learning model
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Luo He ◽  
Hongyan Liu ◽  
Yinghui Yang ◽  
Bei Wang

We develop a deep learning model based on Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) to predict blood pressure based on a unique data set collected from physical examination centers capturing comprehensive multi-year physical examination and lab results. In the Multi-attention Collaborative Deep Learning model (MAC-LSTM) we developed for this type of data, we incorporate three types of attention to generate more explainable and accurate results. In addition, we leverage information from similar users to enhance the predictive power of the model due to the challenges with short examination history. Our model significantly reduces predictive errors compared to several state-of-the-art baseline models. Experimental results not only demonstrate our model’s superiority but also provide us with new insights about factors influencing blood pressure. Our data is collected in a natural setting instead of a setting designed specifically to study blood pressure, and the physical examination items used to predict blood pressure are common items included in regular physical examinations for all the users. Therefore, our blood pressure prediction results can be easily used in an alert system for patients and doctors to plan prevention or intervention. The same approach can be used to predict other health-related indexes such as BMI.

2022 ◽  
Vol 93 ◽  
pp. 101752
Gary Conley ◽  
Stephanie Castle Zinn ◽  
Taylor Hanson ◽  
Krista McDonald ◽  
Nicole Beck ◽  

Matheus Henrique Dal Molin Ribeiro ◽  
Ramon Gomes da Silva ◽  
Sinvaldo Rodrigues Moreno ◽  
Viviana Cocco Mariani ◽  
Leandro dos Santos Coelho

Guilherme Ferreira Pelucio Salome ◽  
Jo�ão Luiz Chela ◽  
Jo�ão Carlos Pacheco Junior

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 458-464
Jose Vitor Santos Silva ◽  
Leonardo Matos Matos ◽  
Flavio Santos ◽  
Helisson Oliveira Magalhaes Cerqueira ◽  
Hendrik Macedo ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Liang Zhao ◽  
Yuyang Gao ◽  
Jieping Ye ◽  
Feng Chen ◽  
Yanfang Ye ◽  

The forecasting of significant societal events such as civil unrest and economic crisis is an interesting and challenging problem which requires both timeliness, precision, and comprehensiveness. Significant societal events are influenced and indicated jointly by multiple aspects of a society, including its economics, politics, and culture. Traditional forecasting methods based on a single data source find it hard to cover all these aspects comprehensively, thus limiting model performance. Multi-source event forecasting has proven promising but still suffers from several challenges, including (1) geographical hierarchies in multi-source data features, (2) hierarchical missing values, (3) characterization of structured feature sparsity, and (4) difficulty in model’s online update with incomplete multiple sources. This article proposes a novel feature learning model that concurrently addresses all the above challenges. Specifically, given multi-source data from different geographical levels, we design a new forecasting model by characterizing the lower-level features’ dependence on higher-level features. To handle the correlations amidst structured feature sets and deal with missing values among the coupled features, we propose a novel feature learning model based on an N th-order strong hierarchy and fused-overlapping group Lasso. An efficient algorithm is developed to optimize model parameters and ensure global optima. More importantly, to enable the model update in real time, the online learning algorithm is formulated and active set techniques are leveraged to resolve the crucial challenge when new patterns of missing features appear in real time. Extensive experiments on 10 datasets in different domains demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed models.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Zhe Fu ◽  
Li Yu ◽  
Xi Niu

As the popularity of online travel platforms increases, users tend to make ad-hoc decisions on places to visit rather than preparing the detailed tour plans in advance. Under the situation of timeliness and uncertainty of users’ demand, how to integrate real-time context into dynamic and personalized recommendations have become a key issue in travel recommender system. In this article, by integrating the users’ historical preferences and real-time context, a location-aware recommender system called TRACE ( T ravel R einforcement Recommendations Based on Location- A ware C ontext E xtraction) is proposed. It captures users’ features based on location-aware context learning model, and makes dynamic recommendations based on reinforcement learning. Specifically, this research: (1) designs a travel reinforcing recommender system based on an Actor-Critic framework, which can dynamically track the user preference shifts and optimize the recommender system performance; (2) proposes a location-aware context learning model, which aims at extracting user context from real-time location and then calculating the impacts of nearby attractions on users’ preferences; and (3) conducts both offline and online experiments. Our proposed model achieves the best performance in both of the two experiments, which demonstrates that tracking the users’ preference shifts based on real-time location is valuable for improving the recommendation results.

Hamza Abbad ◽  
Shengwu Xiong

Automatic diacritization is an Arabic natural language processing topic based on the sequence labeling task where the labels are the diacritics and the letters are the sequence elements. A letter can have from zero up to two diacritics. The dataset used was a subset of the preprocessed version of the Tashkeela corpus. We developed a deep learning model composed of a stack of four bidirectional long short-term memory hidden layers of the same size and an output layer at every level. The levels correspond to the groups that we classified the diacritics into (short vowels, double case-endings, Shadda, and Sukoon). Before training, the data were divided into input vectors containing letter indexes and outputs vectors containing the indexes of diacritics regarding their groups. Both input and output vectors are concatenated, then a sliding window operation with overlapping is performed to generate continuous and fixed-size data. Such data is used for both training and evaluation. Finally, we realize some tests using the standard metrics with all of their variations and compare our results with two recent state-of-the-art works. Our model achieved 3% diacritization error rate and 8.99% word error rate when including all letters. We have also generated the confusion matrix to show the performances per output and analyzed the mismatches of the first 500 lines to classify the model errors according to their linguistic nature.

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