Boulevard Transition, Hipster Aesthetics, and Anti-Gentrification Struggles in Los Angeles

Jan Lin

I examine street-level dynamics of gentrification in Northeast Los Angeles, where artists and residential pioneers who contributed to neighbourhood revitalization have subsequently been threatened with displacement by speculator-investors and corporate developers. In the “neo-bohemia” of Northeast L.A., the aesthetics of countercultural and ethnic subcultural expression have been appropriated by hipster entrepreneurs and gentrifiers. Neoliberal urban policies like public incentives for market rate housing and transit oriented development have sparked accelerated gentrification, countered by anti-gentrification movements from Latinx protestors who view art galleries and hipster aesthetics as harbingers of gentrification. The aesthetics of art and theatre are also part of the toolkit of anti-gentrification activists as they take to the streets to claim their right to the city.

2019 ◽  
pp. 168-194
Jan Lin

Examines the impacts of the sharpening gentrification process in Northeast Los Angeles and its socioeconomic and racial overtones as immigrant working class Latino/a families are increasingly threatened by displacement through rent increases, evictions, and socially traumatic uprooting of multi-family networks. Gentrification is tied to neoliberal local state efforts in Los Angeles to incentivize private investment through urban policy strategies like transit-oriented development, transit villages and small lot housing development. I argue the creative frontier of urban restructuring in Northeast LA also generates social violence expressing capitalism’s tendency to foster “accumulation by dispossession” that has been countered by neighborhood “right to the city” movements. I examine the rise of the urban social movements like Friends of Highland Park and Northeast LA Alliance that advocate for the rights of those threatened by housing displacement and eviction, address community and environmental impacts of new high-density housing projects, and campaign for more socially just housing and urban planning policies in Los Angeles. There is also examination of the plight of the homeless and rehabilitating gang members

Ricardo Lopes Correia ◽  
Samira Lima da Costa ◽  
Marco Akerman

A participação na cidade deve considerar os processos de envolvimento coletivo em ocupações para as tomadas de decisão, planejamento e engajamento sobre o desenvolvimento e expansão de seus espaços públicos e sociais. Este artigo é uma análise da prática em Terapia Ocupacional que sumariza as intervenções construídas junto a uma Comunidade Quilombola, para a criação de um Plano Diretor Participativo Local, incluindo tal população enquanto cidadãos de direito na pauta do desenvolvimento da cidade. Considera-se que terapeutas ocupacionais podem produzir espaços de atuação no planejamento urbano das cidades, se suas intervenções estiverem balizadas pelas ocupações coletivas e políticas públicas de urbanização. AbstractParticipation in the city should consider the processes of collective involvement in occupations for decision making, planning and engagement in the development and expansion of its public and social spaces. This article is an analysis of the practice in Occupational Therapy, which summarizes the interventions constructed, together with a Quilombola Community, for the creation of a local participatory director plan, including such population as citizens of right in the agenda of the development of the city. It is considered that occupational therapists can find spaces of action in the urban planning of cities, if their interventions are marked by collective occupations and public policies of urbanization.Keywords: Community; Local development; Right to the city. Collective occupations; Urban planning; Occupational therapy.

Urban Studies ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 004209802199700
Charalampos Tsavdaroglou ◽  
Maria Kaika

Over the years, cities have figured as exemplary places for neoliberal urban policies which tend to appropriate the right to the city through city-branding policies. However, as this article demonstrates, there are important claims of the right to the city raised by newly arrived refugees in the city of Athens. Although most refugees reside in overcrowded state-run camps on the outskirts of the city, there are many cases in which refugees enact the production of collective common spaces, occupying abandoned buildings in the urban core and claiming the right to the centre of the city. In this context and following the Lefebvrian notion of the right to the city and the spatial analysis on commons and enclosures, we explore the actions of refugees, and the way they engage in commoning practices that not only strive against the official state policies, but also often contest city-branding policies. In particular, we focus on the area of Exarcheia in Athens, which is an emblematic case of the conflicted nexus between investors’ and refugees’ right to the city.

Moreana ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 42 (Number 164) (4) ◽  
pp. 157-186
James M. McCutcheon

America’s appeal to Utopian visionaries is best illustrated by the Oneida Community, and by Etienne Cabet’s experiment (Moreana 31/215 f and 43/71 f). A Messianic spirit was a determinant in the Puritans’ crossing the Atlantic. The Edenic appeal of the vast lands in a New World to migrants in a crowded Europe is obvious. This article documents the ambition of urbanists to preserve that rural quality after the mushrooming of towns: the largest proved exemplary in bringing the country into the city. New York’s Central Park was emulated by the open spaces on the grounds of the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893. The garden-cities surrounding London also provided inspiration, as did the avenues by which Georges Haussmann made Paris into a tourist mecca, and Pierre L’Enfant’s designs for the nation’s capital. The author concentrates on two growing cities of the twentieth century, Los Angeles and Honolulu. His detailed analysis shows politicians often slow to implement the bold and costly plans of designers whose ambition was to use the new technology in order to vie with the splendor of the natural sites and create the “City Beautiful.” Some titles in the bibliography show the hopes of those dreamers to have been tempered by fears of “supersize” or similar drawbacks.

Federal Writers Project of the Works ◽  
David Kipen

1999 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-128
Catherine S. Ramirez

Throughout the twentieth century (and now the twenty-first), the specter of a Latina/o past, present, and future has haunted the myth of Los Angeles as a sunny, bucolic paradise. At the same time it has loomed behind narratives of the city as a dystopic, urban nightmare. In the 1940s Carey McWilliams pointed to the fabrication of a “Spanish fantasy heritage” that made Los Angeles the bygone home of fair señoritas, genteel caballeros and benevolent mission padres. Meanwhile, the dominant Angeleno press invented a “zoot” (read Mexican-American) crime wave. Unlike the aristocratic, European Californias/os of lore, the Mexican/American “gangsters” of the 1940s were described as racial mongrels. What's more, the newspapers explicitly identified them as the sons and daughters of immigrants-thus eliding any link they may have had to the Californias/os of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries or to the history of Los Angeles in general.

2003 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 431-472 ◽  
Edit Lippai ◽  
Andrea Dúll

A városépítészet egész történetét végigkísérik a „Jó város - jó társadalom” elképzelések, vagyis az utópiák. A jelen tanulmányban néhány, a szépirodalomban megjelent ideális, tökéletes, kívánt városelképzelést, vagyis eutópiát elemzünk környezetpszichológiai és szimbolikai szempontból. A városok tényleges téri-társadalmi szerkezetének és folyamatainak, valamint ezek mentális-érzelmi leképezodésének vizsgálata egyidos a környezetpszichológiával. A kutatást Kevin Lynch (1960) úttöro vizsgálatai alapozták meg, amelyeket „A város képe” (The Image of the City) címu klasszikus könyvében publikált. Lynch három amerikai város - Boston, Los Angeles és Jersey City - lakosságának reprezentatív mintáin végzett kutatásában a lakók mentális térképeit vizsgálta. Kutatásának eredményei szerint az emberek fejében él egy kép a városukról (image of the city), ami a városlakó orientációs bázisa és egyúttal esztétikai-formai struktúra. Összehasonlítva a három amerikai városról alkotott mentális térképeket, Lynch rájött, hogy bizonyos környezeti elemek általános térkép-jellegzetességnek tekinthetok: utak (paths), határok (edges), lakónegyedek (districts), csomópontok (nodes), iránypontok (landmarks). Az utópiák három csoportra oszthatók: idobeli (múlt- és a jövobeli), térbeli (négy világtáj irányában, illetve magasban vagy mélyben levo) és abszolút (képzeletbeli) utópiákra. Az általunk elemzett idobeli utópiák: Atlantisz, Mennyei Jeruzsálem, Minas Tirith és Diaspar, térbeli utópiák: Nekeresd, Napváros, Eldorado és abszolút utópia: Elefántcsonttorony. Ezeket a városutópiákat ebben a munkában kulturális városképeknek tekintettük, és ily módon elemeztük fizikai, észlelheto elemeiket. Vizsgálatunk során arra az érdekes felfedezésre bukkantunk - természetesen Lynch munkájáról nem is tudva -, hogy az utópiák megalkotói pontosan az általuk empirikusan feltárt fenti szempontok alapján írták le információikat az általuk tökéletesnek tartott városról. Elemzésünk eredménye szerint leírhatók a vágyott város ismérvei általában: 1. széles, jó alapanyagból készült sugárutak, 2. jól elkülönített határok és szélek, amelyek védenek, s tagolják a város szerkezetét és 3. a városon belül tágas tereket, kerületeket fognak közre, valamint 4. a csomópontokban a vizuális tájékozódást segíto jellegzetes és látványos tereptárgy van. A városok lakóit többek között közös szimbólumrendszer és a kommunikáció adott, megszokott módja kapcsolja egymáshoz. Az utópikus városok szimbolikus „kognitív térképeinek” funkciója - a valós városokéhoz hasonlóan - az lehet, hogy keretet és biztonságos kapaszkodót nyújtanak egy ideális világban, megteremtik az arról való közös kommunikáció lehetoségét, és ily módon kifejezik, létrehozzák és fenntartják az emberek vágyott tökéletes helykötodését és helyidentitását.

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