scholarly journals What Does the Mass Accumulation of 100 Late Pleistocene Fallow Deer Skeletons (Dama geiselana) and Red Deer Skeletons (Cervus elaphus) from Neumark-Nord Reveal about the Cause of Death?

Heritage ◽  
2020 ◽  
Thekla Pfeiffer-Deml
Rangifer ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-94 ◽  
Eva Wiklund ◽  
Timothy R. Manley ◽  
Roger P. Littlejohn

The ultimate pH value of meat (measured at approx. 24 hours post slaughter) gives information about the technological quality, i.e. shelf life, colour, water-holding properties and tenderness and is a direct consequence of muscle glycogen (energy) levels at slaughter. It may therefore also indicate whether or not the animal has been exposed to stressful energy depleting events prior to slaughter. In the present study, 141 animals (130 red deer (Cervus elaphus) and 11 fallow deer (Dama dama) were included to investigate the relationship between ultimate pH and residual glycogen concentration in red deer and fallow deer M. longissimus. In addition, the muscle glycogen content and ultimate pH values in three red deer muscles (Mm. triceps brachii, longissimus and biceps femoris) were studied. M. triceps brachii had higher ultimate pH and lower glycogen content compared with the other two studied muscles. The frequency of intermediate DFD (5.8≤ pH<6.2) was 5.4% in red deer M. longissimus, compared with 9.1% in fallow deer, while the frequency of DFD (pH≥ 6.2) was much lower in red deer (3.8%) than in fallow deer (54.5%). A curvilinear relationship between ultimate pH and total glucose concentration (glycogen and glucose) 30 min post slaughter in red deer and fallow deer M. longissimus was found. The relationship between muscle pH and lactic acid concentration however, was indicated to be linear. A significant variation in total glucose concentration at ultimate pH below 5.80 was observed, including values in the range from 18 to 123 mmol/kg wet tissue. It was concluded that further studies are needed to further explore the relationship between muscle glycogen content and technological and sensory quality attributes of meat from different deer species.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning:Köttets pH-värde (mätt ca 24 timmar efter slakt) har stor betydelse för den teknologiska kvaliteten som t. ex. hållbarhet, färg, vattenhållande förmåga och mörhet. Glykogenförrådet (energinivån) i djurens muskulatur vid slakt är helt avgörande för köttets slutliga pH-värde. Därför kan pH-värdet också indikera om hanteringen av slaktdjur varit skonsam eller om stora mängder muskelenergi har förbrukats vid stress. I vår undersökning ingick 141 hjortar (130 kronhjortar (Cervus elaphus) och 11 dovhjortar (Dama dama) för att studera sambandet mellan köttets pH-värde och glykogeninnehållet i M. longissimus. Glykogeninnehåll och pH-värden i 3 muskler från kronhjort (Mm. triceps brachii, longissimus och biceps femoris) undersöktes också. M. triceps brachii hade högre pH-värde och lägre glykogeninnehåll jämfört med de två andra musklerna. Det var inte så stor skillnad i frekvensen av intermediär DFD (pH-värden mellan 5,8 og 6,2) mellan de två hjortarterna (5,4% för kronhjort och 9,1% för dovhjort), däremot var frekvensen av DFD (pH-värden över 6,2) mycket låg hos kronhjort (3,8%) jämfört med dovhjort (54,5%). Det fanns ett kurvlinjärt samband mellan slutligt pH-värde i köttet och total glukoskoncentration (glykogen + glukos) mätt i M. longissimus 30 min efter slakt för både kron- och dovhjort. Ett linjärt samband mellan pH-värde och koncentration av mjölksyra i M. longissimus kunde också visas. Vi fann en mycket stor varitation i glukoskoncentration (18−123 mmol/kg våtvikt) när köttets pH-värdet var 5,8 eller lägre. Det behövs fler undersökningar för att vidare klargöra sambanden mellan glykogeninnehåll i muskulaturen och teknologisk och sensorisk kvalitet i olika typer av hjortkött.

1987 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 238-243
Patrick F. Houlihan

The evidence for deer (Cervidae) in ancient Egypt is reviewed briefly. The question of whether deer ever existed in the wild as an element of the Egyptian fauna, or were only known from rare exotic imports, cannot be conclusively answered yet. It is quite likely, however, based upon the records of the Egyptians themselves, that deer were native, whether naturally occurring or introduced. While the identification of the species depicted as the Persian Fallow Deer (Dama dama mesopotamica) is probably correct, the Barbary Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) remains a possibility.

1993 ◽  
Vol 71 (11) ◽  
pp. 2258-2261 ◽  
George A. Bubenik ◽  
Ludek Bartos

Cortisol levels were determined in seven 2.5-year-old male red deer (Cervus elaphus) and 8 yearling male fallow deer (Dama dama) after an acute intramuscular injection of 0, 10, or 40 international units (IU) of ACTH, administered in June, July, or August. In both species a highly significant increase in cortisol concentration was observed within the first hour after both doses of ACTH. At the end of the rapid cortisol elevation (60 min post ACTH) the response in both species was equal for the 10 and 40 IU doses. Average pretreatment levels were around 1–2 μg/100 mL; peak levels registered in red deer were around 10 μg/100 mL, and in fallow deer maximal concentrations reached around 8 μg/100 mL. Although all deer responded to ACTH, strong interindividual differences in intensity of cortisol elevation were detected. The extent of increase of blood cortisol levels in response to ACTH appears to be an evolutionary adaptation of various cervid species to their respective environmental conditions.

2012 ◽  
Vol 52 (8) ◽  
pp. 761
A. Galán-Ocaña ◽  
M. J. Ramírez-Expósito ◽  
J. M. Martínez-Martos ◽  
S. Tellado ◽  
C. Azorit

The circulating renin–angiotensin system (RAS) is well known for its systemic role in the regulation of blood pressure, renal hemodynamics and fluid homeostasis. However, in mammals several organs also contain a local RAS, including male and female reproductive tissues. In the present study we analysed serum from a free-living population of red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) and fallow deer (Dama dama) to determine the activity of four RAS-regulating aminopeptidases (aminopeptidase A, aspartyl aminopeptidase, aminopeptidase N and aminopeptidase B) as part of a study of annual cycles of growth and condition. Our aim was to detect seasonal variations in the activities of these aminopeptidases and their relationship to the reproductive behaviour of both species in a Mediterranean environment. In both males and females there was a maximum peak of activity in autumn. A second peak was detected in spring for males while in females activity was also higher in summer. These changes may be related to a different endocrine status according to their seasonal cycle, the decreased photoperiod in autumn and the normal timing of the seasonal growth cycle. Thus, changes in the activity of RAS-regulating aminopeptidases could reflect the functional role of angiotensins through the annual cycle of both species, also suggesting an important role of these peptide hormones in the regulation of these biological processes.

Quaternary ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Jadranka Mauch Lenardić ◽  
Siniša Radović ◽  
Ankica Oros Sršen ◽  
Nada Horvatinčić ◽  
Petar Kostešić ◽  

Eight anatomically and taxonomically different finds are presented in this paper, and they belong to four taxa: woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), giant deer (Megaloceros giganteus), red deer (Cervus elaphus), and dog (Canis familiaris). All specimens represent allochthonous Late Pleistocene and Holocene animal remains, and all were dredged during the gravel exploitation at the Sekuline site near Molve (Podravina region, SW Pannonian basin, NE Croatia). Mammoth remains (bone and tusk fragments) were radiocarbon dated, and these are the first absolute dates on mammoths in Croatia. One upper last left deciduous premolar (dP4 sin.) also belongs to the same species. Ascribed to a dog is one well-preserved skull with a peculiar abscess scar on the maxillary bone as the result of an inflammatory process on the carnassial (P4) premolar. The Late Pleistocene cervid remains are giant deer, while the other cervid finds were determined to be red deer of the Holocene age. Morphometrical and taphonomical data are presented for each specimen. Such fossil and recent bone/tooth aggregates are characteristic of fluvial deposits and selective collecting. Although lacking stratigraphic provenance, these finds help to fulfil the gaps in palaeoenvironmental, palaeoecological, and palaeoclimate reconstructions of Podravina and its neighbouring areas.

2001 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-227 ◽  
Sz. Nagy ◽  
A. Kovács ◽  
T. Zubor ◽  
Z. Zomborszky ◽  
J. Tóth ◽  

A simultaneous live/dead and acrosome staining, originally described for domestic mammals, was successfully applied on red deer (Cervus elaphus) and fallow deer (Dama dama) spermatozoa collected from the cauda epididymidis and vas deferens of shot stags. The staining is simple enough for routine application. Seven classes of spermatozoa were distinguished in the smears of frozen/thawed semen samples. Morphology, including cytoplasmic droplets, was evaluated as well. Percentage of live cells with intact acrosomes and with no other morphological aberrations might be a practical index of semen quality.

2017 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 307-313
A. Iglódyová ◽  
P. Lazar ◽  
J. Čurlík ◽  
R. Karolová ◽  
J. Ciberej ◽  

SummaryThe aim of the study was monitoring of liver flukes in wild ruminants including red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), fallow deer (Dama dama) and mouflon (Ovis musimon) in selected regions of Slovak Republic. Between 2014 – 2016 we examined 782 faecal samples from selected wild ruminants using coprological techniques and serological methods (ELISA detection ofF. hepaticacoproantigens). None of the samples was positive for the presence ofFasciola hepatica, 5.89 % of faecal samples were positive forDicrocoelium dendriticum. Higher prevalence was recorded in mouflon (30.83 %), lower in red deer (1.49 %).D. dendriticuminfection was not determined in fallow deer and roe deer. The seasonal distribution of dicrocoeliosis indicated a highest prevalence in autumn. Significantly higher prevalence was recorded in fenced rearing when compared with open hunting grounds, suggesting that animal agglomeration, constant use of the same areas and possible stress are the main risk factors. Parasitological examination of livers of hunted wild ruminants revealed dicrocoeliosis in mouflon.

Meat Science ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. 289-298 ◽  
Violeta Fajardo ◽  
Isabel González ◽  
Irene Martín ◽  
María Rojas ◽  
Pablo E. Hernández ◽  

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