total quality education
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Marco Goldbarg

Debate a evolução do ideário da Qualidade Total e sua aplicação ao contexto educacional. Desenvolve uma análise histórica do desdobramento dos conceitos associados a essa abordagem, mostrando o atual respaldo filosófico do modelo e seu potencial de contribuição para a concretização de um processo educacional de qualidade. Estuda a evolução da qualidade, mediante um paradigma quântico que ressalta três ondas de mudanças. Sugere várias possibilidades de contribuição do modelo da terceira onda, sem deixar, contudo, de ressaltar possíveis obstáculos ao processo. A conclusão mostra as principais vantagens e áreas de fragilidade decorrentes do uso desse modelo na educação. Palavras-Chave: qualidade total; educação. Abstract The objective of this article is to debate the evolution of the concept of Total Quality and its application in the context of education. The article develops a historical analysis of the infolding of concepts associated with this approach, showing the current philosophical basis of the model and its potential to contribute to the creation of an educational process of quality. The evolution of quality is studied by means of a quantitative paradigm that gave rise to 3 waves of change. The study suggests various possibilities of contribution from the third wave model, not leaving, however, the possible resulting obstacles of the process. The conclusion shows the principle advantages and areas of weakness arising from the use of this model in education. Keywords: total quality; education

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-64
Juhari Juhari

Inspiring teacher, adalah dambaan setiap peserta didik. Guru inspiratif bukan guru yang hanya mengejar kurikulum, tetapi lebih dari itu, mengajak siswa-siswanya berpikir kreatif. Kehadirannya meniscayakan kemajuan dalam organisasi pembelajaran. Salah satu upaya yang kini sedang disosialisasikan dan dianggap tepat adalah melalui Total Quality Manajement (TQM) atau manajemen mutu terpadu. Dalam dunia pendidikan dikenal dengan TQE (Total Quality Education) Esensi dari TQM maupun TQE adalah suatu filosofi dan menunjuk pada perubahan budaya dalam suatu organisasi (pendidikan), serta dapat menyentuh hati dan pikiran orang menuju mutu yang diidamkan. Walhasil, implikasinya, akan lahir peserta didik-peserta didik yang memiliki kepercayaan diri terhadap sekecil apapun potensi yang mereka miliki, yang dari potensi itu mereka yakin bahwa masa depannya akan menjadi bermakna. Dari tangan inspiring teacher akan muncul siswa-siswi cerdas dengan keaneka-ragaman kecerdasan yang mereka miliki, yang membedakan mereka satu sama lainnya.

1992 ◽  
Vol 52 (5) ◽  
pp. 504 ◽  
Charles F. Bonser

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