Sacred places: American tourist attractions in the nineteenth century

1990 ◽  
Vol 27 (07) ◽  
pp. 27-4084-27-4084
1992 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 106
Dennis Berthold ◽  
John F. Sears

2020 ◽  
pp. 441-472
Karl Raitz

Distilling’s nineteenth-century heritage is being pursued and reclaimed by contemporary distillers—in part for historical interest, and in part for marketing purposes—including reviving historical brand names and distillery sites. Branding a product begins by naming it. Literal branding was practiced by early-nineteenth-century distillers, who burned the product’s name and place of origin into barrels. When distillers sold their works, they often sold the name with it. The Federal Trademark Act of 1870 introduced legal requirements for establishing and protecting product names. Brand infringement was often contested by legal actions. Labeling became important with the availability of mass-produced glass bottles, and label design, color, and image choices reflected Victorian tastes and priorities. Distillers had long held heritage and tradition to be important to their identity and product marketing. Distillers venerated the “old” in brand names and advertising. The distillers’ landscape is also part of the industry’s heritage, a part of their brands. Kentucky distilleries have organized history-centered landscapes that serve as tourist attractions on the Bourbon Trail.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (50) ◽  
Eliseu Pereira de Brito ◽  
Rerbberson Andrade Duarte ◽  
Robbergson Andrade Duarte

Os lugares sagrados são espaços delimitados por indivíduos que lhe conferem significado diferenciado. Mesmo assim, esta característica não impede que tais espaços sejam apropriados como atrativos turísticos. O Centro Bom Jesus de Nazaré é um exemplo de como esses dois fenômenos estão relacionados. Localizado no Sítio da Jacuba, em Natividade (TO), o espaço é composto por monumentos escultóricos a céu aberto construídos por Mãe Romana a partir de suas visões místicas. Pela singularidade do seu trabalho, o sítio atrai visitantes ao longo do ano. Este artigo analisou a dinâmica neste lugar que é sagrado e turístico ao mesmo tempo, por meio de uma revisão histórica sobre os seguintes conceitos: sagrado, turismo e legado cultural; partindo também da percepção dos sujeitos que nele habitam. A pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, foi construída a partir de revisão bibliográfica e entrevista semiestruturada in situ com a entrevistada 01, irmã de Mãe Romana. Por meio delas, foi possível perceber uma relação ambivalente a respeito da prática turística que ali acontece, em que ela contribui para a valorização do lugar e de seus moradores, ao mesmo tempo em que é promotora de instabilidades. Este trabalho se apresenta como um passo inicial na análise da atividade turística como vetor de valorização deste patrimônio, ao mesmo tempo em que propõe uma análise crítica sobre seus impactos.Palavras-chave: Turismo; Legado Cultural; Mãe Romana de Natividade; Sagrado.  MOTHER ROMANA'S SACRED LABYRINTH: TOURISM AND CULTURAL HERITAGE IN BOM JESUS DE NAZARÉ CENTER IN NATIVIDADE, TOCANTINS, BRAZIL Abstract: Sacred places are spaces delimited by certain individuals that give it a differentiated meaning. Even so, this feature does not prevent such spaces from being used as tourist attractions. Bom Jesus de Nazaré Center is an example of how these two phenomena are related. Located on the site of Jacuba, in Natividade (state of Tocantins, Brazil), the space is composed of open air sculptural monuments built by Mãe Romana according to her mystical visions. Due to the unique characteristics of her work and monuments, the site attracts many visitors throughout the year. This article analyzed the dynamics in this place that is sacred and touristic at the same time, through a historical review on the following concepts: sacred, tourism and cultural heritage; and from the perception of the individuals who inhabit it. The research, of an exploratory nature, was built from bibliographic review and semi-structured interview in situ in Natividade. Through them, it was possible to perceive an ambivalent relation regarding the tourist practice that happens there, in which it contributes to the valorization of the place and of its inhabitants, at the same time that tourism can produce conflicts due to the flow of people. This work is presented as an initial step in the analysis of tourism activity as a vector for valuing this heritage, while proposing a critical analysis of its impacts.Keywords: Tourism; Cultural Legacy; Romana Mother of Natividade; Sacred. EL LABERINTO SAGRADO DE LA MADRE ROMANA: TURISMO Y PATRIMONIO CULTURAL EN EL CENTRO BOM JESUS ​​DE NAZARÉ EN NATIVIDADE, TOCANTINS, BRASIL Resumen: Los lugares sagrados son espacios delimitados por un grupo de individuos que les otorgan un sentido distinguido. Aun así, esta característica no impide que se conviertan también en atractivos turísticos. El Centro Bom Jesus de Nazaré es un ejemplo de cómo estos dos fenómenos están relacionados. Ubicado en el sitio Jacuba, en Natividade (estado de Tocantins, Brasil), este espacio se caracteriza por monumentos escultóricos al aire libre, construidos por Madre Romana, desde sus visiones místicas. Debido a su singularidad, este sitio atrae a muchos visitantes a lo largo del año. Este artículo analiza la dinámica de este lugar, a la vez sagrado y turístico, a través de una revisión histórica de los siguientes conceptos: sagrado, turismo y legado cultural; tomando en consideración la percepción de los sujetos que lo habitan. Esta investigación, de carácter cualitativo, se constituyó a partir de un trabajo de revisión bibliográfica y una entrevista semiestructurada in situ. A partir de estos procedimientos, se pudo percibir una relación ambivalente acerca de la práctica turística que allí se desarrolla, que contribuye a la valorización del lugar y a sus habitantes, al mismo tiempo que promueve inestabilidades. Este trabajo se presenta como un paso inicial en el análisis de la actividad turística como una vía de valorización de este patrimonio, al mismo tiempo que propone un análisis crítico acerca de sus respectivos impactos.Palabras Clave: Turismo; Legado cultural; Madre Romana de la Natividade; Sagrado.

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-64
Venelina Dali Saunders

Many churches in Venice have become landmarks due to their artistic treasures. Their increased volume of visitors often has a primary goal of sightseeing rather than participating in religious services. Consequently, some of the churches have employed interpretation methods to satisfy the demand of mass tourism. The aim of the study is to investigate the role of current on-site interpretations of the churches and relate them to the visitors’ perceptions and experiences. The evaluation relies on qualitative methods such as case studies, visitors’ surveys, site observations, and interviews. The results are analyzed through the framework of the constructivist-learning theory, which affirms that people create their own meanings based on previous knowledge. The findings demonstrate that the interpretive methods on-sites present the visitors with experiences not usually associated with religious sites. The churches are experienced as tourist attractions rather then sacred sites—a perception that clearly interferes with their original purpose.

2019 ◽  
Siti Aminah

Bangkok is the capital and most populous city of the Kingdom of Thailand. Bangkok has many tourist attractions. One of them the famous is Wat Arun "Temple of Dawn" is a Buddhist temple (wat) in Bangkok Yai district of Bangkok, Thailand, on the Thonburi west bank of the Chao Phraya River. The temple derives its name from the Hindu god Aruna, often personified as the radiations of the rising sun. Wat Arun is among the best known of Thailand's landmarks and the first light of the morning reflects off the surface of the temple with pearly iridescence. Although the temple had existed since at least the seventeenth century, its distinctive prang (spires) were built in the early nineteenth century during the reign of King Rama II.

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