strong subadditivity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Giacomo De Palma ◽  
Lucas Hackl

We prove that the entanglement entropy of any pure initial state of a bipartite bosonic quantum system grows linearly in time with respect to the dynamics induced by any unstable quadratic Hamiltonian. The growth rate does not depend on the initial state and is equal to the sum of certain Lyapunov exponents of the corresponding classical dynamics. This paper generalizes the findings of [Bianchi et al., JHEP 2018, 25 (2018)], which proves the same result in the special case of Gaussian initial states. Our proof is based on a recent generalization of the strong subadditivity of the von Neumann entropy for bosonic quantum systems [De Palma et al., arXiv:2105.05627]. This technique allows us to extend our result to generic mixed initial states, with the squashed entanglement providing the right generalization of the entanglement entropy. We discuss several applications of our results to physical systems with (weakly) interacting Hamiltonians and periodically driven quantum systems, including certain quantum field theory models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Timothy J. Hollowood ◽  
S. Prem Kumar ◽  
Andrea Legramandi ◽  
Neil Talwar

Abstract We consider the island formula for the entropy of subsets of the Hawking radiation in the adiabatic limit where the black hole evaporation is very slow. We find a simple concrete ‘on-shell’ formula for the generalized entropy which involves the image of the island out in the stream of radiation, the ‘island in the stream’. The resulting recipe for the entropy allows us to calculate the quantum information properties of the radiation and verify various constraints including the Araki-Lieb inequality and strong subadditivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Horacio Casini ◽  
Eduardo Testé ◽  
Gonzalo Torroba

Abstract We derive the property of strong superadditivity of mutual information arising from the Markov property of the vacuum state in a conformal field theory and strong subadditivity of entanglement entropy. We show this inequality encodes unitarity bounds for different types of fields. These unitarity bounds are precisely the ones that saturate for free fields. This has a natural explanation in terms of the possibility of localizing algebras on null surfaces. A particular continuity property of mutual information characterizes free fields from the entropic point of view. We derive a general formula for the leading long distance term of the mutual information for regions of arbitrary shape which involves the modular flow of these regions. We obtain the general form of this leading term for two spheres with arbitrary orientations in spacetime, and for primary fields of any tensor representation. For free fields we further obtain the explicit form of the leading term for arbitrary regions with boundaries on null cones.

Ivan Bardet ◽  
Ángela Capel ◽  
Cambyse Rouzé

AbstractIn this paper, we derive a new generalisation of the strong subadditivity of the entropy to the setting of general conditional expectations onto arbitrary finite-dimensional von Neumann algebras. This generalisation, referred to as approximate tensorization of the relative entropy, consists in a lower bound for the sum of relative entropies between a given density and its respective projections onto two intersecting von Neumann algebras in terms of the relative entropy between the same density and its projection onto an algebra in the intersection, up to multiplicative and additive constants. In particular, our inequality reduces to the so-called quasi-factorization of the entropy for commuting algebras, which is a key step in modern proofs of the logarithmic Sobolev inequality for classical lattice spin systems. We also provide estimates on the constants in terms of conditions of clustering of correlations in the setting of quantum lattice spin systems. Along the way, we show the equivalence between conditional expectations arising from Petz recovery maps and those of general Davies semigroups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
José J. Fernández-Melgarejo ◽  
Javier Molina-Vilaplana

Abstract In this work we provide a method to study the entanglement entropy for non-Gaussian states that minimize the energy functional of interacting quantum field theories at arbitrary coupling. To this end, we build a class of non-Gaussian variational trial wavefunctionals with the help of exact nonlinear canonical transformations. The calculability bonanza shown by these variational ansatze allows us to compute the entanglement entropy using the prescription for the ground state of free theories. In free theories, the entanglement entropy is determined by the two-point correlation functions. For the interacting case, we show that these two-point correlators can be replaced by their nonperturbatively corrected counterparts. Upon giving some general formulae for general interacting models we calculate the entanglement entropy of half space and compact regions for the ϕ4 scalar field theory in 2D. Finally, we analyze the rôle played by higher order correlators in our results and show that strong subadditivity is satisfied.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Tarek Anous ◽  
Jorrit Kruthoff ◽  
Raghu Mahajan

We study density matrices in quantum gravity, focusing on topology change. We argue that the inclusion of bra-ket wormholes in the gravity path integral is not a free choice, but is dictated by the specification of a global state in the multi-universe Hilbert space. Specifically, the Hartle-Hawking (HH) state does not contain bra-ket wormholes. It has recently been pointed out that bra-ket wormholes are needed to avoid potential bags-of-gold and strong subadditivity paradoxes, suggesting a problem with the HH state. Nevertheless, in regimes with a single large connected universe, approximate bra-ket wormholes can emerge by tracing over the unobserved universes. More drastic possibilities are that the HH state is non-perturbatively gauge equivalent to a state with bra-ket wormholes, or that the third-quantized Hilbert space is one-dimensional. Along the way we draw some helpful lessons from the well-known relation between worldline gravity and Klein-Gordon theory. In particular, the commutativity of boundary-creating operators, which is necessary for constructing the alpha states and having a dual ensemble interpretation, is subtle. For instance, in the worldline gravity example, the Klein-Gordon field operators do not commute at timelike separation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (9) ◽  
Giorgos Anastasiou ◽  
Javier Moreno ◽  
Rodrigo Olea ◽  
David Rivera-Betancour

Abstract We study the holographic entanglement entropy of deformed entangling regions in three-dimensional CFTs dual to Einstein-AdS gravity, using a renormalization scheme based on the addition of extrinsic counterterms. In this prescription, when even- dimensional manifolds are considered, the universal contribution to the entanglement entropy is identified as the renormalized volume of the Ryu-Takayanagi hypersurface, which is written as the sum of a topological and a curvature term. It is shown that the change in the renormalized entanglement entropy due to the deformation of the entangling surface is encoded purely in the curvature contribution. In turn, as the topological part is given by the Euler characteristic of the Ryu-Takayanagi surface, it remains shape independent. Exploiting the covariant character of the extrinsic counterterms, we apply the renormalization scheme for the case of deformed entangling regions in AdS4/CFT3, recovering the results found in the literature. Finally, we provide a derivation of the relation between renormalized entanglement entropy and Willmore energy. The presence of a lower bound of the latter makes manifest the relation between the AdS curvature of the Ryu-Takayanagi surface and the strong subadditivity property.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (8) ◽  
Chris Akers ◽  
Netta Engelhardt ◽  
Geoff Penington ◽  
Mykhaylo Usatyuk

Abstract We formulate a quantum generalization of maximin surfaces and show that a quantum maximin surface is identical to the minimal quantum extremal surface, introduced in the EW prescription. We discuss various subtleties and complications associated to a maximinimization of the bulk von Neumann entropy due to corners and unboundedness and present arguments that nonetheless a maximinimization of the UV-finite generalized entropy should be well-defined. We give the first general proof that the EW prescription satisfies entanglement wedge nesting and the strong subadditivity inequality. In addition, we apply the quantum maximin technology to prove that recently proposed generalizations of the EW prescription to nonholographic subsystems (including the so-called “quantum extremal islands”) also satisfy entanglement wedge nesting and strong subadditivity. Our results hold in the regime where backreaction of bulk quantum fields can be treated perturbatively in GNħ, but we emphasize that they are valid even when gradients of the bulk entropy are of the same order as variations in the area, a regime recently investigated in new models of black hole evaporation in AdS/CFT.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (07) ◽  
pp. 1950022
Anna Vershynina

We consider a quantum quasi-relative entropy [Formula: see text] for an operator [Formula: see text] and an operator convex function [Formula: see text]. We show how to obtain the error bounds for the monotonicity and joint convexity inequalities from the recent results for the [Formula: see text]-divergences (i.e. [Formula: see text]). We also provide an error term for a class of operator inequalities, that generalizes operator strong subadditivity inequality. We apply those results to demonstrate explicit bounds for the logarithmic function, that leads to the quantum relative entropy, and the power function, which gives, in particular, a Wigner–Yanase–Dyson skew information. In particular, we provide the remainder terms for the strong subadditivity inequality, operator strong subadditivity inequality, WYD-type inequalities, and the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality.

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