We review the results of refs. [1,2], in which
the entanglement entropy in spaces with horizons, such as Rindler or de
space, is computed using holography. This is achieved through an appropriate
slicing of anti-de Sitter space and the implementation of a UV cutoff.
When the entangling surface coincides with the horizon of the boundary
the entanglement entropy can be identified with the standard gravitational
entropy of the space. For this to hold, the effective Newton's constant must
be defined appropriately by absorbing the UV cutoff. Conversely, the UV
can be expressed in terms of the effective Planck mass and the number of
degrees of freedom of the dual theory. For de Sitter space, the entropy is
equal to the Wald entropy for an effective action that includes the
higher-curvature terms associated with the conformal anomaly. The
entropy takes the expected form of the de Sitter entropy, including
logarithmic corrections.