water table
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2022 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 104260
Renato Portela Salomão ◽  
Diego de Alcântra Pires ◽  
Fabricio Beggiato Baccaro ◽  
Juliana Schietti ◽  
Fernando Zagury Vaz-de-Mello ◽  

Lamine Boumaiza ◽  
Romain Chesnaux ◽  
Julien Walter ◽  
Robert J. Lenhard ◽  
Seyed Majid Hassanizadeh ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Alba Anadon-Rosell ◽  
Tobias Scharnweber ◽  
Georg von Arx ◽  
Richard L. Peters ◽  
Marko Smiljanić ◽  

Human-driven peatland drainage has occurred in Europe for centuries, causing habitat degradation and leading to the emission of greenhouse gases. As such, in the last decades, there has been an increase in policies aiming at restoring these habitats through rewetting. Alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) is a widespread species in temperate forest peatlands with a seemingly high waterlogging tolerance. Yet, little is known about its specific response in growth and wood traits relevant for tree functioning when dealing with changing water table levels. In this study, we investigated the effects of rewetting and extreme flooding on alder growth and wood traits in a peatland forest in northern Germany. We took increment cores from several trees at a drained and a rewetted stand and analyzed changes in ring width, wood density, and xylem anatomical traits related to the hydraulic functioning, growth, and mechanical support for the period 1994–2018. This period included both the rewetting action and an extreme flooding event. We additionally used climate-growth and climate-density correlations to identify the stand-specific responses to climatic conditions. Our results showed that alder growth declined after an extreme flooding in the rewetted stand, whereas the opposite occurred in the drained stand. These changes were accompanied by changes in wood traits related to growth (i.e., number of vessels), but not in wood density and hydraulic-related traits. We found poor climate-growth and climate-density correlations, indicating that water table fluctuations have a stronger effect than climate on alder growth. Our results show detrimental effects on the growth of sudden water table changes leading to permanent waterlogging, but little implications for its wood density and hydraulic architecture. Rewetting actions should thus account for the loss of carbon allocation into wood and ensure suitable conditions for alder growth in temperate peatland forests.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 196
Demesew A. Mhiret ◽  
Minychl G. Dersseh ◽  
Christian D. Guzman ◽  
Dessalegn C. Dagnew ◽  
Wubneh B. Abebe ◽  

Understanding the relationship between topography, hydrological processes, and runoff source areas is essential in engineering design, such as predicting floods and implementing effective watershed management practices. This relationship is not well defined in the highlands with a monsoon climate and needs further study. The objective of this study is to relate topographic position and hydrological response in tropical highlands. The research was conducted in the Debre Mawi watershed in the northwest sub-humid Ethiopian highlands. In the monsoon rain phase of 2017 and 2018, groundwater depth, infiltration rate, and surface runoff were monitored at the upslope, midslope, and downslope positions. Surface runoff rates were measured in farmer fields through distributed V-notch weirs as estimates of positional runoff. Average water table depths were 30 cm deep in the downslope regions and 95 cm in the upslope position. The water table depth affected the steady-state infiltration rate in the rain phase. It was high upslope (350 mm h−1), low midslope (49 mm h−1), and zero downslope. In 2017, the average runoff coefficients were 0.29 for the upslope and midslope and 0.73 downslope. Thus, topographic position affects all aspects of the watershed hydrology in the humid highlands and is critical in determining runoff response.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Elco Luijendijk

Abstract. The extent to which groundwater flow affects drainage density and erosion has long been debated but is still uncertain. Here, I present a new hybrid analytical and numerical model that simulates groundwater flow, overland flow, hillslope erosion and stream incision. The model is used to explore the relation between groundwater flow and the incision and persistence of streams for a set of parameters that represent average humid climate conditions. The results show that transmissivity and groundwater flow exert a strong control on drainage density. High transmissivity results in low drainage density and high incision rates (and vice versa), with drainage density varying roughly linearly with transmissivity. The model evolves by a process that is defined here as groundwater capture, whereby streams with a higher rate of incision draw the water table below neighbouring streams, which subsequently run dry and stop incising. This process is less efficient in models with low transmissivity due to the association between low transmissivity and high water table gradients. A comparison of different parameters shows that drainage density is most sensitive to transmissivity, followed by parameters that govern the initial slope and base level. The results agree with field data that show a negative correlation between transmissivity and drainage density. These results imply that permeability and transmissivity exert a strong control on drainage density, stream incision and landscape evolution. Thus, models of landscape evolution may need to explicitly include groundwater flow.

2022 ◽  
Uidemar Morais Barral ◽  
Alexandre Christófaro Silva ◽  
Cristiano Christófaro ◽  
Camila Rodrigues Costa ◽  
Aparecido Penafort Filho ◽  

Abstract Peatlands are ecosystems formed by organic matter (~ 15% of the total mass) and water (~ 85% of the total mass), and constitute a particular type of free aquifer. They perform important hydrological functions by storing excess water during rainfall events, contributing to the baseflow of its rivers throughout the year. Degradation affects the dynamics of the water table, which, in turn, can influence the decomposition of organic matter content and the release of carbon into its waters. Its water retention capacity may also be compromised and reduce the volume of water available downstream, especially in the dry season. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of anthropic interference on variations in groundwater, water storage, and carbon flow in two tropical mountain peatlands, located at the head of the Araçuaí River, in Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (SdEM), Minas Gerais, Brazil. Groundwater levels were installed in piezometers distributed on a peatland located in a protected area (Natural Park) (Protected - TP) and in a peatland located outside the conservation unit (Anthropized - TA). Data were analyzed considering the daily rainfall recorded by an automatic weather station installed in the study area. From the data on precipitation and water table level variation, the specific yield (Sy) in the two peatlands was calculated. The observed flows and the mean monthly Sy on each piezometer were correlated and their significance was verified using the t test (p <0.05). The relationship between the observed flow and the mean monthly values of Sy obtained for the piezometers were verified through multiple regression. The specific yield correlated significantly with flow in both peatlands (p < 0.05). Multiple linear regression showed a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.92 in both peatlands, indicating a direct relationship between Sy and observed flow. The TP presented a 43% smaller variation in the water table, a 7% higher specific yield and a specific flow rate of 13% higher in relation to the TA. The peatland located in a protected area retains more water, with less variation in flow throughout the year, and has less carbon output in the water compared to the anthropized peatland. The results demonstrated that anthropization is causing degradation of the peatland, reducing its water holding capacity and accelerating its carbon losses. In the medium term, these effects may lead to a drastic reduction in flow in the upper course of the Araçuaí River.

2022 ◽  
pp. 102157
Deivid Cristian Leal-Alves ◽  
Jair Weschenfelder ◽  
Bento Almeida Gonzaga ◽  
Jean Marcel de Almeida Espinoza ◽  
Miguel da Guia Albuquerque ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 259 ◽  
pp. 107236
Libby R. Rens ◽  
Lincoln Zotarelli ◽  
Andre Luiz Biscaia Ribeiro da Silva ◽  
Camila J.B. Ferreira ◽  
Cássio A. Tormena ◽  

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