quantum gravity
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Universe ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Ana Alonso-Serrano ◽  
Marek Liška

This work is based on the formalism developed in the study of the thermodynamics of spacetime used to derive Einstein equations from the proportionality of entropy within an area. When low-energy quantum gravity effects are considered, an extra logarithmic term in the area is added to the entropy expression. Here, we present the derivation of the quantum modified gravitational dynamics from this modified entropy expression and discuss its main features. Furthermore, we outline the application of the modified dynamics to cosmology, suggesting the replacement of the Big Bang singularity with a regular bounce.

Ding Jia

Abstract Evaluating gravitational path integrals in the Lorentzian has been a long-standing challenge due to the numerical sign problem. We show that this challenge can be overcome in simplicial quantum gravity. By deforming the integration contour into the complex, the sign fluctuations can be suppressed, for instance using the holomorphic gradient flow algorithm. Working through simple models, we show that this algorithm enables efficient Monte Carlo simulations for Lorentzian simplicial quantum gravity. In order to allow complex deformations of the integration contour, we provide a manifestly holomorphic formula for Lorentzian simplicial gravity. This leads to a complex version of simplicial gravity that generalizes the Euclidean and Lorentzian cases. Outside the context of numerical computation, complex simplicial gravity is also relevant to studies of singularity resolving processes with complex semi-classical solutions. Along the way, we prove a complex version of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, which may be of independent interest.

2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (2) ◽  
Rodolfo Gambini ◽  
Javier Olmedo ◽  
Jorge Pullin

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Thomas Banks ◽  
Bingnan Zhang

We complete an old argument that causal diamonds in the crunching region of the Lorentzian continuation of a Coleman-Deluccia instanton for transitions out of de Sitter space have finite area, and provide quantum models consistent with the principle of detailed balance, which can mimic the instanton transition probabilities for the cases where this diamond is larger or smaller than the causal patch of de Sitter space. We review arguments that potentials which do not have a positive energy theorem when the lowest de Sitter minimum is shifted to zero, may not correspond to real models of quantum gravity.

Xiankai Pang

We show that the accelerating expansion phase of the universe can emerge from the group field theory formalism, a candidate theory of quantum gravity. The cosmological evolution can be extracted from condensate states using mean field approximation, in a form of modified FLRW equations. By introducing an effective equation of state w, we can reveal the relevant features of the evolution, and show that with proper choice of parameters, w will approach to −1, corresponds to the behaviour of cosmological constant, results in a late time acceleration and leads to de Sitter spacetime asymptotically.

Universe ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Claus Kiefer ◽  
Patrick Peter

Time in quantum gravity is not a well-defined notion despite its central role in the very definition of dynamics. Using the formalism of quantum geometrodynamics, we briefly review the problem and illustrate it with two proposed solutions. Our main application is quantum cosmology—the application of quantum gravity to the Universe as a whole.

2022 ◽  

Abstract The ground-based device simulates the graviton explosion between gravity and magnetic seas. Trapped graviton was set to behave as free relativistic quantum particles, making it possible to induce magnetic fields as a function of time in the space Hieut (H). Our result is grounded on rigorous proof based on the photon sea for different initial superpositions of positive- negative-graviton spinor states. This explains that the interactive inducing protocol can be used to test the ability of the magnetic field not to communicate but to explode with relativistic quantum gravity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Alfio Bonanno ◽  
Tobias Denz ◽  
Jan M. Pawlowski ◽  
Manuel Reichert

We reconstruct the Lorentzian graviton propagator in asymptotically safe quantum gravity from Euclidean data. The reconstruction is applied to both the dynamical fluctuation graviton and the background graviton propagator. We prove that the spectral function of the latter necessarily has negative parts similar to, and for the same reasons, as the gluon spectral function. In turn, the spectral function of the dynamical graviton is positive. We argue that the latter enters cross sections and other observables in asymptotically safe quantum gravity. Hence, its positivity may hint at the unitarity of asymptotically safe quantum gravity.

Samuel Moss

This is an introduction to a new concept of quantum gravity that seamlessly merges General Relativity to the Standard Model. Based upon a novel patent-pending magnetic confinement method that was designed to emulate how our sun confines and rotates charged particles about a singularity; this confinement method uses a collective of off-centered confinement coils that are directed to curve rotating charged particles about a singularity in a way that allows charged particles to relatively accelerate from geodesic deviation. With this confinement method, the subtle Relative Accelerated Energy (RAE) from deviating charged particles has the capability to be focused and exponentially increased relative to the mass-energy of a closed system; which allows for a simple pathway to understand how black holes operate at their singularities. While in the pursuit of proving that this novel method of confinement mimics how our sun operates; I was also able to develop a logical explanation of how our sun reverses its magnetic poles and cycles using the core principles of Michael Faraday. If this concept of quantum gravity is correct, there is a simple explanation for the additional observed gravitational force about the galaxies that are said to obtain dark matter. In short, this theory of quantum gravity has the potential to fully discredit the existence of theorized dark matter with a simple experiment.

Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Houri Ziaeepour

In a previous article we proposed a new model for quantum gravity (QGR) and cosmology, dubbed SU(∞)-QGR. One of the axioms of this model is that Hilbert spaces of the Universe and its subsystems represent the SU(∞) symmetry group. In this framework, the classical spacetime is interpreted as being the parameter space characterizing states of the SU(∞) representing Hilbert spaces. Using quantum uncertainty relations, it is shown that the parameter space—the spacetime—has a 3+1 dimensional Lorentzian geometry. Here, after a review of SU(∞)-QGR, including a demonstration that its classical limit is Einstein gravity, we compare it with several QGR proposals, including: string and M-theories, loop quantum gravity and related models, and QGR proposals inspired by the holographic principle and quantum entanglement. The purpose is to find their common and analogous features, even if they apparently seem to have different roles and interpretations. The hope is that this exercise provides a better understanding of gravity as a universal quantum force and clarifies the physical nature of the spacetime. We identify several common features among the studied models: the importance of 2D structures; the algebraic decomposition to tensor products; the special role of the SU(2) group in their formulation; the necessity of a quantum time as a relational observable. We discuss how these features can be considered as analogous in different models. We also show that they arise in SU(∞)-QGR without fine-tuning, additional assumptions, or restrictions.

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