What epoch and space region at the heliospheric boundaries are probing IBEX and IMAP observations of interstellar neutral gas populations?

Maciej Bzowski ◽  
Marzena Kubiak ◽  
Jacob Heerikhuisen

<p>Interaction between the solar wind and the local interstellar environment has been studied using several observation techniques, including in-situ sampling of the plasma, magnetic field,  energetic ions by the Voyager spacecraft; remote-sensing observations of energetic neutral atoms (IBEX, Cassini); and the primary and secondary populations of interstellar neutral gas (IBEX-Lo). Understanding the processes at the heliospheric boundary and of the conditions outside the heliosphere is typically  done by fitting parameters used in models of this interaction to various observables, including the Voyager crossing distances of the termination shock and the heliopause, the size of the IBEX ribbon and its center directions, the sky distribution of the Lyman-alpha helioglow, and the flux of interstellar gas at 1 au from direct-sampling observations. Typically, it is expected that all or most of these observables are successfully reproduced. Even though the interaction of interstellar neutral gas with the solar wind and solar EUV output is sometimes taken into account, the global heliosphere is usually simulated as a stationary structure, with the solar wind flux, density, and magnetic field variation ignored. However, solar wind is a dynamic phenomenon, which results in variations in the plasma flow both inside and outside the heliopause and in variations of the distance to the heliopause. Based on in-situ solar wind observations, dynamic pressure of the solar wind may change by a factor of 2, which may result in a heliopause distance change by 50%, counting from the lowest-pressure conditions.</p><p>Interstellar neutral atoms reaching detectors at 1 au or contributing to the helioglow observed from 1 au need very different times to travel from the interaction  region , typically located at ~1.75 of the heliopause distance to 1 au. While the primary ISN atoms take 3—4 solar cycles to travel from this region to 1 au, with a physical time spread (not an uncertainty!) of about one solar cycle, the atoms from secondary population take as much as 15 solar cycles, with a large spread of 7 solar cycles. This implies that ISN He atoms sampled by IBEX-Lo, as well as those observed as the helioglow, originate from two different and disparate epochs. While it may be expected that the interstellar conditions at a time scale of 200 years are little variable, solar wind is definitely varying, with secular changes superimposed on the solar cycle variation.</p><p>Direct-sampling observations provide information on the plasma flow in the OHS inside ~60° around the inflow direction, with well-defined regions of the OHS contributing atoms to individual pixels observed by IBEX and IMAP at different orbits. However, the information obtained is heavily averaged over time, and the epoch  imprinted on these population is very different to the epochs characteristic for in-situ observations from the Voyagers (by 50 to 170 years!)  and remote-sensing observations of the much faster-running energetic neutral atoms.</p>

Iannis Dandouras ◽  
Philippe Garnier ◽  
Donald G Mitchell ◽  
Edmond C Roelof ◽  
Pontus C Brandt ◽  

Titan's nitrogen-rich atmosphere is directly bombarded by energetic ions, due to its lack of a significant intrinsic magnetic field. Singly charged energetic ions from Saturn's magnetosphere undergo charge-exchange collisions with neutral atoms in Titan's upper atmosphere, or exosphere, being transformed into energetic neutral atoms (ENAs). The ion and neutral camera, one of the three sensors that comprise the magnetosphere imaging instrument (MIMI) on the Cassini/Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan, images these ENAs like photons, and measures their fluxes and energies. These remote-sensing measurements, combined with the in situ measurements performed in the upper thermosphere and in the exosphere by the ion and neutral mass spectrometer instrument, provide a powerful diagnostic of Titan's exosphere and its interaction with the Kronian magnetosphere. These observations are analysed and some of the exospheric features they reveal are modelled.

2008 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 63-68 ◽  
Rajesh Mishra ◽  
Rekha Agarwal ◽  
Sharad Tiwari

Solar Cycle Variation of Cosmic ray Intensity along with Interplanetary and Solar Wind Plasma ParametersGalactic cosmic rays are modulated at their propagation in the heliosphere by the effect of the large-scale structure of the interplanetary medium. A comparison of the variations in the cosmic ray intensity data obtained by neutron monitoring stations with those in geomagnetic disturbance, solar wind velocity (V), interplanetary magnetic field (B), and their product (V' B) near the Earth for the period 1964-2004 has been presented so as to establish a possible correlation between them. We used the hourly averaged cosmic ray counts observed with the neutron monitor in Moscow. It is noteworthy that a significant negative correlation has been observed between the interplanetary magnetic field, product (V' B) and cosmic ray intensity during the solar cycles 21 and 22. The solar wind velocity has a good positive correlation with cosmic ray intensity during solar cycle 21, whereas it shows a weak correlation during cycles 20, 22 and 23. The interplanetary magnetic field shows a weak negative correlation with cosmic rays for solar cycle 20, and a good anti-correlation for solar cycles 21-23 with the cosmic ray intensity, which, in turn, shows a good positive correlation with disturbance time index (Dst) during solar cycles 21 and 22, and a weak correlation for cycles 20 and 23.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (S335) ◽  
pp. 65-68
Nandita Srivastava ◽  
Zavkiddin Mirtoshev ◽  
Wageesh Mishra

AbstractWe have studied the consequences of interacting coronal mass ejections (CMEs) of June 13-14, 2012 which were directed towards Earth and caused a moderate geomagnetic storm with Dst index ~ −86 nT. We analysed the in-situ observations of the solar wind plasma and magnetic field parameters obtained from the OMNI database for these CMEs. The in-situ observations show that the interacting CMEs arrive at Earth with the strongest (~ 150 nT) Sudden Storm Commencement (SSC) of the solar cycle 24. We compared these interacting CMEs to a similar interaction event which occurred during November 9-10, 2012. This occurred in the same phase of the solar cycle 24 but resulted in an intense geomagnetic storm (Dst ~ −108 nT), as reported by Mishra et al. (2015). Our analysis shows that in the June event, the interaction led to a merged structure at 1 AU while in the case of November 2012 event, the interacted CMEs arrived as two distinct structures at 1 AU. The geomagnetic signatures of the two cases reveal that both resulted in a single step geomagnetic storm.

2005 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 625-641 ◽  
K. E. J. Huttunen ◽  
R. Schwenn ◽  
V. Bothmer ◽  
H. E. J. Koskinen

Abstract. The magnetic structure and geomagnetic response of 73 magnetic clouds (MC) observed by the WIND and ACE satellites in solar cycle 23 are examined. The results have been compared with the surveys from the previous solar cycles. The preselected candidate MC events were investigated using the minimum variance analysis to determine if they have a flux-rope structure and to obtain the estimation for the axial orientation (θC, φC). Depending on the calculated inclination relative to the ecliptic we divided MCs into "bipolar" (θC<45°) and "unipolar" (θC>45°). The number of observed MCs was largest in the early rising phase, although the halo CME rate was still low. It is likely that near solar maximum we did not identify all MCs at 1AU, as they were crossed far from the axis or they had interacted strongly with the ambient solar wind or with other CMEs. The occurrence rate of MCs at 1AU is also modified by the migration of the filament sites on the Sun towards the poles near solar maximum and by the deflection of CMEs towards the equator due to the fast solar wind flow from large polar coronal holes near solar minimum. In the rising phase nearly all bipolar MCs were associated with the rotation of the magnetic field from the south at the leading edge to the north at the trailing edge. The results for solar cycles 21-22 showed that the direction of the magnetic field in the leading portion of the MC starts to reverse at solar maximum. At solar maximum and in the declining phase (2000-2003) we observed several MCs with the rotation from the north to the south. We observed unipolar (i.e. highly inclined) MCs frequently during the whole investigated period. For solar cycles 21-22 the majority of MCs identified in the rising phase were bipolar while in the declining phase most MCs were unipolar. The geomagnetic response of a given MC depends greatly on its magnetic structure and the orientation of the sheath fields. For each event we distinguished the effect of the sheath fields and the MC fields. All unipolar MCs with magnetic field southward at the axis were geoeffective (Dst<-50nT) while those with the field pointing northward did not cause magnetic storms at all. About half of the all identified MCs were not geoffective or the sheath fields preceding the MC caused the storm. MCs caused more intense magnetic storms (Dst<-100nT) than moderate magnetic storms (-50nT ≥Dst≥-100nT).

2008 ◽  
Vol 26 (10) ◽  
pp. 3127-3138 ◽  
P. Dunzlaff ◽  
B. Heber ◽  
A. Kopp ◽  
O. Rother ◽  
R. Müller-Mellin ◽  

Abstract. During solar cycle 22, the modulation of several hundred MeV galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) by recurrent and transient cosmic ray decreases was observed by the Ulysses spacecraft on its descent towards the solar south pole. In solar cycle 23, Ulysses repeated this trajectory segment during a similar phase of the solar cycle, but with opposite heliospheric magnetic field polarity. Since cosmic ray propagation in the heliosphere should depend on drift effects, we determine in this study the latitudinal distribution of the amplitude of recurrent cosmic ray decreases in solar cycles 22 and 23. As long as we measure the recurrent plasma structures in situ, we find that these decreases behave nearly the same in both cycles. Measurements in the fast solar wind, however, show differences: in cycle 22 (A>0) the recurrent cosmic ray decreases show a clear maximum near 25° and are still present beyond 40°, whereas we see in cycle 23 (A<0) neither such a pronounced maximum nor significant decreases above 40°. In other words: the periodicity in the cosmic ray intensity, which can be clearly seen in the slow solar wind, appears to vanish there. Theoretical models for drift effects, however, predict quite the opposite behaviour for the two solar cycles. To closer investigate this apparent contradiction, we first put the visual inspection of the data onto a more solid basis by performing a detailed Lomb (spectral) analysis. The next step consists of an analysis of the resulting periodicities at 1 AU in order to distinguish between spatial and temporal variations, so that we can obtain statements about the question in how far there is a correlation between the in-situ data at 1 AU and those measured by Ulysses at larger latitudes. We find a good correlation being present during cycle 22, but not for cycle 23. As one potential explanation for this behaviour, we suggest the difference in the coronal hole structures between the cycles 22 and 23 due to a large, stable coronal hole structure, which is present during cycle 22, but not in cycle 23. We support this possibility by comparing Yohkoh SXT and SOHO EIT maps.

2021 ◽  
Benjamin L Alterman ◽  
Justin C Kasper ◽  
Robert J Leamon ◽  
Scott W McIntosh

Abstract We study the solar wind helium-to-hydrogen abundance's ( A He ) relationship to solar cycle onset. Using OMNI/Lo data, we show that A He increases prior to sunspot number (SSN) minima. We also identify a rapid depletion and recovery in A He that occurs directly prior to cycle onset. This A He Shutoff happens at approximately the same time across solar wind speeds ( v sw ) and the time between successive A He shutoffs is typically on the order of the corresponding solar cycle length. In contrast to A He 's v sw -dependent phase lag with respect to SSN (Alterman and Kasper, 2019), A He Shutoff's concurrence across v sw likely implies it is independent of solar wind acceleration and driven by a mechanism near or below the photosphere. Using Brightpoint (BP) measurements to provide context, we infer that this shutoff is likely related to the overlap of adjacent solar cycles and the equatorial flux cancelation of the older, extended solar cycle during solar minima.

2021 ◽  
Sofia Kroisz ◽  
Lukas Drescher ◽  
Manuela Temmer ◽  
Sandro Krauss ◽  
Barbara Süsser-Rechberger ◽  

&lt;p&gt;Through advanced statistical investigation and evaluation of solar wind plasma and magnetic field data, we investigate the statistical relation between the magnetic field B&lt;sub&gt;z&lt;/sub&gt; component, measured at L1, and Earth&amp;#8217;s thermospheric neutral density. We will present preliminary results of the time series analyzes using in-situ plasma and magnetic field measurements from different spacecraft in near Earth space (e.g., ACE, Wind, DSCOVR) and relate those to derived thermospheric densities from various satellites (e.g., GRACE, CHAMP). The long and short term variations and dependencies in the solar wind data are related to variations in the neutral density of the thermosphere and geomagnetic indices. Special focus is put on the specific signatures that stem from coronal mass ejections and stream or corotating interaction regions.&amp;#160; The results are used to develop a novel short-term forecasting model called SODA (Satellite Orbit DecAy). This is a joint study between TU Graz and University of Graz funded by the FFG Austria (project &amp;#8220;SWEETS&amp;#8221;).&lt;/p&gt;

2019 ◽  
Vol 631 ◽  
pp. A138 ◽  
G. Hawkes ◽  
A. R. Yeates

Aims. We estimate the injection of relative magnetic helicity into the solar atmosphere by surface flux transport over 27 solar cycles (1700–2009). Methods. We determine the radial magnetic field evolution using two separate surface flux transport models: one driven by magnetogram inputs and another by statistical active region insertion guided by the sunspot number record. The injection of relative magnetic helicity is then computed from this radial magnetic field together with the known electric field in the flux transport models. Results. Neglecting flux emergence, solar rotation is the dominant contributor to the helicity injection. At high latitudes, the injection is always negative/positive in the northern/southern hemisphere, while at low latitudes the injection tends to have the opposite sign when integrated over the full solar cycle. The overall helicity injection in a given solar cycle depends on the balance between these two contributions. This net injected helicity correlates well with the end-of-cycle axial dipole moment.

2003 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 1303-1313 ◽  
K. Scherer ◽  
H. J. Fahr

Abstract. Solar wind ram pressure variations occuring within the solar activity cycle are communicated to the outer heliosphere as complicated time-variabilities, but repeating its typical form with the activity period of about 11 years. At outer heliospheric regions, the main surviving solar cycle feature is a periodic variation of the solar wind dynamical pressure or momentum flow, as clearly recognized by observations of the VOYAGER-1/2 space probes. This long-periodic variation of the solar wind dynamical pressure is modeled here through application of appropriately time-dependent inner boundary conditions within our multifluid code to describe the solar wind – interstellar medium interaction. As we can show, it takes several solar cycles until the heliospheric structures adapt to an average location about which they carry out a periodic breathing, however, lagged in phase with respect to the solar cycle. The dynamically active heliosphere behaves differently from a static heliosphere and especially shows a historic hysteresis in the sense that the shock structures move out to larger distances than explained by the average ram pressure. Obviously, additional energies are pumped into the heliosheath by means of density and pressure waves which are excited. These waves travel outwards through the interface from the termination shock towards the bow shock. Depending on longitude, the heliospheric sheath region memorizes 2–3 (upwind) and up to 6–7 (downwind) preceding solar activity cycles, i.e. the cycle-induced waves need corresponding travel times for the passage over the heliosheath. Within our multifluid code we also adequately describe the solar cycle variations in the energy distributions of anomalous and galactic cosmic rays, respectively. According to these results the distribution of these high energetic species cannot be correctly described on the basis of the actually prevailing solar wind conditions.Key words. Interplanetary physics (heliopause and solar wind termination; general or miscellaneous) – Space plasma physics (experimental and mathematical techniques)

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