
La autodeterminación externa de los pueblos integrados en Estados liberal-democráticos es un tema aún poco tratado por la doctrina politológica. Hablamos de tal cuando, entre otras posibilidades, el territorio que se instala en ella piensa en la independencia como una de las potenciales salidas a sus relaciones actuales en el seno de dicho Estado. En los Estados del tipo indicado no está reconocida, en su Constitución, la posibilidad de la secesión de algunas de sus regiones; pero, tampoco está taxativamente prohibida, salvo que esta prohibición se deduzca de sintagmas como indisoluble unidad (art. 2 Constitución española) o que la soberanía de las regiones está sometida a la soberanía estatal (art. 3 Constitución de Suiza). Sin embargo, la Corte Suprema de Canadá ¿Renvoi 20.8.1998¿ ha abierto la posibilidad de que alguna Provincia de la Federación pueda optar por esa situación fi nal siempre que, y entre otros requisitos, lo decida por una mayoría clara. El pueblo vasco ¿Euskadi o la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca¿, desde 1990, viene dando pasos en algo que podemos considerar el embrión de un proceso de autodeterminación externa. Su relevancia como caso de referencia estriba en que se ve obligado a sortear obstáculos por la imposibilidad de acogerse a una normativa que permita avanzar. Sin embargo, existen pocas oportunidades y muchas y graves amenazas al proceso que termina en la frustrada propuesta de consulta popular. Tratamos de analizar el proceso vasco hasta su último estadio de la consulta popular. Estatu liberal-demokratikoetan bildutako herrien kanpoautodeterminazioa gutxitan tratatu izan du doktrina politologikoak. Kanpo- autodeterminazioa aipatzen dugu, besteak beste, aukera hori hartzen duen lurraldeak independentzia etsitzen badu estatu horren barruan gaur egun dauzkan harremanak aldatzeko aukeratako bat. Halako estatu horietan, konstituzioak ez du onartzen eskualde batzuek banantzeko aukera izaterik; alabaina, ez du zorrotz debekatzen, non eta debeku hori ez den deduzitzen zenbait sintagmatatik, adibidez, «batasun zatiezina» (Espainiako Konstituzioaren 2. artikulua), edo «eskualdeen burujabetasuna estatuaren burujabetzaren mende dago» (Suitzako Konstituzioaren 3. artikulua). Halere, Kanadako Auzitegi Gorenak ¿Renvoi, 1998.8.20¿ atea zabaldu du federazioko probintziaren batek burujabetza horretara jotzeko, betiere, eta beste betekizun batzuez gain, herritarren gehiengo argiak erabakitzen badu. Euskaldun herria ¿Euskadi edo Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa¿, 1990. urtetik hona hasita dago kanpo-autodeterminazioaren prozesuaren enbrioia izan daitekeena abiarazten. Erreferentziazko kasu izateko arrazoia da oztopo mordoa dauzkala bidean, aurrera egiteko aukera emango dion araudirik ez daukala heltzeko. Alderantziz, aukera gutxi eta mehatxu ugari eta larriak dauzka, eta azkenean herri-kontsulta egiteko proposamenaren porrota izan da emaitza. Euskal prozesua analizatzen du lan honek, azken pausora arte: herri-kontsulta. The external self-determination of peoples integrated within Liberal-democratic States is not a very studied topic by Political Science academy. We are refering to the population of a territory who thinks of independence as one of the potential solutions to its current relationships in the bosom of the mentioned State. In the aforementioned States, the possibility of secession by some of their regions is not acknowledged; but it is also not specifi cally prohibited, unless this prohibition is deduced from syntagms as indissoluble unity (art. 2 Spanish Constitution) or that Region¿s sovereignty is bound to the State¿s sovereignty (art. 3 Swiss Constitution). Nevertheless, the Canadian Supreme Court ¿Renvoi 20.8.1998¿ opened the door to some Federated province to opt for that fi nal situation providing that, among other conditions, it is decided by a large majority. The Basque people ¿Euskadi or the Basque Autonomous Community¿ have been taken steps to something that could be considered as the germ of a process to external self-determination. Its importance lies on the fact that it has to get round problems by the impossibility to avail from a legislation to move forward. However, there are few chances and many and serious threats to the process that ends in a frustrated proposal for a popular plebiscite. We try to analyze the Basque process as far as to the last step of popular plebiscite.

1998 ◽  
Vol 180 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-56 ◽  
Gerald S. Fain

This article establishes the moral basis for special education as it concerns the duties of justice, toleration, and beneficence. The same fundamental moral principles apply to children with disabilities as to others, but the context here is public education with particular interest in the educational achievement of each child. Special education relies on justice, toleration and beneficence as it seeks the equal treatment of equals. The moral motives for special education are in the liberal democratic ideals of self-determination of every citizen and justice for all. Rights of liberty and justice can be secured, at least imperfectly, by law and regulation. But a civil and humane society needs more than law, more than justice, and more than toleration. It depends also on other civic virtues including respect for and commitment to beneficence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-20
Inna Yeung

Choice of profession is a social phenomenon that every person has to face in life. Numerous studies convince us that not only the well-being of a person depends on the chosen work, but also his attitude to himself and life in general, therefore, the right and timely professional choice is very important. Research about factors of career self-determination of students of higher education institutions in Ukraine shows that self-determination is an important factor in the socialization of young person, and the factors that determine students' career choices become an actual problem of nowadays. The present study involved full-time and part-time students of Institute of Philology and Mass Communications of Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine" in order to examine the factors of career self-determination of students of higher education institutions (N=189). Diagnostic factors of career self-determination of students studying in the third and fourth year were carried out using the author's questionnaire. Processing of obtained data was carried out using the Excel 2010 program; factorial and comparative analysis were applied. Results of the study showed that initial stage of career self-determination falls down on the third and fourth studying year at the university, when an image of future career and career orientations begin to form. At the same time, the content of career self-determination in this period is contradictory and uncertain, therefore, the implementation of pedagogical support of this process among students is effective.

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