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2022 ◽  
Peter Kuppens ◽  
Egon Dejonckheere ◽  
Elise Katherine Kalokerinos ◽  
Peter Koval

Real-world emotions are often more vivid, personally meaningful, and consequential than those evoked in the lab. Therefore, studying emotions in daily life is essential to test theories, discover new phenomena, and understand healthy emotional functioning; in short, to move affective science forward. The past decades have seen a surge of research using daily diary, experience sampling, or ecological momentary assessment methods to study emotional phenomena in daily life. In this paper, we will share some of the insights we have gained from our collective experience applying such daily life methods to study everyday affective processes. We highlight what we see as important considerations and caveats involved in using these methods and formulate recommendations to improve their use in future research. These insights focus on the importance of (i) theory and hypothesis-testing; (ii) measurement; (iii) timescale; and (iv) context, when studying emotions in their natural habitat.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
Linda M. Carpenter ◽  
Taylor Murphy ◽  
Matthew J. Smylie

Abstract We reinterpret two recent LHC searches for events containing four top quarks $$ \left(t\overline{t}t\overline{t}\right) $$ t t ¯ t t ¯ in the context of supersymmetric models with Dirac gauginos and color-octet scalars (sgluons). We explore whether sgluon contributions to the four-top production cross section $$ \sigma \left( pp\to t\overline{t}t\overline{t}\right) $$ σ pp → t t ¯ t t ¯ can accommodate an excess of four-top events recently reported by the ATLAS collaboration. We also study constraints on these models from an ATLAS search for new phenomena with high jet multiplicity and significant missing transverse energy $$ \left({E}_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{miss}}\right) $$ E T miss sensitive to signals with four top quarks. We find that these two analyses provide complementary constraints, with the jets + $$ {E}_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{miss}} $$ E T miss search exceeding the four-top cross section measurement in sensitivity for sgluons heavier than about 800 GeV. We ultimately find that either a scalar or a pseudoscalar sgluon can currently fit the ATLAS excess in a range of reasonable benchmark scenarios, though a pseudoscalar in minimal Dirac gaugino models is ruled out. We finally offer sensitivity projections for these analyses at the HL-LHC, mapping the 5σ discovery potential in sgluon parameter space and computing exclusion limits at 95% CL in scenarios where no excess is found.

2022 ◽  
pp. 374-450
F. Oben Uru ◽  
Ebru Gozukara

Digital change and transformation, affecting the economic and social context, paved the way for the emergence of many new phenomena and behavior patterns. One of these phenomena is digital mobbing, which is a serious type of digital bullying that harms the individual and forms the dark side of digitalization. In this chapter, the authors explained the phenomenon of digital mobbing, its types, and effects on individuals first. Then they conducted a field research to reveal employees' level of exposure to digital mobbing, its types, level, and suggestions for its prevention via snowball sampling method in Istanbul and Kocaeli with 578 white-collar employees in the healthcare, information technologies, security, and banking sectors through the Turkish adaptation of the “cyber-mobbing” scale developed in Germany. According to the results, they found that the vast majority of employees are exposed to high level and various forms of digital mobbing and they couldn't find authorities to apply for a solution other than legal remedies; so they also suggested for its prevention at last.

Tatyana Yu. Tameryan ◽  
Irina A. Zyubina ◽  
Alla V. Dzhigkaeva

The article is devoted to the field modeling of the verbal representation of the stereotypical image of a businesswoman - a new phenomenon in the Russian mentality. A comprehensive description is carried out in the sociolinguistic, linguo-cognitive, discursive and gender aspects based on the integrative cognitive-functional analysis of the linguo-culturally marked components of the stereotype image by the methods of a semantic-cognitive, discursive, contextual, conceptual analysis, the method of field modeling and interpretation of the data obtained. The described fragment of the worldview is a pioneering field of comprehension of new phenomena of reality in the framework of the analysis of business discourse and national conceptual spheres. The empirical material of the study was the results of a survey of professional feminine and masculine groups. The nucleus of the heterostereotype of a businesswoman was revealed, based on the ideas enshrined in the minds of the male entrepreneurs - feminine strategies of business communication and an integral set of roles and status positions of the performer and assistant, in which the leading place is given to men, and the secondary - to women. In addition, the analyzed linguistic material demonstrated the transformation of traditional female roles of a wife and a mother towards male roles of a breadwinner and a leader. So, the autoimage of a businesswoman is a complex cognitive structure that includes a set of social roles and functions, numerous gender prescriptions and stereotypes. The nucleus of auto-representations of a businesswoman has also made up a cognitive attribute of female business communication strategies. The feminine role-playing set, according to the women entrepreneurs, includes the traditional roles of a housewife, a mother, a wife, a weak woman, a parity spouse and a hybrid feminine-masculine image. According to the study, the actualization of new feminine roles does not eliminate the socio-cultural background of a womans development in society, but tends to preserve traditional female behavior patterns in combination with components determined by civilizational processes.

Transport ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (5) ◽  
pp. 433-443
Bojan Beškovnik ◽  
Patricija Bajec

The article presents a new contribution to understanding and building novel phenomena of Smart City–Port (SCP) ecosystems and new approaches for the use of new technical and technological findings. The main aim is to elaborate specific strategies SCP ecosystem can secure in the future and an approach for synchronised SCP development for adaption to growing urbanization, mobility and business development, where all stakeholders would take an active role. Based on analysed literature 19 strategies for common smart development of cities and ports are highlighted. The relatively new phenomena of the Internet of Things (IoT) or Internet of Everything (IoE) can simplify their achievement in SCP ecosystem. Moreover, the proposed 3 level approach for technological development of sensing, monitoring and managing data for spatial, transport, environmental and social policy is used on 2 Northern Adriatic cities and ports. The research provides actual analyses of SCP development at Koper (Slovenia) and Rijeka (Croatia), where the development of ports was carried in a completely different way. The article thus proposes a 2 phase approach to the development of SCP and can be used more widely in building a symbiosis of cities and their ports. Firstly, the need to fulfil the strategy from the set of 19 SCP development strategies should be identified and secondly by using a 3 level approach, with existing technological support a SCP environment can be set.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (68.04) ◽  
pp. 165-167
Simeon Stefanov

The review is dedicated to the new book of Prof. Vladko Murdarov, DSc „Miscelaneous tips about verbs“, which draws attention to the hesitations and mistakes that Bulgarians most often make with verbs in their oral speech. Examples related to the mispronunciation of verbs and verb forms, as well as the expressions in which they are included, are selected, and the possible reasons for the mistakes are indicated. An assessment of a number of new phenomena in our language, manifested in public speech, which are waiting for the most correct decision, is also given.

Oksana Z. KLYMENKO ◽  
Olena L. SOKUR

Objective. To represent library communication in the socio-cultural space of modern society. Methods. The methodology of the article was based on a set of general and special methods of scientific knowledge. Results. We substantiated the essence and content of the term "library communication" as a pre-planned activity in the socio-cultural space of modern society. There are presented the structural content elements of library communication:, goal, objective, essence, driving mechanism, purpose, implementation, basic tools, main communication product, indifferent components, sources, environment and specifics of functioning, levels and result. We established that library practice today is constantly enriched with new phenomena and concepts to denote them, for which library science as a science should formulate appropriate terms, provide theoretical and methodological justification. Conclusions. It is argued that in the context of the theory of social communications, the institutionalization of the term "library communication" as a separate type of professional communication and the driving force of the transformation of the library business is relevant.

Communicology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 148-159
A. K. Polyanina

The technologically determined hyperbolic growth of communicative connectivity and the imperfection of administrative mechanisms of control over this process lead to an emergence of new phenomena and new risks, including risks in relation to the most vulnerable social group – children. The article proposes a new approach to describing the nature of the risks of the media space in relation to the health and development of children. Minimization of these risks is defined by the author as the goal of ensuring the information security of children. New qualities of risks are described on the basis of a hypernet model of media communication and developed on the basis of the hypernetwork brain theory. The author specifies the properties of hypernet education and their riskiness, mediated by the network morphology of connections, which implies the impossibility or ineffectiveness of the application of customary management practices. The vulnerability of the child group to these risks stem from the psychological immaturity. The importance of the phenomenalization of “media” and “information” is noted for the purposes of information policy and security – media security. The article reveals the tendencies of the media hypernetwork that increase the risks, especially the growth in the speed and volume of information transfer provided by technologies, which excludes the action of the well-known mechanisms for regulating the circulation of information and filtering content.

Krisztián Kovács ◽  

Abstract. Homo Digitalis – Homo Medialis. Digital Media and Christian Anthropology. Digital media and virtual community existence define our present and our everyday life to such an extent and poses such new challenges that Christian ethics cannot escape the responsibility of guidance. However, it is not just a question of what ethical norms apply to the online space and appearance therein but also of how online identity redraws a person’s image of him-/herself and of the other. Can Christian ethics speak of homo digitalis and homo medialis without confronting Christian teaching about humans? The present study seeks to critically illuminate new phenomena in the digital world along the topoi of classical Christian anthropology (creation, divinity, alienation, shame, sin, fellow human beings). Keywords: media, digital lifestyle, virtuality, online identity, Christian anthropology

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