user awareness
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Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 146
Lili Nemec Zlatolas ◽  
Luka Hrgarek ◽  
Tatjana Welzer ◽  
Marko Hölbl

Social networking sites (SNSs) are used widely, raising new issues in terms of privacy and disclosure. Although users are often concerned about their privacy, they often publish information on social networking sites willingly. Due to the growing number of users of social networking sites, substantial research has been conducted in recent years. In this paper, we conducted a systematic review of papers that included structural equations models (SEM), or other statistical models with privacy and disclosure constructs. A total of 98 such papers were found and included in the analysis. In this paper, we evaluated the presentation of results of the models containing privacy and disclosure constructs. We carried out an analysis of which background theories are used in such studies and have also found that the studies have not been carried out worldwide. Extending the research to other countries could help with better user awareness of the privacy and self-disclosure of users on SNSs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 70 (3) ◽  
pp. 5991-6005
Zilong Jin ◽  
Chengbo Zhang ◽  
Kan Yao ◽  
Dun Cao ◽  
Seokhoon Kim ◽  

Banu Santoso ◽  
Muhammad Abdul Ghofur ◽  
Jeki Kuswanto

Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin meningkat membuat penggunaan teknologi didunia juga semakin meningkat dan memberi dampak yang baik maupun buruk terhadap keamanan informasi yang ada pada dunia maya, keamanan informasi yang ada ini dapat tersebar dan diakses oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab dengan memanfaatkan celah keamanan dari setiap media informasi yang ada pada dunia maya, Salah satu celah yang memungkinkan adanya tindak kejahatan dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi yang tidak resmi dimana pada aplikasi tersebut menawarkan fiturfitur yang lebih menarik sehingga para pengguna mau untuk menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Aplikasi yang marak digunakan adalah diantaranya jenis jejaring sosial chatting, dimana pada kasus ini diangkat tema tentang pengguna whatsapp mod, dimana pada whatsapp mod tersebut ditawarkan beberapa fitur yang tidak ada pada aplikasi whatsapp yang resmi ada pada platform android. Hal ini dapat menjadi salah satu celah yang mana pengembangan aplikasi tidak dilakukan secara resmi, dimana data dan informasi yang disebarkan melalui media komunikasi whatsapp mod tersebut tidak dapat dijamin keamanannya. Maka dari itu dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan nilai persentase terkait tingkat kewaspadaan pengguna whatsapp yang dapat dijadikan pembelajaran terkait keamanan informasi yang ada dengan memperhatikan hasil analisis statis terkait celah keamanan yang ada pada aplikasi whatsapp mod.

2021 ◽  
Dennis Buberwa Ishumi

<p>A crisis is a specific, unanticipated, and non-routine event that generates high levels of uncertainty and jeopardizes high value priorities such as life, economic well-being, or physical infrastructures. Some scholars observe that our computing environment has dramatically changed and is now defined by greater use and dependence on technology, while simultaneously it is hampered by technological failures and security vulnerability, which have perhaps led to an increase in the incidence of organisational crises. Because of the high occurrence of crises and the increased dependence on information systems (IS) in organisations, one would assume that most firms would have established measures to counteract these events, however the literature indicated otherwise. The purpose of this research was to explore and understand the factors that contribute to crisis preparedness of the information systems.  A comprehensive review of the literature indicated that the IS field has a large volume of publications on information systems disaster recovery, business continuity, information systems risk management and information systems security but little on crisis preparedness of the information systems. This study comprehensively reviewed relevant literature on the nature of crises, crisis preparedness and information systems. The literature review established groundwork necessary for the development of the research hypotheses which were tested during this investigation.  A quantitative positivist research approach was proposed. The study utilized a web-based survey to collect quantifiable information on the subject matter from study participants. The survey instrument was developed based on seven research dimensions. From these dimensions descriptive questions were created which formed part of the survey instrument. The collected data was analysed using three different approaches: descriptive statistics, correlation and percentage responses. From the data, facts about crisis preparedness of the information systems in New Zealand organisations were revealed.   In total 90 responses were received, 72 of which were eligible for data analyses. The study findings indicate some degree of end-user awareness of and adherence to crisis preparedness of the information systems in New Zealand organisations. However, more emphasis is needed in the understanding of the processes that bring about successful CPIS strategies across varying organisation structures.  The academic value of this research is the review of discourse in the fields of crisis preparedness and Information Systems, and the application of some of the theoretical concepts from those fields. These were necessary to test the research hypotheses and their findings can be used to explain the crisis-preparedness phenomenon in future studies. The practical value of this research is the development of a tool that can be used by managers and senior executives to undertake informed decisions with regard to the status or progress of the crisis preparedness of the information systems initiatives in their respective organisations from the end-user perspective.</p>

2021 ◽  
Dennis Buberwa Ishumi

<p>A crisis is a specific, unanticipated, and non-routine event that generates high levels of uncertainty and jeopardizes high value priorities such as life, economic well-being, or physical infrastructures. Some scholars observe that our computing environment has dramatically changed and is now defined by greater use and dependence on technology, while simultaneously it is hampered by technological failures and security vulnerability, which have perhaps led to an increase in the incidence of organisational crises. Because of the high occurrence of crises and the increased dependence on information systems (IS) in organisations, one would assume that most firms would have established measures to counteract these events, however the literature indicated otherwise. The purpose of this research was to explore and understand the factors that contribute to crisis preparedness of the information systems.  A comprehensive review of the literature indicated that the IS field has a large volume of publications on information systems disaster recovery, business continuity, information systems risk management and information systems security but little on crisis preparedness of the information systems. This study comprehensively reviewed relevant literature on the nature of crises, crisis preparedness and information systems. The literature review established groundwork necessary for the development of the research hypotheses which were tested during this investigation.  A quantitative positivist research approach was proposed. The study utilized a web-based survey to collect quantifiable information on the subject matter from study participants. The survey instrument was developed based on seven research dimensions. From these dimensions descriptive questions were created which formed part of the survey instrument. The collected data was analysed using three different approaches: descriptive statistics, correlation and percentage responses. From the data, facts about crisis preparedness of the information systems in New Zealand organisations were revealed.   In total 90 responses were received, 72 of which were eligible for data analyses. The study findings indicate some degree of end-user awareness of and adherence to crisis preparedness of the information systems in New Zealand organisations. However, more emphasis is needed in the understanding of the processes that bring about successful CPIS strategies across varying organisation structures.  The academic value of this research is the review of discourse in the fields of crisis preparedness and Information Systems, and the application of some of the theoretical concepts from those fields. These were necessary to test the research hypotheses and their findings can be used to explain the crisis-preparedness phenomenon in future studies. The practical value of this research is the development of a tool that can be used by managers and senior executives to undertake informed decisions with regard to the status or progress of the crisis preparedness of the information systems initiatives in their respective organisations from the end-user perspective.</p>

Complexity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Qingyi Zhu ◽  
Xuhang Luo ◽  
Yuhang Liu

By incorporating the security awareness of computer users into the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model, this study proposes a new malware propagation model, named the SID model, where D compartment denotes the group of nodes with user awareness. Through qualitative analysis, the basic reproductive number R 0 is given. Furthermore, it is proved that the virus-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable if R 0 is less than one, whereas the viral equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable if R 0 is greater than one. Then, some numerical examples are given to demonstrate the analytical results. Finally, we put forward some efficient control measures according to the theoretical and experimental analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Sebastijan Veselic ◽  
Claudio Zito ◽  
Dario Farina

Physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) enables a user to interact with a physical robotic device to advance beyond the current capabilities of high-payload and high-precision industrial robots. This paradigm opens up novel applications where a the cognitive capability of a user is combined with the precision and strength of robots. Yet, current pHRI interfaces suffer from low take-up and a high cognitive burden for the user. We propose a novel framework that robustly and efficiently assists users by reacting proactively to their commands. The key insight is to include context- and user-awareness in the controller, improving decision-making on how to assist the user. Context-awareness is achieved by inferring the candidate objects to be grasped in a task or scene and automatically computing plans for reaching them. User-awareness is implemented by facilitating the motion toward the most likely object that the user wants to grasp, as well as dynamically recovering from incorrect predictions. Experimental results in a virtual environment of two degrees of freedom control show the capability of this approach to outperform manual control. By robustly predicting user intention, the proposed controller allows subjects to achieve superhuman performance in terms of accuracy and, thereby, usability.

2021 ◽  
Alessandro Umbrico ◽  
Andrea Orlandini ◽  
Amedeo Cesta ◽  
Spyros Koukas ◽  
Andreas Zalonis ◽  

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