equivalence principle
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 015601
Flaminia Giacomini ◽  
Časlav Brukner

Manuel Rodrigues ◽  
Gilles Metris ◽  
Judicael Bedouet ◽  
Joel Bergé ◽  
Patrice Carle ◽  

Abstract Testing the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) to a precision of 10-15 requires a quantity of data that give enough confidence on the final result: ideally, the longer the measurement the better the rejection of the statistical noise. The science sessions had a duration of 120 orbits maximum and were regularly repeated and spaced out to accommodate operational constraints but also in order to repeat the experiment in different conditions and to allow time to calibrate the instrument. Several science sessions were performed over the 2.5 year duration of the experiment. This paper aims to describe how the data have been produced on the basis of a mission scenario and a data flow process, driven by a tradeoff between the science objectives and the operational constraints. The mission was led by the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) which provided the satellite, the launch and the ground operations. The ground segment was distributed between CNES and Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales (ONERA). CNES provided the raw data through the Centre d’Expertise de Compensation de Trainee (CECT: Drag-free expertise centre). The science was led by the Observatoire de la Coote d’Azur (OCA) and ONERA was in charge of the data process. The latter also provided the instrument and the Science Mission Centre of MICROSCOPE (CMSM).

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
Domenico Napoletani ◽  
Daniele C. Struppa

AbstractWe formalize the notion of isolated objects (units), and we build a consistent theory to describe their evolution and interaction. We further introduce a notion of indistinguishability of distinct spacetime paths of a unit, for which the evolution of the state variables of the unit is the same, and a generalization of the equivalence principle based on indistinguishability. Under a time reversal condition on the whole set of indistinguishable paths of a unit, we show that the quantization of motion of spinless elementary particles in a general potential field can be derived in this framework, in the limiting case of weak fields and low velocities. Extrapolating this approach to include weak relativistic effects, we explore possible experimental consequences. We conclude by suggesting a primitive ontology for the theory of isolated objects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (12) ◽  
Tetsuya Hashimoto ◽  
Tomotsugu Goto ◽  
Daryl Joe D. Santos ◽  
Simon C.-C. Ho ◽  
Tiger Y.-Y. Hsiao ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
Mark Zilberman ◽  

The “Doppler boosting / de-boosting” relativistic effect increases / decreases the apparent luminosity of approaching / receding sources of radiation. This effect was analyzed in detail within the Special Relativity framework and was confirmed in many astronomical observations. It is however not clear if “Doppler boosting / de-boosting” exists in the framework of General Relativity as well, and if it exists, which equations describe it. The “Einstein’s elevator” and Einstein’s “Equivalence principle” allow to obtain the formula for “Doppler boosting / de-boosting” for a uniform gravitational field within the vicinity of the emitter/receiver. Under these simplified conditions, the ratio ℳ between apparent (L) and intrinsic (Lo) luminosity can be conveniently represented using source’s spectral index α and gravitational redshift z as ℳ(z, α) ≡ L/Lo=(z+1)^(α-3). This is the first step towards the complete set of equations that describe the gravitational "Doppler boosting / de-boosting" effect within the General Relativity framework including radial gravitational field and arbitrary values of distance h between emitter and receiver.

Madhurima Pandey ◽  
Debasish Majumdar ◽  
Amit Dutta Banik ◽  
Ashadul Halder

Violation of equivalence principle predicts that neutrinos of different flavor couple differently with gravity. Such a scenario can give rise to gravity induced flavor oscillations in addition to the usual mass flavor neutrino oscillations during the neutrino propagation. Even if the equivalence principle is indeed violated, their measure will be extremely small. We explore the possibility to probe the violation of equivalence principle (VEP) for the case of long baseline (LBL) neutrinos in a 4-flavor neutrino framework (3 active + 1 sterile) where both mass and gravity induced oscillations are considered. To this end, we have explicitly calculated the oscillation probability in 4-flavor framework that includes in addition to the mass-flavor mixing in matter, the gravity-flavor mixing also. The energy eigenvalues are then obtained by diagonalizing such a 4-flavor mixing matrix. The formalism is then employed to estimate the wrong and right sign muon yields at a far detector for neutrinos produced in a neutrino factory and travel through the Earth matter. These results are compared with the similar estimations when the usual three active neutrinos are considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 246

Education insurance provides services in the field of education. In education insurance, the insured not only gets protection benefits but also education funds. These benefits will be received if they have paid premiums. Insurance companies also need to set the exact amount of policy value. The purpose of this study is to determine the premium and policy value of education insurance by taking into account the child's life chances. In this study, used secondary data from the 2011 Indonesian Mortality Table and illustrated data in the form of education fund data. Premium is obtained using the equivalence principle and policy value is obtained using the prospective method. In the calculation of premiums and policy values for education insurance premiums by taking into account the child's life chances, modifications are made, the amount of education funds multiplied by the child's life chances. The results given in this study are the amount of education insurance premium by taking into account the child's life chances is Rp 6.946.456,00. Policy value increases during the disbursement of education funds and decreases at the end of coverage.

2021 ◽  
pp. 11-26
Andrew M. Steane

This chapter is a survey of central ideas and equations in general relativity. The basic equations are written down with a view to seeing where we are heading in the book, and in order to present both the field theory and the geometric interpretation of gravity. The central role of the metric is introduced, and the equivalence principle is discussed. It is emphasized that spacetime interval is both a mathematical and a physical idea. It is explained how gravity works “behind the scenes” by modifying equations which otherwise look like familiar equations of electromagnetism. The sense in which acceleration is in some respects a relative and in some respects an absolute concept is explained. It is shown why the motion of matter, not just its mass, must influence gravitation. The stress-energy tensor is introduced and defined.

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