Wind speed forecasting based on autoregressive moving average- exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity-generalized error distribution (ARMA-EGARCH-GED) model

2011 ◽  
Vol 6 (30) ◽  
Hongkui Li
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Nur Najmi Layla ◽  
Eti Kurniati ◽  
Didi Suhaedi

Abstract. The stock price index is the information the public needs to know the development of stock price movements. Stock price forecasting will provide a better basis for planning and decision making. The forecasting model that is often used to model financial and economic data is the Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA). However, this model can only be used for data with the assumption of stationarity to variance (homoscedasticity), therefore an additional model is needed that can model data with heteroscedasticity conditions, namely the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model. This study uses data partitioning in pre-pandemic conditions and during the pandemic, Insample data with pre-pandemic conditions and insample data during pandemic conditions. Based on the research results, the GARCH model (1,1) was obtained with the conditions before the pandemic and GARCH (1,2) during the pandemic condition. The forecasting model obtained has met the eligibility requirements of the GARCH model. If the forecasting model fulfills the eligibility requirements, then MAPE calculations are performed to see the accuracy of the forecasting model. And obtained MAPE in the conditions before the pandemic and during the pandemic in the very good category. Abstrak. Indeks harga saham merupakan informasi yang diperlukan masyarakat untuk mengetahui perkembangan pergerakan harga saham. Peramalan harga saham akan memberikan dasar yang lebih baik bagi perencanaan dan pengambilan keputusan. Model peramalan yang sering digunakan untuk memodelkan data keuangan dan ekonomi adalah Autoregrresive Moving Average (ARMA). Namun model tersebut hanya dapat digunakan untuk data dengan asumsi stasioneritas terhadap varian (homoskedastisitas), oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu model tambahan yang bisa memodelkan data dengan kondisi heteroskedastisitas, yaitu model Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastisity (GARCH). Penelitian ini menggunakan partisi data pada kondisi sebelum pandemi dan saat pandemi berlangsung data Insample dengan kondisi sebelum pandemi dan insample pada kondisi pandemi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka didapat model GARCH (1,1) dengan kondisi sebelum pandemi dan GARCH (1,2) saat kondisi pandemi. Model peramalan yang didapat sudah memenuhi syarat kelayakan model GARCH. Apabila model peramalan terpenuhi syarat kelayakannya maka dilakukan perhitungan MAPE untuk melihat keakuratan model peramalannya. Dan diperoleh MAPE pada kondisi sebelum pandemi dan saat pandemi dengan kategori sangat baik. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-39 ◽  
Buvanesh Chandrasekaran ◽  
Rajesh H. Acharya

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the volatility and return spillover between exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and their respective benchmark indices in India. The paper uses time series data which consist of equity ETF and respective index returns. Design/methodology/approach The study uses autoregressive moving average–generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity and autoregressive moving average–exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models. The study uses data from the inception date of each ETF to December 2016. Findings The findings of the paper confirm that there is unidirectional return spillover from the benchmark index to ETF returns in most of the ETFs. Furthermore, ETF and benchmark index return have volatility persistence and show the presence of asymmetric volatility wherein a negative news has more influence on volatility compared to a positive news. Finally, unlike unidirectional return spillover, there is a bidirectional volatility spillover between ETF and benchmark index return. Practical implications The study has several practical implications for investors and regulators. A positive daily mean return over a fairly long period of time indicates that the passive equity ETFs can be a viable long-term investment option for ordinary investors. A bidirectional volatility spillover between the ETFs and benchmark index returns calls for the attention of the market regulators to examine the reasons for the same. Originality/value ETFs have seen fast growth in the Indian market in recent years. The present study considers the longest period data possible.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 80
Nurul Saadah ◽  
Maiyastri . ◽  
Hazmira Yozza

Abstrak. Data return saham adalah salah satu data deret waktu. Jika ingin melakukanpemodelan return, maka dapat dilakukan pemodelan deret waktu. Model rataan returnmenggunakan model Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA). Sedangkan untuk memodelkanragam digunakan model Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity(GARCH). Setelah melakukan beberapa tahapan diperoleh model ARMA(1,0) danGARCH(1,1) sebagai model terbaik untuk data return saham Bank Central Asia. Sedangkanmodel terbaik untuk data return saham Bank Mandiri adalah model ARMA(0,1)dan GARCH(1,1). Model yang diperoleh digunakan untuk melakukan peramalan returndan volatilitas dalam pengukuran resiko. Salah satu alat ukur yang digunakan untukmengukur resiko adalah Value at Risk. Dari perhitungan resiko untuk kedua bank diperolehbahwa resiko maksimum Bank Mandiri lebih besar dari resiko maksimum BankCentral Asia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-98
Muhammad Tharmizi Junaid ◽  
Ahmad Juliana ◽  
Hardianti Sabrina

Dalam berinvestasi para investor menggunakan alat statistik salah satunya adalah peramalan. Peramalan dilakukan oleh investor untuk memperlancar transaksi, meningkatkan keuntungan ataupun meminimalisir terjadinya kerugian. Dengan melakukan peramalan, investor diharapkan dapat membuat keputusan investasi yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model peramalan yang akurat untuk meramalkan harga saham PT. Adaro Energy (ADRO) dan saham PT. Bukit Asam  (PTBA) periode data selama 10 tahun sejak Oktober 2008 sampai dengan Oktober 2018. Keterbaharuan dalam penelitian ini adalah membandingkan dua model Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) dan Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) sehingga dapat diketahui model yang memiliki tingkat keakuratan terbaik untuk meramalkan harga saham pada periode mendatang. Hasil dari penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa terdapat unsur heterokedastisitas pada saham ADRO sehingga pemodelan tidak berhenti pada model ARIMA namun dilanjutkan sampai model GARCH. Sedangkan data saham PTBA tidak mengandung unsur heterokedastisitas sehingga pemodelan hanya sampai model ARIMA. Pada saham ADRO model ARIMA mempunyai tingkat kesalahan yang lebih kecil dibandingkan model GARCH. Pada saham PTBA model ARIMA juga terpilih sebagai model yang paling akurat. Kata Kunci: ARIMA, GARCH, dan Pertambangan

Energetika ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 62 (1-2) ◽  
Ernesta Grigonytė ◽  
Eglė Butkevičiūtė

The massive integration of wind power into the power system increasingly calls for better short-term wind speed forecasting which helps transmission system operators to balance the power systems with less reserve capacities. The  time series analysis methods are often used to analyze the  wind speed variability. The  time series are defined as a sequence of observations ordered in time. Statistical methods described in this paper are based on the prediction of future wind speed data depending on the historical observations. This allows us to find a sufficiently good model for the wind speed prediction. The paper addresses a short-term wind speed forecasting ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) model. This method was applied for a number of different prediction problems, including the short term wind speed forecasts. It is seen as an early time series methodology with well-known limitations in wind speed forecasting, mainly because of insufficient accuracies of the hourly forecasts for the second half of the day-ahead forecasting period. The authors attempt to find the maximum effectiveness of the model aiming to find: (1) how the identification of the optimal model structure improves the forecasting results and (2) what accuracy increase can be gained by reidentification of the structure for a new wind weather season. Both historical and synthetic wind speed data representing the sample locality in the Baltic region were used to run the model. The model structure is defined by rows p, d, q and length of retrospective data period. The structure parameters p (Autoregressive component, AR) and q (Moving Average component, MA) were determined by the Partial Auto-Correlation Function (PACF) and Auto-Correlation Function (ACF), respectively. The model’s forecasting accuracy is based on the root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and mean absolute error (MAE). The results allowed to establish the optimal model structure and the length of the input/retrospective period. The  quantitative study revealed that identification of the  optimal model structure gives significant accuracy improvement against casual structures for 6–8 h forecast lead time, but a season-specific structure is not appropriate for the entire year period. Based on the conducted calculations, we propose to couple the ARIMA model with any more effective method into a hybrid model.

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