entrepreneur who is a mother of three children in an imaginary situation of tax evasion. The result may be explained by empathy towards the entrepreneur-mother of three children. Furthermore, law students did not show empathy for the entrepreneur-mother of three children. This is associated with legal awareness; 4) the effect of neutral, first, and third perspectives moderate the decision to punish or not punish a delinquent entrepreneur in an imaginary situation of tax evasion.Findings. Upon summarizing the results, we found that the acquisition of entrepreneurial experience and the manifestation of empathy are likely factors underlying a tolerant attitude towards tax evasion. Legal awareness is an opposite factor. Changing the perspective is a frame that adapts to any audience and can potentially be used to change different career decisions.Key words: career, imaginary situation, shadow economy, taxes, framing, entrepreneurial experience, empathy, legal awareness. Мета статті полягає у виявленні психологічних чинників розбудови кар’єри в секторі тіньової еко-номіки України. Для цього вивчалося вставлення студентів Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету (КНТЕУ) до проблеми фіктивного підприємництва та несплати податків.Методи. Ставлення студентів до проблеми фіктивного підприємництва та несплати податків вивчалося експериментально за допомогою уявних ситуацій. У першому експерименті кожен студент отримав одну уявну ситуацію, яка стосувалася фізичної особи – підприємця, що здійснює продаж товарів, перевищує річний обсяг доходу і для уникнення сплати податків відкриває точку продажу на підставну особу. Усього було дев’ять уявних ситуацій із порушниками: з фізичною особою – підприємцем (нульовий фреймінг), матір’ю трьох дітей, батьком трьох дітей, іноземцем, студентом, студентом КНТЕУ, студентом-іноземцем, випускником, випускником КНТЕУ. Дослі-дження спрямовувалося на визначення готовності карати/не карати підприємця-порушника за ухиляння від сплати податків.У другому експерименті, який проводився синхронно на іншій вибірці, було сім уявних ситуацій: про фізичну особу – підприємця (нульовий фреймінг), матір трьох дітей, батька трьох дітей, іноземця, студента, студента КНТЕУ, студента-іноземця. Окрім фреймінгу з фізичною особою – підприємцем змінювалася також атрибуція актора: невизначена атрибуція, перша особа, третя особа (працівник податкової служби). Кожен студент отримав одну уявну ситуацію з трьома атрибуціями. Дослідження спрямовувалося на визначення готовності карати/не карати підприємця-порушника залежно від зміни атрибуції актора.Експерименти проводилися онлайн на SurveyMonkey в кінці 2019 р. Участь була анонімною, добро-вільною, безоплатною. Для статистичної обробки даних використовувалися тести Манна-Вітні, Кра-скала-Воліса, Фрідмана.Результати. Були виявлені такі факти: 1) Незалежно від подання уявних ситуацій студенти з досвідом підприємницької діяльності менш схильні карати підприємців-порушників за несплату податків, аніж студенти, що не мають такого досвіду. Уважаємо, це пояснюється мотивом збіль-шення прибутків; 2) незалежно від подання уявних ситуацій студенти правничих спеціальностей більш схильні карати підприємців-порушників за несплату податків, аніж студенти торговельного спрямування та студенти інших, не пов’язаних із торгівлею і правом спеціальностей. Уважаємо, результат пояснюється правосвідомістю студентів правничих спеціальностей КНТЕУ; 3) студенти неторговельних, неправничих спеціальностей більш схильні карати підприємця-іноземця, ніж під-приємця – матір трьох дітей в уявній ситуації приховування податків та відкриття фіктивної точки продажу. На нашу думку, результат пояснюється емпатією до підприємця – матері трьох дітей. Разом із тим студенти правничих спеціальностей не проявили емпатії до підприємця – матері трьох дітей; 4) також була підтверджена гіпотеза, що атрибуція актора модерує рішення карати/не карати підприємця-порушника в уявній ситуації відкриття ним точки продажу на підставну особу для уникнення сплати податків.Висновки. Узагальнюючи результати, виявлено, що, ймовірно, набуття підприємницького досвіду та прояв емпатії виступають чинниками формування толерантного ставлення до несплати податків, а правосвідомість є чинником протидії. Зміна ж атрибуції актора є фреймом, що адаптується до будь-якої аудиторії та потенційно може використовуватися для зміни кар’єрних рішень.Ключові слова: кар’єра, уявна ситуація, тіньова економіка, податки, фреймінг, підприємницький досвід, емпатія, правосвідомість.

2010 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-138
Jolita Krumplytė

In the scientific literature the shadow economy is defined as a complex multifaceted set of phenomena, whose existence is determined by various factors and causes. The article examines the shadow economy through tax administration perspective. The author’s chosen object of the research encompasses economic activities, results of which such as tax evasion or concealment are not included in the official records. The shadow economy factors and reasons are economic, legal-administrative and social- psychological. Most of the time scientific research analyses the following shadow economy factors and causes: ▪ burden and rise of direct and indirect taxes and compulsory social insurance contribution; ▪ too stringent (or insufficient) legal and administrative regulation; ▪ weak government and a high level of corruption in the governmental sector; ▪ the income inequality (a high poverty level); ▪ the legislative gaps; ▪ the tax administration system deficiencies; ▪ irrational country’s economic policy; ▪ tax morale; ▪ insufficient government attention to social policy or irrational its development. The article presents the empirical study results about Lithuanian shadow economy factors and causes. The survey was carried out by experts – Lithuanian State Tax Inspection staff which has experience in inspecting taxpayers and conducting tax investigations. 702 experts took part in the research. According to experts’ estimations, companies and individuals enter into shadow economic activity mainly because they do not have any other way out (otherwise they won’t be able to stand up to competition, individuals won’t be able to make a living, etc.) as well as because other economy players pull them in. Experts also estimate that the most important Lithuanian shadow economy causes are the following: too big tax burden (in the case of illegal work – significant gross and net wage gap), gaps in legislation, frequent law changes, distrust of country’s government, dissatisfaction with the quality of work of governmental institutions. The main causes of the sprawl of the shadow economy – the inability to compete without being involved in the shadow economy, the lack of unified declaration of income and insufficient control of state institutions.

Oltiana Muharremi ◽  
Filloreta Madani ◽  
Erald Pelari

2010 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 421-441 ◽  
Hans-Georg Petersen ◽  
Ulrich Thießen ◽  
Pierre Wohlleben

Claudia Florina Radu ◽  
Florin Cornel Dumiter ◽  
Lavinia Dudas ◽  
Stefania Master Jimon

Abstract Tax avoidance is a phenomenon faced by all countries, to a lesser or greater extent, and we can say that it has begun to manifest itself since the introduction of taxes. It is known that generally taxes are not pleasing to taxpayers, especially when their level is high. However, it is important for individuals, as a whole, not to evade from their tax obligations. In this context taxes can be regarded as a necessary evil to ensure the resources needed for state functioning. But often some taxpayers are looking for ways to avoid taxes, engaging either in tax evasion to the shelter of the law or in fraudulent evasion. In this paper we present some of the aspects that motivate individuals to pay taxes. Also we analyze the situation of budgetary revenues in Alba County and also the evolution of the main income of consolidated general budget in Romania. In the end of the paper we intend to draw a parallel between shadow economy, tax burden and tax losses due to shadow economy for a sample of 32 countries. In this way we can see where underground economy and tax losses have the highest values and where are required measures to mitigate them.

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