elastic layer
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Pham Chi Vinh ◽  
Do Xuan Tung ◽  
Nguyen Thi Kieu

This paper deals with the reflection and transmission of P-waves at a very rough interface between two isotropic elastic solids. The interface is assumed to oscillate between two straight lines. By mean of homogenization, this problem is reduced to the reflection and transmission of P-waves through an inhomogeneous orthotropic elastic layer. It is shown that a P incident wave always creates two reflected waves (one P wave and one SV wave), however, there may exist two, one or no transmitted waves. Expressions in closed-form of the reflection and transmission coefficient have been derived using the transfer matrix of an orthotropic elastic layer. Some numerical examples are carried out to examine the reflection and transmission of P-waves at a very rough interface of tooth-comb type, tooth-saw type and sin type. It is found numerically that the reflection and transmission coefficients depend strongly on the incident angle, the incident wave frequency, the roughness and the type of interfaces.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (19) ◽  
pp. 5689
Jeng-Haur Horng ◽  
Nikolay M. Osipenko ◽  
Fedor I. Stepanov ◽  
Elena V. Torskaya

Friction is often accompanied by local fracture at the boundary of contacting bodies. The space between contacting bodies usually contains moving particles of a different nature, and a change in the effective friction conditions can be associated with a change in the structure of the contact area. This paper presents a new series of experiments where balls simulated the particles of the intermediate layer interacting with an elastic layer of different thickness. The effects of regularization when the balls approached each other were investigated considering different initial configurations (line and spatial structure). The balls simulated the particles of the intermediate layer interacting with the elastic layer of different thickness. The opposite effects of convergence and separation of the balls were observed in different experiments. A model of mutual effect during the contact of two balls with a two-layered elastic half-space was developed. An analysis of tangential forces due to the mutual effect was performed for different layer thicknesses, its relative compliance, and different distances between the balls. It was found that the input parameters defined the sign of the tangential force, which led to the convergence or the separation of the balls. The results can be used to create structures controlling the motion in the intermediate layer.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1917-1924
Venkata Joga Rao Bulusu ◽  
Sudhakar Reddy Kusam ◽  
Amarnatha Reddy Muppireddy

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