tau leptons
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Jae-Kwang Hwang

The spin magnetic moments and spin g factors (gs = -2) of electron, muon and tau are explained based on the electric charges (EC) and lepton charges (LC) in terms of the three-dimensional quantized space model. The spin g factors of electron, muon and tau are gs = -2 which is the sum of the EC g factor (gEC = -1) and the LC g factor (gLC = -1). The spin g factor (gs = -2) of the electron is predicted by the Dirac’s equation. The orbit g factors of electron, muon and tau are gL = gEC = -1 from the EC g factor (gEC = -1) without the contribution of the LC g factor (gLC = -1). The spin g factors of the elementary fermions are calculated from the equation of gs = gEC + gLC + gCC where gEC = EC/|EC|, gLC = LC/|LC| and gCC = CC/|CC|. For example, the spin g factors of the neutrinos and dark matters are gs = -1. The spin g factors of the u and d quarks are gs = 0 and gs = -2, respectively. The g factor problem of neutrinos with the non-zero LC charges are solved by the LC Coulomb force of Fc(LC) ≈0. It is, for the first time, proposed that the binary motion (fluctuations) of the mEC and mLC masses for the electron, muon and tau leptons make the anomalous g factor. This binary motion could be originated from the virtual particle processes including the photons. Also, the weak force (beta) decay is closely related to the binary motion of the mEC and mLC for the electron, muon and tau leptons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Nayana Gautam ◽  
R. Krishnan ◽  
Mrinal Kumar Das

We study the effect of sterile neutrino on some low-scale processes in the framework of the minimal extended seesaw (MES). MES is the extension of the seesaw mechanism with the addition of sterile neutrino of intermediate mass. The MES model in this work is based on Δ(96) × C2 × C3 flavor symmetry. The structures of mass matrices in the framework lead to TM1 mixing with μ–τ symmetry. The model predicts the maximal value of the Dirac CP phase. We carry out our analysis to study the new physics contributions from the sterile neutrino to different charged lepton flavor violation (cLFV) processes involving muon and tau leptons as well as neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ). The model predicts normal ordering (NO) of neutrino masses, and we perform the numerical analysis considering normal ordering (NO) only. We find that a heavy sterile neutrino can lead to cLFV processes that are within the reach of current and planned experiments. The sterile neutrino present in our model is consistent with the current limits on the effective neutrino mass set by 0νββ experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 251 ◽  
pp. 03018
Daniel Scheirich ◽  

The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central part of the hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment and provides important information for reconstruction of hadrons, jets, hadronic decays of tau leptons and missing transverse energy. The readout is segmented into nearly 10000 channels that are calibrated by means of Cesium source, laser, charge injection, and integratorbased systems. The data quality (DQ) relies on extensive monitoring of both collision and calibration data. Automated checks are performed on a set of pre-defined histograms and results are summarized in dedicated web pages. A set of tools is then used by the operators for further inspection of the acquired data with the goal of spotting the origins of problems or other irregularities. Consequently, the TileCal conditions data (calibration constants, channel statuses etc) are updated in databases that are used for the data-reprocessing, or serve as an important input for the maintenance works during the shutdown periods. This talk reviews the software tools used for the DQ monitoring with emphasis on recent developments aiming to integrate all tools into a single platform.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Tomáš Husek ◽  
Kevin Monsálvez-Pozo ◽  
Jorge Portolés

Abstract Within the Standard Model Effective Field Theory framework, with operators up to dimension 6, we perform a model-independent analysis of the lepton-flavour-violating processes involving tau leptons. Namely, we study hadronic tau decays and ℓ-τ conversion in nuclei, with ℓ = e, μ. Based on available experimental limits, we establish constraints on the Wilson coefficients of the operators contributing to these processes. Our work paves the way to extract the related information from Belle II and foreseen future experiments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 125 (5) ◽  
G. Aad ◽  
B. Abbott ◽  
D. C. Abbott ◽  
A. Abed Abud ◽  
K. Abeling ◽  

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